AP Thinks Kamela Harris is VP Choice

I'll take a flyer.
It's gonna be Congresswoman Val "I used to be a cop..." Demings, who was part of the Dimm Trump impeachment team.
She had such a good showing when she ran she almost became the nominee herself!

If the DNC is proposing two coastal liberals they will assuredly lose.
Yeah. Two career sex scandal politicians who have accomplished nothing of significance other than to get rich from the taxpayers.
Besides, the AP is a ghost of a reliable news organization that they once were in a galaxy a long, long time ago.
She sucked Willie Browns pecker to get a job on a State commission, I wonder what she’s doing for Biden to get the VP spot.

She's not the one.
She sucked his old root for nothing.
AP didn’t put out that notice for nothing.

Yes. They're definitely testing the waters for their cronies at the DNC, getting public responses before they commit themselves. But we know the choice will be black and female, and a total sleazebag. The only way she will be white is if hillary demands the nomination.
Ol' Joe can't win the Presidency without substantial support from the White electorate as well as minorities.

I can't think of a faster way to lose the General Election in November than to pick Harris as his running mate.

Too black for some.

Too far left for others.

Both, for yet others.

Don't do it, Joe, unless you'd rather lose and ride off into the sunset.
A woman and a minority?


I nominate Senator Tammy Duckworth (Illinois).

Former executive in Illinois state government.

Former Deputy Secretary of the VA on the Federal level.


War hero.

Closer to Joe's mostly Centrist mode of political thought and agenda.

And, let's face it... her "Cadet Bone Spurs" meme went viral at the speed of light. :D

She's got far more in the way of 'balls' than the Orange Baboon-God, and she's got the medals to prove it.

Hell... she's still active in the Army Reserve or the National Guard... a young adult lifetime of service to God and Country.

Soldier... statesman... honorable public servant... experienced US Senator... energetic... she would be a huge asset to Ol' Joe and a huge 'draw' for voters.

Tammy Duckworth looks like a Win-Win for Joe, and for the American People.
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Only leftists could be dumb enough nominate fingers Joe who has little chance of beating Trump the choose a VP who's state Fingers will win without her.
They’re telling everyone to no longer use the term “mistress”.
They offer replacements, I’m sure you can come up with better.

The funny part about these left wing journalists is they’re all too fucking stupid to see the obvious before they open their mouths. Their insistence that they are smarter than anyone else is why articles prove how dumb they actually are.

Mistress was already a softening of the description of these women’s chosen profession. The actual name for it is prostitute. Mistress is a polite way of saying gold digging whore that only sells pussy to the highest bidder on a long term contract.

In Harris’ case the contract stipulated a political career. Barely a step above sucking cocks behind a dumpster.
Kamala Harris blocked evidence that put an innocent man on death row.

But, I just bought some popcorn.

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