Apartheid? Really?


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016

How do we really know that it's an "Arabs only" street? I don't see any sign there.

It took me about 5 minutes figuring this guy out. All he does is post new threads as stupid random photos with no intelectual message or call for discussion.

And he is flooding the I/P board with this crap, too.

Someone should tell him to use his brain, the one he's calling us to use, for more than just jpegs.



"Perhaps significantly, a similar warning once came from retired U.S. Gen. James Mattis, who is Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of defence. In 2013, shortly after his retirement, he told CNN that the U.S. pays a military and security price “every day” because of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Mattis also warned that Israeli settlements threaten the existence of Israel itself: “Either it ceases to be a Jewish state or you say the Arabs don’t get to vote — apartheid. That didn’t work too well the last time I saw that practised in a country."

Israel awakens to the spectre of apartheid: Burman | Toronto Star



"Perhaps significantly, a similar warning once came from retired U.S. Gen. James Mattis, who is Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of defence. In 2013, shortly after his retirement, he told CNN that the U.S. pays a military and security price “every day” because of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Mattis also warned that Israeli settlements threaten the existence of Israel itself: “Either it ceases to be a Jewish state or you say the Arabs don’t get to vote — apartheid. That didn’t work too well the last time I saw that practised in a country."

Israel awakens to the spectre of apartheid: Burman | Toronto Star

OUTSTANDING POINTS. When will those Zionists learn to treat the Palestinians with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Palestinians are so well accustomed to --- And so well deserve?



"Perhaps significantly, a similar warning once came from retired U.S. Gen. James Mattis, who is Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of defence. In 2013, shortly after his retirement, he told CNN that the U.S. pays a military and security price “every day” because of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Mattis also warned that Israeli settlements threaten the existence of Israel itself: “Either it ceases to be a Jewish state or you say the Arabs don’t get to vote — apartheid. That didn’t work too well the last time I saw that practised in a country."

Israel awakens to the spectre of apartheid: Burman | Toronto Star

OUTSTANDING POINTS. When will those Zionists learn to treat the Palestinians with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Palestinians are so well accustomed to --- And so well deserve?

What would that treatment be? Could you provide us with a description? Instead of burning Palestinian children with white phosphorous, would you propose a different burning agent for the Jews to use?
"I know firsthand that Israel has created an apartheid reality within its borders and through its occupation. The parallels to my own beloved South Africa are painfully stark indeed."

"Realistic Israeli leaders have acknowledged that Israel will either end its occupation through a one or two state solution, or live in an apartheid state in perpetuity. The latter option is unsustainable and an offense to justice. We learned in South Africa that the only way to end apartheid peacefully was to force the powerful to the table through economic pressure."

Tutu stressed that the resolutions that will be voted on the General Assembly "are not about delegitimizing the State of Israel, but about ending its suppression of 4,000,000 Palestinian sisters and brothers. It's about naming an unjust system and refusing to participate in it."
read more: Desmond Tutu: U.S. Christians must recognize Israel as apartheid state
All he does is post new threads as stupid random photos with no intelectual message or call for discussion.
Well a picture is worth a thousand words.

You mean like that picture you posted of Jesus being crucified and blaming the Jews of today for it? Is that why you hate Jews? Meanwhile the only ones crucifying Christians in this day and age, are Muslims.

Pictures can be photoshopped. And even if they are accurate, they can show things which are taken out of context. Once monte showed a picture of a bunch of Jewish children at a Purim celebration, playing with toy guns. Purim is like Halloween and only Jews would recognize a Purim celebration if they saw one. Yet the caption for the picture said that these kids were learning to shoot Arabs. So people can be easily fooled, and if I wasn't acquainted with Purim, I would be fooled too.
Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), also known as the American Freedom Defense Initiative,[1] is an anti-Muslim,[2][3][4][5][6][7] pro-Israel[8][9][10] American organization known primarily for its controversial, Islamophobic advertising campaigns.[11] The group has been described as extremist,[12] far-right[13] and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists SIOA as an anti-Muslim hate group.[9][10][14]

SIOA was founded in 2010 by its current leaders, Pamela Geller and author Robert Spencer
They hang gays in their home countries, but opposing it is 'extremism'.
Good luck with that...

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