Apollo 11 Was Racist And Misogynistic

Ed Dwight, the African American Astronaut who Never Flew

The Kennedy administration sought to change that. The idea was to move away from the “protestant white male” archetype by adding an African American to the roster. And Kennedy picked Edward Dwight.

A Kansas City native, Dwight left his hometown in 1953 to join the U.S. Air Force. He served as military pilot before completing his degree in aeronautical engineering from Arizona State University. He entered Test Pilot Training Program at Edwards Air Force Base in 1961, and in 1962 began training as an astronaut candidate. With the same qualifications as his space-bound counterparts, Dwight worked as a fully qualified Aerospace Research Pilot but remained the target of racism from both his colleagues and commanding officers.

Jackie Robinson...so you never answered me. Do you longer watch baseball because the MLB was racist?

WTF are you babbling about?
Are you claiming I said we should not watch NASA?

NASA had its own issues with race in the 60s
Jackie Robinson had nothing to do with it

You’re saying it was racist. I am Saying so was MLB. Such is life. We have evolved. You should follow along.
WTF does Baseball have to do with NASA?
/----/ WTF does NASA have to do with Muslims' feelings?
Barack Obama: Nasa must try to make Muslims 'feel good'
The head of the Nasa has said Barack Obama told him to make "reaching out to the Muslim world" one of the space agency's top priorities.
Muslims are great bomb makers.

The flight of Apollo 11 happened 50 years and it's time to say what should have been said then......APOLLO 11 WAS RACIST!!!!

There should have been at least one person of color on that flight......but worst of all, Apollo 11 was misogynistic in nature. Neil Armstrong said "One small step for man.......one giant leap for mankind"!

Just what in the Hell gave them the right to put "Man" in that statement. So who cares if it was 50 years ago.....those men were a bunch of racist women-haters.

They even planted a racist flag on the moon.....a flag that will never be burned by an Antifa member because there's not enough oxygen to burn it.

Apollo 11 Anniversary: Everything You Need to Read on the Moon Landing


Hell yeah! The most discriminated group in aMerica has always been white guys.

And with Don Drumpf the white guy will rise again....er finally be free of discrimination which has plagued our....er given our damned white privilege back.....Yeah!
Racist Moon is white, too. Time to install a black one. And a female one. Don´t forget the gay one.

That's nucking futz, Have you ever even seen the Dark Side of the Moon. I demand equal access for the dark side.
/----/ There is no affordable housing on the white side of the racist moon.

The white side has has continually kept the non-white side completely in the dark, time for restitution.
End space apartheid now!
Send the 4 members of the Odd Squad into orbit.
Racist Moon is white, too. Time to install a black one. And a female one. Don´t forget the gay one.

That's nucking futz, Have you ever even seen the Dark Side of the Moon. I demand equal access for the dark side.
/----/ There is no affordable housing on the white side of the racist moon.

The white side has has continually kept the non-white side completely in the dark, time for restitution.
End space apartheid now!
Send the 4 members of the Odd Squad into orbit.
/——/ Tell them it’s part of School Bussing and they will happily go.
The flight of Apollo 11 happened 50 years and it's time to say what should have been said then......APOLLO 11 WAS RACIST!!!!

There should have been at least one person of color on that flight......but worst of all, Apollo 11 was misogynistic in nature. Neil Armstrong said "One small step for man.......one giant leap for mankind"!

Just what in the Hell gave them the right to put "Man" in that statement. So who cares if it was 50 years ago.....those men were a bunch of racist women-haters.

They even planted a racist flag on the moon.....a flag that will never be burned by an Antifa member because there's not enough oxygen to burn it.

Apollo 11 Anniversary: Everything You Need to Read on the Moon Landing


Hell yeah! The most discriminated group in aMerica has always been white guys.

And with Don Drumpf the white guy will rise again....er finally be free of discrimination which has plagued our....er given our damned white privilege back.....Yeah!
Fella.....Show us what you got! All of us. In the words of See Oh Johnson...I bet you will cry!
Jackie Robinson...so you never answered me. Do you longer watch baseball because the MLB was racist?

WTF are you babbling about?
Are you claiming I said we should not watch NASA?

NASA had its own issues with race in the 60s
Jackie Robinson had nothing to do with it

You’re saying it was racist. I am Saying so was MLB. Such is life. We have evolved. You should follow along.
WTF does Baseball have to do with NASA?
/----/ WTF does NASA have to do with Muslims' feelings?
Barack Obama: Nasa must try to make Muslims 'feel good'
The head of the Nasa has said Barack Obama told him to make "reaching out to the Muslim world" one of the space agency's top priorities.
Muslims are great bomb makers.

Are they Oklahoma City good?
WTF are you babbling about?
Are you claiming I said we should not watch NASA?

NASA had its own issues with race in the 60s
Jackie Robinson had nothing to do with it

You’re saying it was racist. I am Saying so was MLB. Such is life. We have evolved. You should follow along.
WTF does Baseball have to do with NASA?
/----/ WTF does NASA have to do with Muslims' feelings?
Barack Obama: Nasa must try to make Muslims 'feel good'
The head of the Nasa has said Barack Obama told him to make "reaching out to the Muslim world" one of the space agency's top priorities.
Muslims are great bomb makers.

Are they Oklahoma City good?

You mean the Thunder?

Commentary: Fifty Years Ago, the Eagle Landed - The Ohio Star

by Lee Edwards

Let us pause to celebrate the 50th-anniversary today of a mission once thought impossible: the landing of a man on the moon.

Let us proclaim, without embarrassment, that America, and only America, had the requisite leadership, scientific community, and resources to make it possible for Apollo astronaut Neil Armstrong to take that giant leap for mankind.

Let us freely admit we needed a kick to get started. That happened when the Soviet Union put the first satellite known as Sputnik in orbit and pushed ahead of the United States in the space race. The Cold War was red hot, and everything was measured on how it affected that global conflict.

As one commentator wrote, “the United States could not afford [a] slight to its technical expertise and economic strength.”

In a dramatic address in May 1961, President John F. Kennedy tasked NASA with the goal of “landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth,” and to do so before the end of the decade. The following year, Kennedy raised the stakes of the Apollo program by calling space “a new frontier” and declaring: “We choose to go to the moon, not because it is easy, but because [it is] hard.”​

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