"...Apparent Anti-Feminist Bomb..."


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
It seems that anti-feminism is picking up steam! Recently, New York magazine posted an article about 'feminists' [http://nymag.com/news/features/retro-wife-2013-3/index1.html] behaving as traditional, conservative women have done all along: marry, have children, and decide to stay home and take care of their up-bringing.

Now, this:

1. "In a letter published in the Daily Princetonian on Friday, Susan A. Patton, president of the class of ’77, offered her “Advice for the young women of Princeton.”

2. One of the more-quoted lines that immediately began zinging across social media read, “Here’s what nobody is telling you: Find a husband on campus before you graduate. Yes, I went there.”

3. Patton continued: “As Princeton women, we have almost priced ourselves out of the market….you will never again be surrounded by this concentration of men who are worthy of you.”... “I am the mother of two sons who are both Princetonians. My older son had the good judgment and great fortune to marry a classmate of his, but he could have married anyone. My younger son is a junior and the universe of women he can marry is limitless.”

4. On Twitter, @DesiderioAArnaz tweeted, “Feminism just died at Princeton.” Another user named [MENTION=36655]Dylan[/MENTION]matt appended the link with, “A stirring call for the genetically gifted to band together and form a master race.”... “I’m mortified,” she said of the online comments. But when asked if she would like to clarify or change anything she’d said, she replied, “Not really.”

5. ... I understand that not every woman on earth wants to get married and have kids, that yes you could marry a man who is not your intellectual equal,” said Patton. “I’m just saying, you increase your odds of being happy in your marriage, happy in your life, if you find a husband who is appropriate for you. Which gets harder after you graduate…I don’t mean to be anti-feminist. This is truly the advice I would give my daughters if I had them.”

6. She also revealed a few details that might not reconcile her with feminists, but which do counter the impression given by her letter.... Patton has run her own HR consulting and executive coaching business in NYC for 20 years. She didn’t work the first five years after her first son, now class of 2010, was born, but has ever since.

7. ... she isn’t married to a Princeton grad. In fact, she’s just out of what she calls a “horrible” divorce, after 27 years of marriage. “My husband’s academic background was not as luxurious as mine, and that was a source of some stress,” said Patton. “I think he felt a certain level of resentment.”

8. Patton’s parents, too, were unenthusiastic about her time in the Ivy League – something she previously wrote about in 2006 for the Princeton Alumni Weekly.... “My parents were both survivors of concentration camps, and all they wanted for me was to marry. Ideally they wanted me to marry a butcher, because then there would always be meat on the table. The thought of their unmarried daughter leaving home before marriage was a disgrace to them. So I applied to Princeton as an emancipated minor, I paid for it myself, and I went away to college against my parents’ wishes. And it cost me dearly and still does.”

9. ...not everyone disagrees with Patton’s letter. I’ve overheard plenty of former female classmates express regret for not appreciating what an eligible pool of men we were surrounded with for four years.

10. And as highlighted by a viral video from last year called “The Ivy League Hustle,” some Princeton women avoid mentioning where they went to school for fear of scaring off suitors. Patton, you can bet, would never do that." An Alumna?s Advice for the Young Women of Princeton: Marry My Son - The Daily Beast
Both Patton and Princeton are pompous and puffed-up parties. Princeton grads ain't nothin' speshull!:tongue:

A large number of good people never went to any college. It is pure arrogance that drives the preppy schools and their issue to think themselves inherently socially above the unwashed masses that did not take advantage of the opportunity to overpay a bunch of self-appointed professors of knowledge to preach from expensive textbooks.

I've seen a lot of "holier than thou" pretenders. This one ranks high on my list.

its a good thing huh?

That was what the womens movement was all about
I personally would NOT like to go back to the days before women's liberation happened.

And believe me, too, when I say that when it first reared its head, I was NOT especially thrilled by it, either.

But then?

Well then I grew up.

And so, happily, did a whole lot of us, too.

For those of you too young to know what it was like back then?

MAD MEN does a bang up job of showing us what it was like for men and women back in those days.

Seriously as over the top as some of the things shown on that show seem to be?

That show does a damned good job of showing us what we were actually like, back then.
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I personally would NOT like to go back to the days before women's liberation happened.

And believe me, too, when I say that when it first reared its head, I was NOT especially thrilled by it, either.

But then?

Well then I grew up.

And so, happily, did a whole lot of us, too.

For those of you too young to know what it was like back then?

MAD MEN does a bang up job of showing us what it was like for men and women back in those days.

Seriously as over the top as some of the things shown on that show seem to be?

That show does a damned good job of showing us what we were actually like, back then.

Hmm drink a little scotch at the office, slap the secretaries butt every once in a while... doesn't sound half bad!
This speaks to the inexorable swinging back of the pendulum, back to what the first and second wave pioneers of feminism ( Friedan, Millet & Greer) espoused and fought for.

Woman are waking up to realize that to an extent they have been sold a bill of goods by the 3rd and 4th wave feminists ( gender feminism vis a vis equity feminism).

No less than Betty Friedan herself said in the 2000’s she felt out of place and she was not comfortable in and with womans studies departments that had been hijacked by concerns preoccupied with post colonialism, intersectionality [sic] , social constructionism [sic] and other post modern ‘isms’….

Oh and finding greer friedan chesler et al on reading lists in woman’s studies depts. is hard to come by, they have been pretty much banished ( and that was ion the 90’s, I hope they will make a comeback).
I personally would NOT like to go back to the days before women's liberation happened.

And believe me, too, when I say that when it first reared its head, I was NOT especially thrilled by it, either.

But then?

Well then I grew up.

And so, happily, did a whole lot of us, too.

For those of you too young to know what it was like back then?

MAD MEN does a bang up job of showing us what it was like for men and women back in those days.

Seriously as over the top as some of the things shown on that show seem to be?

That show does a damned good job of showing us what we were actually like, back then.

I personally would NOT like to go back to the days before women's liberation happened.

thats a false premise imho, where in did anyone advocate such?

its a good thing huh?

That was what the womens movement was all about

No, actually, it wasn't.....it was about ordering women to behave as men.

And, if they didn't, they were accorded contumely and vituperation.

Have you noticed the effect that having children outside of marriage has done to children?

“The strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison, is that they were raised by a single parent”.
C.C. Harper and S.S. McLanahan, “Father Absence and Youth Incarceration”, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, CA, 1998

In 1996, 70% of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long sentences, were raised by single mothers. Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents”, IMPRIMIS 26, NO.6, June, 1997

72% of juvenile murderers, and 60% of rapists came from single mother homes.
Chuck Colson, “How Shall We Live?” Tyndale House , 2004, p.323

70% of teen births occur to girls in single mother homes.
David T. Lykken, “Reconstructing Fathers”, American Psychologist 55, 681,681, 2000

70% of drop-outs, and 70% of teen suicides come from single mother homes.
Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents,” IMPRIMIS 26, N0. 6, June 1997

70% of runaways, 70% of juvenile delinquents, and 70% of Child murderers, come from single mother homes.
Richard E. Redding, “It’s Really About Sex”, Duke Univ. Journal of Gender Law and Policy, Jan.1, 2008

Let me know if you need more data.....
I personally would NOT like to go back to the days before women's liberation happened.

And believe me, too, when I say that when it first reared its head, I was NOT especially thrilled by it, either.

But then?

Well then I grew up.

And so, happily, did a whole lot of us, too.

For those of you too young to know what it was like back then?

MAD MEN does a bang up job of showing us what it was like for men and women back in those days.

Seriously as over the top as some of the things shown on that show seem to be?

That show does a damned good job of showing us what we were actually like, back then.

I don't believe that you understand the issue.

“There has been an enduring wariness in communities of color specifically, about Feminism's mantra of independence rather than interdependence with male family members and the world at large. This would include Feminism's ambivalence about motherhood, marriage, and domestic life in general. This would include Feminism's divisive and ultimately unhelpful commentary that women need men like fish need bicycles (women need their grandfathers, fathers, sons, brothers, etc. for a host of reasons too lengthy and obvious to list here). This would include Feminism's dismissal of religion itself based on its patriarchal leadership. This would include Feminism's characterization of young women who don't fall in line with the Feminist status quo as naive and ungrateful.”
Rebecca Walker: Feminist Infighting
Both Patton and Princeton are pompous and puffed-up parties. Princeton grads ain't nothin' speshull!:tongue:

A large number of good people never went to any college. It is pure arrogance that drives the preppy schools and their issue to think themselves inherently socially above the unwashed masses that did not take advantage of the opportunity to overpay a bunch of self-appointed professors of knowledge to preach from expensive textbooks.

I've seen a lot of "holier than thou" pretenders. This one ranks high on my list.

Is that a green-eyed monster I hear?

its a good thing huh?

That was what the womens movement was all about

No, actually, it wasn't.....it was about ordering women to behave as men.

And, if they didn't, they were accorded contumely and vituperation.
Rather than just ordering women to obey. You're so smart, you must have a smart guy around to keep you in line because on your own you must be stupid! :cuckoo:

July 22, 2008
RUSH: So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

November 6, 2008
RUSH: Snerdley, do you remember we had a survey not long ago about unmarried women, women that are not in a relationship are stupider than women who are in a relationship?* Remember that?*

its a good thing huh?

That was what the womens movement was all about

No, actually, it wasn't.....it was about ordering women to behave as men.

And, if they didn't, they were accorded contumely and vituperation.
Rather than just ordering women to obey. You're so smart, you must have a smart guy around to keep you in line because on your own you must be stupid! :cuckoo:

July 22, 2008
RUSH: So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

November 6, 2008
RUSH: Snerdley, do you remember we had a survey not long ago about unmarried women, women that are not in a relationship are stupider than women who are in a relationship?* Remember that?*

Can I consider your relationship with Rush Limbaugh to be a common law marriage?

I can never get enough senseless prattle, so I sure will miss you when he retires.
I'm not really surprised feminists are no longer taken seriously. They talk out of both sides of their face depending on the issue. Here they are telling women to find a mate to marry while you are still a student. Not because of love,but because of what you can get out of it.

During the Clinton years they were telling women they should all line up to give Clinton blow jobs for keeping abortions legal. I doubt this was what the framers of the womens movement had in mind.
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No, actually, it wasn't.....it was about ordering women to behave as men.

And, if they didn't, they were accorded contumely and vituperation.
Rather than just ordering women to obey. You're so smart, you must have a smart guy around to keep you in line because on your own you must be stupid! :cuckoo:

July 22, 2008
RUSH: So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

November 6, 2008
RUSH: Snerdley, do you remember we had a survey not long ago about unmarried women, women that are not in a relationship are stupider than women who are in a relationship?* Remember that?*

Can I consider your relationship with Rush Limbaugh to be a common law marriage?

I can never get enough senseless prattle, so I sure will miss you when he retires.
I can always count on you to dodge when the Right's attitude toward women is exposed. Do you really believe you would suddenly turn stupid if you no longer had a man around????
I'm not really surprised feminists are no longer taken seriously. They talk out of both sides of their face depending on the issue. Here they are telling women to find a mate to marry while you are still a student. Not because of love,but because of what you can get out of it.

During the Clinton years they were telling women they should all line up to give Clinton blow jobs for keeping abortions legal. I doubt this was what the framers of the womens movement had in mind.
Feminists only talk out of both sides of their face when the Right does the talking for them. The Right has anointed themselves to talk for everyone!
Rather than just ordering women to obey. You're so smart, you must have a smart guy around to keep you in line because on your own you must be stupid! :cuckoo:

July 22, 2008
RUSH: So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

November 6, 2008
RUSH: Snerdley, do you remember we had a survey not long ago about unmarried women, women that are not in a relationship are stupider than women who are in a relationship?* Remember that?*

Can I consider your relationship with Rush Limbaugh to be a common law marriage?

I can never get enough senseless prattle, so I sure will miss you when he retires.
I can always count on you to dodge when the Right's attitude toward women is exposed. Do you really believe you would suddenly turn stupid if you no longer had a man around????

Let's consider this as an issue in the biological realm.....

....in what bizarro world would you ever have the cerebral neurons necessary to judge the difference between 'smart' and 'stupid'?

I mean, really....everyone has seen your work, and it's been nothing but the regurgitation of Rush Limbaugh quotes.

Just between the two of us....aren't you just a leeeeettttllllle bit disappointed in the way you've turned out?
I'm not really surprised feminists are no longer taken seriously. They talk out of both sides of their face depending on the issue. Here they are telling women to find a mate to marry while you are still a student. Not because of love,but because of what you can get out of it.

During the Clinton years they were telling women they should all line up to give Clinton blow jobs for keeping abortions legal. I doubt this was what the framers of the womens movement had in mind.
Feminists only talk out of both sides of their face when the Right does the talking for them. The Right has anointed themselves to talk for everyone!

So......Rush has anointed you to talk for him?

Clarify for me....does make you a groupie or his wife?
I'm not really surprised feminists are no longer taken seriously. They talk out of both sides of their face depending on the issue. Here they are telling women to find a mate to marry while you are still a student. Not because of love,but because of what you can get out of it.

During the Clinton years they were telling women they should all line up to give Clinton blow jobs for keeping abortions legal. I doubt this was what the framers of the womens movement had in mind.
Feminists only talk out of both sides of their face when the Right does the talking for them. The Right has anointed themselves to talk for everyone!

No, those were the actual words of Nina Burleigh, a feminist ,and writer for the lefty Time Magazine. Actually her statement was "I would be happy to give Clinton a blow job just to thank him for keeping abortion legal...American women should be lining up with their presidential kneepads showing their gratitude".

Apparently the feminists message of today is that they are willing to go back to the casting couch to get what they want when they can't "do" for themselves. ;)
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I'm not really surprised feminists are no longer taken seriously. They talk out of both sides of their face depending on the issue. Here they are telling women to find a mate to marry while you are still a student. Not because of love,but because of what you can get out of it.

During the Clinton years they were telling women they should all line up to give Clinton blow jobs for keeping abortions legal. I doubt this was what the framers of the womens movement had in mind.
Feminists only talk out of both sides of their face when the Right does the talking for them. The Right has anointed themselves to talk for everyone!

So......Rush has anointed you to talk for him?

Clarify for me....does make you a groupie or his wife?

Exactly. I would need to see the full transcripts. What the lefties have not figured out after all these years... is that Rush's show is all about mocking them with their own absurd arguments.
Can I consider your relationship with Rush Limbaugh to be a common law marriage?

I can never get enough senseless prattle, so I sure will miss you when he retires.
I can always count on you to dodge when the Right's attitude toward women is exposed. Do you really believe you would suddenly turn stupid if you no longer had a man around????

Let's consider this as an issue in the biological realm.....

....in what bizarro world would you ever have the cerebral neurons necessary to judge the difference between 'smart' and 'stupid'?

I mean, really....everyone has seen your work, and it's been nothing but the regurgitation of Rush Limbaugh quotes.

Just between the two of us....aren't you just a leeeeettttllllle bit disappointed in the way you've turned out?
Obviously the man who pulls your strings is out of the house right now and you have to dodge until he gets home to tell you what to say.

BTW, I especially love the part where you attack me for regurgitating someone else's quotes!!!! :rofl::lmao: Obviously with your man out of the house you can't see the ironic stupidity of that coming from YOU!

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