Apparent Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

Truth cuts like a knife, doesn't it? Act like nazis, get labeled like em too. Godwin's law is no defense when accurate.

Sieg heil, asshole.

Here, to add to your freakout. Even though McCarthy was stupid in his tactics, he was correct. But that's lost in all your screaming, isn't it.

You celebrate hitler because you have nothing else to say.
Liar. Show me where I celebrated Hitler? I am mocking you.

Worthless shit.

benttight is too much of a moron to understand ridicule
Truth cuts like a knife, doesn't it? Act like nazis, get labeled like em too. Godwin's law is no defense when accurate.

Sieg heil, asshole.

Here, to add to your freakout. Even though McCarthy was stupid in his tactics, he was correct. But that's lost in all your screaming, isn't it.

You celebrate hitler because you have nothing else to say.
Liar. Show me where I celebrated Hitler? I am mocking you.

Worthless shit.


You've been celebrating hitler and you're too fucking stoopid to understand how. You even bend over for DiveNeverAgain with pure joy and no vaseline.
curvelight said:
You even bend over for DiveNeverAgain with pure joy and no vaseline.

Jebus! You're not my type, so quit coming at me with your little toothpick going "brace yo' self". I'm not available, and don't date outside my phylum.

The best part of this story is this guys stomps on this woman's head, and now he wants an apology from her.

Talk about blaming the victim....
The best part of this story is this guys stomps on this woman's head, and now he wants an apology from her.

Talk about blaming the victim....

Yeah, well, she got liberalism all over his new boots. What did you expect him to do? Thank her for it?
(insert SARCASM label here for those who don't know it when they see it)

If she had just had surgery, she probably should have stayed home or at least out of what seems to be hostile bunch of people. Choices....they define our circumstances.
The best part of this story is this guys stomps on this woman's head, and now he wants an apology from her.

Talk about blaming the victim....

He's probably kissed off at Fox for not offering him a job. After all, he's a Great American that has sacrificed himself in the pursuit of defending freedom!
curvelight said:
You even bend over for DiveNeverAgain with pure joy and no vaseline.

Jebus! You're not my type, so quit coming at me with your little toothpick going "brace yo' self". I'm not available, and don't date outside my phylum.


So you're a hitler celebrating closet sausage jockey.

All I'm hearing is "Blah blah blah I love to load boxcars blah."
You know.........most of those polls are done via land line.

30 percent of the households in America only have cell phones, and most of those are the middle class and poor, as they don't see a need for a cell phone and a land line.

Greedy Old People (the GOP) probably have both if they're rich.

You guys do the math. Even though the GOP has been saying they're winning in the phone polls, I'd really doubt it a bit.

At least, unless they start calling cell phones too.
You know.........most of those polls are done via land line.

30 percent of the households in America only have cell phones, and most of those are the middle class and poor, as they don't see a need for a cell phone and a land line.

Greedy Old People (the GOP) probably have both if they're rich.

You guys do the math. Even though the GOP has been saying they're winning in the phone polls, I'd really doubt it a bit.

At least, unless they start calling cell phones too.

So now that your claim that Rand is slipping in the polls has been disproven now it's simply that the polling methods are outdated. We'll see how that works out tomorrow.
You know.........most of those polls are done via land line.

30 percent of the households in America only have cell phones, and most of those are the middle class and poor, as they don't see a need for a cell phone and a land line.

Greedy Old People (the GOP) probably have both if they're rich.

You guys do the math. Even though the GOP has been saying they're winning in the phone polls, I'd really doubt it a bit.

At least, unless they start calling cell phones too.

So now that your claim that Rand is slipping in the polls has been disproven now it's simply that the polling methods are outdated. We'll see how that works out tomorrow.
which is totally wrong as they poll cell phones as well
You know.........most of those polls are done via land line.

30 percent of the households in America only have cell phones, and most of those are the middle class and poor, as they don't see a need for a cell phone and a land line.

Greedy Old People (the GOP) probably have both if they're rich.

You guys do the math. Even though the GOP has been saying they're winning in the phone polls, I'd really doubt it a bit.

At least, unless they start calling cell phones too.

So now that your claim that Rand is slipping in the polls has been disproven now it's simply that the polling methods are outdated. We'll see how that works out tomorrow.
which is totally wrong as they poll cell phones as well

What percentage?
Does dumbfuck dive ever base a claim on facts?

Pollsters routinely omit cell or mobile phone numbers from their samples. The
mechanics of this are fairly easy, since mobile phone numbers typically use specific
"exchanges " (the first three digits of a local telephone number ).

Looks like cell phones are starting to get included

The majority of pollsters still exclude cell phones:
Last edited:
Does dumbfuck dive ever base a claim on facts?

Pollsters routinely omit cell or mobile phone numbers from their samples. The
mechanics of this are fairly easy, since mobile phone numbers typically use specific
"exchanges " (the first three digits of a local telephone number ).

Looks like cell phones are starting to get included

The majority of pollsters still exclude cell phones:
gee, does benttight ever actually know what he is talking about

seems like NO

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