Appeals Court : Trump has NO IMMUNITY

He should appeal. Especially, since everybody knows that the DC Circuit is just a Dem-plantation in disguise.
The verbiage in their ruling, verifies the unchecked bias. They are calling crimes, what he is NOT calling crimes. Which of course, verifies that the judges lacked the ability to ever even view Trump's claim [or his dispute] from a neutral, fair light in order to rule on it.
Just because MAGA ignores Trump’s crimes, doesn’t mean SCOTUS will.
its a proven fact obama had an american executed without trial,, and killed other civilians in the process,,

OK, let's go with that, for the sake of the debate, and to play out the string.

So........what are you gonna do about it?
Anonymously hissyfitting about it under a fake name on a social media site doesn't seem to me --or my avatar -----that that is in the American 'get-er-done' spirit that built this fine country.

Can you be an effective citizen then, poster PH?
OK, let's go with that, for the sake of the debate, and to play out the string.

So........what are you gonna do about it?
Anonymously hissyfitting about it under a fake name on a social media site doesn't seem to me --or my avatar -----that that is in the American 'get-er-done' spirit that built this fine country.

Can you be an effective citizen then, poster PH?
glad you agree with me,,

to bad your ideology is slanted against the constitution,,
So ... according to a DC appeals court ...

Barack Obama doesn't have Presidential immunity.

Bill Clinton doesn't have Presidential immunity.

George W. Bush doesn't have Presidential immunity.

Joe Biden doesn't have Presidential immunity.

Good to know.
These fools are going to get bitch slapped by the SCOTUS. I'll mark my calendar to mock them and laugh.
When a man says that if elected again he will DESTROY or kill anyone who does not follow his commands.
Why would any one sane vote to allow any one man to destroy the people rules and laws our country is built on.
The WEF will soon unleash an event to bring in lockdowns. They will bring in mass mail-in ballots and have Trump removed as an option.

This is why WEF Nikki is still in it. The WEF's new puppet.

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