Appeals Court : Trump has NO IMMUNITY

The WEF will soon unleash an event to bring in lockdowns. They will bring in mass mail-in ballots and have Trump removed as an option.
It is contributions (and contributors) like above that makes this 'discussion' venue so damn much fun.
It's like the Mos Eisley Cantina. Like 'the Ward' in Cuckoo's Nest.

"WEF"? That's scary from one perspective, however, it is also so cool to have out there somewhere a force like the Orcs and Wargs, and Darth Vader too.......that we can scrimmage against to sharpen our game.

You all in on fighting the scary "WEF" with us Satan?
So ... according to a DC appeals court ...

Barack Obama doesn't have Presidential immunity.

Bill Clinton doesn't have Presidential immunity.

George W. Bush doesn't have Presidential immunity.

Joe Biden doesn't have Presidential immunity.

Good to know.
Why stop there? Tricky Dick didn't have Presidential immunity. Which is why Ford Pardoned him. If any of those presidents were indicted by a Grand Jury, then they too would get their chance in court.
I didn't know that.
How do you know that?
I did my homework.
Do you think its fair me to have to do your homework, for you?

How do you know that "everybody knows that"?
Its called figurative speaking. Therefore, I don't know for sure --since that is NOT the point I was making.
I merely, gestured, by way of the multitudes of people that I know of being aware of the truth about the DC Circuit.

Don't meant to put you on the spot, avataree "Phactotum",
You are ineligible to put me on the, spot, as you lack the mental capacity to accomplish that feat.

So, let's see your "support" for you assertions.

Cryptic messaging is for other more QAnon'sh forums. This is Adult Swim.
None of that is needed here. Just go check the judges' political affiliations, its public record. Or do you think I should be reqd to do your homework, for you??

Majority of them are Democrat judges and its a few anti-Trumpist Repubs, on the panel. That can reasonably be deemed a Dem-plantation.
It is contributions (and contributors) like above that makes this 'discussion' venue so damn much fun.
It's like the Mos Eisley Cantina. Like 'the Ward' in Cuckoo's Nest.

"WEF"? That's scary from one perspective, however, it is also so cool to have out there somewhere a force like the Orcs and Wargs, and Darth Vader too.......that we can scrimmage against to sharpen our game.

You all in on fighting the scary "WEF" with us Satan?
You work for them.

Democrats = WEF
So Biden can be charged for all his bribery and money laundering, good to know.
LOL. If a grand jury decides to indict him, um yeah. But you know that requires evidence be presented to that grand jury. Evidence over talking points seems to be hard to come by for Benedict Donald and his Neo-GOP. (Probably because Hillary is so good at covering their tracks I betcha......)
Do you think its fair me to have to do your homework, for you?
No. Nor is that was was asked.
Notably too, is it fair that the forum maintains an expectation that you are able to explain your own assertions, to make your own word as an adult...good?

ps.....a clue for the cluefull: Being able to back up one's own word is.....well, it is a good thing.

So do it.
by way of the multitudes of people that I know of being aware of the truth about the DC Circuit.
"Multitudes" less?
Do tell.


just go check the judges' political affiliations, its public record
I'm not sure judges are allowed to state they are Democrats or Republicans.

But notably, the three judge panel ....all women .....that made the ruling was comprised of two judges who were nominated (the Congress approved of 'em and confirmed them though)...were by a Democrat President. One by a Republican.

The President nominates and then they go through a vetting and approval ordeal by Congress.
Poor Dems, more desperate with each passing day trying to 'get' Trump on something. Meanwhile Trump is crushing Bribem and storming towards the Republican nomination.
The following is reported as part of the ruling today:

“At bottom, former President Trump’s stance would collapse our system of separated powers by placing the president beyond the reach of all three branches,” they wrote. “Presidential immunity against federal indictment would mean that, as to the president, the Congress could not legislate, the executive could not prosecute and the judiciary could not review. We cannot accept that the office of the presidency places its former occupants above the law for all time thereafter.”
When a man says that if elected again he will DESTROY or kill anyone who does not follow his commands.
Why would any one sane vote to allow any one man to destroy the people rules and laws our country is built on.
That's what IMPEACHMENT is for!
That's what IMPEACHMENT is for!
Impeachment is prelude to a trial in the Senate. At stake there if convicted is removal from office. Prosecution by the DOJ could follow after that depending on the facts.
No. Nor is that was was asked.
Yes, that is exactly what you asked for. Once you refused to go first check those Judge's political affiliation. Its public record.

Notably too, is it fair that the forum maintains an expectation that you are able to explain your own assertions, to make your own word as an adult...good?
It is fair. And it is why I did EXACTLY that, when I told you what powerful info helped me conclude that the DC Circuit is a Dem-plantation.

ps.....a clue for the cluefull: Being able to back up one's own word is.....well, it is a good thing.

So do it.
I agree, it is a good thing. So, I did it!


"Multitudes" less?
Do tell.
ohhhh no, pal. I'm not falling for the banana in the tailpipe trick. lol

I pass. You wouldn't understand the use of multitudes in this capacity. Nope. Cognitive dissonance behooves you --as according to your posts' archives. lol
You would likely treat it as a way to challenge me or dispute the reality I experienced --AS IF, you were there experiencing it with me.

I'm not sure judges are allowed to state they are Democrats or Republicans.
I never said they did. Did I?

But notably, the three judge panel ....all women .....that made the ruling was comprised of two judges who were nominated (the Congress approved of 'em and confirmed them though)...were by a Democrat President. One by a Republican.
Oh, so they are majority Democrat, like I said. Thank you, for reminding readers that I was correct.

The President nominates and then they go through a vetting and approval ordeal by Congress.
Thank you, for listing some information that was never disputed by me in here/never even discussed in here by me.
He should appeal. Especially, since everybody knows that the DC Circuit is just a Dem-plantation in disguise.
The verbiage in their ruling, verifies the unchecked bias. They are calling crimes, what he is NOT calling crimes. Which of course, verifies that the judges lacked the ability to ever even view Trump's claim [or his dispute] from a neutral, fair light in order to rule on it.
And that Bush appointed judge who joined in the majority

Yeah I know


Excellent, excellent, excellent

He has till February 12th to appeal to the SCOTUS and says he will.

Will SCOTUS accept or reject the case? Many legal experts say they think SCOTUS may reject the case.


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