Appeals Court : Trump has NO IMMUNITY

Trump is done.
Yep. Trump is done tolerating Repubs who just, tuck tail, and whimper on out of here @ the very sight of you Dems/Progressives throwing your neo-Liberalism all around this place from Maine to Mexicali
Actually, Trump was in the Reform Party in 2000 the first time he ran for President. Then he registered as a Democrat in 2001 and remained a Democrat until he saw the Republican herd was much easier to con.

thanks for reminding yourself that I was correct about Trump being a huuuuge friend of the Democrats prior to 2015

Cool...Now Obama can be indicted for murdering a U.S. citizen on foreign soil, without him being so much as arrested and charged.
That US citizen was an Al-Qaida terrorist plotting attacks against the US, dipshit.

He was beyond the reach of US law enforcement.

He was a clear and present danger to the lives of Americans.

Ya'll could have tried to do that since 2017. Do you know why Benedict Donald's DOJ didn't even try?
"Y'all"?...Sorry, Chumlee.

This ruling now makes charging Oboingo with murder a possibility...As per usual, the shortsightedness of the modern shitlib, in order to rationalize the exigent stupidity of the day, will come back to bite their asses.

Try their luck now? On things like Obama helping facilitate Iran’s pursuit of nukes, implementation of Obamacare, Fast 'n' Furious fiasco, Libya quaqmire, processing of the Clean Air Act... list goes on and on
Hopefully, Subhuman Dotard appeals so we can watch as his ass is handed back to him by SCOTUS. We want to laugh. And see more MAGA tears.

Like these: :crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:
Maybe if Dems had not attacked the SCOTUS like a pack of vermin they could expect fair treatment but I don't see that happening.
I have news for you, no one has attacked SCOTUS more than you MAGA folks. The Supreme Court has been an obsession with the right for the past 50 years; however, whenever any Supreme Court decision comes down there is always someone who will disagree and bitch about it.
Hopefully, Subhuman Dotard appeals so we can watch as his ass is handed back to him by SCOTUS. We want to laugh. And see more MAGA tears.

Like these: :crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:

Nope. No such thing as MAGA tears, only MAGGOT JEERS from you anti-USA creeps who's fears Biden cheers
Yep. Trump is done tolerating Repubs who just, tuck tail, and whimper on out of here @ the very sight of you Dems/Progressives throwing your neo-Liberalism all around this place from Maine to Mexicali

It's ok. When he's sitting in that prison cell. Just tell him it's fake incarceration.
BREAKING: Donald Trump unleashes a deeply unhinged response to a federal court's ruling that he does NOT have presidential immunity from prosecution for his role in the January 6th insurrection.

You can feel the panic in every word he typed. This man is absolutely terrified of going to prison...

Taking to Truth Social for his rant, Trump insisted that a president "must have Full Immunity" so that he can "properly function" and "do what has to be done for the good of the Country."

Of course, attempting to overthrow our democracy because you lost an election is the furthest thing from working towards the "good of the country."

Trump called the court's ruling "Nation-destroying," which is ironically exactly what he tried to do on January 6th when he whipped his MAGA fanatics into a lather and unleashed them on the Capitol.

He went on to claim that the ruling "cannot be allowed to stand" and that it must be "overturned" because it will "terribly injury" the presidency as well as the "Life, Breath, and Success of our Country."

"A President will be afraid to act for fear of the opposite Party’s Vicious Retribution after leaving Office," wrote Trump.

"I know from personal experience because I am going through it right now," he went on. "It will become a Political Weapon used for Election Interference. Even our Elections will be corrupted and under siege. So bad, and so dangerous for our Nation. SAVE PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY!"

It's worth pointing out that a president should be afraid of breaking the law by attempting a violent coup. The idea that a president can do whatever he likes, break the law at whim, and then simply slither off scot-free is just about the most unAmerican idea imaginable.

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Excellent, excellent, excellent

He has till February 12th to appeal to the SCOTUS and says he will.

Well, they have some sense. Can Trump shoplift and get away with it just because he is president? I don't think so. Is he immune from a speeding ticket, rape, armed robbery, etc? I don't think so. And the next big question. Will his appointees in the supreme court, if they reject his appeal, act in time to try him before the election? I wouldn't bet on it.
Of course, attempting to overthrow our democracy because you lost an election is the furthest thing from working towards the "good of the country."
If that's how you feel, then where was your same lunatic claim, at Barbara Boxer, when Trump did exactly what she did in 2005? Where was your same lunatic claim at Stacy Abrams when Trump did the SAME EXACT thing that big Stace did?


You people are a joke, in the way you all GLEEFULLY let tyranny dictate your decision-making processes now.
So Biden can be charged for all his bribery and money laundering, good to know.
We always knew. It’s only a surprise to the MAGA crowd. Also, indictments don’t just happen. You have to work at it and have good evidence, hence the reason there haven’t been any Republican-led impeachments.

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