Appeals for calm

Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
when dumbo was president what leadership did he provide?
Call the cops stupid
if I had a son he would be just like Trayvon
We must give them space to destroy

I do remember Obama's 8 years. And what I remember first and foremost is the fact that we had competent leadership. His statements and responses always measured, and always exuding leadership and confidence. Did he have his blunders? Yes. Especially in the foreign policy department. But unlike the current occupant, did he ever sound like the loudest drunk at the bar screaming at the television set? Never. And I don't remember Obama ever blowing up social media with lies, misinformation, and flat out gaslighting. And you righties can bring up Obama's few gaffes that you always do. It's cute. But again, unlike the current occupant, the gaffes didn't come at a clip of at least one or two a day. :) And I never heard Obama say that maybe the light could be brought into the body "some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If you remember that you're a lying sack of shit. Like I've known while Obama was president he the most corrupt president America has ever had and that includes Nixon
And if the media would have not protected obama like it did you would have seen the corruption a lot sooner

Corruption that only exists in the minds of the alt-right. That started the day he was elected and everyone on the right collectively lost their shit. And I give you guys credit that you came up with some of the best non-scandal material that I've seen in my lifetime. What I remember (and still see to this day) is, 8 years, no grand juries convened, no indictments issued, no prison sentences handed down. A man that will be remembered as a good President. Not great..but better than his predecessor and head and shoulders above the train wreck we have now. Stop blaming the media for everything. They didn't have to protect Obama. Why? Because he had nothing to be protected from. Something I was hoping your savior would learn after he backed into the office...but...alas, all the current occupant has done is live up to my admittedly low expectations.
The last three years was the completion of obama's corruption
the media will not be able to protect him much longer
obama trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ is one of him many criminal acts

No one is protecting him..because there's nothing to protect him from. If Obama really wanted to influence the 2016 election, he would have told McConnell to go pound sand and had the DOJ release the full details of the Trump campaign's attempt to collude with the Russians to try and influence the election. If that information comes out in full a week or two ahead of the election, Trump loses by double digits. Just admit it. You got nothing on Obama. Just a lot of alt-right fantasy.
The media protected obama you're stupid if you claim otherwise

They didn't. But any examples I ask of you are shaded by your right wing bias. And way off the OP topic.
Oh yeah..Trump has only provided division and leadership when it comes to calming the tensions in this country.
But, again, as always, it's because he really has no interest in actually being President..but he'll use Twitter to gaslight....something he's a pro at. :)

There are no tensions in the country. There is open lawlessness. Talk about gaslighting....
Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.

What would you have him do? Violate the Posse Comitatus Act? I'm sure you would criticize him for it too. His hands are tied.

The question to you is this:

What should he be doing? Specifically?
The what act? His hands are not tied. He can get his ass up on a stage and appeal for calm just like Obama did after the Ferguson verdicts.
Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
I’m gonna guess you don’t understand the difference between state and federal government.
That would be a stupid guess but humor me. Whats your point?
I’m not interested in trying to educate you.

If you decide to educate yourself by using google, and realize your post was stupid, a mod might help you with an edit.
IOW you simply didnt know what the fuck you were talking about. I dont need google to know that Drumpf is a fuckup and weak leader.
I was just trying to help. Your ignorance of how state and federal governments interact is your business. :)
My comment had nothing to do with how state and federal governments interact. My comment was about leadership. Cant you read? :)
Actually... it did.
If you truly believe that then you have tremendously bad reading comprehension. :)

Maybe you can show me where you got confused?
It’s looking you’re the one who is confused.

I’ll rephrase my earlier comment in an effort to help you understand....
There’s a difference between state and federal leadership.

Is that easier for you to understand? :)
Maybe this will be easier for you to understand.

"I’m gonna guess you don’t understand the difference between state and federal government. "

What does that have to do with me saying Drumpf is a incompetent fuck up and a weak leader?

You apparently don't. The Posse Comitatus Act forbids the Federal government from getting involved in the law enforcement affairs of state and local municipalities.

That's the difference.
Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
when dumbo was president what leadership did he provide?
Call the cops stupid
if I had a son he would be just like Trayvon
We must give them space to destroy

I do remember Obama's 8 years. And what I remember first and foremost is the fact that we had competent leadership. His statements and responses always measured, and always exuding leadership and confidence. Did he have his blunders? Yes. Especially in the foreign policy department. But unlike the current occupant, did he ever sound like the loudest drunk at the bar screaming at the television set? Never. And I don't remember Obama ever blowing up social media with lies, misinformation, and flat out gaslighting. And you righties can bring up Obama's few gaffes that you always do. It's cute. But again, unlike the current occupant, the gaffes didn't come at a clip of at least one or two a day. :) And I never heard Obama say that maybe the light could be brought into the body "some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If you remember that you're a lying sack of shit. Like I've known while Obama was president he the most corrupt president America has ever had and that includes Nixon
And if the media would have not protected obama like it did you would have seen the corruption a lot sooner

Corruption that only exists in the minds of the alt-right. That started the day he was elected and everyone on the right collectively lost their shit. And I give you guys credit that you came up with some of the best non-scandal material that I've seen in my lifetime. What I remember (and still see to this day) is, 8 years, no grand juries convened, no indictments issued, no prison sentences handed down. A man that will be remembered as a good President. Not great..but better than his predecessor and head and shoulders above the train wreck we have now. Stop blaming the media for everything. They didn't have to protect Obama. Why? Because he had nothing to be protected from. Something I was hoping your savior would learn after he backed into the office...but...alas, all the current occupant has done is live up to my admittedly low expectations.
The last three years was the completion of obama's corruption
the media will not be able to protect him much longer
obama trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ is one of him many criminal acts

No one is protecting him..because there's nothing to protect him from. If Obama really wanted to influence the 2016 election, he would have told McConnell to go pound sand and had the DOJ release the full details of the Trump campaign's attempt to collude with the Russians to try and influence the election. If that information comes out in full a week or two ahead of the election, Trump loses by double digits. Just admit it. You got nothing on Obama. Just a lot of alt-right fantasy.
The media protected obama you're stupid if you claim otherwise

They didn't. But any examples I ask of you are shaded by your right wing bias. And way off the OP topic.
Oh yeah..Trump has only provided division and leadership when it comes to calming the tensions in this country.
But, again, as always, it's because he really has no interest in actually being President..but he'll use Twitter to gaslight....something he's a pro at. :)
Dude if what Nixon did during Watergate was illegal what obama did using the DOJ against the political opposition is 10 times worse
here's my appeal and plan to FIX IT:
4. End racist mass incarceration and empty the prisons of all nonviolent offenders and give them the help they need.

You racist bastard are you saying blacks commit all these crimes and the only way to stop it is make the crimes legal?
Asclepias hates presidents who achieve goals like lowest unemployment for blacks. lol
Nope. I love the effect of what Obama did for Black unemployment. The problem is that rate is still higher than the white unemployment rate.
This woman loves the only thing obama did for blacks......

Someone should tell her about the things Obama did for Black people since those phones were for everyone.


Did obama cut unnecessary regulations to help businesses grow so they can offer jobs to people like Angel Adams?....

Nope... he didn’t. Trump did. :)

I baited you to see just how far off topic you would get from your original fuckup regarding Drumpfs lack of leadership. I see you are eager to leave that point behind. :)

I'm still waiting on your explanation why 8 years of dumbo you remained silent over non-leadership?
So what did obama do for black America? racially incite them?

I must have missed your question.
I was silent because Obama stepped up to every situation and provided leadership.
You mean besides give Blacks some hope that working within the system would actually work? Or making sure the Black farmers got their money from the lawsuit against the government?

dumbo did nothing but create a racial divided for that he should be hanged

Its not Obamas fault white racists hated his guts. They reinforced the racial divide not Obama.

You lie like all traitor criminals.

You smell like wet dog like all cave chimps.

Explain one thing to me. How can you smell something on the internet? or are you just protecting the smell that you produce?

Who told you that you could smell something on the internet? Are you retarded?

Dumb ass you said this about mike
You smell like wet dog like all cave chimps.
So how can you smell someone on the internet or are you projecting what you smell like?

Yes i said that about Mike.

Who said you can smell someone on the internet? Are you retarded?

How do you know what mike smells like on the internet?
Why do you claim he smells like a wet dog
I take it the smell that you are smelling is not coming over the internet but from your nasty ass.

There are no smells on the internet dummy. I repeat. Are you retarded?

I make that claim because like all cave chimps he smells like a wet dog.

All I smell right now is cocoa butter. Unfortunately Mike is smelling that puppy aroma cave chimps are so famous for.

idiot, you just said Mike smells like a wet dog so tell me how do you know what Mike smells like?
I suggest you wash your ass so you'll stop having that smell around you.

I just told you. All cave chimps smell like wet dog. I cant help it if you were so stupid you thought i was saying I could smell him over the internet.

I like cocoa butter. Why would I wash the smell off me?

how do you know what anyone smells like on the internet chimp?

I just told you. There are no smells on the internet. Are you ok?

Well dumb ass if you can't smell something over the internet stop telling people your ass smells like a wet dog.
Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
I’m gonna guess you don’t understand the difference between state and federal government.
That would be a stupid guess but humor me. Whats your point?
I’m not interested in trying to educate you.

If you decide to educate yourself by using google, and realize your post was stupid, a mod might help you with an edit.
IOW you simply didnt know what the fuck you were talking about. I dont need google to know that Drumpf is a fuckup and weak leader.
I was just trying to help. Your ignorance of how state and federal governments interact is your business. :)
My comment had nothing to do with how state and federal governments interact. My comment was about leadership. Cant you read? :)
Actually... it did.
If you truly believe that then you have tremendously bad reading comprehension. :)

Maybe you can show me where you got confused?
It’s looking you’re the one who is confused.

I’ll rephrase my earlier comment in an effort to help you understand....
There’s a difference between state and federal leadership.

Is that easier for you to understand? :)
Maybe this will be easier for you to understand.

"I’m gonna guess you don’t understand the difference between state and federal government. "

What does that have to do with me saying Drumpf is a incompetent fuck up and a weak leader?

You apparently don't. The Posse Comitatus Act forbids the Federal government from getting involved in the law enforcement affairs of state and local municipalities.

That's the difference.
How is having a press conference appealing for calm and drawing the nation together violating any acts? I'll wait.

I'm not taking sides in this protest situation, but must say, I'm very disappointed in our political leaders. Aside from a few Governors and Mayors, very few are appealing for calm or an end to violence. Instead these protests are met by either silence or accusations against one side or the other by political leaders on both sides. I realize we're in the middle of a pandemic, but I would like to see a little effort made by our political leaders to calm this situation rather than inflame it.
Trump is too much of a childish, moronic sack of garbage to even attempt calm. He can’t even calm himself when his bitch ass gets all worked up over someone criticizing him.
Asclepias hates presidents who achieve goals like lowest unemployment for blacks. lol
Nope. I love the effect of what Obama did for Black unemployment. The problem is that rate is still higher than the white unemployment rate.
This woman loves the only thing obama did for blacks......

Someone should tell her about the things Obama did for Black people since those phones were for everyone.


Did obama cut unnecessary regulations to help businesses grow so they can offer jobs to people like Angel Adams?....

Nope... he didn’t. Trump did. :)

I baited you to see just how far off topic you would get from your original fuckup regarding Drumpfs lack of leadership. I see you are eager to leave that point behind. :)

I'm still waiting on your explanation why 8 years of dumbo you remained silent over non-leadership?
So what did obama do for black America? racially incite them?

I must have missed your question.
I was silent because Obama stepped up to every situation and provided leadership.
You mean besides give Blacks some hope that working within the system would actually work? Or making sure the Black farmers got their money from the lawsuit against the government?

dumbo did nothing but create a racial divided for that he should be hanged

Its not Obamas fault white racists hated his guts. They reinforced the racial divide not Obama.

You lie like all traitor criminals.

You smell like wet dog like all cave chimps.

Explain one thing to me. How can you smell something on the internet? or are you just protecting the smell that you produce?

Who told you that you could smell something on the internet? Are you retarded?

Dumb ass you said this about mike
You smell like wet dog like all cave chimps.
So how can you smell someone on the internet or are you projecting what you smell like?

Yes i said that about Mike.

Who said you can smell someone on the internet? Are you retarded?

How do you know what mike smells like on the internet?
Why do you claim he smells like a wet dog
I take it the smell that you are smelling is not coming over the internet but from your nasty ass.

There are no smells on the internet dummy. I repeat. Are you retarded?

I make that claim because like all cave chimps he smells like a wet dog.

All I smell right now is cocoa butter. Unfortunately Mike is smelling that puppy aroma cave chimps are so famous for.

idiot, you just said Mike smells like a wet dog so tell me how do you know what Mike smells like?
I suggest you wash your ass so you'll stop having that smell around you.

I just told you. All cave chimps smell like wet dog. I cant help it if you were so stupid you thought i was saying I could smell him over the internet.

I like cocoa butter. Why would I wash the smell off me?

how do you know what anyone smells like on the internet chimp?

I just told you. There are no smells on the internet. Are you ok?

Well dumb ass if you can't smell something over the internet stop telling people your ass smells like a wet dog.

I said cave chimps smell like wet dog. I said my ass smells like cocoa butter. Youre confused.
The what act? His hands are not tied. He can get his ass up on a stage and appeal for calm just like Obama did after the Ferguson verdicts.

As for an appeal for calm, was it heeded? No. It was ignored.

Why waste your breath?
Real leaders dont consider appealing for calm a waste of breath. They consider it to be responsible and moral to do so regardless of the outcome. Thats a life tip for those of you that lack leadership skills. Take heed.
Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
when dumbo was president what leadership did he provide?
Call the cops stupid
if I had a son he would be just like Trayvon
We must give them space to destroy

I do remember Obama's 8 years. And what I remember first and foremost is the fact that we had competent leadership. His statements and responses always measured, and always exuding leadership and confidence. Did he have his blunders? Yes. Especially in the foreign policy department. But unlike the current occupant, did he ever sound like the loudest drunk at the bar screaming at the television set? Never. And I don't remember Obama ever blowing up social media with lies, misinformation, and flat out gaslighting. And you righties can bring up Obama's few gaffes that you always do. It's cute. But again, unlike the current occupant, the gaffes didn't come at a clip of at least one or two a day. :) And I never heard Obama say that maybe the light could be brought into the body "some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If you remember that you're a lying sack of shit. Like I've known while Obama was president he the most corrupt president America has ever had and that includes Nixon
And if the media would have not protected obama like it did you would have seen the corruption a lot sooner

Corruption that only exists in the minds of the alt-right. That started the day he was elected and everyone on the right collectively lost their shit. And I give you guys credit that you came up with some of the best non-scandal material that I've seen in my lifetime. What I remember (and still see to this day) is, 8 years, no grand juries convened, no indictments issued, no prison sentences handed down. A man that will be remembered as a good President. Not great..but better than his predecessor and head and shoulders above the train wreck we have now. Stop blaming the media for everything. They didn't have to protect Obama. Why? Because he had nothing to be protected from. Something I was hoping your savior would learn after he backed into the office...but...alas, all the current occupant has done is live up to my admittedly low expectations.
The last three years was the completion of obama's corruption
the media will not be able to protect him much longer
obama trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ is one of him many criminal acts

No one is protecting him..because there's nothing to protect him from. If Obama really wanted to influence the 2016 election, he would have told McConnell to go pound sand and had the DOJ release the full details of the Trump campaign's attempt to collude with the Russians to try and influence the election. If that information comes out in full a week or two ahead of the election, Trump loses by double digits. Just admit it. You got nothing on Obama. Just a lot of alt-right fantasy.
The media protected obama you're stupid if you claim otherwise

They didn't. But any examples I ask of you are shaded by your right wing bias. And way off the OP topic.
Oh yeah..Trump has only provided division and leadership when it comes to calming the tensions in this country.
But, again, as always, it's because he really has no interest in actually being President..but he'll use Twitter to gaslight....something he's a pro at. :)
Dude if what Nixon did during Watergate was illegal what obama did using the DOJ against the political opposition is 10 times worse

Again...alt-right fantasy. If he was so inclined, Obama could have enviscerated Trump's campaign for President. Just tell Mitch to GFY and direct the DOJ to release the information they had on Trump's apparent attempt to collude with the Russians to influence the election. Instant dagger in the Trump campaign and he goes down by double digits. Yet...crickets from both Obama...and Clinton's campaign....damn...if it were me, I'd have let loose on his campaign with them-a-blazin!! :)
How is having a press conference appealing for calm and drawing the nation together violating any acts? I'll wait.

I never said it did. But words are meaningless. Tell me, how many riots will words stop?
Yeah you did. You said it violated the Posse Comitatus Act. What kind of ignorant claim was that?

Words are not meaningless. If words were meaning less why do they have definitions?
here's my appeal and plan to FIX IT:
1. Cut all police budgets by 50%. Give that money to neighborhood groups.
2. Demilitarize the police. This is not a police state. Why are we at war against the poor? Stop treating Black Americans as the enemy.
3. Raise the minimum wage to $25 an hour. End poverty.
4. End racist mass incarceration and empty the prisons of all nonviolent offenders and give them the help they need.
5. Remove Trump and flip 3 Senate seats in November.
Join the uprising! Now is the time not to be silent but for all voices to be heard.
I say remove all democrat fascist from America problem solved
Asclepias hates presidents who achieve goals like lowest unemployment for blacks. lol
Nope. I love the effect of what Obama did for Black unemployment. The problem is that rate is still higher than the white unemployment rate.
This woman loves the only thing obama did for blacks......

Someone should tell her about the things Obama did for Black people since those phones were for everyone.


Did obama cut unnecessary regulations to help businesses grow so they can offer jobs to people like Angel Adams?....

Nope... he didn’t. Trump did. :)

I baited you to see just how far off topic you would get from your original fuckup regarding Drumpfs lack of leadership. I see you are eager to leave that point behind. :)

I'm still waiting on your explanation why 8 years of dumbo you remained silent over non-leadership?
So what did obama do for black America? racially incite them?

I must have missed your question.
I was silent because Obama stepped up to every situation and provided leadership.
You mean besides give Blacks some hope that working within the system would actually work? Or making sure the Black farmers got their money from the lawsuit against the government?

dumbo did nothing but create a racial divided for that he should be hanged

Its not Obamas fault white racists hated his guts. They reinforced the racial divide not Obama.

You lie like all traitor criminals.

You smell like wet dog like all cave chimps.

Explain one thing to me. How can you smell something on the internet? or are you just protecting the smell that you produce?

Who told you that you could smell something on the internet? Are you retarded?

You wuz kangs.

We still be Kangz. We da OG Neguses.

No, you're the OGView attachment 343572 beggars.

Is that a recent selfie or a picture of you as a young cave chimp?

Naaa, you're better than IQ2, I apologize.

I dont know what an IQ2 is but no need to apologize. That was a good selfie you took of yourself. You did good.

(smile) You're free to wallow in the gutter kid.

And youre free to use RID to remove your hair lice.

LOL, black folk jus all bad an shit......I am sure you are very close to several folks covered in crabs.
Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
when dumbo was president what leadership did he provide?
Call the cops stupid
if I had a son he would be just like Trayvon
We must give them space to destroy

I do remember Obama's 8 years. And what I remember first and foremost is the fact that we had competent leadership. His statements and responses always measured, and always exuding leadership and confidence. Did he have his blunders? Yes. Especially in the foreign policy department. But unlike the current occupant, did he ever sound like the loudest drunk at the bar screaming at the television set? Never. And I don't remember Obama ever blowing up social media with lies, misinformation, and flat out gaslighting. And you righties can bring up Obama's few gaffes that you always do. It's cute. But again, unlike the current occupant, the gaffes didn't come at a clip of at least one or two a day. :) And I never heard Obama say that maybe the light could be brought into the body "some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If you remember that you're a lying sack of shit. Like I've known while Obama was president he the most corrupt president America has ever had and that includes Nixon
And if the media would have not protected obama like it did you would have seen the corruption a lot sooner

Corruption that only exists in the minds of the alt-right. That started the day he was elected and everyone on the right collectively lost their shit. And I give you guys credit that you came up with some of the best non-scandal material that I've seen in my lifetime. What I remember (and still see to this day) is, 8 years, no grand juries convened, no indictments issued, no prison sentences handed down. A man that will be remembered as a good President. Not great..but better than his predecessor and head and shoulders above the train wreck we have now. Stop blaming the media for everything. They didn't have to protect Obama. Why? Because he had nothing to be protected from. Something I was hoping your savior would learn after he backed into the office...but...alas, all the current occupant has done is live up to my admittedly low expectations.
The last three years was the completion of obama's corruption
the media will not be able to protect him much longer
obama trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ is one of him many criminal acts

No one is protecting him..because there's nothing to protect him from. If Obama really wanted to influence the 2016 election, he would have told McConnell to go pound sand and had the DOJ release the full details of the Trump campaign's attempt to collude with the Russians to try and influence the election. If that information comes out in full a week or two ahead of the election, Trump loses by double digits. Just admit it. You got nothing on Obama. Just a lot of alt-right fantasy.
The media protected obama you're stupid if you claim otherwise

They didn't. But any examples I ask of you are shaded by your right wing bias. And way off the OP topic.
Oh yeah..Trump has only provided division and leadership when it comes to calming the tensions in this country.
But, again, as always, it's because he really has no interest in actually being President..but he'll use Twitter to gaslight....something he's a pro at. :)
Dude if what Nixon did during Watergate was illegal what obama did using the DOJ against the political opposition is 10 times worse

Again...alt-right fantasy. If he was so inclined, Obama could have enviscerated Trump's campaign for President. Just tell Mitch to GFY and direct the DOJ to release the information they had on Trump's apparent attempt to collude with the Russians to influence the election. Instant dagger in the Trump campaign and he goes down by double digits. Yet...crickets from both Obama...and Clinton's campaign....damn...if it were me, I'd have let loose on his campaign with them-a-blazin!! :)
I figured the retarded right would cook up some fantasy years after Obama left office. Drumpf is consumed with Obama. Obama takes up space free of rent in Drumpfs little orange brain.

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