Appeals to avarice and bigotry, which party is lead by demagogues and charlatans?

Which party has used other people's money as an electoral ploy since 1932? FDR pioneered the use of class warfare in politics. The current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania has taken class warfare rhetoric to new and unprecedented heights, while waging race warfare as well.
I suspect some are not watching the parade of potential nominees for the Republican nomination for POTUS. Better described as fools to the left of me, clowns to the right who offer nothing but ain't it awful doomsday scenarios, and history rewritten to absolve the Bush Administration for our financial meltdown in 2008.

Maybe some don't know the definition of a Charlatan or Demagogue, or maybe they have been so brainwashed as to actually believe the Rhetoric of the fools and clowns. A sad prospect for American style democracy which requires an informed and thoughtful body of voters.
Honestly, can there be any doubt?

If not the GOP, why do you believe otherwise?

What do the Democrats appeal to? Jealousy and envy? Given a choice between an appeal to my greedy side and my petty, jealous side, I chose the greedy side because I would rather be Scrooge than Cinderella's stepsisters.
My problem with the GOP is that they appeal to other people's greed, not that they appeal to mine. I'm immune to such an appeal, but I don't want those who are not, given license to cause the harm that acting on greed and avarice without restraint always does. There is after all a reason why most religions consider greed and avarice to be mortal sins.

My problem with the Democrats is not that they appeal openly to other people's greed and avarice as the GOP does, so much as that they end up in service to the same regardless of how they campaign.

I usually vote Democratic nonetheless because they are a little more restrained than the GOP about unleashing the sins of greed and avarice to wreak havoc. it's like a choice between being infected with the flu or with AIDS. Neither is what you would call desirable, but one is considerably worse.
Honestly, can there be any doubt?

If not the GOP, why do you believe otherwise?

What do the Democrats appeal to? Jealousy and envy? Given a choice between an appeal to my greedy side and my petty, jealous side, I chose the greedy side because I would rather be Scrooge than Cinderella's stepsisters.

No windbag, Democrats in general don't respond to jealousy and envy. While some do, most Democrats believe in fairness and the concept of a social contract - in fact it is basic Christianity. Even though some Democrats are agnostic, a large majority of Democrats accept the principles of Christianity. Many conservatives wear the cross of Christianity but ignore its principles. No one ever called a conservative a "bleeding heart".
Honestly, can there be any doubt?

If not the GOP, why do you believe otherwise?

What do the Democrats appeal to? Jealousy and envy? Given a choice between an appeal to my greedy side and my petty, jealous side, I chose the greedy side because I would rather be Scrooge than Cinderella's stepsisters.

No windbag, Democrats in general don't respond to jealousy and envy. While some do, most Democrats believe in fairness and the concept of a social contract - in fact it is basic Christianity. Even though some Democrats are agnostic, a large majority of Democrats accept the principles of Christianity. Many conservatives wear the cross of Christianity but ignore its principles. No one ever called a conservative a "bleeding heart".

Fairness is another word for "I want you to give me some of what you have" and the social contract is nothing but a way to make me pay for what YOU think government should do.

Also, the difference between christianity and statist progressivism is that at least christianity is by choice, not by government fiat.
Honestly, can there be any doubt?

If not the GOP, why do you believe otherwise?

What do the Democrats appeal to? Jealousy and envy? Given a choice between an appeal to my greedy side and my petty, jealous side, I chose the greedy side because I would rather be Scrooge than Cinderella's stepsisters.

No windbag, Democrats in general don't respond to jealousy and envy. While some do, most Democrats believe in fairness and the concept of a social contract - in fact it is basic Christianity. Even though some Democrats are agnostic, a large majority of Democrats accept the principles of Christianity. Many conservatives wear the cross of Christianity but ignore its principles. No one ever called a conservative a "bleeding heart".

Did I say they did? I said that, given a choice, I would respond better to greed, but the leaders of the Democratic Party, aka Barrack Obama, want me to be jealous of rich people. Since even you admit this is a bad strategy, you must really want to be a Republican, and just go Democrat because you don't want to look greedy.
What do the Democrats appeal to? Jealousy and envy? Given a choice between an appeal to my greedy side and my petty, jealous side, I chose the greedy side because I would rather be Scrooge than Cinderella's stepsisters.

No windbag, Democrats in general don't respond to jealousy and envy. While some do, most Democrats believe in fairness and the concept of a social contract - in fact it is basic Christianity. Even though some Democrats are agnostic, a large majority of Democrats accept the principles of Christianity. Many conservatives wear the cross of Christianity but ignore its principles. No one ever called a conservative a "bleeding heart".

Fairness is another word for "I want you to give me some of what you have" and the social contract is nothing but a way to make me pay for what YOU think government should do.

Also, the difference between christianity and statist progressivism is that at least christianity is by choice, not by government fiat.

If you spend some time reading history and the works of political philosophers from the 16th and 17th century you might have a different opinion then the one you hold formed by propaganda from the New Right.
Both. The Republican vs. Democrat feud is just Show Biz. When will people learn? It's the Global elite organizations who are pulling all the strings. These squabbles are just meant to entertain the masses who don't know any better. Both Political Parties work for the same Bosses. That's the reality.
What do the Democrats appeal to? Jealousy and envy? Given a choice between an appeal to my greedy side and my petty, jealous side, I chose the greedy side because I would rather be Scrooge than Cinderella's stepsisters.

No windbag, Democrats in general don't respond to jealousy and envy. While some do, most Democrats believe in fairness and the concept of a social contract - in fact it is basic Christianity. Even though some Democrats are agnostic, a large majority of Democrats accept the principles of Christianity. Many conservatives wear the cross of Christianity but ignore its principles. No one ever called a conservative a "bleeding heart".

Did I say they did? I said that, given a choice, I would respond better to greed, but the leaders of the Democratic Party, aka Barrack Obama, want me to be jealous of rich people. Since even you admit this is a bad strategy, you must really want to be a Republican, and just go Democrat because you don't want to look greedy.

I'm not jealous of great wealth, if I were I wouldn't attend NFL and MLB games. I simply believe in the efficacy that is the American dream. Some people amass great wealth by the fortune of birth, others by hard work and others by exploitation. It's not for me to judge; I do however judge that a progressive income tax is important for our unique form of democracy and efforts by the New Right to push a "fair tax" is nothing more than an effort to change our country into an oligarchy.

We are all in this together even though the New Right actually believes that each of us is an Island onto itself. Suggesting Obama's insistence on the very wealthy to pay more in taxes is class warfare is simply one more example of the 'twitter' mentality of those of you on the new right, any comment more that 141 (?) characters is too much to absorb and anything less must be accepted as immutable truths as long as it fits into the simplistic dogma of the New Right.
"American Politics is exactly like Pro Wrestling. It's all Show Biz." - Jesse Ventura
Imagine how shocked I was to discover that a liberal is whining about conservatives. Lord, I am bored with the moronic whining on this board.
Watch 'The Obama Deception.' Learn who actually runs this country. That Republican vs. Democrat feud thing really is just a Show Biz scam. Check it out.
I suspect some are not watching the parade of potential nominees for the Republican nomination for POTUS. Better described as fools to the left of me, clowns to the right who offer nothing but ain't it awful doomsday scenarios, and history rewritten to absolve the Bush Administration for our financial meltdown in 2008.

Maybe some don't know the definition of a Charlatan or Demagogue, or maybe they have been so brainwashed as to actually believe the Rhetoric of the fools and clowns. A sad prospect for American style democracy which requires an informed and thoughtful body of voters.
Example of "demagogue".
No windbag, Democrats in general don't respond to jealousy and envy. While some do, most Democrats believe in fairness and the concept of a social contract - in fact it is basic Christianity. Even though some Democrats are agnostic, a large majority of Democrats accept the principles of Christianity. Many conservatives wear the cross of Christianity but ignore its principles. No one ever called a conservative a "bleeding heart".

Fairness is another word for "I want you to give me some of what you have" and the social contract is nothing but a way to make me pay for what YOU think government should do.

Also, the difference between christianity and statist progressivism is that at least christianity is by choice, not by government fiat.

If you spend some time reading history and the works of political philosophers from the 16th and 17th century you might have a different opinion then the one you hold formed by propaganda from the New Right.
Classical liberalism has nothing in common with modern liberalism.

I know it confuses simple-minded people because they both have the word "liberalism" in them.
Imagine how shocked I was to discover that a liberal is whining about conservatives. Lord, I am bored with the moronic whining on this board.

Whining? Pointing out the inconsistencies, hypocrisy, covert racism, and abject ignorance of many on the right isn't whining CG, it is simply a matter of offering an opinion, and opinion usually supported by evidence.

This thread asked a question, one which those inclined to think have an opportunity to answer. It seems you and others I characterize as members of the New Right have no ability to offer anything but ad hominem attacks and idiotgrams.

Only a liar or a fool wouldn't admit the fools and clowns running for the Republican nomination are Charlatans and Demagogues and only partisan hacks would defend them.
No windbag, Democrats in general don't respond to jealousy and envy. While some do, most Democrats believe in fairness and the concept of a social contract - in fact it is basic Christianity. Even though some Democrats are agnostic, a large majority of Democrats accept the principles of Christianity. Many conservatives wear the cross of Christianity but ignore its principles. No one ever called a conservative a "bleeding heart".

It's really sad that you haven't the slightest clue just how truly pathetic you are.


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