Apple is right to refuse to help the FBI hack into iphonnes

It has not stopped several of our Presidents(the list has been posted) who understood National
Security is more important than adhering to a piece of paper that is highly over-rated.

The case against the American Constitution

We had to pay Japanese Americans for violating their civil liberties.

We did not have was a stupid decision by ronnie reagan to gain favor with his japanese friends.

Behind the Ronald Reagan myth: "No one had ever entered the White House so grossly ill informed"

In her latest tour de force ...........
orce, New York Times best-selling author Michelle Malkin sets the historical record straight-and debunks radical ethnic alarmists who distort history to undermine common-sense, national security profiling. The need for this myth-shattering book is vital. President Bush's opponents have attacked every homeland defense policy as tantamount to the "racist" and "unjustified" World War II internment. Bush's own transportation secretary, Norm Mineta, continues to milk his childhood experience at a relocation camp as an excuse to ban profiling at airports. Misguided guilt about the past continues to hamper our ability to prevent future terrorist attacks.

In Defense of Internment shows that the detention of enemy aliens, and the mass evacuation and relocation of ethnic Japanese from the West Coast were not the result of irrational hatred or conspiratorial bigotry. This document-packed book highlights the vast amount of intelligence, including top-secret "MAGIC" messages, which revealed the Japanese espionage threat on the West Coast.
Malkin also tells the truth about:
  • who resided in enemy alien internment camps (nearly half were of European ancestry)
  • what the West Coast relocation centers were really like (tens of thousands of ethnic Japanese were allowed to leave; hundreds voluntarily chose to move in)
  • why the $1.65 billion federal reparations law for Japanese internees and evacuees was a bipartisan disaster
  • how both Japanese American and Arab/Muslim American leaders have united to undermine America's safety

With trademark fearlessness, Malkin adds desperately needed perspective to the ongoing debate about the balance between civil liberties and national security. In Defense of Internment will outrage, enlighten, and radically change the way you view the past-and the present.

They were not enemy aliens. They were American citizens. Your post shows why Apple is right to say no.

One should not talk about things of which one is ignorant.

The whole issue is much too complicated for most who have absorbed all the liberal propaganda and have closed minds.

Anyhow for a short answer some of them were enemy aliens ....the majority were not.

Read what Michelle Malkin has said and get back with us.

I don't have to. You are advocating the imprisonment of American citizens to ease your unfounded fears.

Nothing you post will justify that.

Ahhhh........I see you are not only ignorant of the real truth of that situation but you also have a closed mind.....anyhow--for the benefit of those who really want the truth..............
The MAGIC Cables

Malkin argues, from the Fox News style of conservatism point of view, that the Japanese Internment didn’t occur due to “racial prejudice.” Instead, she focuses the reason for the internments on the MAGIC decryptions. The United States had cracked the Japanese diplomatic code in 1940 so intelligence agencies were able to read Japanese messages sent from Tokyo to the various Japanese embassies and consulates around the world. Those decrypted messages were codenamed MAGIC.

The decrypted diplomatic MAGIC messages showed that the Japanese government had embarked upon a serious and successful effort to recruit spies from the Japanese immigrant community in the United States and elsewhere. “Two MAGIC cables sent from Tokyo on January 30, 1941, ordered the Japanese embassy and its North American consulates to begin establishing espionage nets designed to function in a wartime environment. The first announced, ‘We have decided to de-emphasize our propaganda work and strengthen our intelligence work in the United States.’ Cable copies of the message were sent, as ‘Minister’s orders,’ to Mexico City, San Francisco, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, New York, New Orleans, and Chicago. Detailed intelligence requirements followed, with directions to recruit agents from ‘our ‘Second Generations’ and our resident nationals’—as well as ‘U.S. citizens of foreign extraction (other than Japanese), aliens (other than Japanese), communists, Negroes, labor union members,[1] and anti-Semites with access to governmental establishments.’”[2] Other cables gave further guidance on using the Japanese immigrant community to further Japanese Governmental war aims.

In the United States, the Japanese Immigrant community was mostly located in two areas, the Territory of Hawaii and the West Coast. The Japanese were divided into three different groups, Isei, Nisei,[3] and Kibei. The Isei were Japanese residents of the United States who were born in Japan but who couldn’t naturalize due to laws against naturalizing non-whites, the Nisei were 14th Amendment “citizens,” and the Kibei were either Isei or Nisei who had gone to Japan for some sort of training, which included military training, and returned to the United States.

The fact that the Japanese diplomatic code was readable was a secret that the Americans couldn’t afford to lose. American counter-intelligence knew, or could have easily discovered, which Japanese-Americans were spies or subversives and arrest them, but they couldn’t afford to allow the Japanese to discover the code was broken by rolling up a network of enemy agents. Additionally, any Japanese person arrested in the United States would have been on trial where the rules of evidence and right for the defendant to confront his accuser would have applied, thus revealing the MAGIC secret.

Malkin bolsters her MAGIC argument by showing that senior US Government officials who had access to MAGIC supported the evacuation and internment, while officials without that need-to-know[4] access to MAGIC opposed it. “The three highest-ranking government officials who approved the decision to evacuate ethnic Japanese from the West Coast — President Roosevelt, Secretary of War Henry Stimson, and Assistant Secretary of War John McCloy — all had full access to MAGIC. McCloy later stated that he reviewed the MAGIC messages every day and night. By contrast, none of the prominent government figures who opposed the evacuation knew about MAGIC. Not FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. Not Attorney General Francis Biddle. Not Office of Naval Intelligence officer Kenneth Ringle. Not special State Department representative Curtis Munson.”[5]

The United States Government chose to not press charges against any Japanese spies who were discovered by the MAGIC cables even as the Americans closed in on victory. Malkin writes, “There is still much that is unknown about the true scope of the espionage and sabotage threat from ethnic Japanese on the West Coast. Countless names of Nisei have been redacted from FBI and intelligence documents. Public disclosure requests take years to fill, if they ever are filled at all. On the other side of the ocean, Japan has destroyed or buried wartime records that could have answered questions that—contrary to the politically correct historians—have yet to be settled. And may never be.”[6]

Japanese Cultural Pull on the Nisei – And Immediate Examples of Disloyalty

The Japanese government of the 1930s embarked upon a deliberate effort to gain support from both the Isei and Nisei in the United States with cultural works and social connections. The Japanese government had newspapers and cultural works which supported Japanese policy. The theory that Nisei where fully assimilated “Americans” disconnected from the Japanese homeland is simply not true. Malkin explains, “Japanese-language schools, too, served as a powerful source of Japanese propaganda. Japanese consular agents, former Japanese army officers, and Buddhist priests often served as principals or teachers. Ostensibly, the purpose of these schools was to instruct young Japanese Americans about Japanese language, culture, and traditions, such as sushi, origami, and sumo wrestling. But the schools also disseminated ultra-nationalist cant, with a strong emphasis on Japanese solidarity and emperor-worship. The schools were ‘in practical fact agencies of Japanese nationalism . . .’”[7]

The schools and cultural works promoted by the Japanese government before 1941 had an effect. Japanese-American disloyalty became manifest on the sparsely populated Niihau Island on December 7, 1941. A Japanese fighter pilot, Airman First Class Shigenori Nishikaichi of the Imperial Japanese Navy Ship Hiryu,[8] crash-landed after his aircraft was damaged by American fighters. Nishikaichi’s papers and pistol was confiscated by a local native Hawaiian.[9] While the Niihau Islanders tried to figure out what to do with the strange pilot (word of Pearl Harbor had not reached them as there were no telephones) Nishikaichi met a Japanese couple, Yoshio and Irene Harada, and started to build a rapport with them. They were also aided by a Japanese man named Ishimatsu Shintani. On December 12th, and Airman First Class Nishikaichi and the Haradas made a move to get the confiscated papers back. “Nishikaichi and the Haradas launched a campaign of terror against the islanders. They overtook the guard on duty and locked him in a warehouse. Mrs. Harada cranked up a phonograph to drown out the commotion.”[10] The Islanders rallied and by the end of it Nishikaichi and Yoshio Harada, were dead and a Native Hawaiian was seriously injured. As the affair played out, the Harada’s had also burned property and fired wildly at the Niihau Islanders. The public was shocked by how quickly the Japanese who had lived so long in America turned to support Japanese troops.

The Niihau Island incident was not an isolated event. The Japanese community in Hong Kong supported the Japanese Military and contributed to the Japanese conquest.[11] In Singapore and Malaya, the Japanese community also aided the Japanese military, “Although most ethnic Japanese in Southeast Asia were not involved in espionage, sabotage, or fifth columnist activities, the conquering Japanese troops treated all resident ethnic Japanese as reunited comrades. Historian John Stephan notes that resident Japanese in Davao, Philippines, gave Japanese forces ‘a tempestuous welcome.’”[12]

There is much more...which I might get around to posting....basially the whole affair was a lot more complicated than most have any idea of being indoctrinated with all the liberal b.s.

Everything you've been taught about the World War II "internment camps" in America is wrong:
  • They were not created primarily because of racism or wartime hysteria
  • They did not target only those of Japanese descent
  • They were not Nazi-style death camps

In Depth with Michelle Malkin |
C. F. Robinson, "In Defense of Japanese Internment" | Counter-Currents Publishing

German and Italian detainees | Densho Encyclopedia

BTW Neither the Italians or Germans receieved any reparations.
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The FBI is not telling apple to give up a secret they already have.

They are telling apple to assign a team to do work in a certain area and come up with the desired solution...The FBI (or any gov't agency) has no right to do that! ESPECIALLY at apples expense!

1 - It would cost Apple to do the work.
2 - It would cost Apple by sabotaging the security of their own product.

What if the gov't ordered YOU to work on a project at your own expense?
If the cops need a phone unlocked for evidence once someone has been arrested, and they get a search warrant, why can't Apple just take the phone, unlock it and give it back to the cops without violating any access information?

Apple customers would still have their privacy, Apple wouldn't have given away any secrets and the cops would have the information they needed from the phone.

Is that too simple a solution?

Apple currently has no way to unlock the phone...they designed it to be "impossible".

They would have to assign a team to figure out how to do the "impossible"...and that's where the problem lies.

Do you allow the gov't to order you to act in a certain way? At your own expense?

Do you comply with tyranny?

If apple already had a tool to unlock the phone, it would be a whole different argument. But to order somebody to do a job they don't want to do is against EVERYTHING America stands for!

I always ask myself...does it pass the "shoe on the other foot" test?
What is really ironic about these simple minded folks on here trying to defend Apple is that there is no one responsible more for the invasion of our privacy, the theft of personal data etc.---than these tech giants.

Here's how tech giants profit from invading our privacy, and how we can start taking it back

They do. People mindlessly sign them the rights to do so. That's on the people, the Constitution does not restrict Apple, it restricts the government.
The FBI is not telling apple to give up a secret they already have.

They are telling apple to assign a team to do work in a certain area and come up with the desired solution...The FBI (or any gov't agency) has no right to do that! ESPECIALLY at apples expense!

1 - It would cost Apple to do the work.
2 - It would cost Apple by sabotaging the security of their own product.

What if the gov't ordered YOU to work on a project at your own expense?
If the cops need a phone unlocked for evidence once someone has been arrested, and they get a search warrant, why can't Apple just take the phone, unlock it and give it back to the cops without violating any access information?

Apple customers would still have their privacy, Apple wouldn't have given away any secrets and the cops would have the information they needed from the phone.

Is that too simple a solution?

Apple currently has no way to unlock the phone...they designed it to be "impossible".

They would have to assign a team to figure out how to do the "impossible"...and that's where the problem lies.

Do you allow the gov't to order you to act in a certain way? At your own expense?

Do you comply with tyranny?

If apple already had a tool to unlock the phone, it would be a whole different argument. But to order somebody to do a job they don't want to do is against EVERYTHING America stands for!

I always ask myself...does it pass the "shoe on the other foot" test?

What misplaced sympathy you you really feel that sorry for these tech giants that rake in billions and then want to complain about it might cost them a little money to help the government keep us safe....anyhow I am sure the government would re-imburse them for the costs...thus your whole argument is specious.
What misplaced sympathy you you really feel that sorry for these tech giants

We are arguing apples & oranges.

As I said...if apple already had the key to unlock the phone it would be a different argument entirely.

To order you to build that key is simply not acceptable. The FBI could have avoided this dilemma by ASKING for help or even HIRING apple to do it.

Why don't they pay former apple employees...put a team together & do it themselves?
Hey you want a path to follow that might work?

I could get around any password protection on a PC hard drive by slaving the hard drive to my hard drive...the tower would boot from my hard drive & then I had full access to the slave hard drive.

Hint hint...
Some political dilemmas come to down to: Whom should we trust more? In the case of Apple vs. the FBI, the question is: Whom should we distrust less?
FBI vs. Apple: Government Shouldn't Get Encryption Back Door | National Review
Apple Is Right to Refuse to Help the FBI Hack into iPhones

That's why most ppl want apple even though they have a few backdoors to shit they claim they don't but they do.. but nowhere near what droids etc have...... not yet anyway.
But we already knew this it's the sheep who still have trouble esp. the losers who tell you take your meds lmfao. Those usually the dumbasses taking all the meds.

We warned you how this bs can be used against you years later and from years ago.
Apple doesn't give a fuck about your privacy. They care about public appearances so wise the fuck up.


What is really ironic about these simple minded folks on here trying to defend Apple is that there is no one responsible more for the invasion of our privacy, the theft of personal data etc.---than these tech giants.

Here's how tech giants profit from invading our privacy, and how we can start taking it back

The only one simple minded here is you. Defending Apple because Apple stud to the government overreach to protect themselves along the individual rights is somehow bad for you.

There is a reason for it, because you're statist and you want government control over everything in our lives. There are plenty of countries that can suit your needs better, why don't you try them.

By the way, didn't you put me on ignore already?
Some political dilemmas come to down to: Whom should we trust more? In the case of Apple vs. the FBI, the question is: Whom should we distrust less?
FBI vs. Apple: Government Shouldn't Get Encryption Back Door | National Review
Apple Is Right to Refuse to Help the FBI Hack into iPhones

That's why most ppl want apple even though they have a few backdoors to shit they claim they don't but they do.. but nowhere near what droids etc have...... not yet anyway.
But we already knew this it's the sheep who still have trouble esp. the losers who tell you take your meds lmfao. Those usually the dumbasses taking all the meds.

We warned you how this bs can be used against you years later and from years ago.
Apple doesn't give a fuck about your privacy. They care about public appearances so wise the fuck up.



Child labor is completely different issue.

Giving your privacy willingly to Apple, by your own choice, and you privacy being taken by the government without you having any choice is another.
Some political dilemmas come to down to: Whom should we trust more? In the case of Apple vs. the FBI, the question is: Whom should we distrust less?
FBI vs. Apple: Government Shouldn't Get Encryption Back Door | National Review
Apple Is Right to Refuse to Help the FBI Hack into iPhones

That's why most ppl want apple even though they have a few backdoors to shit they claim they don't but they do.. but nowhere near what droids etc have...... not yet anyway.
But we already knew this it's the sheep who still have trouble esp. the losers who tell you take your meds lmfao. Those usually the dumbasses taking all the meds.

We warned you how this bs can be used against you years later and from years ago.
Apple doesn't give a fuck about your privacy. They care about public appearances so wise the fuck up.



Child labor is completely different issue.

Giving your privacy willingly to Apple, by your own choice, and you privacy being taken by the government without you having any choice is another.
Child SLAVE labor is worse
Some political dilemmas come to down to: Whom should we trust more? In the case of Apple vs. the FBI, the question is: Whom should we distrust less?
FBI vs. Apple: Government Shouldn't Get Encryption Back Door | National Review
Apple Is Right to Refuse to Help the FBI Hack into iPhones

That's why most ppl want apple even though they have a few backdoors to shit they claim they don't but they do.. but nowhere near what droids etc have...... not yet anyway.
But we already knew this it's the sheep who still have trouble esp. the losers who tell you take your meds lmfao. Those usually the dumbasses taking all the meds.

We warned you how this bs can be used against you years later and from years ago.
Apple doesn't give a fuck about your privacy. They care about public appearances so wise the fuck up.



Child labor is completely different issue.

Giving your privacy willingly to Apple, by your own choice, and you privacy being taken by the government without you having any choice is another.
Child SLAVE labor is worse

No argument there. Just explain what that has to do with privacy and this thread?
Some political dilemmas come to down to: Whom should we trust more? In the case of Apple vs. the FBI, the question is: Whom should we distrust less?
FBI vs. Apple: Government Shouldn't Get Encryption Back Door | National Review
Apple Is Right to Refuse to Help the FBI Hack into iPhones

That's why most ppl want apple even though they have a few backdoors to shit they claim they don't but they do.. but nowhere near what droids etc have...... not yet anyway.
But we already knew this it's the sheep who still have trouble esp. the losers who tell you take your meds lmfao. Those usually the dumbasses taking all the meds.

We warned you how this bs can be used against you years later and from years ago.
Apple doesn't give a fuck about your privacy. They care about public appearances so wise the fuck up.



Child labor is completely different issue.

Giving your privacy willingly to Apple, by your own choice, and you privacy being taken by the government without you having any choice is another.
Child SLAVE labor is worse

No argument there. Just explain what that has to do with privacy and this thread?
I can not reconcile one good move on the back of a child.

It's like saying the child rapist who saved my life deserves to be forgiven.
I disagree if it was an American yes,, but if we are dealing a terrorist group then it needs to be uncovered

How long before FBI or any other gov't agency demand unlocking phones of Americans by just labeling them terrorists or even just suspects, regardless if they are or not. Therefore, I'm on side of Apple.

Why would the government want to look at the phone of a innocent person?

I'm sure Carter Page would love to talk to you.
Some political dilemmas come to down to: Whom should we trust more? In the case of Apple vs. the FBI, the question is: Whom should we distrust less?
FBI vs. Apple: Government Shouldn't Get Encryption Back Door | National Review
Apple Is Right to Refuse to Help the FBI Hack into iPhones

That's why most ppl want apple even though they have a few backdoors to shit they claim they don't but they do.. but nowhere near what droids etc have...... not yet anyway.
But we already knew this it's the sheep who still have trouble esp. the losers who tell you take your meds lmfao. Those usually the dumbasses taking all the meds.

We warned you how this bs can be used against you years later and from years ago.
Apple doesn't give a fuck about your privacy. They care about public appearances so wise the fuck up.



Child labor is completely different issue.

Giving your privacy willingly to Apple, by your own choice, and you privacy being taken by the government without you having any choice is another.
Child SLAVE labor is worse

No argument there. Just explain what that has to do with privacy and this thread?
I can not reconcile one good move on the back of a child.

It's like saying the child rapist who saved my life deserves to be forgiven.

Nobody but you is saying that.

You should thank child rapist for saving your life, but try and convict him for raping a child. As I said before, two are completely unrelated issues.
Apple doesn't give a fuck about your privacy. They care about public appearances so wise the fuck up.



Child labor is completely different issue.

Giving your privacy willingly to Apple, by your own choice, and you privacy being taken by the government without you having any choice is another.
Child SLAVE labor is worse

No argument there. Just explain what that has to do with privacy and this thread?
I can not reconcile one good move on the back of a child.

It's like saying the child rapist who saved my life deserves to be forgiven.

Nobody but you is saying that.

You should thank child rapist for saving your life, but try and convict him for raping a child. As I said before, two are completely unrelated issues.

Apple is THE ABSOLUTE WORST for profit corporation on a multitude of levels.

ANYONE who buys or supports their company and knows what they do is scum.
Child labor is completely different issue.

Giving your privacy willingly to Apple, by your own choice, and you privacy being taken by the government without you having any choice is another.
Child SLAVE labor is worse

No argument there. Just explain what that has to do with privacy and this thread?
I can not reconcile one good move on the back of a child.

It's like saying the child rapist who saved my life deserves to be forgiven.

Nobody but you is saying that.

You should thank child rapist for saving your life, but try and convict him for raping a child. As I said before, two are completely unrelated issues.

Apple is THE ABSOLUTE WORST for profit corporation on a multitude of levels.

ANYONE who buys or supports their company and knows what they do is scum.

Total derail.

Can you tell me what car do you drive?
Child SLAVE labor is worse

No argument there. Just explain what that has to do with privacy and this thread?
I can not reconcile one good move on the back of a child.

It's like saying the child rapist who saved my life deserves to be forgiven.

Nobody but you is saying that.

You should thank child rapist for saving your life, but try and convict him for raping a child. As I said before, two are completely unrelated issues.

Apple is THE ABSOLUTE WORST for profit corporation on a multitude of levels.

ANYONE who buys or supports their company and knows what they do is scum.

Total derail.

Can you tell me what car do you drive?
We have a Dodge Ram, Ford Explorer & Dodge Challenger
I disagree if it was an American yes,, but if we are dealing a terrorist group then it needs to be uncovered

How long before FBI or any other gov't agency demand unlocking phones of Americans by just labeling them terrorists or even just suspects, regardless if they are or not. Therefore, I'm on side of Apple.

Why would the government want to look at the phone of a innocent person?

Are you implying that given possibility, they would not look at the phones of innocent person? Government never ever abused their power, right?

Remember the outrage when Senate realized they'be been monitored (spied on) by the very agencies that suppose to protect them?

If exception is made and Apple is forced to unlock the phone once, because of one terrorist, how long before government make that same request again? What prevents them from calling everyone they seek to investigate for any reason, a terrorist?

It was a few years back that the IRS was directed to slow down the approval of applications for non profits that were leaning right politically. They also audited more right leaning groups. Left or right leaning, why give the government anymore power?

Power corrupts, absolute power, absolutely corrupts.
No argument there. Just explain what that has to do with privacy and this thread?
I can not reconcile one good move on the back of a child.

It's like saying the child rapist who saved my life deserves to be forgiven.

Nobody but you is saying that.

You should thank child rapist for saving your life, but try and convict him for raping a child. As I said before, two are completely unrelated issues.

Apple is THE ABSOLUTE WORST for profit corporation on a multitude of levels.

ANYONE who buys or supports their company and knows what they do is scum.

Total derail.

Can you tell me what car do you drive?
We have a Dodge Ram, Ford Explorer & Dodge Challenger

Three great "American" products.

Here is why I asked you that. RAM is assembled less than a mile from my home in Michigan. Almost 70% of the truck is build in USA, however, wheels on your RAM are made in China.

Ford Explorer is assembled in Chicago, almost 85% of parts come from USA, however, wire harnesses, plastic connectors, cylinder liners, some shock absorbers are made in China.

Dodge Challenger is assembled in Brampton Canada, with only 57% parts made in US (one type of engine, and one type of transmission), while other types come from Mexico and Germany.

So congrats, before you blame me or anyone else for having Apple product build by child labor, try to look at your back yard first, you might realize you're bit hypocritical.

By the way, I notice your Chiefs avatar. I just came back from KC, GM Fairfax, where Malibu and XT4 are assembled. Not related to topic, just fun coincidence.

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