April is Confederate Revisionist History Month


Jun 2, 2011
April Is Confederate Revisionist History Month | Addicting Info

"......The problem is not with remembering (or even celebrating) history: the problem lies in misrepresenting history. The slavery culture that thrived in the South, their “peculiar institution,” was neither peaceful nor Christian. Not by the strict definition of those words. How peaceful could it have been for human beings to live in fear? To not know when the whip would fall across their back or for what reason. To be treated as property and traded, bought and sold like so much livestock. It is not a Christian thing to do, at least not in any understanding of that religion that I have. It may have been a peaceful and pastoral life for the slave owners, they may have thought that they were being generous, good masters. They may have told themselves that they were taking care of their slaves. But it is just not true. The cognitive dissonance that covered the South, clouding the Southern mind appears not yet to have dissipated. They still try to tell themselves that they were good and that the slaves were grateful but the reality is far from that. Anyone who tries to say differently is lying or trying to sell something. That something is revisionist history and it is a defective product."
April Is Confederate Revisionist History Month | Addicting Info

"......The problem is not with remembering (or even celebrating) history: the problem lies in misrepresenting history. The slavery culture that thrived in the South, their “peculiar institution,” was neither peaceful nor Christian. Not by the strict definition of those words. How peaceful could it have been for human beings to live in fear? To not know when the whip would fall across their back or for what reason. To be treated as property and traded, bought and sold like so much livestock. It is not a Christian thing to do, at least not in any understanding of that religion that I have. It may have been a peaceful and pastoral life for the slave owners, they may have thought that they were being generous, good masters. They may have told themselves that they were taking care of their slaves. But it is just not true. The cognitive dissonance that covered the South, clouding the Southern mind appears not yet to have dissipated. They still try to tell themselves that they were good and that the slaves were grateful but the reality is far from that. Anyone who tries to say differently is lying or trying to sell something. That something is revisionist history and it is a defective product."

Good News for America , bad news for the confederate crackers

MEMPHIS — The Ku Klux Klan rallied in Memphis on Saturday to protest the City Council’s decision last month to rename three city parks that honored Confederate troops.

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April Is Confederate Revisionist History Month | Addicting Info

"......The problem is not with remembering (or even celebrating) history: the problem lies in misrepresenting history. The slavery culture that thrived in the South, their “peculiar institution,” was neither peaceful nor Christian. Not by the strict definition of those words. How peaceful could it have been for human beings to live in fear? To not know when the whip would fall across their back or for what reason. To be treated as property and traded, bought and sold like so much livestock. It is not a Christian thing to do, at least not in any understanding of that religion that I have. It may have been a peaceful and pastoral life for the slave owners, they may have thought that they were being generous, good masters. They may have told themselves that they were taking care of their slaves. But it is just not true. The cognitive dissonance that covered the South, clouding the Southern mind appears not yet to have dissipated. They still try to tell themselves that they were good and that the slaves were grateful but the reality is far from that. Anyone who tries to say differently is lying or trying to sell something. That something is revisionist history and it is a defective product."

Don't mention any of the black slave owners. Or black confederate soldiers.

You people are stuck on stupid.
April Is Confederate Revisionist History Month | Addicting Info

"......The problem is not with remembering (or even celebrating) history: the problem lies in misrepresenting history. The slavery culture that thrived in the South, their “peculiar institution,” was neither peaceful nor Christian. Not by the strict definition of those words. How peaceful could it have been for human beings to live in fear? To not know when the whip would fall across their back or for what reason. To be treated as property and traded, bought and sold like so much livestock. It is not a Christian thing to do, at least not in any understanding of that religion that I have. It may have been a peaceful and pastoral life for the slave owners, they may have thought that they were being generous, good masters. They may have told themselves that they were taking care of their slaves. But it is just not true. The cognitive dissonance that covered the South, clouding the Southern mind appears not yet to have dissipated. They still try to tell themselves that they were good and that the slaves were grateful but the reality is far from that. Anyone who tries to say differently is lying or trying to sell something. That something is revisionist history and it is a defective product."

Don't mention any of the black slave owners. Or black confederate soldiers.

You people are stuck on stupid.

Poet likes to make believe that historical reality is better reflected in "Roots".
April Is Confederate Revisionist History Month | Addicting Info

"......The problem is not with remembering (or even celebrating) history: the problem lies in misrepresenting history. The slavery culture that thrived in the South, their “peculiar institution,” was neither peaceful nor Christian. Not by the strict definition of those words. How peaceful could it have been for human beings to live in fear? To not know when the whip would fall across their back or for what reason. To be treated as property and traded, bought and sold like so much livestock. It is not a Christian thing to do, at least not in any understanding of that religion that I have. It may have been a peaceful and pastoral life for the slave owners, they may have thought that they were being generous, good masters. They may have told themselves that they were taking care of their slaves. But it is just not true. The cognitive dissonance that covered the South, clouding the Southern mind appears not yet to have dissipated. They still try to tell themselves that they were good and that the slaves were grateful but the reality is far from that. Anyone who tries to say differently is lying or trying to sell something. That something is revisionist history and it is a defective product."

Good News for America , bad news for the confederate crackers

MEMPHIS — The Ku Klux Klan rallied in Memphis on Saturday to protest the City Council’s decision last month to rename three city parks that honored Confederate troops.


And a good story

Elwin Wilson, Who Apologized for Racist Acts

The faux outrage is palpable. If any of you thinks this is "whitey-bashing" (not my words), then perhaps there is a need for it, long overdue.
More like "racist whitey bashing", from the looks of it.
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The faux outrage is palpable. If any of you thinks this is "whitey-bashing" (not my words), then perhaps there is a need for it, long overdue.
More like "racist whitey bashing", from the looks of it.

You're the racist so I guess you should know.
Keep stirring the shit Poet. If we can just keep Blacks and Whites fighting with each other maybe we can get a Race War going.

You've got to just commit yourself totally, I know that's what you want. It's what the Bankers and the Military Industrial Complex wants too.
Keep stirring the shit Poet. If we can just keep Blacks and Whites fighting with each other maybe we can get a Race War going.

You've got to just commit yourself totally, I know that's what you want. It's what the Bankers and the Military Industrial Complex wants too.

Excuse me? Do I know you? Do you know me? I think not. I tell you what, though. You won't run over me, without a fight.
There is already a race war, in effect. It's been going on since slavery. You people can't seem to get over it, or get along.
Keep stirring the shit Poet. If we can just keep Blacks and Whites fighting with each other maybe we can get a Race War going.

You've got to just commit yourself totally, I know that's what you want. It's what the Bankers and the Military Industrial Complex wants too.

Excuse me? Do I know you? Do you know me? I think not. I tell you what, though. You won't run over me, without a fight.
There is already a race war, in effect. It's been going on since slavery. You people can't seem to get over it, or get along.

Blacks killing blacks. Is that what you call a "race war"?

The number one cause of death for young black males is homicide.

Young black males die from gun violence at a rate 2.5 time higher than latino males and eight times higher than white males.

So if you people are at war. You're going to lose.
April Is Confederate Revisionist History Month | Addicting Info

"......The problem is not with remembering (or even celebrating) history: the problem lies in misrepresenting history. The slavery culture that thrived in the South, their “peculiar institution,” was neither peaceful nor Christian. Not by the strict definition of those words. How peaceful could it have been for human beings to live in fear? To not know when the whip would fall across their back or for what reason. To be treated as property and traded, bought and sold like so much livestock. It is not a Christian thing to do, at least not in any understanding of that religion that I have. It may have been a peaceful and pastoral life for the slave owners, they may have thought that they were being generous, good masters. They may have told themselves that they were taking care of their slaves. But it is just not true. The cognitive dissonance that covered the South, clouding the Southern mind appears not yet to have dissipated. They still try to tell themselves that they were good and that the slaves were grateful but the reality is far from that. Anyone who tries to say differently is lying or trying to sell something. That something is revisionist history and it is a defective product."

Lemmie guess, Confederate Revisionists are at fault for the plight fo the black community?
April Is Confederate Revisionist History Month | Addicting Info

"......The problem is not with remembering (or even celebrating) history: the problem lies in misrepresenting history. The slavery culture that thrived in the South, their “peculiar institution,” was neither peaceful nor Christian. Not by the strict definition of those words. How peaceful could it have been for human beings to live in fear? To not know when the whip would fall across their back or for what reason. To be treated as property and traded, bought and sold like so much livestock. It is not a Christian thing to do, at least not in any understanding of that religion that I have. It may have been a peaceful and pastoral life for the slave owners, they may have thought that they were being generous, good masters. They may have told themselves that they were taking care of their slaves. But it is just not true. The cognitive dissonance that covered the South, clouding the Southern mind appears not yet to have dissipated. They still try to tell themselves that they were good and that the slaves were grateful but the reality is far from that. Anyone who tries to say differently is lying or trying to sell something. That something is revisionist history and it is a defective product."

Lemmie guess, Confederate Revisionists are at fault for the plight fo the black community?

Depends on what your definition of "plight of the black community" is.
Keep stirring the shit Poet. If we can just keep Blacks and Whites fighting with each other maybe we can get a Race War going.

You've got to just commit yourself totally, I know that's what you want. It's what the Bankers and the Military Industrial Complex wants too.

Excuse me? Do I know you? Do you know me? I think not. I tell you what, though. You won't run over me, without a fight.
There is already a race war, in effect. It's been going on since slavery. You people can't seem to get over it, or get along.

Blacks killing blacks. Is that what you call a "race war"?

The number one cause of death for young black males is homicide.

Young black males die from gun violence at a rate 2.5 time higher than latino males and eight times higher than white males.

So if you people are at war. You're going to lose.

On please. Like that isn't a direct result of slavery and Jim Crow. Divide, mislead and conquer. You (whites) set it up that way. Tearing families apart...emasculating men, and raping women. And after the indoctrination following Emancipation, you now claim "foul", and that the problem is "ours" and you had no hand in it?
Deny folks the opportunity to work and fend for themselves...deny them the right to a comprehensive education....deny them the dignity to live as human beings, and you have frustration, competition, and violence directed within. Brilliant. Well-done. That it bleeds over into your collective communities is something you didn't plan on...not such a good idea (of control), after all. Just like drug use and HIV. Didn't think you'd be affected, did you?
Excuse me? Do I know you? Do you know me? I think not. I tell you what, though. You won't run over me, without a fight.
There is already a race war, in effect. It's been going on since slavery. You people can't seem to get over it, or get along.

Blacks killing blacks. Is that what you call a "race war"?

The number one cause of death for young black males is homicide.

Young black males die from gun violence at a rate 2.5 time higher than latino males and eight times higher than white males.

So if you people are at war. You're going to lose.

On please. Like that isn't a direct result of slavery and Jim Crow. Divide, mislead and conquer. You (whites) set it up that way. Tearing families apart...emasculating men, and raping women. And after the indoctrination following Emancipation, you now claim "foul", and that the problem is "ours" and you had no hand in it?
Deny folks the opportunity to work and fend for themselves...deny them the right to a comprehensive education....deny them the dignity to live as human beings, and you have frustration, competition, and violence directed within. Brilliant. Well-done. That it bleeds over into your collective communities is something you didn't plan on...not such a good idea (of control), after all. Just like drug use and HIV. Didn't think you'd be affected, did you?

You - racist asshole - are every bit the ridiculous clown these other racist assholes are. You are just coming at your little performance from the opposite direction. You and these douchebags like yidnar, lonestar, matthew, et. al. are just two sides of the same shit-coin. You all deserve each other and you're all nothing but a blight on a great nation.
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