AR-15 bullet "has so much energy that it can disintegrate 3 inches of leg bone. It would just turn it to dust” -Donald Jenkins, trauma surgeon @UTexas

If you think a .223 can do a lot of damage to the human body you should see what a three round burst of .50 caliber from a Ma Duce can do.
Don't worry. The bed wetters will get to that later.
Have you ever shot a bullet into a lead block?
Every year, 117,345 people are shot. There were a total of 45,222 firearm deaths in the US in 2020

And you went idiot...

24,292 of the firearm deaths in 2020 were suicides...which do not count, considering that South Korea, Japan, and China all manage to commit suicide without access to numbers larger than ours.....

Meanwhile, Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives...from rape, robbery, murder, beatings, stabbings, and even from mass public shootings.......

Can you tell which number is bigger?
The whole point is that with experience comes knowledge. Knowing what is "bullet proof" and what isn't. So when you hear tales of a silver dollar, or a zippo lighter stopping a bullet, it's a subset of available cartridges.

At 200 yards the 30-06 has way more energy than the 30-30 did out of the barrel. The 30-30 is lighter, easier on the arm and the most fun of any firearms Ive ever shot. I shoot only Lever Evolution bullets thru it, and they are 2/3s the power of the 30-06 out to 150 yards, then its downhill from there.
The whole point is that with experience comes knowledge. Knowing what is "bullet proof" and what isn't. So when you hear tales of a silver dollar, or a zippo lighter stopping a bullet, it's a subset of available cartridges.

And knowing that rifles do not make it more likely people will be killed in mass public shootings is wisdom...something you lack...........

Most mass public shootings take place in areas the distance of hallways ...... so the rifle has no advantage over shotguns or pistols. The factor that determines how many are killed is the time the killer has to shoot before someone with another gun shoots back at them......

We know this from the last two mass public shootings that were stopped by civillians with pistols, who stopped mass public shooters who were armed with rifles....
At 200 yards the 30-06 has way more energy than the 30-30 did out of the barrel. The 30-30 is lighter, easier on the arm and the most fun of any firearms Ive ever shot. I shoot only Lever Evolution bullets thru it, and they are 2/3s the power of the 30-06 out to 150 yards, then its downhill from there.

Doesn't matter to your point....the idiot Doctor quoted in the title should have his medical license revoked for being an idiot........

You are trying to say the 5.56 is a special isn't.........and trying to say we need to ban rifles because they fire that bullet is just f*****g stupid.
At 200 yards the 30-06 has way more energy than the 30-30 did out of the barrel. The 30-30 is lighter, easier on the arm and the most fun of any firearms Ive ever shot. I shoot only Lever Evolution bullets thru it, and they are 2/3s the power of the 30-06 out to 150 yards, then its downhill from there.


Most mass public shootings take place in areas the distance of hallways ...... so the rifle has no advantage over shotguns or pistols. The factor that determines how many are killed is the time the killer has to shoot before someone with another gun shoots back at them......

First off, rifles by their nature, fire much heavier cartridges, which means much higher combustion pressure, which means much higher muzzle energy / velocity then from a pistol.

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