Arab social media celebrating fires in Israel

Its wrong for them to celebrate something so tragic because these innocent people are losing their homes and properties. But at the same time Israel has been opressing arabs for over 60 years. They've been bulldozing and destroying their homes for decades. They commit genocide 24\7 and get away with it.

Who cares how Israel handles their own affairs? People have a right to preserve their own culture. Muslims are savages, that means they have to be dealt with in a savage manner. Muslims only understand violence.

But Muslims whine when they are on the receiving end of it.
Funny how you can't point to where the Palestinians have ever committed genocide.

Funny I never said they did commit genocide.....dumb fuck
Its wrong for them to celebrate something so tragic because these innocent people are losing their homes and properties. But at the same time Israel has been opressing arabs for over 60 years. They've been bulldozing and destroying their homes for decades. They commit genocide 24\7 and get away with it.

Who cares how Israel handles their own affairs? People have a right to preserve their own culture. Muslims are savages, that means they have to be dealt with in a savage manner. Muslims only understand violence.

But Muslims whine when they are on the receiving end of it.
Funny how you can't point to where the Palestinians have ever committed genocide.

Funny, the Arab population in Israel is growing faster than the Jewish one. Not very good "genocide" on behalf of the Israelis if you ask me.
One nation for Jews, many nations for Muslims and still libs keep the hate alive.
Tends to happen when you STEAL,MURDER,TERRORIZE,etc to get that land. Oh and where are our lands JUST for whites? They are invaded by non whites with Jews praising it and helping it.

How do you think Muslims acquire land? I applaud anyone who pushes back on Muslims.
You are an Anti American are Pro Israel Anti American. Simple as that cupcake.

I'm not pro-Israel. They are their own country and free to govern however they want. I personally could care less how they treat Muslim dogs.
They are doing it with MY tax dollars. So yeah we should all care.

I agree we should but off foreign aid to them. If they can't stand on their own, they don't belong there.
Its wrong for them to celebrate something so tragic because these innocent people are losing their homes and properties. But at the same time Israel has been opressing arabs for over 60 years. They've been bulldozing and destroying their homes for decades. They commit genocide 24\7 and get away with it.

Who cares how Israel handles their own affairs? People have a right to preserve their own culture. Muslims are savages, that means they have to be dealt with in a savage manner. Muslims only understand violence.

But Muslims whine when they are on the receiving end of it.
Funny how you can't point to where the Palestinians have ever committed genocide.

Funny I never said they did commit genocide.....dumb fuck
But that's exactly what Israel is doing. I know you don't care. More of that christiantard brainwashing doing its job.
Its wrong for them to celebrate something so tragic because these innocent people are losing their homes and properties. But at the same time Israel has been opressing arabs for over 60 years. They've been bulldozing and destroying their homes for decades. They commit genocide 24\7 and get away with it.

Who cares how Israel handles their own affairs? People have a right to preserve their own culture. Muslims are savages, that means they have to be dealt with in a savage manner. Muslims only understand violence.

But Muslims whine when they are on the receiving end of it.
Funny how you can't point to where the Palestinians have ever committed genocide.

Funny, the Arab population in Israel is growing faster than the Jewish one. Not very good "genocide" on behalf of the Israelis if you ask me.
Its the only way for Arabs to fight back. Outbreed the enemy. Genocide is working just fine,you obviously don't understand how genocide works there are MANY ways to commit genocide.
Its wrong for them to celebrate something so tragic because these innocent people are losing their homes and properties. But at the same time Israel has been opressing arabs for over 60 years. They've been bulldozing and destroying their homes for decades. They commit genocide 24\7 and get away with it.

Who cares how Israel handles their own affairs? People have a right to preserve their own culture. Muslims are savages, that means they have to be dealt with in a savage manner. Muslims only understand violence.

But Muslims whine when they are on the receiving end of it.
Funny how you can't point to where the Palestinians have ever committed genocide.

Funny, the Arab population in Israel is growing faster than the Jewish one. Not very good "genocide" on behalf of the Israelis if you ask me.
Its the only way for Arabs to fight back. Outbreed the enemy. Genocide is working just fine,you obviously don't understand how genocide works there are MANY ways to commit genocide.

Yes, my definition of genocide is obviously different than yours. They aren't exterminating Arabs. Yes they can be brutal with them, but with Muslims you have to be. Just look at the history of Islam and how many people they've killed. Islamists want to kill Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, and Jews the most. You have to beat Muslims over the head with a very big club to keep them in line. You must be one of those dumb twats that think Muslims are nice people and will make great neighbors. Go visit a nice Muslim country, and introduce yourself as a Jew or a queer, and see how well you get treated.
Who cares how Israel handles their own affairs? People have a right to preserve their own culture. Muslims are savages, that means they have to be dealt with in a savage manner. Muslims only understand violence.

But Muslims whine when they are on the receiving end of it.
Funny how you can't point to where the Palestinians have ever committed genocide.

Funny, the Arab population in Israel is growing faster than the Jewish one. Not very good "genocide" on behalf of the Israelis if you ask me.
Its the only way for Arabs to fight back. Outbreed the enemy. Genocide is working just fine,you obviously don't understand how genocide works there are MANY ways to commit genocide.

Yes, my definition of genocide is obviously different than yours. They aren't exterminating Arabs. Yes they can be brutal with them, but with Muslims you have to be. Just look at the history of Islam and how many people they've killed. Islamists want to kill Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, and Jews the most. You have to beat Muslims over the head with a very big club to keep them in line. You must be one of those dumb twats that think Muslims are nice people and will make great neighbors. Go visit a nice Muslim country, and introduce yourself as a Jew or a queer, and see how well you get treated.

Funny you mentioned Islamist wanting to kill Hindus but didn't mention the terrorist Hindus that have been doing the same. Hindus in India have been killing and oppressing Muslims for years. One of the reasons Pakistan came about was because of India's treatment of Muslims.

In Sri Lanka the Buddhist majority have started oppressing the Muslim minority.

You love mentioning the things Muslim terrorist groups do but don't mention the shit other terrorist groups of other faiths and ethnicities have done.

There are extremist from every religion. You just unaware of them because you have a very narrow view of the world which is typical for a right winger like yourself. Have you even been to a Muslim country before? Or better yet , do you even know a Muslim?

Christian right wingers care more about Shariah law and extremist groups like ISIS than Muslims do. Most Muslims don't even give a crap about Shariah law. Especially since most Muslim country aren't even following it. But Christian right wingers seemed to be obessed with it. Right wingers know more about Shariah law rules and regulations than most muslims do.

It absolutely disgusting you think Muslims should be treated poorly because you just dont like them. I dont like republicans but it doesn't mean I think they should be treated any different or beat over the head with a club.

You got some serious hatred in your heart brother.
Israeli Security Forces on Saturday detained a Palestinian suspect who was sighted on security footage igniting a fire in the northwestern Etzion region.

Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel will consider arson an act of terrorism, ... “Every fire caused by arson or incitement to arson is terror and will be treated as such,” he said.
I agree with Bibi. :clap2:

Footage captures West Bank arsonist in the act

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