Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump

I for one really don't care if the Archbishop gets why I voted for Trump or not there however was one overriding reason why I voted for Trump the then empty seat on the Supreme Court. A President will be in office for eight years max a Supreme Court Justice could be on the bench anywhere from thirty to fifty years and the decisions they make will have a far more lasting impact on our lives and I for one did want another Clinton putting another Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the court.
Simple, Archbishop. What is being called "Christianity" today in the U.S. is a falsehood, a bastardization of the faith. The "Christian" fundamentalists in the U.S. are not actually followers of the teachings of Jesus. Far from. They are a cult that has insulted the Christian brand and dragged it, and the teachings and life of Jesus, through the mud. It's pathetic.
The Christian faith is supposed to have high standards. Instead we get low-life gutter people like "Focus on the Family," the "Family Research Council," Frankie Graham, Dobson, Timmy Dolan, Pat Robertson, the "Duck" guy. There are Christians here in the U.S. who are trying to uphold the sanctity, honor, and holiness of the faith, but they do not have a place in front of the microphone. Those who repudiate the life and teachings of Jesus, but "praise his name" but not his doings are now in control.

Compared to the fake Christians in the Church of England..........
Provide evidence to support your claim that Church of England Christians are fake Christians.

Had he anything to say about the multiple muslim operated rape rings in his country preying on young christian girls, or is that somehow different?
That's different. These bubble heads in europe know they have to keep their cake holes shut about islam and its culture of blood and death now that they've given their country over to them, or they'll be the ones having their head lopped off in public someday by a religion of peace muslim.
Seriously, deeply idiotic statement. If this is an example of how Christians think, God help them.
Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump
Source: ITV

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said he does not understand why Christians have given such support for Donald Trump but he would be willing to sit down with the US leader.

The Most Reverend Justin Welby said he "really genuinely" does not comprehend why fundamentalist church-goers have been such a support base for Mr Trump as he appeared on the ITV Peston on Sunday show.


Asked about Mr Trump's support from fundamentalist Christians in the US, he replied: "There's two things going through my mind: do I say what I think, or do I say what I should say?


"I really genuinely do not understand where that is coming from."


Read more: Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump

Dude, they're willing to sell Jesus done the road to get back at liberals. They're a bunch of sick fuckers.
That's the sad part. To get back at liberals for what? Being more successful? Having jobs? Getting millions healthcare, including Republicans?
I started a thread asking people to boast about what makes them proud of their party and the GOP couldn't name anything?
What are you going to say? We are working to cut healthcare for millions? We're racist? We want to give tax cuts to needy billionaires?
Except for the racism, they can't seem to name anything they are proud of.
Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump
Source: ITV

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said he does not understand why Christians have given such support for Donald Trump but he would be willing to sit down with the US leader.

The Most Reverend Justin Welby said he "really genuinely" does not comprehend why fundamentalist church-goers have been such a support base for Mr Trump as he appeared on the ITV Peston on Sunday show.


Asked about Mr Trump's support from fundamentalist Christians in the US, he replied: "There's two things going through my mind: do I say what I think, or do I say what I should say?


"I really genuinely do not understand where that is coming from."


Read more: Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump

Dude, they're willing to sell Jesus done the road to get back at liberals. They're a bunch of sick fuckers.

The Archbishop of Canterbury who supports Sharia law in the UK? Ya fuck him.
Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump
Source: ITV

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said he does not understand why Christians have given such support for Donald Trump but he would be willing to sit down with the US leader.

The Most Reverend Justin Welby said he "really genuinely" does not comprehend why fundamentalist church-goers have been such a support base for Mr Trump as he appeared on the ITV Peston on Sunday show.


Asked about Mr Trump's support from fundamentalist Christians in the US, he replied: "There's two things going through my mind: do I say what I think, or do I say what I should say?


"I really genuinely do not understand where that is coming from."


Read more: Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump

Dude, they're willing to sell Jesus done the road to get back at liberals. They're a bunch of sick fuckers.

I'm not a Christian, you blithering idiot. Nor do I give a fuck what Christians think of Trump one way or the other. I support Trump to keep the psychotically America-hating, white-hating, anti-free-speech, VERY violent, Islam-human-condom, liberalfilth abominations out of power. Unlike liberals, I don't want this country to be the world's free doormat. Religion is not a factor.
Simple, Archbishop. What is being called "Christianity" today in the U.S. is a falsehood, a bastardization of the faith. The "Christian" fundamentalists in the U.S. are not actually followers of the teachings of Jesus. Far from. They are a cult that has insulted the Christian brand and dragged it, and the teachings and life of Jesus, through the mud. It's pathetic.
The Christian faith is supposed to have high standards. Instead we get low-life gutter people like "Focus on the Family," the "Family Research Council," Frankie Graham, Dobson, Timmy Dolan, Pat Robertson, the "Duck" guy. There are Christians here in the U.S. who are trying to uphold the sanctity, honor, and holiness of the faith, but they do not have a place in front of the microphone. Those who repudiate the life and teachings of Jesus, but "praise his name" but not his doings are now in control.
You're nuts! Get thee behind me Satan.
Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump
Source: ITV

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said he does not understand why Christians have given such support for Donald Trump but he would be willing to sit down with the US leader.

The Most Reverend Justin Welby said he "really genuinely" does not comprehend why fundamentalist church-goers have been such a support base for Mr Trump as he appeared on the ITV Peston on Sunday show.


Asked about Mr Trump's support from fundamentalist Christians in the US, he replied: "There's two things going through my mind: do I say what I think, or do I say what I should say?


"I really genuinely do not understand where that is coming from."


Read more: Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump

Dude, they're willing to sell Jesus done the road to get back at liberals. They're a bunch of sick fuckers.

I think the Arch Bishop of Canterbury doesn't understand Christians or Christianity.
Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump
Source: ITV

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said he does not understand why Christians have given such support for Donald Trump but he would be willing to sit down with the US leader.

The Most Reverend Justin Welby said he "really genuinely" does not comprehend why fundamentalist church-goers have been such a support base for Mr Trump as he appeared on the ITV Peston on Sunday show.


Asked about Mr Trump's support from fundamentalist Christians in the US, he replied: "There's two things going through my mind: do I say what I think, or do I say what I should say?


"I really genuinely do not understand where that is coming from."


Read more: Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump

Dude, they're willing to sell Jesus done the road to get back at liberals. They're a bunch of sick fuckers.

I think the Arch Bishop of Canterbury doesn't understand Christians or Christianity.

how can one understand what does not exist?
Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump
Source: ITV

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said he does not understand why Christians have given such support for Donald Trump but he would be willing to sit down with the US leader.

The Most Reverend Justin Welby said he "really genuinely" does not comprehend why fundamentalist church-goers have been such a support base for Mr Trump as he appeared on the ITV Peston on Sunday show.


Asked about Mr Trump's support from fundamentalist Christians in the US, he replied: "There's two things going through my mind: do I say what I think, or do I say what I should say?


"I really genuinely do not understand where that is coming from."


Read more: Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump

Dude, they're willing to sell Jesus done the road to get back at liberals. They're a bunch of sick fuckers.

I think the Arch Bishop of Canterbury doesn't understand Christians or Christianity.

how can one understand what does not exist?

I've seen Christians with my own eyes. I know they exist.
Well now that the GOP has become the Grand Old Perverts party, does it need any explanation?
Perverts? Moore is being accused, no facts. So far there are close to 20 democrat liberals who HAVE molested in fact.
Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump
Source: ITV

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said he does not understand why Christians have given such support for Donald Trump but he would be willing to sit down with the US leader.

The Most Reverend Justin Welby said he "really genuinely" does not comprehend why fundamentalist church-goers have been such a support base for Mr Trump as he appeared on the ITV Peston on Sunday show.


Asked about Mr Trump's support from fundamentalist Christians in the US, he replied: "There's two things going through my mind: do I say what I think, or do I say what I should say?


"I really genuinely do not understand where that is coming from."


Read more: Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump

Dude, they're willing to sell Jesus done the road to get back at liberals. They're a bunch of sick fuckers.

That's OK. The feeling is mutual.

I don't understand a church that remained silent during the Holocaust just to save their own skin.

Likewise, I don't understand a church that recognized abortion as murder and seemingly lets this Holocaust go under the radar as well.

No, instead, the Pope just gives sermons on the evils of global warming and the righteousness of government redistribution while condemning anyone that wants to build a border wall as evil, even though Nehemiah did it to protect the city of Jerusalem.

Of course, what I most don't understand is the institutionalization of pedophilia within the Catholic church.

Very sick bunch.
Simple, Archbishop. What is being called "Christianity" today in the U.S. is a falsehood, a bastardization of the faith. The "Christian" fundamentalists in the U.S. are not actually followers of the teachings of Jesus. Far from. They are a cult that has insulted the Christian brand and dragged it, and the teachings and life of Jesus, through the mud. It's pathetic.
The Christian faith is supposed to have high standards. Instead we get low-life gutter people like "Focus on the Family," the "Family Research Council," Frankie Graham, Dobson, Timmy Dolan, Pat Robertson, the "Duck" guy. There are Christians here in the U.S. who are trying to uphold the sanctity, honor, and holiness of the faith, but they do not have a place in front of the microphone. Those who repudiate the life and teachings of Jesus, but "praise his name" but not his doings are now in control.
Yep. Even Gandhi said they suck.
Quote by Mahatma Gandhi : “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christia...”

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