Arctic heating up at twice as fast as rest of globe

The reality is that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice is at record lows for this time of year.





Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
OH NOEZ! All those people not dying from weather and all those millions of acres now available for farming! OH THE HUMANITY!
Arctic heating up twice as fast as rest of the globe -

MMGW deniers are dumber than shit & the Trump cabinet is full of them.

Our grandchildren are fucked.
Damn right they are!
Not to mention, their children and their children's children....
20 trillion dollars in debt and continues to grow....
by the second, minute, hour, day, month and year, in interest alone

Global warming is a farce, if anything we are seeing the consequences
of damaging ecosystems and the subsequent effect to every other!
Arctic heating up twice as fast as rest of the globe -

MMGW deniers are dumber than shit & the Trump cabinet is full of them.

Our grandchildren are fucked.
Damn right they are!
Not to mention, their children and their children's children....
20 trillion dollars in debt and continues to grow....
by the second, minute, hour, day, month and year, in interest alone

Global warming is a farce, if anything we are seeing the consequences
of damaging ecosystems and the subsequent effect to every other!
Really? You base this on what? Ever read any of the science involved in the warming of our planet? Or do you just spout off without the slightest knowledge of the subject on every issue?

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
The reality is that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice is at record lows for this time of year.





Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
OH NOEZ! All those people not dying from weather and all those millions of acres now available for farming! OH THE HUMANITY!
View attachment 102212
Now dumb little ass, why don't you just tell us about those millions of acres that are available for farming. Where are they?
Arctic heating up twice as fast as rest of the globe -

MMGW deniers are dumber than shit & the Trump cabinet is full of them.

Our grandchildren are fucked.
Retired climate professor admits global warming will not destroy Earth
A retired professor and glacier expert has publicly declared global warming a good thing. He also refuses to go along with many of his scientific peers who he says have urged him to be in lockstep with former Vice President Al Gore – “the drum major in the parade denouncing global warming as an unmitigated disaster.”

College Prof Retires and Admits Global Warming is a Lie

It's a racket so all the global warming fools bit the bs lie which helped the Global Corporations make billions off this lie.
it spider webs out into multiple areas............. Solar panels, wind farms, think of the productions that go into those, think of the money made creating them, selling them, people buying them...
And how much did this pay this senile old fart?

Every single Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. But you people prefer to believe fat junkies on the AM radio, and fake English lords. LOL
The reality is that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice is at record lows for this time of year.





Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
OH NOEZ! All those people not dying from weather and all those millions of acres now available for farming! OH THE HUMANITY!
View attachment 102212
Now dumb little ass, why don't you just tell us about those millions of acres that are available for farming. Where are they?
Want me to teach you about the geography of Canada and Russia too?
I love how liberals cite global warming with maps that go back 100 years.

Morons, the earth is 4.5 BILLION YEARS OLD. You need to look further back than 100 years to prove ANYTHING.
They start with when there were enough recorded temps.

To say they ignore the older stuff is just you being a dumbass.

They do ignore older stuff, because those trends don't show global warming at all. And even if the globe is warming, doesn't mean man caused it.

Game. Set. Match.
Damn. You are about a stupid ass. No warming? Then why is the Arctic Ice melting? The Greenland Ice Cap, also? And the alpine glaciers. Like over 90% of the glaciers in Alaska are melting.

CO2 and CH4 are GHGs. We have added over 42% more CO2 to the atmosphere than was present prior to the industrial revolution. Another 150% CH4. And you think that is not going to affect the amount of energy that the Earth retains.
The reality is that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice is at record lows for this time of year.





Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
OH NOEZ! All those people not dying from weather and all those millions of acres now available for farming! OH THE HUMANITY!
View attachment 102212
Now dumb little ass, why don't you just tell us about those millions of acres that are available for farming. Where are they?
OK class, here we go!
Pre manmade gorebal warming land use in Canada.

Brown = bad
Let me know if I'm going to fast for you.
The reality is that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice is at record lows for this time of year.





Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
OH NOEZ! All those people not dying from weather and all those millions of acres now available for farming! OH THE HUMANITY!
View attachment 102212
Now dumb little ass, why don't you just tell us about those millions of acres that are available for farming. Where are they?
Want me to teach you about the geography of Canada and Russia too?
The soil that would grow the crops in Canada is mostly in the US. There were these little items called continental glaciers that pushed it down there. So I guess that a dumb ass like you has nothing to teach me.
I love how liberals cite global warming with maps that go back 100 years.

Morons, the earth is 4.5 BILLION YEARS OLD. You need to look further back than 100 years to prove ANYTHING.
They start with when there were enough recorded temps.

To say they ignore the older stuff is just you being a dumbass.

They do ignore older stuff, because those trends don't show global warming at all. And even if the globe is warming, doesn't mean man caused it.

Game. Set. Match.
Damn. You are about a stupid ass. No warming? Then why is the Arctic Ice melting? The Greenland Ice Cap, also? And the alpine glaciers. Like over 90% of the glaciers in Alaska are melting.

CO2 and CH4 are GHGs. We have added over 42% more CO2 to the atmosphere than was present prior to the industrial revolution. Another 150% CH4. And you think that is not going to affect the amount of energy that the Earth retains.
Glacier Bay glacier in Alaska receded 44 miles in less than 80 years.
In the 1800's before the industrial revolution ever started.
The reality is that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice is at record lows for this time of year.





Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
OH NOEZ! All those people not dying from weather and all those millions of acres now available for farming! OH THE HUMANITY!
View attachment 102212
Now dumb little ass, why don't you just tell us about those millions of acres that are available for farming. Where are they?
Want me to teach you about the geography of Canada and Russia too?
The soil that would grow the crops in Canada is mostly in the US. There were these little items called continental glaciers that pushed it down there. So I guess that a dumb ass like you has nothing to teach me.
I see. So crops are not grown in most of Canada because of poor soil!
Not the ice!

Let me know if I'm going to fast for you with all those colors involved.
In the 70s it was greenhouse gas and global cooling.
Least we forget the hole in the ozone layer that was going to wipe out all life.
Lest we forget, that was never the contention. But it would have created a decline in life in the oceans and on land. And we diminished the use of the chemicals that were destroying the stratospheric ozone, by international treaty, and the situation is much improved. The same as we can diminish the amount of GHGs that we are emitting by the Paris Treaty. Provided the orange clown does not abrogate that treaty, and the other nations sanction us, and we end up in an economic situation worse than the one Bush left us in.
The reality is that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice is at record lows for this time of year.





Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
OH NOEZ! All those people not dying from weather and all those millions of acres now available for farming! OH THE HUMANITY!
View attachment 102212
Now dumb little ass, why don't you just tell us about those millions of acres that are available for farming. Where are they?
Want me to teach you about the geography of Canada and Russia too?
The soil that would grow the crops in Canada is mostly in the US. There were these little items called continental glaciers that pushed it down there. So I guess that a dumb ass like you has nothing to teach me.
So tell me, what would happen to this line if the earth warmed?
It was never voted on.

It was voted down, 95-0.

When Kyota was signed, global warming was not a partisan issue

I agree, Dems were still concerned about economic impacts at that time.
No, it was not. Kyota was never voted on. Get better informed. Both parties were concerned. It was later that Republicans decided that their re-election was more important than science & dumbed down their party

The Byrd–Hagel Resolution was a United States Senate Resolution passed unanimously with a vote of 95–0 on 25 July 1997, sponsored by Senators Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Robert Byrd (D-WV). The resolution stated that it was not the sense of the Senate that the United States should be a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol.[1]

Byrd–Hagel Resolution - Wikipedia

Both parties were concerned.

Yup. They united, 95-0, against Kyoto.

That was a vote taken before the Kyota was even signed on what any agreement should contain. It was not a vote on a signed agreement. So no, Kyota was never voted on.

That was a vote taken before the Kyota was even signed on

Both parties agreed, we shouldn't be a signatory to Kyoto.....95-0.

But it was not a vote to approve a signed agreement like you lied about.

I asked, "When they cared, how many votes did Kyoto get in the US Senate?"

Looks like the answer was ZERO.
We have made progress. But it was fought by Obama.

What contributed most to our reduction of CO2 emissions?
So how was Obama against our emission reductions?

You really don't know why our emissions decreased?
I can't say I'm surprised.
I'm waiting for you. Oh wise one. Tell us Obama fought reductions in emissions.

Tell us Obama fought reductions in emissions.

He was anti-fracking.
In the 70s it was greenhouse gas and global cooling.
Least we forget the hole in the ozone layer that was going to wipe out all life.
Lest we forget, that was never the contention. But it would have created a decline in life in the oceans and on land. And we diminished the use of the chemicals that were destroying the stratospheric ozone, by international treaty, and the situation is much improved. The same as we can diminish the amount of GHGs that we are emitting by the Paris Treaty. Provided the orange clown does not abrogate that treaty, and the other nations sanction us, and we end up in an economic situation worse than the one Bush left us in.
They said it takes a hundred years for CFC's to reach the ozone layer.
Yet it's improved? What about my great grandma's hair spray when she was 20?
The reality is that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice is at record lows for this time of year.





Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
OH NOEZ! All those people not dying from weather and all those millions of acres now available for farming! OH THE HUMANITY!
View attachment 102212
Now dumb little ass, why don't you just tell us about those millions of acres that are available for farming. Where are they?
OK class, here we go!
Pre manmade gorebal warming land use in Canada.
View attachment 102219
Brown = bad
Let me know if I'm going to fast for you.
Yes, brown equals bad, lands not suitable for agriculture. Like most of Canada.

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