Arctic heating up at twice as fast as rest of globe

LOL So the earth is 4.5 BILLION years old and the only data that matters is from 2014 to 2016?

I say again, you a dumb mutha fucka.

So Antarctic ice being at record high levels is ignored? And you fucking liberals wonder why you lose elections and why people tell you you're fucking full of shit.

It's time for someone with a fucking brain to run this country. Obama hasn't earned a dollar in the private sector. Trump has earned billions. Thank God for Trump and thank god that racist niggerr in the white house won't be there but a few more weeks.
Ah, but the Antarctic Sea Ice right now is at record lows. Apparently you are unable to read a simple graph.
Arctic heating up twice as fast as rest of the globe -

MMGW deniers are dumber than shit & the Trump cabinet is full of them.

Our grandchildren are fucked.
Retired climate professor admits global warming will not destroy Earth
A retired professor and glacier expert has publicly declared global warming a good thing. He also refuses to go along with many of his scientific peers who he says have urged him to be in lockstep with former Vice President Al Gore – “the drum major in the parade denouncing global warming as an unmitigated disaster.”

College Prof Retires and Admits Global Warming is a Lie

It's a racket so all the global warming fools bit the bs lie which helped the Global Corporations make billions off this lie.
it spider webs out into multiple areas............. Solar panels, wind farms, think of the productions that go into those, think of the money made creating them, selling them, people buying them...
Who said the Earth would be destroyed? Only morons like you. It was clear as to the effects of rising temps & what the possibilities could be.
They obviously think that if they die that means the earth will be destroyed. Such narcissism.
LOL So the earth is 4.5 BILLION years old and the only data that matters is from 2014 to 2016?

I say again, you a dumb mutha fucka.

So Antarctic ice being at record high levels is ignored? And you fucking liberals wonder why you lose elections and why people tell you you're fucking full of shit.

It's time for someone with a fucking brain to run this country. Obama hasn't earned a dollar in the private sector. Trump has earned billions. Thank God for Trump and thank god that racist niggerr in the white house won't be there but a few more weeks.

Ignorance. Pure ignorance
That was a vote taken before the Kyota was even signed on what any agreement should contain. It was not a vote on a signed agreement. So no, Kyota was never voted on.

That was a vote taken before the Kyota was even signed on

Both parties agreed, we shouldn't be a signatory to Kyoto.....95-0.

But it was not a vote to approve a signed agreement like you lied about.

I asked, "When they cared, how many votes did Kyoto get in the US Senate?"

Looks like the answer was ZERO.
Kyota was never brought before the Senate.

You are referring to a resolution passed before Kyopta was finalized & signed.

Quit lying.

Something with the name Kyoto in the title came up for a vote in the Senate.

"When they cared, how many votes did Kyoto get in the US Senate?"

It received ZERO votes for, 95 votes AGAINST.
I guess none of the Senators cared about the environment....LOL!

Byrd Hagel is not Kyoto
That was a vote taken before the Kyota was even signed on

Both parties agreed, we shouldn't be a signatory to Kyoto.....95-0.

But it was not a vote to approve a signed agreement like you lied about.

I asked, "When they cared, how many votes did Kyoto get in the US Senate?"

Looks like the answer was ZERO.
Kyota was never brought before the Senate.

You are referring to a resolution passed before Kyopta was finalized & signed.

Quit lying.

Something with the name Kyoto in the title came up for a vote in the Senate.

"When they cared, how many votes did Kyoto get in the US Senate?"

It received ZERO votes for, 95 votes AGAINST.
I guess none of the Senators cared about the environment....LOL!

Byrd Hagel is not Kyoto

The 95-0 vote against the US becoming a signatory showed that the US Senate didn't want to damage our economy by punishing CO2.

So much for "caring", eh?
But it was not a vote to approve a signed agreement like you lied about.

I asked, "When they cared, how many votes did Kyoto get in the US Senate?"

Looks like the answer was ZERO.
Kyota was never brought before the Senate.

You are referring to a resolution passed before Kyopta was finalized & signed.

Quit lying.

Something with the name Kyoto in the title came up for a vote in the Senate.

"When they cared, how many votes did Kyoto get in the US Senate?"

It received ZERO votes for, 95 votes AGAINST.
I guess none of the Senators cared about the environment....LOL!

Byrd Hagel is not Kyoto

The 95-0 vote against the US becoming a signatory showed that the US Senate didn't want to damage our economy by punishing CO2.

So much for "caring", eh?
You said Kyoto was in the title. You lied.
I asked, "When they cared, how many votes did Kyoto get in the US Senate?"

Looks like the answer was ZERO.
Kyota was never brought before the Senate.

You are referring to a resolution passed before Kyopta was finalized & signed.

Quit lying.

Something with the name Kyoto in the title came up for a vote in the Senate.

"When they cared, how many votes did Kyoto get in the US Senate?"

It received ZERO votes for, 95 votes AGAINST.
I guess none of the Senators cared about the environment....LOL!

Byrd Hagel is not Kyoto

The 95-0 vote against the US becoming a signatory showed that the US Senate didn't want to damage our economy by punishing CO2.

So much for "caring", eh?
You said Kyoto was in the title. You lied.

The Senate only took one vote on Kyoto.
Kyoto lost, 95-0. Is that your proof that the Senate cared about CO2?
Arctic heating up twice as fast as rest of the globe -

MMGW deniers are dumber than shit & the Trump cabinet is full of them.

Our grandchildren are fucked.

Why would anyone be fucked if the Arctic heats up? There have been times in Earth's history when the climate was much warmer than now. It's a natural cycle for the Earth to warm up long after an ice age.

Keep the hysteria going though, the Agenda is all that really matters, right?

Not that people like theHawk would ever bother to listen to a presentation by someone with expertise in that field. He values his ignorance far too much for that. But Dr. Francis lays out very well why the rapid warm up of the Arctic matters to us. And, since this is an older presentation, makes some very astute predictions that we have seen, and are seeing, come true.
Arctic heating up twice as fast as rest of the globe -

MMGW deniers are dumber than shit & the Trump cabinet is full of them.

Our grandchildren are fucked.

Why would anyone be fucked if the Arctic heats up? There have been times in Earth's history when the climate was much warmer than now. It's a natural cycle for the Earth to warm up long after an ice age.

Keep the hysteria going though, the Agenda is all that really matters, right?
Ignorance is bliss.
Funny how anyone who doesn't buy into the alarmist left wing bull shit is ignorant.

Record cold in the northeast, is this global warming too?
Fake climate scientists find the Arctic either ice free or nearly so every year. The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the globe.

Every time crazy warmists believe this insanity and run up to the arctic to document the lack of ice.

Then they get stuck in the ice. If that's not bad enough, rescuers get stuck in the ice. The ice breaker gets stuck in the ice.

Hilarity ensues as the next year they do the same damn thing!
Fake climate scientists find the Arctic either ice free or nearly so every year. The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the globe.

Every time crazy warmists believe this insanity and run up to the arctic to document the lack of ice.

Then they get stuck in the ice. If that's not bad enough, rescuers get stuck in the ice. The ice breaker gets stuck in the ice.

Hilarity ensues as the next year they do the same damn thing!
Scientists are all fake & we should believe the fossil fuel industry because they have no reason to deny climate change.
Fake climate scientists find the Arctic either ice free or nearly so every year. The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the globe.

Every time crazy warmists believe this insanity and run up to the arctic to document the lack of ice.

Then they get stuck in the ice. If that's not bad enough, rescuers get stuck in the ice. The ice breaker gets stuck in the ice.

Hilarity ensues as the next year they do the same damn thing!
Scientists are all fake & we should believe the fossil fuel industry because they have no reason to deny climate change.
You should believe the astronomers who see the sun going into minima. Or the scientists who documented the medieval warm period.

You should not believe anyone getting paid to come to a political result.
Fake climate scientists find the Arctic either ice free or nearly so every year. The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the globe.

Every time crazy warmists believe this insanity and run up to the arctic to document the lack of ice.

Then they get stuck in the ice. If that's not bad enough, rescuers get stuck in the ice. The ice breaker gets stuck in the ice.

Hilarity ensues as the next year they do the same damn thing!
Scientists are all fake & we should believe the fossil fuel industry because they have no reason to deny climate change.
You should believe the astronomers who see the sun going into minima. Or the scientists who documented the medieval warm period.

You should not believe anyone getting paid to come to a political result.
The sun? Wow what a great idea that solar cycles be considered.
I am sure you thought about this and all the PhD climatologists had not clue to even consider the solar factor.

Wow, you are sooooooo smart.

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