Arctic heating up at twice as fast as rest of globe

In the 70s it was greenhouse gas and global cooling.
Least we forget the hole in the ozone layer that was going to wipe out all life.
Lest we forget, that was never the contention. But it would have created a decline in life in the oceans and on land. And we diminished the use of the chemicals that were destroying the stratospheric ozone, by international treaty, and the situation is much improved. The same as we can diminish the amount of GHGs that we are emitting by the Paris Treaty. Provided the orange clown does not abrogate that treaty, and the other nations sanction us, and we end up in an economic situation worse than the one Bush left us in.
They said it takes a hundred years for CFC's to reach the ozone layer.
Yet it's improved? What about my great grandma's hair spray when she was 20?
Stratospheric Ozone: Background Material


The debate over the existence of an ozone problem breeds media coverage. However, the real story is not whether stratospheric ozone levels are decreasing, but what those decreases may mean for life on earth. As the percentage of ozone in the atmosphere decreases, the amount of UV-B radiation reaching the surface increases. It's the UV-B radiation, not the ozone itself that concerns scientists, because the invisible wavelengths are linked to skin cancers and other biological damage.

Measuring UV-B is tricky. Levels are affected by time of day, day of the year, latitude, weather conditions, and the amount of ozone aloft. UV is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum made up of wavelengths between 280 and 400 nanometers (billionths of a meter). Most of this is UV-A light, only mildly associated with sunburn and DNA damage and relatively benign to most plant life. But the ill effects increase more than a thousandfold in the shorter wavelengths referred to as UV-B. Below 300 nanometers, the rays are sparse but very damaging; near 315 nanometers they're more numerous but much less destructive. Close to 310 nanometers lies the middle ground, where the number and impact of rays combine to cause the greatest harm to humans and plants. Engineers face enormous challenges when designing instruments that can measure individual wavelengths, yet such precision is necessary to determine the amount of dangerous light entering the atmosphere.

The Story of the Ozone Hole

Although often referred to as the ozone 'hole', it is really not a hole but rather a thinning of the ozone layer in the stratosphere. We will use the term 'hole' in reference to the seasonal thinning of the ozone layer.

The appearance of a hole in the earth's ozone layer over Antarctica, first detected in 1976, was so unexpected that scientists didn't pay attention to what their instruments were telling them; they thought their instruments were malfunctioning. When that explanation proved to be erroneous, they decided they were simply recording natural variations in the amount of ozone. It wasn't until 1985 that scientists were certain they were seeing a major problem.

Why did it take scientists so long to solve this mystery? To begin with, observations that challenge preconceived ideas don't always get taken seriously, even in science. Two decades ago scientists did not suspect the importance of the chemical processes that rapidly destroy ozone in the Antarctic stratosphere. When they saw dramatic fluctuations in ozone levels, they assumed their instruments were in error, or that whatever was happening was due to natural processes like sunspot activity or volcanic eruptions.

They didn't realize that chlorine was the main culprit and that most of the chlorine in the stratosphere comes from human activity. The largest source is a class of chemical compounds known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).

A site where you can reduce your vast ignorance on this subject.
In the 70s it was greenhouse gas and global cooling.
Least we forget the hole in the ozone layer that was going to wipe out all life.
Lest we forget, that was never the contention. But it would have created a decline in life in the oceans and on land. And we diminished the use of the chemicals that were destroying the stratospheric ozone, by international treaty, and the situation is much improved. The same as we can diminish the amount of GHGs that we are emitting by the Paris Treaty. Provided the orange clown does not abrogate that treaty, and the other nations sanction us, and we end up in an economic situation worse than the one Bush left us in.

we can diminish the amount of GHGs that we are emitting by the Paris Treaty.

No Paris Treaty was ratified by the US Senate.
Stratospheric Ozone: Background Material

Since 1974 scientists have known that chlorine can destroy ozone, but no one thought the destruction would be very rapid. Events over the Antarctic region proved them wrong. The ozone hole story began at Halley Bay in Antarctica, where British scientists had been measuring ozone in the atmosphere since 1957. In 1976 they detected a 10% drop in ozone levels during September, October, and November—the Antarctic spring. Since ozone concentrations over this region often vary from season to season, the researchers weren't concerned, even as the springtime declines occurred repeatedly. It wasn't until their instruments registered record low levels of ozone in 1983 that they realized something important was happening. By then, record springtime ozone declines had occurred during seven of the previous eight years.


Within two years, scientists determined that the ozone hole over Antarctica occurs when high levels of chlorine catalytically destroy ozone. The high levels of active chlorine are formed in the cold, dark winter stratosphere when reactions on the surface of icy cloud particles release chlorine from harmless (to ozone) chemical compounds into an active form that reacts with ozone. When the sunlight returns to the polar region in the austral spring, the active chlorine rapidly begins to destroy ozone. The extremely cold ice clouds can form over both poles during winter, but they are more common over the Antarctic region. During winter, atmospheric circulation creates a whirlpool, or vortex, of air above both poles. Very low temperatures occur inside a polar vortex, which is isolated from the rest of the atmosphere. The extreme cold fosters the formation of ice clouds during the winter and paves the way for the destruction of ozone when the light returns during spring. Scientists documented this mechanism in a series of field experiments in 1987. The graphic below compares the ozone averages (measured in Dobson Units) over Antarctica for the periods 1970-72, 1979, and 1992-95.


Not that I think that you will. The willfully ignorant seem incapable of understanding anything outside of their political alternative universe.
The arctic ice cap is not shrinking.

Updated NASA Data: Global Warming Not Causing Any Polar Ice Retreat

In the 70s it was believed that by the year 2000 the only habitable part of the earth would be a small strip around the equator. The rest of the world, locked in ice.

When the year 2000 got here it was believed that children born in 2010 would never see snow.
The only people believing twaddle like that in the '70's were dummies like you. Most of the scientists of that period believed that warming would be a problem, is spite of the aerosol pollution.

Your opinion piece is from a lying fruitloop that knows nothing of science.

A Response to article: updated-nasa-data-polar-ice-not-receding-after-all/ In the article, "Updated NASA Data: Global Warming Not Causing Any Polar Ice Retreat”, James Taylor writes "updated data contradict one of the most frequently asserted global warming claims – that global warming is causing the polar ice caps to recede.” The author implies that since the most recent two years of polar sea totals are near the long-term average, that global warming is not causing the polar ice caps to recede. Wikipedia defines cherry-picking as: the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position ( ).

Global sea ice totals vary from one year to the next. When looking for impacts of global warming, climate scientists take a longer-term view. The long-term record of global sea ice (illustrated below) shows a long-term decline of global sea ice of about 5.5%. One is free to argue whether this decline in global sea ice is important, or whether it is a result of human impacts on the climate; however, it is misleading to claim that polar sea ice has not decreased over the historic record. In his last paragraph, Taylor correctly asserts that receding polar ice caps are an expected result of a warming planet. In fact, the data shows that this is exactly what is happening. The rest of Taylor’s article is just whitewash intended to distract readers from these facts.

Cherry-picking limited data to illustrate a point on climate change is not a compelling argument, whether it is done by those who advocate for a warming planet, or those who advocate for the opposite. Publications including arguments of this type either lack a basic understanding of science or are intentionally misleading in order to promote an agenda. Indeed, the last time global sea ice ventured into positive territory for a more than a few months (2008), a similar article was published in the Washington Post declaring that there was no reduction in global sea ice. Soon after, the Washington Post Ombudsman published a letter suggesting that the Post should avoid distorting facts to bolster arguments: http:// sid=ST2009031302712. Forbes and other media outlets would be well-served by following the Washington Post’s advice on this.
The arctic was supposed to be ice free by 2013.
Al Gore said it COULD be as soon as ".

You people keep proving that MMGW deniers are dumber than shit.

So Al was WRONG ?????


So, you think that if I said you could be bald by the time your 50 you aren't bald until your 54 that it meas I lied?


If the weatherman says there is a 75 chance of snow tomorrow and it doesn't snow, that he is a liar?

No wonder you voted for rump.

I don't recall saying anything about lying.

You always make stuff up to argue against ?

Enjoy inaguration day.
Arctic heating up twice as fast as rest of the globe -

MMGW deniers are dumber than shit & the Trump cabinet is full of them.

Our grandchildren are fucked.
Damn right they are!
Not to mention, their children and their children's children....
20 trillion dollars in debt and continues to grow....
by the second, minute, hour, day, month and year, in interest alone

Global warming is a farce, if anything we are seeing the consequences
of damaging ecosystems and the subsequent effect to every other!
Really? You base this on what? Ever read any of the science involved in the warming of our planet? Or do you just spout off without the slightest knowledge of the subject on every issue?

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
Really? You base this on what? Ever read any of the science involved in the warming of our planet? Or do you just spout off without the slightest knowledge of the subject on every issue?

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
Well, that was surprisingly the best article, linked to,
by a global warmer that I've read so far.

Then you should know, by the very article you've linked to,
there is cause and effect for everything.
We are a circle of life and what is devastated or damaged
effects everything else in a trickle down effect.

Then we have the motion of tectonic plates, position of continents
changes in the earth's orbit around the sun, wind and ocean currents,
variations in solar output, changes in solar isolation, ..,..

This planet and life have been here before global warming alarmists,
and life on this planet will continue as it has....
The arctic was supposed to be ice free by 2013.
Al Gore said it COULD be as soon as ".

You people keep proving that MMGW deniers are dumber than shit.

So Al was WRONG ?????


So, you think that if I said you could be bald by the time your 50 you aren't bald until your 54 that it meas I lied?


If the weatherman says there is a 75 chance of snow tomorrow and it doesn't snow, that he is a liar?

No wonder you voted for rump.

I don't recall saying anything about lying.

You always make stuff up to argue against ?

Enjoy inaguration day.
You said he said something that was not true.

What contributed most to our reduction of CO2 emissions?
So how was Obama against our emission reductions?

You really don't know why our emissions decreased?
I can't say I'm surprised.
I'm waiting for you. Oh wise one. Tell us Obama fought reductions in emissions.

Tell us Obama fought reductions in emissions.

He was anti-fracking.

Correction. Obama was against reckless fracking. I guess, you think thaty you can't frack if it is regulated.

"The BLM rules in question include a requirement that companies drilling for oil and natural gas disclose the chemicals they use in the fracking process. They also mandate storage protocols for recovered wastewater, cement barriers between wells and water zones, and detailed disclosure of the locations of existing wells."

Why does not disclosing your frack fluid ingredients makes Fracking not work.

How does proper storage requirements not make fracking work.

You are such an ass.

Your buddy Bush passes a law that said fracking companies don't have to disclose their formulas making it impossible to identify the source pollution to groundwater due to fracking. You cheer this?

Proper well construction? Evidently we should not regulate it. Let drilling companies do whatever they want.

Why does it matter if we know where the wells are, right?

You are sofa king stupid you don;t realize what happens when aquifers are polluted.

My God, rthe oil & gas people can't survive unless they can pollute? Fuck that.
No, it was not. Kyota was never voted on. Get better informed. Both parties were concerned. It was later that Republicans decided that their re-election was more important than science & dumbed down their party

The Byrd–Hagel Resolution was a United States Senate Resolution passed unanimously with a vote of 95–0 on 25 July 1997, sponsored by Senators Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Robert Byrd (D-WV). The resolution stated that it was not the sense of the Senate that the United States should be a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol.[1]

Byrd–Hagel Resolution - Wikipedia

Both parties were concerned.

Yup. They united, 95-0, against Kyoto.

That was a vote taken before the Kyota was even signed on what any agreement should contain. It was not a vote on a signed agreement. So no, Kyota was never voted on.

That was a vote taken before the Kyota was even signed on

Both parties agreed, we shouldn't be a signatory to Kyoto.....95-0.

But it was not a vote to approve a signed agreement like you lied about.

I asked, "When they cared, how many votes did Kyoto get in the US Senate?"

Looks like the answer was ZERO.
Kyota was never brought before the Senate.

You are referring to a resolution passed before Kyopta was finalized & signed.

Quit lying.
The reality is that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice is at record lows for this time of year.





Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
OH NOEZ! All those people not dying from weather and all those millions of acres now available for farming! OH THE HUMANITY!
View attachment 102212
Now dumb little ass, why don't you just tell us about those millions of acres that are available for farming. Where are they?
Want me to teach you about the geography of Canada and Russia too?
The soil that would grow the crops in Canada is mostly in the US. There were these little items called continental glaciers that pushed it down there. So I guess that a dumb ass like you has nothing to teach me.
I see. So crops are not grown in most of Canada because of poor soil!
Not the ice!
View attachment 102221

Let me know if I'm going to fast for you with all those colors involved.

But you think that if global warming makes it too hot to grow corn/wheat in the US, that they will just grow it further north in Canada. But the sil is nt the same you moron.

Apple orhrads are leaving southern PA heading upstate New York. Why do you suppose that is
The Byrd–Hagel Resolution was a United States Senate Resolution passed unanimously with a vote of 95–0 on 25 July 1997, sponsored by Senators Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Robert Byrd (D-WV). The resolution stated that it was not the sense of the Senate that the United States should be a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol.[1]

Byrd–Hagel Resolution - Wikipedia

Both parties were concerned.

Yup. They united, 95-0, against Kyoto.

That was a vote taken before the Kyota was even signed on what any agreement should contain. It was not a vote on a signed agreement. So no, Kyota was never voted on.

That was a vote taken before the Kyota was even signed on

Both parties agreed, we shouldn't be a signatory to Kyoto.....95-0.

But it was not a vote to approve a signed agreement like you lied about.

I asked, "When they cared, how many votes did Kyoto get in the US Senate?"

Looks like the answer was ZERO.
Kyota was never brought before the Senate.

You are referring to a resolution passed before Kyopta was finalized & signed.

Quit lying.

Something with the name Kyoto in the title came up for a vote in the Senate.

"When they cared, how many votes did Kyoto get in the US Senate?"

It received ZERO votes for, 95 votes AGAINST.
I guess none of the Senators cared about the environment....LOL!
Damn. You are about a stupid ass. No warming? Then why is the Arctic Ice melting? The Greenland Ice Cap, also? And the alpine glaciers. Like over 90% of the glaciers in Alaska are melting.

Try to follow dumb fuck. The fact is, there is more fucking ice right now than there has been in a long time.

At the end of 2014 the amount of arctic sea ice exceeded all levels back to 1979.

Stupid fucking liberals.

The reality is that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice is at record lows for this time of year.





Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
OH NOEZ! All those people not dying from weather and all those millions of acres now available for farming! OH THE HUMANITY!
View attachment 102212
Now dumb little ass, why don't you just tell us about those millions of acres that are available for farming. Where are they?
OK class, here we go!
Pre manmade gorebal warming land use in Canada.
View attachment 102219
Brown = bad
Let me know if I'm going to fast for you.
Yes, brown equals bad, lands not suitable for agriculture. Like most of Canada.
Yes, permafrost makes grain growing difficult.
The reality is that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice is at record lows for this time of year.





Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
OH NOEZ! All those people not dying from weather and all those millions of acres now available for farming! OH THE HUMANITY!
View attachment 102212
Now dumb little ass, why don't you just tell us about those millions of acres that are available for farming. Where are they?
OK class, here we go!
Pre manmade gorebal warming land use in Canada.
View attachment 102219
Brown = bad
Let me know if I'm going to fast for you.
Yes, brown equals bad, lands not suitable for agriculture. Like most of Canada.
Ice caps on Mars are melting. CO2?
Apparently the rant by the eco anthropological crowd regarding evolution and adaptation of a species is BS. So is there a God after all? The earth is a living organism, designed to evolve, heal, change, and prosper. If as a species we fail to adapt we perish. So what makes us so special?

Now we are constantly bombarded with this crap about being the supreme climax species and how we can utilize scientific knowledge to change the evolutionary process. That the earth is not supposed to change, furthermore, deviations from this newly accepted scientific normal is mans fault and we can change it now?

Bull Shit, we are but a speck of sand, adapt, learn to swim, or perish. The earth as designed will survive, we may not, so big deal. Just don't be someones mark and sucker worrying about it. If as I said we fail to adapt we perish.
In the 70s it was greenhouse gas and global cooling.
Least we forget the hole in the ozone layer that was going to wipe out all life.
Lest we forget, that was never the contention. But it would have created a decline in life in the oceans and on land. And we diminished the use of the chemicals that were destroying the stratospheric ozone, by international treaty, and the situation is much improved. The same as we can diminish the amount of GHGs that we are emitting by the Paris Treaty. Provided the orange clown does not abrogate that treaty, and the other nations sanction us, and we end up in an economic situation worse than the one Bush left us in.
They said it takes a hundred years for CFC's to reach the ozone layer.
Yet it's improved? What about my great grandma's hair spray when she was 20?
Stratospheric Ozone: Background Material


The debate over the existence of an ozone problem breeds media coverage. However, the real story is not whether stratospheric ozone levels are decreasing, but what those decreases may mean for life on earth. As the percentage of ozone in the atmosphere decreases, the amount of UV-B radiation reaching the surface increases. It's the UV-B radiation, not the ozone itself that concerns scientists, because the invisible wavelengths are linked to skin cancers and other biological damage.

Measuring UV-B is tricky. Levels are affected by time of day, day of the year, latitude, weather conditions, and the amount of ozone aloft. UV is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum made up of wavelengths between 280 and 400 nanometers (billionths of a meter). Most of this is UV-A light, only mildly associated with sunburn and DNA damage and relatively benign to most plant life. But the ill effects increase more than a thousandfold in the shorter wavelengths referred to as UV-B. Below 300 nanometers, the rays are sparse but very damaging; near 315 nanometers they're more numerous but much less destructive. Close to 310 nanometers lies the middle ground, where the number and impact of rays combine to cause the greatest harm to humans and plants. Engineers face enormous challenges when designing instruments that can measure individual wavelengths, yet such precision is necessary to determine the amount of dangerous light entering the atmosphere.

The Story of the Ozone Hole

Although often referred to as the ozone 'hole', it is really not a hole but rather a thinning of the ozone layer in the stratosphere. We will use the term 'hole' in reference to the seasonal thinning of the ozone layer.

The appearance of a hole in the earth's ozone layer over Antarctica, first detected in 1976, was so unexpected that scientists didn't pay attention to what their instruments were telling them; they thought their instruments were malfunctioning. When that explanation proved to be erroneous, they decided they were simply recording natural variations in the amount of ozone. It wasn't until 1985 that scientists were certain they were seeing a major problem.

Why did it take scientists so long to solve this mystery? To begin with, observations that challenge preconceived ideas don't always get taken seriously, even in science. Two decades ago scientists did not suspect the importance of the chemical processes that rapidly destroy ozone in the Antarctic stratosphere. When they saw dramatic fluctuations in ozone levels, they assumed their instruments were in error, or that whatever was happening was due to natural processes like sunspot activity or volcanic eruptions.

They didn't realize that chlorine was the main culprit and that most of the chlorine in the stratosphere comes from human activity. The largest source is a class of chemical compounds known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).

A site where you can reduce your vast ignorance on this subject.
All a hoax. The "hole" is a natural occurance. We finally got instruments up that could detect and proclaimed a catastrophe.
Prove me wrong. What size was the hole in 1955.
Damn. You are about a stupid ass. No warming? Then why is the Arctic Ice melting? The Greenland Ice Cap, also? And the alpine glaciers. Like over 90% of the glaciers in Alaska are melting.

Try to follow dumb fuck. The fact is, there is more fucking ice right now than there has been in a long time.

At the end of 2014 the amount of arctic sea ice exceeded all levels back to 1979.

Stupid fucking liberals.

LOL Too funny, asshole. The article refers to the Antarctic Ice, not the Arctic ice. And it is from 2014. I guess you are just too busy to notice that it is almost 2017 right now. So, here is some reading on current conditions of the Arctic and Antarctic.

Amid higher global temperatures, sea ice at record lows at poles

By Brandon Miller, CNN Meteorologist

Updated 8:09 PM ET, Sat November 19, 2016


Undeniable climate change facts 02:24

Story highlights[/paste:font]
  • It's a key indicator of climate change and can mean changes to weather
  • Temperatures are 30 degrees above normal at the North Pole
(CNN)For what appears to be the first time since scientists began keeping track, sea ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic are at record lows this time of year.

"It looks like, since the beginning of October, that for the first time we are seeing both the Arctic and Antarctic sea ice running at record low levels," said Walt Meier, a research scientist with the Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, who has tracked sea ice data going back to 1979.

You going to continue to prove how fucking stupid you are, boy? As you can readily see, both poles have record low sea ice. You could have looked that up and saved yourself from the embarrassment of proving that you are a cretin.
Damn. You are about a stupid ass. No warming? Then why is the Arctic Ice melting? The Greenland Ice Cap, also? And the alpine glaciers. Like over 90% of the glaciers in Alaska are melting.

Try to follow dumb fuck. The fact is, there is more fucking ice right now than there has been in a long time.

At the end of 2014 the amount of arctic sea ice exceeded all levels back to 1979.

Stupid fucking liberals.

LOL Too funny, asshole. The article refers to the Antarctic Ice, not the Arctic ice. And it is from 2014. I guess you are just too busy to notice that it is almost 2017 right now. So, here is some reading on current conditions of the Arctic and Antarctic.

Amid higher global temperatures, sea ice at record lows at poles

By Brandon Miller, CNN Meteorologist

Updated 8:09 PM ET, Sat November 19, 2016


Undeniable climate change facts 02:24

Story highlights[/paste:font]

    • It's a key indicator of climate change and can mean changes to weather
    • Temperatures are 30 degrees above normal at the North Pole
(CNN)For what appears to be the first time since scientists began keeping track, sea ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic are at record lows this time of year.

"It looks like, since the beginning of October, that for the first time we are seeing both the Arctic and Antarctic sea ice running at record low levels," said Walt Meier, a research scientist with the Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, who has tracked sea ice data going back to 1979.

You going to continue to prove how fucking stupid you are, boy? As you can readily see, both poles have record low sea ice. You could have looked that up and saved yourself from the embarrassment of proving that you are a cretin.
Great news. Millions of lives saved.
The arctic was supposed to be ice free by 2013.
Al Gore said it COULD be as soon as ".

You people keep proving that MMGW deniers are dumber than shit.

So Al was WRONG ?????


So, you think that if I said you could be bald by the time your 50 you aren't bald until your 54 that it meas I lied?


If the weatherman says there is a 75 chance of snow tomorrow and it doesn't snow, that he is a liar?

No wonder you voted for rump.

I don't recall saying anything about lying.

You always make stuff up to argue against ?

Enjoy inaguration day.
You said he said something that was not true.

Point that out.

I simply asked if Al was wrong ?

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