Arctic heating up at twice as fast as rest of globe

Which makes them a guess at best, not fact.
fact when predicting is a little bit more precise, for example, I know that the sun is going to rise in Annapolis tomorrow morning at 7:18am, and I know that sunset will happen at 4:45pm. This is fact, based on good science, its not a guess.
Saying that the Ice caps are going to be gone by a certain date is a guess that is not based on complete and good science. As a matter of fact, there is more Ice right now than there has been in many years.
No its not a guess. Since it has not happened in our lifetime there is no event they can point to to form a pattern of the exact conditions needed to cause it to happen. This is new territory as man has not been capable of messing the planet up to the extent of changing the climate. Your example of the sun rising is not only false its patently irrelevant to the subject of global warming or whatever the term is now. The sun rises everyday and has done so since the dawn of humankind at least. People have noted, worshiped, and tracked the rising of the sun so its a pretty safe bet we know exactly when it will rise. Matter of fact the reason we know the time it will rise is due to the sun itself since thats how we chart time.

Just because someone puts a date on it and that date passes doesnt make it something that wont happen. it just means you dont know all the variables that cause the event. Its weird to me that people are fine with maintaining at least one of factors that would result in the destruction of the planet for human life.
The left are so narcissistic they think they control the weather. Total delusional psych jobs.
That comment shows you willfully ignorant. How can one believe they can control the weather but not stop hurricanes and other catastrophic events? One would think by now that you would be intelligent enough to understand there is a difference between weather and climate.
You moonbats DO claim you can stop hurricanes and other catastrophic events.

We can work to limit the increase in average global temps by cutting back our emissions.
Is that why DiCaprio flew 8,000 miles in his private jet to get an environmental award and turn around and fly home the next day, because humanity must reduce our emissions?

You pinheads don't even believe your own bullshit.
No its not a guess. Since it has not happened in our lifetime there is no event they can point to to form a pattern of the exact conditions needed to cause it to happen. This is new territory as man has not been capable of messing the planet up to the extent of changing the climate. Your example of the sun rising is not only false its patently irrelevant to the subject of global warming or whatever the term is now. The sun rises everyday and has done so since the dawn of humankind at least. People have noted, worshiped, and tracked the rising of the sun so its a pretty safe bet we know exactly when it will rise. Matter of fact the reason we know the time it will rise is due to the sun itself since thats how we chart time.

Just because someone puts a date on it and that date passes doesnt make it something that wont happen. it just means you dont know all the variables that cause the event. Its weird to me that people are fine with maintaining at least one of factors that would result in the destruction of the planet for human life.
The left are so narcissistic they think they control the weather. Total delusional psych jobs.
That comment shows you willfully ignorant. How can one believe they can control the weather but not stop hurricanes and other catastrophic events? One would think by now that you would be intelligent enough to understand there is a difference between weather and climate.
You moonbats DO claim you can stop hurricanes and other catastrophic events.
Like I said before....youre willfully ignorant.
Hilarious. Dufus who thinks people control the weather calls me ignorant.
You are ignorant because you don't know the difference between weather & climate.
The South was racist across the board back then, Democrat and Republican. It had nothing to do with political party. What would be the point of switching from one set of racists to the other?
Good ppint, if the GOP was as racist as the Dimocratic Party there is hardly any reason to switch, were that the case.

But there were differences in that while most whites had views many would call 'bigoted' today and equate that to the racism of Nazi Death Camp Guards, the GOP was at worst bigoted but worked for black equality before the courts and most Dimocrats did not and in fact wanted to maintain racial discriminatory laws and courts in the Jim Crow system that the GOP had worked to dismantle since the end of Reconstruction back in the 1870s.
Not this stupid argument again. The racism in the South was regional. Not per political party. All you have to do is look at the vote on the 1964 civil rights act & see the the no votes came from the South & the yes votes from outside the South.

As of today, everyone with a brain knows to which party the racists & bigots primarily belong...The Republicans.
Only one party wants to use skin color to deny people jobs and an education - Democrats.
The left are so narcissistic they think they control the weather. Total delusional psych jobs.
That comment shows you willfully ignorant. How can one believe they can control the weather but not stop hurricanes and other catastrophic events? One would think by now that you would be intelligent enough to understand there is a difference between weather and climate.
You moonbats DO claim you can stop hurricanes and other catastrophic events.
Like I said before....youre willfully ignorant.
Hilarious. Dufus who thinks people control the weather calls me ignorant.
You are ignorant because you don't know the difference between weather & climate.
Yeah, that's why every little storm is PROOF! of Gorebal Warming.
No its not a guess. Since it has not happened in our lifetime there is no event they can point to to form a pattern of the exact conditions needed to cause it to happen. This is new territory as man has not been capable of messing the planet up to the extent of changing the climate. Your example of the sun rising is not only false its patently irrelevant to the subject of global warming or whatever the term is now. The sun rises everyday and has done so since the dawn of humankind at least. People have noted, worshiped, and tracked the rising of the sun so its a pretty safe bet we know exactly when it will rise. Matter of fact the reason we know the time it will rise is due to the sun itself since thats how we chart time.

Just because someone puts a date on it and that date passes doesnt make it something that wont happen. it just means you dont know all the variables that cause the event. Its weird to me that people are fine with maintaining at least one of factors that would result in the destruction of the planet for human life.
The left are so narcissistic they think they control the weather. Total delusional psych jobs.
That comment shows you willfully ignorant. How can one believe they can control the weather but not stop hurricanes and other catastrophic events? One would think by now that you would be intelligent enough to understand there is a difference between weather and climate.
You moonbats DO claim you can stop hurricanes and other catastrophic events.

We can work to limit the increase in average global temps by cutting back our emissions.
Is that why DiCaprio flew 8,000 miles in his private jet to get an environmental award and turn around and fly home the next day, because humanity must reduce our emissions?

You pinheads don't even believe your own bullshit.
You people are beyond stupid. By advocating, DiCaprio gets thousands of people working for a better future while asshats like you condemn your own children to an uncertain future.
The South was racist across the board back then, Democrat and Republican. It had nothing to do with political party. What would be the point of switching from one set of racists to the other?
Good ppint, if the GOP was as racist as the Dimocratic Party there is hardly any reason to switch, were that the case.

But there were differences in that while most whites had views many would call 'bigoted' today and equate that to the racism of Nazi Death Camp Guards, the GOP was at worst bigoted but worked for black equality before the courts and most Dimocrats did not and in fact wanted to maintain racial discriminatory laws and courts in the Jim Crow system that the GOP had worked to dismantle since the end of Reconstruction back in the 1870s.
Not this stupid argument again. The racism in the South was regional. Not per political party. All you have to do is look at the vote on the 1964 civil rights act & see the the no votes came from the South & the yes votes from outside the South.

As of today, everyone with a brain knows to which party the racists & bigots primarily belong...The Republicans.
Only one party wants to use skin color to deny people jobs and an education - Democrats.
That comment shows you willfully ignorant. How can one believe they can control the weather but not stop hurricanes and other catastrophic events? One would think by now that you would be intelligent enough to understand there is a difference between weather and climate.
You moonbats DO claim you can stop hurricanes and other catastrophic events.
Like I said before....youre willfully ignorant.
Hilarious. Dufus who thinks people control the weather calls me ignorant.
You are ignorant because you don't know the difference between weather & climate.
Yeah, that's why every little storm is PROOF! of Gorebal Warming.
Seems to me it is your ilk that has a fit every time it gets cold.
The arctic was supposed to be ice free by 2013.
Dont confuse the poor dupe with any facts, ok? That is simply rude.

View attachment 102010
Nothing False About Temperature Data -

I see you were duped into thinking there was some sort of falsification.

Are all you Trumpettes so easily duped? ow, that was a stupid question as you all voted for Trump.

In real science you dont 'adjust' the data you use as that is a indicator of GIGO.

A real scientist uses the raw data and simply denotes the outliers and contrary data so that the reader/tester can confirm it for themselves with their own raw data from their own testing.

But you wouldnt know that since you have your head up your ass.

If you didnt have your head way up deep into the nether regions of your colon, you would also know that one does not use one set of data, like from tree rings, to derive data to replace missing data, then toss out the data in that set that contradicts known data.

No, a real scientist would adjust the tree ring methodology till its results were accurate with known data first, then use it for proxy temperature measurements, duh.

Our Scientific Establishment is as corrupt as the rest of our establishment and needs to be tossed out and start over with new people that actually have some honesty remaining in them.

Nothing is real, everything is real, this is reality america now.
The South was racist across the board back then, Democrat and Republican. It had nothing to do with political party. What would be the point of switching from one set of racists to the other?
Good ppint, if the GOP was as racist as the Dimocratic Party there is hardly any reason to switch, were that the case.

But there were differences in that while most whites had views many would call 'bigoted' today and equate that to the racism of Nazi Death Camp Guards, the GOP was at worst bigoted but worked for black equality before the courts and most Dimocrats did not and in fact wanted to maintain racial discriminatory laws and courts in the Jim Crow system that the GOP had worked to dismantle since the end of Reconstruction back in the 1870s.
Not this stupid argument again. The racism in the South was regional. Not per political party. All you have to do is look at the vote on the 1964 civil rights act & see the the no votes came from the South & the yes votes from outside the South.

As of today, everyone with a brain knows to which party the racists & bigots primarily belong...The Republicans.
Only one party wants to use skin color to deny people jobs and an education - Democrats.
Oh that's right. Telling people they can't have a job or education because they have white skin is not racist to you moonbats.
Arctic heating up twice as fast as rest of the globe -

MMGW deniers are dumber than shit & the Trump cabinet is full of them.

Our grandchildren are fucked.
I think it foolish to grab on to the first idea that comes along and treat it as if it is the complete reason for any change in climate.
Its fine, and most likely a good thing to try and reduce our impact on our environment by going to cleaner energy, more efficient means of transportation, heating and cooling etc.. I wont argue for one single second that this is not a good plan.
However that being said, if we grab on to the man made global warming as the final say in whats being observed, then we might miss the real cause if there is a different reason. If we embrace one cause as the only possible answer, and we discount other theories, such as a natural cycle, or maybe things like the earth changing its axis due to earthquakes or other factors, then we also might miss the opportunity to properly estimate the rate of change, and we might miss out on what could be our one shot at making changes in where we live, or how we live in order to survive a change. Do we spend 100% of our energy and efforts trying to clean up our atmosphere, or do we need to spend some of that effort calculating the rate of change and how long we have to move cities like New York, DC, etc....
To say that the change is 100% man made, and that we can reverse it by doing X,Y, and Z, when there is in reality little connection between man and the change, we turn down a road to disaster.

If some of us dont jump on the man made global warming fad, dont look at us like idiots, it might be good to look for alternatives to study. After all, When the Ice age came to an end, I am fairly certain that I can honestly say that the warming had nothing to do with the internal combustion engine, I also doubt highly that even with the great scientific minds that we have today, the end of the Ice Age could have been prevented.

Just for entertainment sake on this subject, here is something that is interesting to consider when discussing global warming. Dont discount it as something coming from a bunch of crazies or idiots, instead read it and consider it as I personally have done with the man made theory. Im not a scientist but I do know enough to realize there are still many holes in the theory.
Inuit Elders tell NASA Earth Axis Shifted
The axis shifting argument is widely debunked. The axis is constantly moving.
You moonbats DO claim you can stop hurricanes and other catastrophic events.
Like I said before....youre willfully ignorant.
Hilarious. Dufus who thinks people control the weather calls me ignorant.
You are ignorant because you don't know the difference between weather & climate.
Yeah, that's why every little storm is PROOF! of Gorebal Warming.
Seems to me it is your ilk that has a fit every time it gets cold.
Trump is moving into the White House because America has had enough of your manmade gorebal warming BS.
The South was racist across the board back then, Democrat and Republican. It had nothing to do with political party. What would be the point of switching from one set of racists to the other?
Good ppint, if the GOP was as racist as the Dimocratic Party there is hardly any reason to switch, were that the case.

But there were differences in that while most whites had views many would call 'bigoted' today and equate that to the racism of Nazi Death Camp Guards, the GOP was at worst bigoted but worked for black equality before the courts and most Dimocrats did not and in fact wanted to maintain racial discriminatory laws and courts in the Jim Crow system that the GOP had worked to dismantle since the end of Reconstruction back in the 1870s.
Not this stupid argument again. The racism in the South was regional. Not per political party. All you have to do is look at the vote on the 1964 civil rights act & see the the no votes came from the South & the yes votes from outside the South.

As of today, everyone with a brain knows to which party the racists & bigots primarily belong...The Republicans.
Only one party wants to use skin color to deny people jobs and an education - Democrats.
Oh that's right. Telling people they can't have a job or education because they have white skin is not racist to you moonbats.
Where & when was it done. You aid it, provide some examples or just STFU.
Good ppint, if the GOP was as racist as the Dimocratic Party there is hardly any reason to switch, were that the case.

But there were differences in that while most whites had views many would call 'bigoted' today and equate that to the racism of Nazi Death Camp Guards, the GOP was at worst bigoted but worked for black equality before the courts and most Dimocrats did not and in fact wanted to maintain racial discriminatory laws and courts in the Jim Crow system that the GOP had worked to dismantle since the end of Reconstruction back in the 1870s.
Not this stupid argument again. The racism in the South was regional. Not per political party. All you have to do is look at the vote on the 1964 civil rights act & see the the no votes came from the South & the yes votes from outside the South.

As of today, everyone with a brain knows to which party the racists & bigots primarily belong...The Republicans.
Only one party wants to use skin color to deny people jobs and an education - Democrats.
Oh that's right. Telling people they can't have a job or education because they have white skin is not racist to you moonbats.
Where & when was it done. You aid it, provide some examples or just STFU.
Go tell your mommy you need to clean your room and leave this board for the adults.
Like I said before....youre willfully ignorant.
Hilarious. Dufus who thinks people control the weather calls me ignorant.
You are ignorant because you don't know the difference between weather & climate.
Yeah, that's why every little storm is PROOF! of Gorebal Warming.
Seems to me it is your ilk that has a fit every time it gets cold.
Trump is moving into the White House because America has had enough of your manmade gorebal warming BS.
We will see. It is one thing to talk & another to act. I am afraid the Giant Cheeto will reverse the progress we made & if he does, the Republicans will suffer in 2018. You asshole deniers are in the minority.
Not this stupid argument again. The racism in the South was regional. Not per political party. All you have to do is look at the vote on the 1964 civil rights act & see the the no votes came from the South & the yes votes from outside the South.

As of today, everyone with a brain knows to which party the racists & bigots primarily belong...The Republicans.
Only one party wants to use skin color to deny people jobs and an education - Democrats.
Oh that's right. Telling people they can't have a job or education because they have white skin is not racist to you moonbats.
Where & when was it done. You aid it, provide some examples or just STFU.
Go tell your mommy you need to clean your room and leave this board for the adults.
This from the " I am not racist, you are:" mentality.
The South was racist across the board back then, Democrat and Republican. It had nothing to do with political party. What would be the point of switching from one set of racists to the other?
Good ppint, if the GOP was as racist as the Dimocratic Party there is hardly any reason to switch, were that the case.

But there were differences in that while most whites had views many would call 'bigoted' today and equate that to the racism of Nazi Death Camp Guards, the GOP was at worst bigoted but worked for black equality before the courts and most Dimocrats did not and in fact wanted to maintain racial discriminatory laws and courts in the Jim Crow system that the GOP had worked to dismantle since the end of Reconstruction back in the 1870s.
Not this stupid argument again. The racism in the South was regional. Not per political party. All you have to do is look at the vote on the 1964 civil rights act & see the the no votes came from the South & the yes votes from outside the South.

As of today, everyone with a brain knows to which party the racists & bigots primarily belong...The Republicans.
Only one party wants to use skin color to deny people jobs and an education - Democrats.
Oh that's right. Telling people they can't have a job or education because they have white skin is not racist to you moonbats.
Never seen this sign for whites.

Hilarious. Dufus who thinks people control the weather calls me ignorant.
You are ignorant because you don't know the difference between weather & climate.
Yeah, that's why every little storm is PROOF! of Gorebal Warming.
Seems to me it is your ilk that has a fit every time it gets cold.
Trump is moving into the White House because America has had enough of your manmade gorebal warming BS.
We will see. It is one thing to talk & another to act. I am afraid the Giant Cheeto will reverse the progress we made & if he does, the Republicans will suffer in 2018. You asshole deniers are in the minority.
2018 may well see the Democrats locked into Los Angeles and New York, swept from power everywhere else.
Good ppint, if the GOP was as racist as the Dimocratic Party there is hardly any reason to switch, were that the case.

But there were differences in that while most whites had views many would call 'bigoted' today and equate that to the racism of Nazi Death Camp Guards, the GOP was at worst bigoted but worked for black equality before the courts and most Dimocrats did not and in fact wanted to maintain racial discriminatory laws and courts in the Jim Crow system that the GOP had worked to dismantle since the end of Reconstruction back in the 1870s.
Not this stupid argument again. The racism in the South was regional. Not per political party. All you have to do is look at the vote on the 1964 civil rights act & see the the no votes came from the South & the yes votes from outside the South.

As of today, everyone with a brain knows to which party the racists & bigots primarily belong...The Republicans.
Only one party wants to use skin color to deny people jobs and an education - Democrats.
Oh that's right. Telling people they can't have a job or education because they have white skin is not racist to you moonbats.
Never seen this sign for whites.

Shitforbrains is in denial of affirmative action. What a putz.
Only one party wants to use skin color to deny people jobs and an education - Democrats.
Oh that's right. Telling people they can't have a job or education because they have white skin is not racist to you moonbats.
Where & when was it done. You aid it, provide some examples or just STFU.
Go tell your mommy you need to clean your room and leave this board for the adults.
This from the " I am not racist, you are:" mentality.
This from the " I am not racist, you are:" mentality.
Democrats: Skin color should be used to determine who gets the job.
Me: Skin color is irrelevant to who gets the job.
Hilarious. Dufus who thinks people control the weather calls me ignorant.
You are ignorant because you don't know the difference between weather & climate.
Yeah, that's why every little storm is PROOF! of Gorebal Warming.
Seems to me it is your ilk that has a fit every time it gets cold.
Trump is moving into the White House because America has had enough of your manmade gorebal warming BS.
We will see. It is one thing to talk & another to act. I am afraid the Giant Cheeto will reverse the progress we made & if he does, the Republicans will suffer in 2018. You asshole deniers are in the minority.
Now the moonbats claim the weather may get a lot worse in the next two years because of Trump.

The left are certifiably insane.

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