Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump

Protectionist failed his own quiz.

The statement that "He wrote part of the CONSTITUTION - that is a founding father" is absolutely stupid. No, he was not a founding father, and you don't understand the Constitution at all.
The Constitution is the FOUNDATION of America. Those who wrote it (or parts of it) are founding fathers. I understand the Constitution very well, and YOU KNOW it. :biggrin:
As I said........ You talked too much...... I only read maybe 3 or 4 sentences of your nonsense post. But I still want to challenge you..........
1. Visit my charities helping homeless people and wounded veterans.
2. Give you a real tour at Arizona or Texas border.
My cost. If you don't take it I say you are a coward.
You can say anything you like. I don't travel, and never fly, so I wouldn't be going to Texas or Arizona (and especially not at this time of year). So what about your charities ? If you have those, great. I commend you for that. I'm not homeless, but I am very low income, and am a disabled veteran. I still don't know how I was "challenged" though.

So now, about my quiz. Are you ready to take it ? Waiting.........waiting...........waiting.................
Protectionist continues to give silly statements and pronouncements.

Founding Fathers -

America's Founding Fathers include George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, James Monroe and, of course, Benjamin Franklin. These men, together with several other key players of their time, structured the American democracy and left a legacy that has shaped the world.
Protectionist continues to give silly statements and pronouncements.

Founding Fathers -

America's Founding Fathers include George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, James Monroe and, of course, Benjamin Franklin. These men, together with several other key players of their time, structured the American democracy and left a legacy that has shaped the world.

Nobody ever said they didn't.

Does your computer have good sound quality ? Here's something to calm you down, and pacify your soul (TRULY) >>>
Only you say somebody in the 1860s says someone is a Founding Father.

Quit being relentlessly stupid.
Only you say somebody in the 1860s says someone is a Founding Father.

Quit being relentlessly stupid.
FF or not, he wrote the 14th amendment, and bc defenders try to use it to their advantage. He didn't mean it that way.
As I said........ You talked too much...... I only read maybe 3 or 4 sentences of your nonsense post. But I still want to challenge you..........
1. Visit my charities helping homeless people and wounded veterans.
2. Give you a real tour at Arizona or Texas border.
My cost. If you don't take it I say you are a coward.
You can say anything you like. I don't travel, and never fly, so I wouldn't be going to Texas or Arizona (and especially not at this time of year). So what about your charities ? If you have those, great. I commend you for that. I'm not homeless, but I am very low income, and am a disabled veteran. I still don't know how I was "challenged" though.

So now, about my quiz. Are you ready to take it ? Waiting.........waiting...........waiting.................

You gonna have to wait forever bcoz as I said I don't read garbash.
You gonna have to wait forever bcoz as I said I don't read garbash.
You don't read stuff that informs you of how ignorant you are. Read Baby! Read! Learn Baby! Learn !

And here your own words right back at you >> "so far you ignore it because you are a COWARD and full of crap."
I will let you know if your qualified to talk to me.
You're not qualified to talk to me. You're an ignorant, information-deprived liberal, victim of the liberal OMISSION media machine. You don't know how much you don't know. That's what happens when you have had massive amounts of information deliberately withheld from you, for years. If you want to find out how bad your (et al liberals') ignorance is, you could look at my Islamization Quiz, and it could give you an idea. Wanna see it ?
My opinion : the majority of Hispanics who came to this country and LEGALLY became a citizen feels Trump is right on along with millions of other American citizen citizens.. Illegal immigrants are hurting our country and YOU the American citizen.

But you won't get that from these left leaning Lamestream medias who are in the back pockets of the DNC. these polls have everyone in the whole world hating Trump. but remember with Obama, these same left leaning medias had the whole world loving that thug/tyrant Obama. MAKE up your own mind and take a lot of these stories and polls with a grain of salt

And If the polls favor of Trump you love it.
Just like Vor has just mentioned. After 70,000 it's pure stupidity. Probably if you remove your racist and hatred attitude maybe you will come to your senses that you are human after all.
Normally the polls are all downhill for Republicans by now if they are going to lose the election.

Trump's constantly changing poll numbers should scare you.

No it doesn't scare me bc AdolfTrump will not win the general election.

You still sure about that?
According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner

They suffer from the same illness as blacks in this country....they suffer from inflames the emotional parts of the brain and reduces the individuals ability to understand facts, truth and reality......which leads them to support the very political party that is racist, and creates poverty...the democrats...
You gonna have to wait forever bcoz as I said I don't read garbash.
You don't read stuff that informs you of how ignorant you are. Read Baby! Read! Learn Baby! Learn !

And here your own words right back at you >> "so far you ignore it because you are a COWARD and full of crap."

I will let you know if your [sic] qualified to talk to me.


I will let you if you are qualified to talk to me.... Prick.
My opinion : the majority of Hispanics who came to this country and LEGALLY became a citizen feels Trump is right on along with millions of other American citizen citizens.. Illegal immigrants are hurting our country and YOU the American citizen.

But you won't get that from these left leaning Lamestream medias who are in the back pockets of the DNC. these polls have everyone in the whole world hating Trump. but remember with Obama, these same left leaning medias had the whole world loving that thug/tyrant Obama. MAKE up your own mind and take a lot of these stories and polls with a grain of salt

And If the polls favor of Trump you love it.
Just like Vor has just mentioned. After 70,000 it's pure stupidity. Probably if you remove your racist and hatred attitude maybe you will come to your senses that you are human after all.
Normally the polls are all downhill for Republicans by now if they are going to lose the election.

Trump's constantly changing poll numbers should scare you.

No it doesn't scare me bc AdolfTrump will not win the general election.

You still sure about that?

Yes monkey boy. I'm very sure of that. Grow the fuck up.
My opinion : the majority of Hispanics who came to this country and LEGALLY became a citizen feels Trump is right on along with millions of other American citizen citizens.. Illegal immigrants are hurting our country and YOU the American citizen.

But you won't get that from these left leaning Lamestream medias who are in the back pockets of the DNC. these polls have everyone in the whole world hating Trump. but remember with Obama, these same left leaning medias had the whole world loving that thug/tyrant Obama. MAKE up your own mind and take a lot of these stories and polls with a grain of salt

And If the polls favor of Trump you love it.
Just like Vor has just mentioned. After 70,000 it's pure stupidity. Probably if you remove your racist and hatred attitude maybe you will come to your senses that you are human after all.
Normally the polls are all downhill for Republicans by now if they are going to lose the election.

Trump's constantly changing poll numbers should scare you.

No it doesn't scare me bc AdolfTrump will not win the general election.

You still sure about that?

Yes.... I'm very sure of that. .......

Ok, why?
Trump Has a Major Image Problem With Hispanics - Gallup.Com
Mar 11, 2016 - Trump's image among Hispanics is significantly worse than the images ... Exit polls show that Mitt Romney received 27% of the Hispanic vote in ...

Poll: Trump's negatives among Hispanics rise; worst in GOP field - The ...
The Washington Post
Feb 25, 2016 - Donald Trump has used the issue of immigration to help make himself the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, but his harsh ...

Trump is lucky if gets 10% of Hispanic voters. *GUARANTEE* Trust me on this one.

Trust you? Why? Who are you?
Trump Has a Major Image Problem With Hispanics - Gallup.Com
Mar 11, 2016 - Trump's image among Hispanics is significantly worse than the images ... Exit polls show that Mitt Romney received 27% of the Hispanic vote in ...

Poll: Trump's negatives among Hispanics rise; worst in GOP field - The ...
The Washington Post
Feb 25, 2016 - Donald Trump has used the issue of immigration to help make himself the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, but his harsh ...

Trump is lucky if gets 10% of Hispanic voters. *GUARANTEE* Trust me on this one.

Trust you? Why? Who are you?

And who are you disgrace Asian boy? A school kinder garment school teacher.

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