Are Americans too lazy for Democracy?

This post perfectly illustrates your wisdom and intellect.

I think you should have it framed.

The majority of Americans want term limits, campaign finance reform, and universal healthcare.

i just don't want my hard earned money going to people who do not work because the government takes care of them. i do not care if you just had a baby, if you are smart enough to get off you are smart enough to work. i'm sick of my money supporting people who do not work because it's easier to get that government check every month.
why work? when 30%+ of my paycheck can go into your pocket for being lazy or having an illegitimate child?

Not my point. I honestly believe I live in the best democracy in the world. You guys worry too much about nothing when it comes to politics. Did John Kerry deserve his bronze star? Is Obama's preacher a racist? Did George Bush get into the NG instead of going to Veit Nam? Is John McCain have a temper? Did Bill Clinton fuck Paula Jones? Did George Bush senior's Daddy have Nazi links? Did JFK fuck Marilyn Monroe?

All these question are irrelevent, and yet you guys get caught up in this shit every election cycle.

Questions you need to be asking.

What is John McCain's position on income tax? What does Barack Obama believe is the best way to tackle the health issue? Does John McCain believe that illegal immigration is a dead issue? What is his solution to the problem? What programs does Barack Obama support to create more jobs?

Instead you have crap, crap and more crap about personal issues. Pathetic...
Not my point. I honestly believe I live in the best democracy in the world. You guys worry too much about nothing when it comes to politics. Did John Kerry deserve his bronze star? Is Obama's preacher a racist? Did George Bush get into the NG instead of going to Veit Nam? Is John McCain have a temper? Did Bill Clinton fuck Paula Jones? Did George Bush senior's Daddy have Nazi links? Did JFK fuck Marilyn Monroe?

All these question are irrelevent, and yet you guys get caught up in this shit every election cycle.

Questions you need to be asking.

What is John McCain's position on income tax? What does Barack Obama believe is the best way to tackle the health issue? Does John McCain believe that illegal immigration is a dead issue? What is his solution to the problem? What programs does Barack Obama support to create more jobs?

Instead you have crap, crap and more crap about personal issues. Pathetic...

is it ok to support the kkk?
barack hussein obama supports black liberation theology which is the african american version of the kkk.

Does he?

BTW, if you really think he does, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. You have proved my point. You are not interested in things that really matter, just empty rhetoric. The win is all that matters. Not substance!
Does he?

BTW, if you really think he does, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. You have proved my point. You are not interested in things that really matter, just empty rhetoric. The win is all that matters. Not substance!

you just proved my point that it is socially ok for a black man to be racist. and you are right about substance, barack hussein obama has none and he may win this presidential election.
Has it now become socially acceptable for Americans to be so lazy and irresponsible that they either don't vote at all or they don't bother educating themselves before they vote? A government by the people for the people? That means we have to vote to maintain a Democracy. If our country is a mess, all that means is that we, the people, didn't bother governing our own country.

Reagan saw this perfectly. He understood Americans not only are lazy but they want everything now, and they want lots of everything now. That's why he knew he could cut taxes and raise spending and not call on America to do anything at all about the energy situation. Carter tried to warn us, but that would have meant we would have had to sacrifice. Reagan just threw tax cuts and spending increases at everything and tore down conservation measures. It was "Morning in America!" Time for a beer! Bush is just keeping the Reagan revolution going while it can, $10 trillion debt strong!
you just proved my point that it is socially ok for a black man to be racist. and you are right about substance, barack hussein obama has none and he may win this presidential election.

You have proved nothing. All you have done is taken rhetoric and run with it. If Obama was racist, he would not even be a senator. The FACT you think he is, speaks volumes..
You have proved nothing. All you have done is taken rhetoric and run with it. If Obama was racist, he would not even be a senator. The FACT you think he is, speaks volumes..

again i ask, if i went to a church that supported the kkk for 20 years, would that make me a racist and unfit for public office?
again i ask, if i went to a church that supported the kkk for 20 years, would that make me a racist and unfit for public office?

When did you find out it supported the KKK? When you found out is supported the KKK did you stay with it? When you went to that church and ran for senate what was their reaction when ran for senate??

You are beyond an idiot. You are just another ijit who talks in black and white, when there are many shades of grey. All you are doing is taking the lowest common denominator and running with it...see my first post on the subject.

You were never going to vote for Obama in the first place. All you care about is discrediting him any which way you can. You don't care what he stands for, or what is policies are - you just don't like him period, and that's all that matters...
I think most Americans see "racist" blacks as just being angry at the massive level of racism that led to human rights violations on a vast scale in this country and realize its justifiable anger.
How strange that they haven't voted those things into existence, then.

Strange, only to someone who doesn't have a clue (or wants to pretend he doesn't, at least) how our government works, perhaps.

We do not live in a democracy.

Federally speaking, and on a state level for the most part too, we live in a respresentational democractic Republic.

Now I happen to live in New England where we have, on a local level only, something like a democratic form of government....Town meetings.

But that's about as close as most Americans can come to democracy.

That, and those states which give citizens the right to put referendums before the people.

But even referendums can be short circuited by the people's representatives if they choose, in most cases.

For example, here in Maine the PEOPLE DEMOCRATICALLY (by a very large majority, FYI) voted for medical Marijuania.

That means that the legislature really should have made medical marijunia avialable to the people in some way or the other that does not demand that they have to buy that medicine from criminals.

They did not...what's more they decide which medical conditions (not your MDs) are eligible for this medicine.

Hence, the will of the people, the democratic process is basically null and void by the inaction of the legislators of Maine to carry out that will.

Add to that, the fact that the Federal government will punish MDs who proscribe MM, and you see how democractic it all really is?

We don't really live in a democracy at all.

We live in a shamocracy, folks.
When did you find out it supported the KKK? When you found out is supported the KKK did you stay with it? When you went to that church and ran for senate what was their reaction when ran for senate??

You are beyond an idiot. You are just another ijit who talks in black and white, when there are many shades of grey. All you are doing is taking the lowest common denominator and running with it...see my first post on the subject.

You were never going to vote for Obama in the first place. All you care about is discrediting him any which way you can. You don't care what he stands for, or what is policies are - you just don't like him period, and that's all that matters...

well its hard to care about what someone stands for when i have yet to see what the man actually stand for. policies? you mean 70% of my paycheck in your pocket?

i firmly believe that barack hussein obama knew his preacher's agenda from the day he stepped through the door. mr. wright is a racist, he preaches racism and if it took 20 years to figure that out, you have to be an idiot.
I think most Americans see "racist" blacks as just being angry at the massive level of racism that led to human rights violations on a vast scale in this country and realize its justifiable anger.

How far is that justifiable anger getting them ? Not very.
affirmative action and equal opportunity lending. again, my paycheck hard at work. you're welcome

Wasn't "equal opportunity lending", was predatory lending practices by banks. Big difference. Blame the banks, if you want.

Shouldn't have had anything to do with your paycheck anyway, except that you guys love corporate welfare while telling individuals to go screw themselves.

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