Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

Paul was a Pharisee, a Jew. Do your research.
not exactly----Paul was the son of converts and grew up in a very
HELLENIST society. Conversion to Judaism was in some circles a kind
of intellectual thing for greeks. Paul was a SYNTHESIS LOVING GUY
Here comes the confusion to explain away the truth. Jesus was sentenced to death for blasphemy.
not exactly----Paul was the son of converts and grew up in a very
HELLENIST society. Conversion to Judaism was in some circles a kind
of intellectual thing for greeks. Paul was a SYNTHESIS LOVING GUY
Scripture says Paul was a Pharisee.
So? They sure used it as an excuse, didn't they.
read it again-----Jesus was acquitted in the jewish court----your BFF Saint
Pontius Pilate was delighted to crucify him as he had crucified THOUSANDS
of OTHER PHARISEE JEWS. Your jelly bean sunday school lady LIED
read it again-----Jesus was acquitted in the jewish court----your BFF Saint
Pontius Pilate was delighted to crucify him as he had crucified THOUSANDS
of OTHER PHARISEE JEWS. Your jelly bean sunday school lady LIED
They killed him, didn't they. That's all that matters. The New Testament is true. Keep trying.
So? They sure used it as an excuse, didn't they.
A Jewish court couldn't use as an excuse something completely unrelated to Jewish law. Did you know that under Jewish law, a person can't even be tried unless there has been a formal warning?

If the answer is "the text is accurate and the people didn't follow law" then you can justify anything.
A Jewish court couldn't use as an excuse something completely unrelated to Jewish law. Did you know that under Jewish law, a person can't even be tried unless there has been a formal warning?

If the answer is "the text is accurate and the people didn't follow law" then you can justify anything.
Was an innocent man murdered?
Can we use the phrase "expressions of different understandings of monotheism"?
Sure. But monotheistic just the same. Even within the same religion there are different beliefs (i.e. sects) but despite the differences the underlying foundation of monotheism (and all that goes with that) is the same.
A Jewish court couldn't use as an excuse something completely unrelated to Jewish law. Did you know that under Jewish law, a person can't even be tried unless there has been a formal warning?

If the answer is "the text is accurate and the people didn't follow law" then you can justify anything.
They took up stones to kill Jesus at one point. Why?
So? Another Gospel telling Jews they’re wrong - and apparently prideful.

And we don’t feel we’re “safe” because we are descendants of Abraham. (I never heard of such a thing, but then again, who knows what falsities about Jews are in the NT.) Atonement requires ACTION, and repentance. Interesting how conservatives are all about personality responsibility, unless it concerns their own wrongdoing. Then they say “I’m safe because I believe in Jesus.”
Examples from the O.T. in relation to Jews not obeying the Covenant of Moses? When was the last time you made a burnt offering to the Levite Priesthood, as required by Orthodox Law to have your sins carried over to another season?

You refuse to believe your own prophets, just as Jesus described in Matthew 23

The Old Testament specifically details as to why the Old Law was nailed to the cross of Jesus and a new covenant will be established unlike the one written on stone as delivered by Moses....where the Father (God) was a husband unto the Jewish nation.........THE JEWS WERE UNWILLING TO ABIDE BY THE LAW.

What you fail to accept as truth from the Old Testament. "The days are coming, declares the Lord", when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel, and with the people of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I make with their ancestors, when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt...........BECAUSE THEY BROKE MY COVENANT, THOUGH I WAS A HUSBAND TO THEM, THE LORD DECLARES. This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time. I will put My law into their minds, and write it on their hearts, I will be their God, and they will be My people." -- Jer. 31:31-34

Jesus confirms the existence of this N.T. covenant as a covenant located within the believer............the covenant/kingdom of God/church will come without obeservation because it is a spiritual covenant/kingdom (Luke 17:21)

All the eternally righteous laws of God are carried forward into the N.T. Covenant of Grace..........with the exception of One...Sabbath worship (Col.2:14).....the Christian Sabbath comes after this race called life is over. All the commandments ( 1) can be documented by Book, Chapter and Verse to be used as doctrine in the New Testament Church of Christ
Christians worship on the 1st day of the week in order to break bread (communion) in remembrance of Jesus Christ's sacrifice until His return.
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