Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

But he didn't do anything that is considered blasphemy under Jewish law.
Jesus raised his friend, Lazarus from the dead. News of this spread, and the Sanhedrin decided they should meet. Apparently the Sadducees were the priests who were of the elite and okay with cooperating with Roman rule as long as they retained their status. The Pharisees wanted to be left alone to practice their religion, and as long as Rome didn't interfere with their religious practices, some were okay with the present situation as well.

It is my understanding it was the Sadducees who were the greater force against Jesus. Their concern that Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead would result in many following Jesus which Rome would see as an uprising. It appears that Rome expected Temple authorities to keep the people in line. The Sadducees (namely Caiaphas) noted that wouldn't it be better for one man (Jesus) to die, end any possible uproar among the people, to than have the entire nation perish at the hands of Rome.

What say you: Could the politicized Sadducees of that time plotted against Jesus to hand him over to the Romans?
Which has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus. I'll take that as a surrender.
What did I surrender. You asked if an innocent man was killed. If you see the Jews who were crucified by the Roman forces as innocent, and he was crucified by the Romans, then the answer to your question is "yes." Pretty straightforward.
Jesus raised his friend, Lazarus from the dead. News of this spread, and the Sanhedrin decided they should meet. Apparently the Sadducees were the priests who were of the elite and okay with cooperating with Roman rule as long as they retained their status. The Pharisees wanted to be left alone to practice their religion, and as long as Rome didn't interfere with their religious practices, some were okay with the present situation as well.

It is my understanding it was the Sadducees who were the greater force against Jesus. Their concern that Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead would result in many following Jesus which Rome would see as an uprising. It appears that Rome expected Temple authorities to keep the people in line. The Sadducees (namely Caiaphas) noted that wouldn't it be better for one man (Jesus) to die, end any possible uproar among the people, to than have the entire nation perish at the hands of Rome.

What say you: Could the politicized Sadducees of that time plotted against Jesus to hand him over to the Romans?
Could Harry Potter have vanquished Voldemort? The book says he did. If you start talking about what any person "could" have done, the answer will be "sure, if you suspend your disbelief."
What did I surrender. You asked if an innocent man was killed. If you see the Jews who were crucified by the Roman forces as innocent, and he was crucified by the Romans, then the answer to your question is "yes." Pretty straightforward.
He was found guilty by Jews. You're tiptoeing around the truth here. I really get annoyed by that devious crap.
He was found guilty by Jews. You're tiptoeing around the truth here. I really get annoyed by that devious crap.
He was found guilty according to the self-serving Christian texts that completely mess up Jewish law and method. I get annoyed that people choose to accept the gospels as reflecting Jewish law when they do no independent research on Jewish law.
They killed him, didn't they. That's all that matters. The New Testament is true. Keep trying.
read it again----your jelly bean teacher told you that PONTIUS PILATE was
a jew? The New Testament was a project directed by a murderous war-lord
---to wit CONSTANTINE---who authored a code of law that LEGALIZEs
does not matter to jelly bean sluts
Could Harry Potter have vanquished Voldemort? The book says he did. If you start talking about what any person "could" have done, the answer will be "sure, if you suspend your disbelief."
I am not asking you to suspend belief. I am asking you about the Sadducees of the time, particularly Caiaphas and Annas. Neither seem to have been (or are now) held in high regard by Jews. The Sanhedrin, as a unit, seemed to be trying to keep peace between Rome and the Jews. How far would they go to insure peace--and therefore their own high positions? Jesus appeared to be friendly with at least some of the Pharisees, but perhaps not so much with the Sadducees.
read it again----your jelly bean teacher told you that PONTIUS PILATE was
a jew? The New Testament was a project directed by a murderous war-lord
---to wit CONSTANTINE---who authored a code of law that LEGALIZEs
does not matter to jelly bean sluts
You're insane.
He was found guilty according to the self-serving Christian texts that completely mess up Jewish law and method. I get annoyed that people choose to accept the gospels as reflecting Jewish law when they do no independent research on Jewish law.
Stoning is mentioned in the law.
Jesus raised his friend, Lazarus from the dead. News of this spread, and the Sanhedrin decided they should meet. Apparently the Sadducees were the priests who were of the elite and okay with cooperating with Roman rule as long as they retained their status. The Pharisees wanted to be left alone to practice their religion, and as long as Rome didn't interfere with their religious practices, some were okay with the present situation as well.

It is my understanding it was the Sadducees who were the greater force against Jesus. Their concern that Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead would result in many following Jesus which Rome would see as an uprising. It appears that Rome expected Temple authorities to keep the people in line. The Sadducees (namely Caiaphas) noted that wouldn't it be better for one man (Jesus) to die, end any possible uproar among the people, to than have the entire nation perish at the hands of Rome.

What say you: Could the politicized Sadducees of that time plotted against Jesus to hand him over to the Romans?
The Sadducees were ROMAN APPOINTEES despised by the Pharisees and by most of Judea----"plotted" ? ----the Romans had no problem arresting Jesus----and no problem killing him. They killed tens of thousands of Pharisees. The
convoluted attachment of Lazarus to the issue is----BEYOND IDIOTIC. The
PROBLEM that Constantine had was ----HOW TO BLAME THE DEATH OF JESUS
I am not asking you to suspend belief. I am asking you about the Sadducees of the time, particularly Caiaphas and Annas. Neither seem to have been (or are now) held in high regard by Jews. The Sanhedrin, as a unit, seemed to be trying to keep peace between Rome and the Jews. How far would they go to insure peace--and therefore their own high positions? Jesus appeared to be friendly with at least some of the Pharisees, but perhaps not so much with the Sadducees.
Let's assume for a moment that the Sadducees who ran the court conspired in the way you suggest. Then they would have to throw out much of Jewish law and yet still maintain any position of authority within the community. This is untenable. This would also then absolve modern Jews from any claim of deicide as the Sadducee sect died out -- modern Jews developed from the Pharisaic tradition.
convoluted attachment of Lazarus to the issue
John's account noted that Jesus raising Lazarus caused concern in the Sanhedrin, especially among the Sadducees which you agree were Roman appointees and wished to keep peace in Judea. This was not the trial where the Sanhedrin handed Jesus over to Pilate. John simply notes that the Sanhedrin saw Jesus as a possible problem who could stir up the population, thereby incurring Rome's wrath.
I am not asking you to suspend belief. I am asking you about the Sadducees of the time, particularly Caiaphas and Annas. Neither seem to have been (or are now) held in high regard by Jews. The Sanhedrin, as a unit, seemed to be trying to keep peace between Rome and the Jews. How far would they go to insure peace--and therefore their own high positions? Jesus appeared to be friendly with at least some of the Pharisees, but perhaps not so much with the Sadducees.
Jesus was friendly---with just about ONLY THE PHARISEES----being a pharisee
himself. Sadducees---YOU GOT THAT RIGHT---were tight with the ROMANS,
in fact the Sadducee priests were ROMAN APPOINTEES as was KING HEROD.
The Sadducees who ran the Sanhedrin were intent on assuring their own
positions by licking ROMAN ASS. A few hundred years later, CONSTANTINE
commissioned his historic revisionist history of the era
I doubt he really said that.

you can similarly doubt with certainty jesus was ever a jew ... hereditary idolatry / phony, madeup 10 commandments.

the forgeries and fallacies of the c-bible is their means of entrapment, servitude being the character of that religion.

- and was certainly not a 4th century christian. took them that long to extinguish those true believers of self determination.

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