Zone1 Are Asian-Americans “The New Jews”?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
The story of Harvard’s goal of limiting the number of academically superior Jewish students is a sordid one. Beginning in the 1920s, they used photos and names of applicants and categorized some as J1, J2, and J3 - conclusively Jewish, likely Jewish, or possibly Jewish.

Then, to justify a way to keep these bright, studious, motivated Jewish boys (almost all from poor immigrant parents) out of Harvard, they introduced the “character” aspect of admissions criteria - and judged Jews low in character, thus keeping them out.

Flash forward 100 years, and another generation of liberal elitists are doing the same thing - only this time it’s the smart, studious Asian-Americans they are being racist against. This time, they use “personality” as a tool by which to demean an entire race.

The sad irony in this entire thing is that leftists, who portend to be opposed to racism, are in full support of racism against Asian-Americans.

NOtVA probably has more smart Asians per-capita on the east coast and they are discriminated against regularly by the school systems there.

They (as a voting block) are also very liberal (except the Vietnamese) so I have a real hard time feeling sorry for them. Tiger Mom should have voted better.

That said it's a matter of right and wrong. The leftists, as usual, are wrong.
NOtVA probably has more smart Asians per-capita on the east coast and they are discriminated against regularly by the school systems there.

They (as a voting block) are also very liberal (except the Vietnamese) so I have a real hard time feeling sorry for them. Tiger Mom should have voted better.

That said it's a matter of right and wrong. The leftists, as usual, are wrong.
I wonder if the Asian parents voted in our Republican Governor after the Democrats devised a way to limit how many of them were in TJ High School and replace them with academically inferior blacks.
The story of Harvard’s goal of limiting the number of academically superior Jewish students is a sordid one. Beginning in the 1920s, they used photos and names of applicants and categorized some as J1, J2, and J3 - conclusively Jewish, likely Jewish, or possibly Jewish.

Then, to justify a way to keep these bright, studious, motivated Jewish boys (almost all from poor immigrant parents) out of Harvard, they introduced the “character” aspect of admissions criteria - and judged Jews low in character, thus keeping them out.

Flash forward 100 years, and another generation of liberal elitists are doing the same thing - only this time it’s the smart, studious Asian-Americans they are being racist against. This time, they use “personality” as a tool by which to demean an entire race.

The sad irony in this entire thing is that leftists, who portend to be opposed to racism, are in full support of racism against Asian-Americans.

But have they been circumcised?
The story of Harvard’s goal of limiting the number of academically superior Jewish students is a sordid one. Beginning in the 1920s, they used photos and names of applicants and categorized some as J1, J2, and J3 - conclusively Jewish, likely Jewish, or possibly Jewish.

Then, to justify a way to keep these bright, studious, motivated Jewish boys (almost all from poor immigrant parents) out of Harvard, they introduced the “character” aspect of admissions criteria - and judged Jews low in character, thus keeping them out.

Um, yeah, they also kept other white immigrants out, but it's all about you.

Flash forward 100 years, and another generation of liberal elitists are doing the same thing - only this time it’s the smart, studious Asian-Americans they are being racist against. This time, they use “personality” as a tool by which to demean an entire race.

The sad irony in this entire thing is that leftists, who portend to be opposed to racism, are in full support of racism against Asian-Americans.
Asians make up 6% of the population and 26% of the incoming class at Harvard.. They are doing fine.

If you are serious about 'equity", get rid of legacies, athletics, Dean's Interest, and Children of Staff admissions.
Um, yeah, they also kept other white immigrants out, but it's all about you.
They didn’t, because they blocked Jews. But if they had not been liberal bigots, like you, and chose students without bigotry, the less capable whites who would have been kept out in place of accepting a more superior Jewish student would have deserved it. They weren’t as quakified.
Asians make up 6% of the population and 26% of the incoming class at Harvard.. They are doing fine.

Like all bigots, you judge people by their membership in a specific race. If they are 26% of the incoming class, that just shows that Asian students are superior.
If you are serious about 'equity", get rid of legacies, athletics, Dean's Interest, and Children of Staff admissions.
None of that Is racist.
They didn’t, because they blocked Jews. But if they had not been liberal bigots, like you, and chose students without bigotry, the less capable whites who would have been kept out in place of accepting a more superior Jewish student would have deserved it. They weren’t as quakified.

They also blocked Italians, Irish and Germans, as well as Catholics... it's not all about you.
And those White Protestant privileges live on to this day in Legacies, Dean's Interest and Children of Staff preferences... but you are fine with those, as long as they don't benefit blacks because a picture of a black person scared you at the Mall once.

Like all bigots, you judge people by their membership in a specific race. If they are 26% of the incoming class, that just shows that Asian students are superior.

Well, no, it shows they do the things to meet the entrance requirements... They've learned how to game a system, which is great and all, but it's still a messed up system.

IF you are going to grant prestige to a certain school that it gets ONLY by virtue of it's name, then it has to be diverse.

Frankly, given the caliber of leadership we have in both parties, most of whom are products of Yale and Harvard and the rest of the Ivy League, we give these schools too much power over our lives...

If these Asian kids are so smart, they should be perfectly happy going to UIC, and their Tiger Moms are just going to have to learn how to deal.
They didn’t, because they blocked Jews. But if they had not been liberal bigots, like you, and chose students without bigotry, the less capable whites who would have been kept out in place of accepting a more superior Jewish student would have deserved it. They weren’t as quakified.

Like all bigots, you judge people by their membership in a specific race. If they are 26% of the incoming class, that just shows that Asian students are superior.

None of that Is racist.
What's up with blurry porn ?

Are Asian-Americans “The New Jews”?​

Jews and Orientals demonstrate that good behavior and superior performance overcome prejudice, discrimination, and bigotry.

Nope, they just show that if you are a non-threatening minority in sufficiently small numbers, you won't be considered a threat.

Of course, Jews aren't a race, they are a religion... You don't realize you are dealing with a Jew until he tries to rip you off.

As for Asians... um, sorry, man, there's a lot more poverty in Asian communities than you want to admit.

Of course, neither group had their oppression written into the Constitution, or had 400 years of systematic, institutionalized racism to keep them down.
Jews and Orientals demonstrate that good behavior and superior performance overcome prejudice, discrimination, and bigotry.
THAT has been my point all along! Jews have faced horrific bigotry, and yet they rose above it to not only be successful but well above average In levels of success.

I thus suggested that blacks should emulate Jews as a role model - a persecuted minority who has succeeded despite that - and wham! out comes the leftists to scream “raaaaacist!” at me, along with excuses for blacks who fail, and examples of bad Jews.
THAT has been my point all along! Jews have faced horrific bigotry, and yet they rose above it to not only be successful but well above average In levels of success.

What horrific bigotry? We aren't talking about Europe, where you spent centuries wearing out your welcome, we are talking about this country.

The Jews were in the same boat as every other bunch of white people who came over here from Europe, not as privileged as the WASPs, but more privileged than the blacks and Native Americans, who had no say about being part of this country.

I thus suggested that blacks should emulate Jews as a role model - a persecuted minority who has succeeded despite that - and wham! out comes the leftists to scream “raaaaacist!” at me, along with excuses for blacks who fail, and examples of bad Jews.
No, nobody should emulate the Jews.

One more time... nobody knows you are a Jew unless you scream it in a shrill voice. You have all the privileges of being white in this country, from the poorest white trash in the trailer park to the rich guy in the mansion.

Meanwhile, a black person with a good job who does everything right still will get pulled over for a DWB (Driving While Black) a few times a year.
What horrific bigotry? We aren't talking about Europe, where you spent centuries wearing out your welcome, we are talking about this country.

The Jews were in the same boat as every other bunch of white people who came over here from Europe, not as privileged as the WASPs, but more privileged than the blacks and Native Americans, who had no say about being part of this country.

No, nobody should emulate the Jews.

One more time... nobody knows you are a Jew unless you scream it in a shrill voice. You have all the privileges of being white in this country, from the poorest white trash in the trailer park to the rich guy in the mansion.

Meanwhile, a black person with a good job who does everything right still will get pulled over for a DWB (Driving While Black) a few times a year.
^^^ Ironic. Here’s a liberal talking about the wrong in bigotry while he spews it against Jews. It’s a common thing with liberals: fight against racism while advancing antisemitism.

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