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Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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I personally think that blacks have the capacity to learn as much as any other, but it's just mot something your culture values all that much, apparently. And to show that it's possible, some blacks have succeeded in the intellectual fields... Just pull your collective pants up and get to studying.
But I can't I have all that low black IQ inside of me. So what should you do ?

Are you the gutter-dwelling scum who wrote this???

No white person is African. If anything killing them is to good for them. I would kill.the white supremacists kids in front of them. Have them watch. I would get a bunch of black men to rape their daughters and make them watch. And then kill their daughters in front of them. And then laugh at them. treat them exactly how they treat. So I agree with every worthless white bastard who has died in SA

Genocide of white farmers in South africa

Was that you????[/QUOTE]
Clear evidence of a black racist
I personally think that blacks have the capacity to learn as much as any other, but it's just mot something your culture values all that much, apparently. And to show that it's possible, some blacks have succeeded in the intellectual fields... Just pull your collective pants up and get to studying.
But I can't I have all that low black IQ inside of me. So what should you do ?
I don't have to do anything, that's your problem, brutha.
I'm not your brother - white man.
Just because he is white
Putting words (found only in your opinion), into another person's mouth in order to describe your target as a racist (as based upon those words), is nothing but a tactic, and it is a fruitless one at best. How can a racist accuse one of being a racist if using post that have no racist content in them when attempting it ? LOL

Except your posts are full of racism. You are a racist.
Anyone who think they should be paid because they are black is a racist.

Remember that Beckett play, "Waiting For Reparations"?
Most of these African Americans have white Great Grandfathers that raped their slaves. They're only partially black, which means their white ancestors owe their black ancestors some money. So they need to pay themselves for 400years of slavery and oppression. Start with every Leroy and Leon Washington and move on to George Jefferson.

Most of you white maggots seem to think the atrocities stopped after slavery. You are too cowardly to talk about what happed after slavery which may have been worse.

When it is said we talk about a history of racist laws and policy many do not understand the full extent of what is meant. According to the 13th Amendment, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, nor any place subject to their jurisdiction."I think people really need to understand the impact of the underlined words. Blacks were arrested, tried, found guilty and sent to prison for crimes such as vagrancy, cussing in front of whites, jaywalking and other minor or non offenses for whites. Because of this, they could be returned to slavery and were. There has been no amendment to change this part of the 13th Amendment meaning that in reality slavery still exists in America today.

Employment was required of all freedmen; violators faced vagrancy charges

•Freedmen could not assemble without the presence of a white person

•Freedmen were assumed to be agricultural workers and their duties and hours were tightly regulated

•Freedmen were not to be taught to read or write

•Public facilities were segregated

•Violators of these laws were subject to being whipped or branded.

And sent back into slavery. Just think about it, a black person could be convicted of not being employed and sent back into slavery along who many other things. Far too many people want to argue about things said without an understanding of the depth and length of things that have and continue to occur.
The changing of the laws, and even giving a group special status, and special priviledges above the new generations of AMERICAN white citizens, AMERICAN Latino citizens, AMERICAN Indian citizens, and on into infinity for whom all have had nothing to do with your accusations of their involvement in which should force them to pay up now is ridiculous.

The past is gone, and the new futures have begun. You are a relic in the pages of history just like anyone else who thinks in the way you do. Give it up already or just keep on beating your own head against the wall.

It's over !!!!
What other reason are you trying to claim?You can't prove damages in court so you think skin color is a valid qualification.

Human rights violations. And they are provable in court.
Good luck trying to prove damages.
You have to show damages. Loss of income or property. Pain and suffering. Just saying all blacks have suffered isn't gonna cut it. And having your feelings hurt won't cut it either.

It's already been proven.
Not by any stretch.
You can't prove damages and you can't prove liability. Slavery was and is a practice of Muslims. Most blacks were sent to America during the great purges....and massive slave trading during the Ottoman Empire. Most of the Irish and Scots who came to America in the 19th century were treated no better than slaves. Where are my reparations? Huh? Where's my check because my family wasn't accepted by the country club folks back home. There's too much Native American blood in my family for us to be part of the elitist crowd. Yet last time I applied for a student grant I wasn't qualified because water doesn't bead up on my hair and I can't show any tribal affiliation. Where's my fucking check???

Yes it can be proven. Irish and Scots were not slaves. You don't get reparations because the Irish and Scots were white and were participants in the racism.
Typical racist.
You think Whites have never been slaves.
Hebrew slaves built the great pyramids in Egypt 4000 years ago. In 18th Century England it was a normal practice for debtors to be sent to the Americas as slaves. William Wallace and the Scottish people were subjugated for centuries by the English.
Stop being an ignorant tool.
Affirmative action has been said to deny whites equal opportunity based upon equal access in the past or present.

Free apartments, free welfare, free medical, and free cell phones are just some other things that disincentivizes the will to work, and causes whites and working class blacks to say Hmmmm when they are busting their aces to make ends meet, yet you have others thinking about how many babies they can have in order to increase the free government benefits while letting the baby makers off the hook. Yeah, yeah, yeah we know that it is no longer an exclusive affair, because whites, and others are joining the ranks of poverty these days quicker than one can say "millennials lost in the wilderness".

Hollywood and the feds under certain power's figured long ago that it would use it's powerful platforms, judges etc in order to help level the playing fields, so it took years of telling and teaching the whites about their white guilt in which they should carry with themselves all the days of their lives, and teaching the blacks to make sure that they (the whites) do carry it with them all the days of their lives.

Then we have all black college's, but they better not find any all white college's etc. Pathetic.

It can all be a one sided thing that is continually positioning itself for power to either allow for a hold out or cause somebody to get broken down in these struggles..... In all isolated cases you have either one or the other ending up suffering in the situations, yet it's all dependent upon which racist "black or white" controls or wins the battle for that day in the situation, and in any case for their groups being represented.

The plan was to create Harmony and assimilation over time, but when you interject racist or cultural practices that end up repulsing one side or the other, then you get chaos on either side of the issues.

If going to create Harmony, then the powers that be can't allow one side to use the open doorway to get revenge for the past by being the very same thing in which they were battling to overcome. It is a problem.

Never will I see blacks as being a problem based upon their skin color, and hopefully they look at me in the same way. I have what I hope are some great black friends, and hopefully I don't ever find out otherwise.

Character is the key as Martin Luther King stated, and how right he was.

Hey Beagle 9, let the black friends you claim to have see your post here and you won’t have them any longer. I can see that you think your black friends are lucky and should share your opinions on this subject. It’s obvious from your post that you are a racist, you spout all of the racist rhetoric, but consider yourself tolerant. The Black college thing you reference, shows that you have subscribed to a lie spun to infer some advantage over White schools. In truth all historically Black colleges were integrated from the beginning. They were established to give black students the chance for a college education in a time where admissions of blacks to white schools was prohibited. Whites were never prohibited from attending Black colleges. Then your assertions that Blacks exist to make Whites feel guilty about slavery and racism, so then it follows that Blacks are responsible for White guilt and not the racist history and cultural racism of whites themselves. So in your world Blacks themselves are at fault for the racism of whites, and that Black actions to gain long denied rights a legitimate reason for denying them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Putting words (found only in your opinion), into another person's mouth in order to describe your target as a racist (as based upon those words), is nothing but a tactic, and it is a fruitless one at best. How can a racist accuse one of being a racist if using post that have no racist content in them when attempting it ? LOL

Except your posts are full of racism. You are a racist.
Anyone who thinks they should be paid because they are black is a racist.
Any one who thinks they should be paid as based upon their skin color is just wrong period. The nation has been duped big time over this idea that skin color makes the man, and therefore controls his character. Martin Luther King new this to be a huge fallacy, and that is why he longed for the day that a man won't be judged upon the color of his skin, but instead be judged upon the content of his character. You can never judge a book by the color of it's cover, and you must open up the book and begin to read it in order to truly know it. Then you will find that the book is either a good book or a bad book. How can people be so dumb as to have not understood this very thing in life by now ???

Are we as a nation going to be cursed by this idiocy until we all just finally implode or self destruct ? Pathetic.

When you find someone who thinks they should get paid because if the color of their skin let me know. Fid where any black has sad they should specifically be paid because they are black. Because you're repeating white race pimped bullshit. Whites created a system based on race. You benefitted from it at the expense of others.
I personally think that blacks have the capacity to learn as much as any other, but it's just mot something your culture values all that much, apparently. And to show that it's possible, some blacks have succeeded in the intellectual fields... Just pull your collective pants up and get to studying.
But I can't I have all that low black IQ inside of me. So what should you do ?

Are you the gutter-dwelling scum who wrote this???

No white person is African. If anything killing them is to good for them. I would kill.the white supremacists kids in front of them. Have them watch. I would get a bunch of black men to rape their daughters and make them watch. And then kill their daughters in front of them. And then laugh at them. treat them exactly how they treat. So I agree with every worthless white bastard who has died in SA

Genocide of white farmers in South africa

Was that you????
yes I would commit genocide to whites in SA. I would rape there women. I would kill there kids in front if them. I would burn there houses down with them inside. I would do all sorts......

And this guy doesn't get banned?

Why should he? There is no white genocide in South Africa. You racists are making it up, You ignore 100 years of d legit government sponsored black genocide by whites in South Africa as well as the fact far more blacks are dying there. And that's just one of the many types of white racist bullshit those like you have gotten away with here.[/QUOTE]
So because there was nlacj genocide in the past, you have the audacity to want to kill whites there today, who have done nothing to you?
Except your posts are full of racism. You are a racist.
Anyone who think they should be paid because they are black is a racist.

Remember that Beckett play, "Waiting For Reparations"?
Most of these African Americans have white Great Grandfathers that raped their slaves. They're only partially black, which means their white ancestors owe their black ancestors some money. So they need to pay themselves for 400years of slavery and oppression. Start with every Leroy and Leon Washington and move on to George Jefferson.

Most of you white maggots seem to think the atrocities stopped after slavery. You are too cowardly to talk about what happed after slavery which may have been worse.

When it is said we talk about a history of racist laws and policy many do not understand the full extent of what is meant. According to the 13th Amendment, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, nor any place subject to their jurisdiction."I think people really need to understand the impact of the underlined words. Blacks were arrested, tried, found guilty and sent to prison for crimes such as vagrancy, cussing in front of whites, jaywalking and other minor or non offenses for whites. Because of this, they could be returned to slavery and were. There has been no amendment to change this part of the 13th Amendment meaning that in reality slavery still exists in America today.

Employment was required of all freedmen; violators faced vagrancy charges

•Freedmen could not assemble without the presence of a white person

•Freedmen were assumed to be agricultural workers and their duties and hours were tightly regulated

•Freedmen were not to be taught to read or write

•Public facilities were segregated

•Violators of these laws were subject to being whipped or branded.

And sent back into slavery. Just think about it, a black person could be convicted of not being employed and sent back into slavery along who many other things. Far too many people want to argue about things said without an understanding of the depth and length of things that have and continue to occur.
The changing of the laws, and even giving a group special status, and special priviledges above the new generations of AMERICAN white citizens, AMERICAN Latino citizens, AMERICAN Indian citizens, and on into infinity for whom all have had nothing to do with your accusations of their involvement in which should force them to pay up now is ridiculous.

The past is gone, and the new futures have begun. You are a relic in the pages of history just like anyone else who thinks in the way you do. Give it up already or just keep on beating your own head against the wall.

It's over !!!!

Nah, I'm a modern thinking person of color. If you think that equal opportunity is special rights, you need help.
Hey Beagle 9, let the black friends you claim to have see your post here and you won’t have them any longer. I can see that you think your black friends are lucky and should share your opinions on this subject. It’s obvious from your post that you are a racist, you spout all of the racist rhetoric, but consider yourself tolerant. The Black college thing you reference, shows that you have subscribed to a lie spun to infer some advantage over White schools. In truth all historically Black colleges were integrated from the beginning. They were established to give black students the chance for a college education in a time where admissions of blacks to white schools was prohibited. Whites were never prohibited from attending Black colleges. Then your assertions that Blacks exist to make Whites feel guilty about slavery and racism, so then it follows that Blacks are responsible for White guilt and not the racist history and cultural racism of whites themselves. So in your world Blacks themselves are at fault for the racism of whites, and that Black actions to gain long denied rights a legitimate reason for denying them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Putting words (found only in your opinion), into another person's mouth in order to describe your target as a racist (as based upon those words), is nothing but a tactic, and it is a fruitless one at best. How can a racist accuse one of being a racist if using post that have no racist content in them when attempting it ? LOL

Except your posts are full of racism. You are a racist.
Anyone who thinks they should be paid because they are black is a racist.
Any one who thinks they should be paid as based upon their skin color is just wrong period. The nation has been duped big time over this idea that skin color makes the man, and therefore controls his character. Martin Luther King new this to be a huge fallacy, and that is why he longed for the day that a man won't be judged upon the color of his skin, but instead be judged upon the content of his character. You can never judge a book by the color of it's cover, and you must open up the book and begin to read it in order to truly know it. Then you will find that the book is either a good book or a bad book. How can people be so dumb as to have not understood this very thing in life by now ???

Are we as a nation going to be cursed by this idiocy until we all just finally implode or self destruct ? Pathetic.

When you find someone who thinks they should get paid because if the color of their skin let me know. Fid where any black has sad they should specifically be paid because they are black. Because you're repeating white race pimped bullshit. Whites created a system based on race. You benefitted from it at the expense of others.

"Whites created a system based on race."

Gads, you're such a fool.

The group in America with the highest income, highest educational attainment, lowest crime rate, isn't white.

So much for your nonsense.

I wonder how you find your way back to that refrigerator box you call home, each day.
I personally think that blacks have the capacity to learn as much as any other, but it's just mot something your culture values all that much, apparently. And to show that it's possible, some blacks have succeeded in the intellectual fields... Just pull your collective pants up and get to studying.
But I can't I have all that low black IQ inside of me. So what should you do ?

Are you the gutter-dwelling scum who wrote this???

No white person is African. If anything killing them is to good for them. I would kill.the white supremacists kids in front of them. Have them watch. I would get a bunch of black men to rape their daughters and make them watch. And then kill their daughters in front of them. And then laugh at them. treat them exactly how they treat. So I agree with every worthless white bastard who has died in SA

Genocide of white farmers in South africa

Was that you????
yes I would commit genocide to whites in SA. I would rape there women. I would kill there kids in front if them. I would burn there houses down with them inside. I would do all sorts......

And this guy doesn't get banned?

He should never be banned.....he must remain as an embarrassment to the other side.

And....he is.[/QUOTE]

Like you are?
I personally think that blacks have the capacity to learn as much as any other, but it's just mot something your culture values all that much, apparently. And to show that it's possible, some blacks have succeeded in the intellectual fields... Just pull your collective pants up and get to studying.
But I can't I have all that low black IQ inside of me. So what should you do ?
I don't have to do anything, that's your problem, brutha.
I'm not your brother - white man.
We is bruthaz, not brothers.
But I can't I have all that low black IQ inside of me. So what should you do ?

Are you the gutter-dwelling scum who wrote this???

No white person is African. If anything killing them is to good for them. I would kill.the white supremacists kids in front of them. Have them watch. I would get a bunch of black men to rape their daughters and make them watch. And then kill their daughters in front of them. And then laugh at them. treat them exactly how they treat. So I agree with every worthless white bastard who has died in SA

Genocide of white farmers in South africa

Was that you????
yes I would commit genocide to whites in SA. I would rape there women. I would kill there kids in front if them. I would burn there houses down with them inside. I would do all sorts......

And this guy doesn't get banned?

He should never be banned.....he must remain as an embarrassment to the other side.

And....he is.

Like you are?[/QUOTE]


BTW.....have you developed enough self-respect to decide whether you are Jewish or a Democrat.....'cause, you know.....a Jewish person would be embarrassed to belong to a party that embraces anti-Semitism, and all.....
So explain the reasoning by which you concluded that the ONLY POSSIBLE explanation I could have for blacks having lower scores was inherent racial inferior
It's the totality of our entire conversation on this matter however comments like this I'm sure contributed

The City did discriminate against the white people, because it wanted to promote black people, based on skin color, not merit.
But I can't I have all that low black IQ inside of me. So what should you do ?

Are you the gutter-dwelling scum who wrote this???

No white person is African. If anything killing them is to good for them. I would kill.the white supremacists kids in front of them. Have them watch. I would get a bunch of black men to rape their daughters and make them watch. And then kill their daughters in front of them. And then laugh at them. treat them exactly how they treat. So I agree with every worthless white bastard who has died in SA

Genocide of white farmers in South africa

Was that you????
yes I would commit genocide to whites in SA. I would rape there women. I would kill there kids in front if them. I would burn there houses down with them inside. I would do all sorts......

And this guy doesn't get banned?

He should never be banned.....he must remain as an embarrassment to the other side.

And....he is.

Like you are?[/QUOTE]

The guy just voiced support for genocide and the use of rape as a weapon of war.

You sure you want to defend him?
So explain the reasoning by which you concluded that the ONLY POSSIBLE explanation I could have for blacks having lower scores was inherent racial inferior
It's the totality of our entire conversation on this matter however comments like this I'm sure contributed

The City did discriminate against the white people, because it wanted to promote black people, based on skin color, not merit.

The blacks in this specific case, did not score well enough to be promoted on merit. That is a fact of the case.

Nothing in my post, in any way addressed, or even hinted at addressing any explanation(s) for the lower scores.

If that is the best justification you have for accusing me of racism, this is where you want to retract that, and we can move on.
Are you the gutter-dwelling scum who wrote this???

Genocide of white farmers in South africa

Was that you????
yes I would commit genocide to whites in SA. I would rape there women. I would kill there kids in front if them. I would burn there houses down with them inside. I would do all sorts......

And this guy doesn't get banned?

He should never be banned.....he must remain as an embarrassment to the other side.

And....he is.

Like you are?

The guy just voiced support for genocide and the use of rape as a weapon of war.

You sure you want to defend him?[/QUOTE]

You shouldn't expect logic nor intellect from that one.....just anger and falsifications.
yes I would commit genocide to whites in SA. I would rape there women. I would kill there kids in front if them. I would burn there houses down with them inside. I would do all sorts......

And this guy doesn't get banned?

He should never be banned.....he must remain as an embarrassment to the other side.

And....he is.

Like you are?

The guy just voiced support for genocide and the use of rape as a weapon of war.

You sure you want to defend him?

You shouldn't expect logic nor intellect from that one.....just anger and falsifications.[/QUOTE]

I expect a denial that a counter attack on someone attacking a pro genocide madman,

is a defense of that pro genocide madman.

Which would reveal, a complete lack of logic and honesty.

But, liberal.
So explain the reasoning by which you concluded that the ONLY POSSIBLE explanation I could have for blacks having lower scores was inherent racial inferior
It's the totality of our entire conversation on this matter however comments like this I'm sure contributed

The City did discriminate against the white people, because it wanted to promote black people, based on skin color, not merit.

The blacks in this specific case, did not score well enough to be promoted on merit. That is a fact of the case.

Nothing in my post, in any way addressed, or even hinted at addressing any explanation(s) for the lower scores.

If that is the best justification you have for accusing me of racism, this is where you want to retract that, and we can move on.

I believe we have a clue, here:

And here is the unmitigated proof that Liberal 'help' has actually weakened the ability of black Americans to take the steps that would move them off what Star Parker calls 'Uncle Sam's Plantation"....

Both Liberal welfare policies and Liberal propaganda ('the legacy of slavery) have persuaded large segments of the black population that they need not take the steps that lead out of poverty......rather, they cannot....and only big government programs will save them.

Here is the amazing consequence of half a century of indoctrination:


Overall, white homes had 2.5 times as many books as black homes. But the most surprising finding is that the top quintile of black homes reported having fewer books (69) than the bottom quintile of white homes (71)."

Report: Negligent Parenting Hurts Black Students' Performance
Are you the gutter-dwelling scum who wrote this???

Genocide of white farmers in South africa

Was that you????
yes I would commit genocide to whites in SA. I would rape there women. I would kill there kids in front if them. I would burn there houses down with them inside. I would do all sorts......

And this guy doesn't get banned?

He should never be banned.....he must remain as an embarrassment to the other side.

And....he is.

Like you are?


BTW.....have you developed enough self-respect to decide whether you are Jewish or a Democrat.....'cause, you know.....a Jewish person would be embarrassed to belong to a party that embraces anti-Semitism, and all.....[/QUOTE]

Are you still peddling that Newsmax and Breitbart b.s.? Apparently you subscribe to the old false adage “If you repeat a lie long enough and loud enough, people will believe it.” I think that you have taken it too far though, now you actually believe it. You have brain washed yourself and become the best consumer of this perverse ideology. Do you ever get the sense that you’re in a room alone, and talking to yourself. Do you recognize the unaltered, unadulterated truth when you see it? I think not. I’ll bet that this forum and others like it, are the only venues where you exist. When citizens finally take the time to fully research and then understand the truth of their own and others lives, manipulators and liars like you will finally have to justify their willful deceptions.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yes I would commit genocide to whites in SA. I would rape there women. I would kill there kids in front if them. I would burn there houses down with them inside. I would do all sorts......

And this guy doesn't get banned?

He should never be banned.....he must remain as an embarrassment to the other side.

And....he is.

Like you are?


BTW.....have you developed enough self-respect to decide whether you are Jewish or a Democrat.....'cause, you know.....a Jewish person would be embarrassed to belong to a party that embraces anti-Semitism, and all.....
" d
Are you still peddling that Newsmax and Breitbart b.s.? Apparently you subscribe to the old false adage “If you repeat a lie long enough and loud enough, people will believe it.” I think that you have taken it too far though, now you actually believe it. You have brain washed yourself and become the best consumer of this perverse ideology. Do you ever get the sense that you’re in a room alone, and talking to yourself. Do you recognize the unaltered, unadulterated truth when you see it? I think not. I’ll bet that this forum and others like it, are the only venues where you exist. When citizens finally take the time to fully research and then understand the truth of their own and others lives, manipulators and liars like you will finally have to justify their willful deceptions.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

Somehow, the least astute.....you.....have been trained to ignore facts unless they are provided by outlets that you deem acceptable.

Not the sign of a sharp intellect, but of the sort of lazy individual indoctrinated in government school.

Nothing in my posts are lies.

All are correct and accurate....proven by you inability to do anything other than use the Liberal "is not, issssssss noootttttttt!!! defense.

I certainly wish you a rapid recovery.
What other reason are you trying to claim?You can't prove damages in court so you think skin color is a valid qualification.

Human rights violations. And they are provable in court.
Good luck trying to prove damages.
You have to show damages. Loss of income or property. Pain and suffering. Just saying all blacks have suffered isn't gonna cut it. And having your feelings hurt won't cut it either.

Such assertions are ridiculous. There’s not even a crackpot supremacist who claims that evidence of harm and of malicious intent aren’t abundantly evident, along with every other metric used to quantify that unimaginable human catastrophe. This after the fact dismissal of the historical record is in line with the current supremacist tactic of fake news in the service of revisionist history and denial. The case for reparations has always been strong. Forty acres and a mule wasn’t a demand, but an offer made to assuage a Nation’s guilt, an offer quickly withdrawn as southerners realized it placed the newly emancipated slave on an almost equal footing. Instead, its denial was used as an instrument to foment distrust amongst freedmen and to necessitate another hundred years of sharecropper slavery and Jim Crow subjugation to survive. Monetary damages owed to the descendants of slaves would be incalculable and irrelevant, but the confession of past and present sins could start a mourning and healing process that is 160 years late and long overdue.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This was addressed decades ago, but you race-baiters keep dredging it up. Racism cannot be erased from planet Earth. You can't force people to stop hating and you can't put a price tag on it. Ending racism begins with you. Stop hating. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated. If you insist on not learning from the past then you're doomed to repeat it.
Right now blacks are murdering Whites in South Africa. Keep going this way and soon blacks will be openly killing Whites in our streets ..... And then you will have Hell to pay. You will have opened a can of worms that you cannot close. Then all of those silent folks that complain in private will start wasting people indiscriminately. My guess is that's really what you people want. This is why Democrats are trying to take our guns. I've been in countries where one clan is constantly killing another (Somalia). They have no future. Hatred has erased it. I think that's what you want. I suggest you and your racist friends go on living in your world of hate. All of that hate will just end up making your lives miserable.

Right now he majority of those getting killed in South Africa are blacks. Not to mention the 100 years of black genocide by whites in south Africa. You racists are baiting other whites into thinking about a race war. Things will bot turn out how you think. Stop lying to yourself.
Blacks are being killed?
Do you want to see what blacks did in South Africa?

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