Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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He can't be that smart. He's posting here, every day, all day. I'm only stuck on the computer while rehabbing and going to school.

The reason extremists don't have anything and want to spread the misery is that they are lazy to begin with. After I fully recoup from surgery, I'll probably spend some of my time mentoring young people and doing the foster parent thing. It's much more productive than lying to people and calling them names all day long.

You can tell that the guy has made a religion out of racism because he thinks it is the worst thing that can happen to an individual. So, when it wasn't severe enough to impress us, it went from racism to institutional racism, to systemic racism, etc., etc.

Political minorities face the same kinds of challenges; kids from broken homes face challenges. The untold story behind whites who are victimized by a host of people (mostly for political reasons) that aren't even on the books. They don't have a job; they aren't on the government dole; the government hooked them on drugs and then when they turned 25 or so mommy's insurance drops them and now they are locked OUT of the system. Most of them didn't do it to themselves - the government and ignorant parents did.

I'll spend the bulk of my time trying to help them. The black racists will continue to try and convince you how bad they have it - and spending the equivalent of a full time to do so.

I'm retired dumb ass, I can do what I want. Please stop mentoring kids. You keep racism alive.

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

I say this because it is almost impossible to overstate the degree to which conservative media today, particularly Fox News and talk radio, are brimming with expressions of white racial grievance and white identity politics. When a survey asks respondents to make broad judgments about things that are outside their experience, where do their answers come from? A white respondent, when coming up with an answer for how much discrimination people (both black and white) face, can't just look to their own experience or those of people they know. So the impression they have is shaped in large part by what they see and hear in the media. And if you're someone who gets your news from conservative media, you're constantly hearing things like this, from Rush Limbaugh:

Hey, look, folks, the white kid on that bus in Belleville, Illinois, he deserved to be beat up. You don't know about this story? Oh, there's video of this. The school bus filled with mostly black students beat up a white student a couple of times with all the black students cheering. Of course the white student on the bus deserved the beating. He was born a racist. That's what Newsweek magazine told us in its most recent cover. It's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama's America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, "Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on," and, of course, everybody says the white kid deserved it, he was born a racist, he's white.

In the white victimization narrative Limbaugh and others repeat so often, not only are whites constantly being oppressed, they're also constantly being falsely accused of racism; indeed, the false racism accusation is the primary means by which blacks and their elitist white liberal allies keep regular white people down..

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

You suffer from psychosis. .You repeat the same psychotic bullshit every day. It's all lies.. We are here reading you telling us this country was made for whites only, the 14th amendment is illegal and we blacks are not citizens, claim it's truth, then claim we are making up racism. LOL! How dumb can one person be. I'm here for a reason and when I'm done I am going to make examples out of those like you and others here.

Well, if you're going to do what you claim, you'd better get to popping. You've gotten your ass kicked until it's black and blue on this thread. Again, everything I've said has proven to be true.

Just because you don't like it, does NOT make it "racist." And like you said, if Rush Limbaugh made the claim that whites are falsely being accused of racism, your wailing on a daily basis is proof of the veracity of Limbaugh's charges.

You cannot and will not condemn those countries that DO, in fact, practice vile forms of racism on whites. You're always telling people what their problems are that you cannot see the boulder obscuring your own vision.

I told you about Egypt. You are so proud of your race. Well, I used to work in immigration law. So I contacted a guy FROM Egypt and we discussed some things at length. Until recently, foreigners could not buy land in Egypt. And today, Egypt is so bass ackwards, their immigration records aren't computerized! That's quite a commentary on what you think is the superior race. It doesn't appear that Egypt has advanced much beyond where Joseph, as a slave, worked to get the Egyptians to.

Your false allegations of racism prove that you are a cancer on society. The name calling fails to impress me. I've tried to explain to the whites what made America great. And you're jealous of the accomplishments of the white people, so you want to be a perpetual enemy of whites.

At the end of the day, what you're spewing sends this unequivocal message that if a majority of blacks in the U.S. feel the way you do, then we cannot co-exist. That might be something that my forefathers already knew and modern Americans don't want to accept.

I'm telling the white people that America was founded for the benefit of whites. Opening the door and telling people to come in if they love America and its people and want to live according to our culture, you're welcome might not be a viable way to live our lives.

You hate the whites; you hate American culture. You will use the balance of your life wallowing in self pity and hatred of a people that provided you a lifestyle above anything you could have achieved in any other country on this earth.

You don't abhor slavery; you belong to the race that created it and you belong to the political party that endorses it. You just want to be the slave owner. You're jealous. Well, my great grandfather didn't own slaves and neither did my grandfather. My father didn't own slaves and neither did I. So, I don't owe you squat. You're only pissed because the blacks cannot establish a country that they say they built. And even on that count, YOU are the racist. You keep forgetting that the Israelites were the blood, sweat and tears for the building of Egypt in its heyday. But, you don't own your part in the founding of slavery NOR give the Israelites their due in building Egyptian civilization as the slaves they were.

Then, you want to be inconsistent and claim that blacks built America. It's funny how the rules are not applied equally across history. You want credit for things you didn't do. And yet you bring your hatred and venom and waste your every waking moment promoting black racism while falsely accusing anyone that disagrees with you a racist - or worse. You're going to die a very unhappy man.

And who has kicked my ass? You? Ha! .We're talking about America, you are the one who posted 7-8 screeds about the American system. Not Israel. Blacks have a continent full of countries they built. They had so much whites decided steal from them.

So understand this because you missed it. You see the white mans constitution provided for the ability to amend. The founders made this so because they knew changing times would require it. The supreme court has overturned Dred Scott, Plessy and other racist decisions and has decided by law this is not a nation only for whites. Your whining about countries practicing racism against is childish considering whites have tried to colonize most of the planet.


But I'm sure you have an excuse about that too. I guess your forefathers believed they were ordained by God to build New Jerusalems all over the world.

Here endeth the lesson
Learn to be more to the point instead of going on and on.

Brevity is our friend.

As to the point about the "White Man's Constitution" : It's not just the White man's constitution, it's every man's constitution. Which parts do you feel don't protect your black ass?

Answer: Nothing

What you want is special rights and privileges carved out in the Constitution for your race alone.

The very definition of racism.

I will be as brief as the whites here who post long posts and you don't say a fucking word. So now shut up because humone was the one talking about the white mans system therefore the constitution being part of the white mans system makes it he whit as constitution if we continue with humoes logic. Whites were given special rights by the initial document and had those rights by law until 1965. When you run your mouth know what you are talking about.

Taking your run-on sentences aside......
......only certain states enforced Jim Crow. Blacks had those rights before 1965 everywhere else.
The Democrats just wanted to throw you back onto the plantation and the Republicans passed Civil Rights in 1965 in an attempt to get you off it.
But you'all keep running back to your Democrat massahs.
The institution of slavery is one that originates with blacks. You have to own it OR quit using it as way to try and whip the whites.
Is the Klan "your people"? What about the Westboro Baptists Church? Dylann Roof, that guy they just captured down in California , the Golden State Killer, any of them? What about all of the white criminals who were kicked out of Great Britain and sent to populate Australia. Those your people too?

I don't usually call people stupid, even when they show every symptom of being nothing other and I'm trying really hard not to make an exception here since you're being intentionally antagonistic and too much of a coward to do this face-to-face but nonetheless I'm going to allow you to see something I wrote days ago that I felt would be lost upon you

As far as your claim that slavery was not initiated by whites (disputable) if someone works in the sex slave trafficking industry and they bring you one of their kidnapped kids, and you keep and use that child for whatever purposes you see fit, do you honestly believe that just because you didn't go out and kidnap her or him yourself that absolves you of using that child in an illicit manner?​

You're making it sound like the whites of this country were the poor victims of entrapment, like what the FBI and some law enforcement agencies do sometimes - "if that mean FBI agent hadn't suggested that we kidnap, enslave, rape, beat and murder those Africans that were brought to us, we would have NEVER even thought to do something like that on our own!"

It's the SAME DAMN THING with slavery in AMERICA, the CURRENT topic of this discussion, not slavery as it exists everywhere in the world. I didn't set the topic but I've managed to make my arguments within those parameters while you keep deflecting to everything else under the sun apparently to draw attention away from the fact that you can't dispute our arguments that "as a race" whites are more racists than blacks. If whites actively sought to have blacks brought to American soil for the purpose of enslaving them, "breeding" them in order to increase their personal wealth and fought a war which they lost in order to protect the institution, no person on earth (not just in America) could REASONABLY conclude that whites "as a race" are not more racist than blacks "as a race" could ever be.

I personally don't know or want to know any people of any race who HATES white people or any race of people. You however are confusing HATE with valid and warranted criticisms of a system of oppression perpetrated against non-whites the affects of which linger to this day. Discussing it and strategizing with others on ways to deal with discrimination and racism in 2018 doesn't make any one of us a racist nor extremist.

In response to your question, I will give you my honest answer.

I don't know who the Westboro Baptists are, so I cannot say yes or no. To most of them, I don't know. I DO however know about the KIan and Dylan Roof. I'll step up to the plate unlike you.

You fucking well better believe that the Ku Klux Klan and Dylan Roof are people that I have to accept a lot of blame for. But, you know, while I have been fighting them for offering up really bad solutions for their problems, they would deny that we have anything in common - except a troll on this very board who accuses me of being in their organization while inferring I'm a race traitor at the same time.

FWIW, people like Dylan Roof and the KKK ARE partially my fault. Despite the fact that I have spent a good portion of my life trying to witness to those specific people (and organizations like theirs) to get them to use their brains (not to mention accept Jesus into their lives), they are just as committed to chaos and divisiveness as you are. Later this year I will be starting a ministry and trying to reach those who are wasting their lives. I even have an idea to do podcasts, run a website, etc. IF the good Lord thinks it's worth a green light. My regret is that I don't know how nor where to engage those people - except on their turf where I'm persona non grata.

The one thing I'll say to you is that if you ask the moderators here, they will tell you that you are full of shit. I've never backed down from a swinging Richard on this face of this earth. I continually tell people that if they want to issue a challenge to me, don't do the grandstand thing, take it to PM. I stay on thin ice with the moderators because I've been banned so many times when the white racists like to call me stupid and then talk shit like you do. WHEN I've told them if they want to call me out, do it. I have a PM here. Nobody has yet to use it and tell me to name the time and the place - but so far, that's been limited to a half dozen dumbasses that are just as obsessed with the immigration issue as you are with the race issue. But it remains to this date, not one swinging Richard on this board has ever called me a coward to my face.

To expound on that I've been on tv, in newspapers, radio, and I used to hold public meetings twice a month. IF I know when and where people are that I have a beef with, I go to them. I give them ample opportunity to come to me. But, for you to sit on your ass, behind a computer screen and call me a coward, not even having had the intestinal fortitude to contact me via PM and tell me to name the time and place before saying that in open forum says more about what YOU are than I can do in a hundred paragraphs.

The balance of your argument is a straw man argument. Slavery is a fact of life. You and those like you are just as hate filled as the neo-nazis. BOTH sides are on a mission to destroy this country. When slavery was going on, it was legal. It was legal in Egypt and was legal eons later when it was going on in the United States. And you're too much of a coward to step up to the plate and admit the reality of it.

If ANYONE owes you anything at all, it would be the people that sold you into slavery. The more intelligent move for you would be to return to the land of your forefathers, identify those who are the descendants of those that sold your ancestors into slavery and take their property as reparations. The only families in places like Sierra Leone that have money are probably the same ones whose ancestors sold your family into slavery. Then you find the individual families in the U.S. that engaged in the slave trade and deal with them.

Blaming the working class whites of America who had it WORSE than your ancestors while building America is going to lead you down a path that you really wouldn't want to go if your IQ was larger than your shoe size. While your ancestors were feeling the evening breeze while picking cotton and living healthy lifestyles, my ancestors were deep in coal mines having to dig tons of coal for pennies and most of them not making it to their fortieth birthday due to black lung.

The only benefit I've gotten from your race is to laid off of jobs due to racial quotas. But, I didn't waste my life blaming blacks for a condition I didn't like. My problems have always been with the big money power brokers and big government. Son, my ass never got a free ride from anything remotely related to slavery, segregation, etc. When I was a kid and my family ventured into the big cities, all I ever got was ridicule because my parents were poor; I had a southern accent; I wore rags to school and most of what went into my stomach I personally took out of the garden that I worked and what fish I could catch, etc. I don't know who the Hell you think you're addressing, but you don't have a damn thing over me. YOU have probably benefited off me at some point. Don't for a moment kid yourself. I'm nobody's coward. I've been a lot of bad things in my life and my greatest character flaw is the total absence of fear.
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He can't be that smart. He's posting here, every day, all day. I'm only stuck on the computer while rehabbing and going to school.

The reason extremists don't have anything and want to spread the misery is that they are lazy to begin with. After I fully recoup from surgery, I'll probably spend some of my time mentoring young people and doing the foster parent thing. It's much more productive than lying to people and calling them names all day long.

You can tell that the guy has made a religion out of racism because he thinks it is the worst thing that can happen to an individual. So, when it wasn't severe enough to impress us, it went from racism to institutional racism, to systemic racism, etc., etc.

Political minorities face the same kinds of challenges; kids from broken homes face challenges. The untold story behind whites who are victimized by a host of people (mostly for political reasons) that aren't even on the books. They don't have a job; they aren't on the government dole; the government hooked them on drugs and then when they turned 25 or so mommy's insurance drops them and now they are locked OUT of the system. Most of them didn't do it to themselves - the government and ignorant parents did.

I'll spend the bulk of my time trying to help them. The black racists will continue to try and convince you how bad they have it - and spending the equivalent of a full time to do so.

I'm retired dumb ass, I can do what I want. Please stop mentoring kids. You keep racism alive.

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

I say this because it is almost impossible to overstate the degree to which conservative media today, particularly Fox News and talk radio, are brimming with expressions of white racial grievance and white identity politics. When a survey asks respondents to make broad judgments about things that are outside their experience, where do their answers come from? A white respondent, when coming up with an answer for how much discrimination people (both black and white) face, can't just look to their own experience or those of people they know. So the impression they have is shaped in large part by what they see and hear in the media. And if you're someone who gets your news from conservative media, you're constantly hearing things like this, from Rush Limbaugh:

Hey, look, folks, the white kid on that bus in Belleville, Illinois, he deserved to be beat up. You don't know about this story? Oh, there's video of this. The school bus filled with mostly black students beat up a white student a couple of times with all the black students cheering. Of course the white student on the bus deserved the beating. He was born a racist. That's what Newsweek magazine told us in its most recent cover. It's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama's America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, "Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on," and, of course, everybody says the white kid deserved it, he was born a racist, he's white.

In the white victimization narrative Limbaugh and others repeat so often, not only are whites constantly being oppressed, they're also constantly being falsely accused of racism; indeed, the false racism accusation is the primary means by which blacks and their elitist white liberal allies keep regular white people down..

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

You suffer from psychosis. .You repeat the same psychotic bullshit every day. It's all lies.. We are here reading you telling us this country was made for whites only, the 14th amendment is illegal and we blacks are not citizens, claim it's truth, then claim we are making up racism. LOL! How dumb can one person be. I'm here for a reason and when I'm done I am going to make examples out of those like you and others here.

Well, if you're going to do what you claim, you'd better get to popping. You've gotten your ass kicked until it's black and blue on this thread. Again, everything I've said has proven to be true.

Just because you don't like it, does NOT make it "racist." And like you said, if Rush Limbaugh made the claim that whites are falsely being accused of racism, your wailing on a daily basis is proof of the veracity of Limbaugh's charges.

You cannot and will not condemn those countries that DO, in fact, practice vile forms of racism on whites. You're always telling people what their problems are that you cannot see the boulder obscuring your own vision.

I told you about Egypt. You are so proud of your race. Well, I used to work in immigration law. So I contacted a guy FROM Egypt and we discussed some things at length. Until recently, foreigners could not buy land in Egypt. And today, Egypt is so bass ackwards, their immigration records aren't computerized! That's quite a commentary on what you think is the superior race. It doesn't appear that Egypt has advanced much beyond where Joseph, as a slave, worked to get the Egyptians to.

Your false allegations of racism prove that you are a cancer on society. The name calling fails to impress me. I've tried to explain to the whites what made America great. And you're jealous of the accomplishments of the white people, so you want to be a perpetual enemy of whites.

At the end of the day, what you're spewing sends this unequivocal message that if a majority of blacks in the U.S. feel the way you do, then we cannot co-exist. That might be something that my forefathers already knew and modern Americans don't want to accept.

I'm telling the white people that America was founded for the benefit of whites. Opening the door and telling people to come in if they love America and its people and want to live according to our culture, you're welcome might not be a viable way to live our lives.

You hate the whites; you hate American culture. You will use the balance of your life wallowing in self pity and hatred of a people that provided you a lifestyle above anything you could have achieved in any other country on this earth.

You don't abhor slavery; you belong to the race that created it and you belong to the political party that endorses it. You just want to be the slave owner. You're jealous. Well, my great grandfather didn't own slaves and neither did my grandfather. My father didn't own slaves and neither did I. So, I don't owe you squat. You're only pissed because the blacks cannot establish a country that they say they built. And even on that count, YOU are the racist. You keep forgetting that the Israelites were the blood, sweat and tears for the building of Egypt in its heyday. But, you don't own your part in the founding of slavery NOR give the Israelites their due in building Egyptian civilization as the slaves they were.

Then, you want to be inconsistent and claim that blacks built America. It's funny how the rules are not applied equally across history. You want credit for things you didn't do. And yet you bring your hatred and venom and waste your every waking moment promoting black racism while falsely accusing anyone that disagrees with you a racist - or worse. You're going to die a very unhappy man.

And who has kicked my ass? You? Ha! .We're talking about America, you are the one who posted 7-8 screeds about the American system. Not Israel. Blacks have a continent full of countries they built. They had so much whites decided steal from them.

So understand this because you missed it. You see the white mans constitution provided for the ability to amend. The founders made this so because they knew changing times would require it. The supreme court has overturned Dred Scott, Plessy and other racist decisions and has decided by law this is not a nation only for whites. Your whining about countries practicing racism against is childish considering whites have tried to colonize most of the planet.


But I'm sure you have an excuse about that too. I guess your forefathers believed they were ordained by God to build New Jerusalems all over the world.

Here endeth the lesson
Learn to be more to the point instead of going on and on.

Brevity is our friend.

As to the point about the "White Man's Constitution" : It's not just the White man's constitution, it's every man's constitution. Which parts do you feel don't protect your black ass?

Answer: Nothing

What you want is special rights and privileges carved out in the Constitution for your race alone.

The very definition of racism.

I will be as brief as the whites here who post long posts and you don't say a fucking word. So now shut up because humone was the one talking about the white mans system therefore the constitution being part of the white mans system makes it he whit as constitution if we continue with humoes logic. Whites were given special rights by the initial document and had those rights by law until 1965. When you run your mouth know what you are talking about.

You are a pathological liar. You've been free since 1868. And, during that time many whites have sacrificed, given, and fought for you and today, you don't even acknowledge it.

Many a white has abandoned their race and even their blood relatives to belong in the fight for the black people. You are the sum total of their efforts.
In response to your question, I will give you my honest answer.

I don't know who the Westboro Baptists are, so I cannot say yes or no. To most of them, I don't know. I DO however know about the KIan and Dylan Roof. I'll step up to the plate unlike you.

You fucking well better believe that the Ku Klux Klan and Dylan Roof are people that I have to accept a lot of blame for. But, you know, while I have been fighting them for offering up really bad solutions for their problems, they would deny that we have anything in common - except a troll on this very board who accuses me of being in their organization while inferring I'm a race traitor at the same time.

FWIW, people like Dylan Roof and the KKK ARE partially my fault. Despite the fact that I have spent a good portion of my life trying to witness to those specific people (and organizations like theirs) to get them to use their brains (not to mention accept Jesus into their lives), they are just as committed to chaos and divisiveness as you are. Later this year I will be starting a ministry and trying to reach those who are wasting their lives. I even have an idea to do podcasts, run a website, etc. IF the good Lord thinks it's worth a green light. My regret is that I don't know how nor where to engage those people - except on their turf where I'm persona non grata.
So this part was good, it's almost like we're beginning to have a conversation but then you go and say this

The one thing I'll say to you is that if you ask the moderators here, they will tell you that you are full of shit. I've never backed down from a swinging Richard on this face of this earth. I continually tell people that if they want to issue a challenge to me, don't do the grandstand thing, take it to PM. I stay on thin ice with the moderators because I've been banned so many times when the white racists like to call me stupid and then talk shit like you do. WHEN I've told them if they want to call me out, do it. I have a PM here. Nobody has yet to use it and tell me to name the time and the place - but so far, that's been limited to a half dozen dumbasses that are just as obsessed with the immigration issue as you are with the race issue. But it remains to this date, not one swinging Richard on this board has ever called me a coward to my face.
What is with you boys and your obsession with penises, besides the obvious? The Westboro Baptist Church are those "Christians" that protest at the funerals of dead service members with truly vile signs indicating that the death is God's punishment because God hates fags, etc.

You on the other hand talk all this crap, all day long, call me as well as the other African American posters here a plethora of insulting and demeaning names yet you're surprised that no one is interested in speaking with you privately? You should be able to say whatever it is you have to say with the same transparency that we all have - right here on the public message board. You certainly don't have any problems insulting us publicly why would we want to set up an avenue for private abuse? That's what racists often do, get you behind closed doors where there are no witnesses to anything that is said or done.

So is someone paying you to come to these boards and tell lies and cast aspersions on the character of the African American posters here? Because it's been done before. See, if you and I or any of the other AA posters simply didn't agree on the topic at hand that would be one thing, we could just agree to disagree, but that's not what's going on here. You are intentionally making false statements, making intentionally provocative statements, calling people names like you're trying to pick a fight but nobody is actually taking the bait. I called you a coward because that's what cyberbulllies and cyberstalkers are. You would NEVER speak this way to my face and you damn well know this.

It must REALLY suck to be you to hear you tell it, to see that there are black people here who just won't STFU because you think we should. My grandfather, U.S. Army Air Corps Captain John Daniels whose photos are in my signature line below, lost his life in service to his country, the United States of America even though he served in a segregated military. He along with several other high ranking officers lost their lives when their plane crashed as they were attempting to make their way back to Moton field in Tuskegee, Alabama. There has been a rumor for a long time, not just among our family members but among the community of family, friends and loved ones of the Tuskegee airmen that they had been requesting emergency clearance to try to get out of the thunderstorm they were caught in. But because the south was segregated and the only field that they as African Americans were authorized to fly in and out of was the field in Tuskegee they were not allowed to land anywhere else and their request to divert was denied. They almost made it back to Tuskegee but crashed just short of the runway. Everyone on board perished.

If the rumors are true and this is what actually happened then racism killed my grandfather as well as everyone else on board that plane. And they lost there lives fighting to protect the very rights that allow you to sit on your computer and speak to his granddaughter in the ignorant manner that you do.

IF I were the person you claim that I am you'd be in a world of hurt right about now, but my parents brought us up to not mock and make fun of people with handicaps, particularly mental ones although you & Correll make it really hard to mind my manners and not say something that would embarrass my parents if they read it.

While I'm surprised to hear that the moderators allegedly hold the same opinion of me that you do I haven't been banned yet, so there's that but as my Dad used to tell me "always consider the source". And I'm truly sorry if you have suffered in life but just like you all are always telling us "if you hate America so much move back to Africa" (no one HATES America, we're just working to improve conditions for everyone and YES the way our laws work if it improves things for us by extension it will improve things for you all as well), if coal mining was so bad for everyone why didn't you all move somewhere else and do something else to earn a living? Personally, I'd rather improve on what i have than toss everything and start over but that's just me. But don't think there aren't some people trying EVERYTHING they can to manipulate me into a situation where that's exactly what I'd have to do.
In response to your question, I will give you my honest answer.

I don't know who the Westboro Baptists are, so I cannot say yes or no. To most of them, I don't know. I DO however know about the KIan and Dylan Roof. I'll step up to the plate unlike you.

You fucking well better believe that the Ku Klux Klan and Dylan Roof are people that I have to accept a lot of blame for. But, you know, while I have been fighting them for offering up really bad solutions for their problems, they would deny that we have anything in common - except a troll on this very board who accuses me of being in their organization while inferring I'm a race traitor at the same time.

FWIW, people like Dylan Roof and the KKK ARE partially my fault. Despite the fact that I have spent a good portion of my life trying to witness to those specific people (and organizations like theirs) to get them to use their brains (not to mention accept Jesus into their lives), they are just as committed to chaos and divisiveness as you are. Later this year I will be starting a ministry and trying to reach those who are wasting their lives. I even have an idea to do podcasts, run a website, etc. IF the good Lord thinks it's worth a green light. My regret is that I don't know how nor where to engage those people - except on their turf where I'm persona non grata.
So this part was good, it's almost like we're beginning to have a conversation but then you go and say this

The one thing I'll say to you is that if you ask the moderators here, they will tell you that you are full of shit. I've never backed down from a swinging Richard on this face of this earth. I continually tell people that if they want to issue a challenge to me, don't do the grandstand thing, take it to PM. I stay on thin ice with the moderators because I've been banned so many times when the white racists like to call me stupid and then talk shit like you do. WHEN I've told them if they want to call me out, do it. I have a PM here. Nobody has yet to use it and tell me to name the time and the place - but so far, that's been limited to a half dozen dumbasses that are just as obsessed with the immigration issue as you are with the race issue. But it remains to this date, not one swinging Richard on this board has ever called me a coward to my face.
What is with you boys and your obsession with penises, besides the obvious? The Westboro Baptist Church are those "Christians" that protest at the funerals of dead service members with truly vile signs indicating that the death is God's punishment because God hates fags, etc.

You on the other hand talk all this crap, all day long, call me as well as the other African American posters here a plethora of insulting and demeaning names yet you're surprised that no one is interested in speaking with you privately? You should be able to say whatever it is you have to say with the same transparency that we all have - right here on the public message board. You certainly don't have any problems insulting us publicly why would we want to set up an avenue for private abuse? That's what racists often do, get you behind closed doors where there are no witnesses to anything that is said or done.

So is someone paying you to come to these boards and tell lies and cast aspersions on the character of the African American posters here? Because it's been done before. See, if you and I or any of the other AA posters simply didn't agree on the topic at hand that would be one thing, we could just agree to disagree, but that's not what's going on here. You are intentionally making false statements, making intentionally provocative statements, calling people names like you're trying to pick a fight but nobody is actually taking the bait. I called you a coward because that's what cyberbulllies and cyberstalkers are. You would NEVER speak this way to my face and you damn well know this.

It must REALLY suck to be you to hear you tell it, to see that there are black people here who just won't STFU because you think we should. My grandfather, U.S. Army Air Corps Captain John Daniels whose photos are in my signature line below, lost his life in service to his country, the United States of America even though he served in a segregated military. He along with several other high ranking officers lost their lives when their plane crashed as they were attempting to make their way back to Moton field in Tuskegee, Alabama. There has been a rumor for a long time, not just among our family members but among the community of family, friends and loved ones of the Tuskegee airmen that they had been requesting emergency clearance to try to get out of the thunderstorm they were caught in. But because the south was segregated and the only field that they as African Americans were authorized to fly in and out of was the field in Tuskegee they were not allowed to land anywhere else and their request to divert was denied. They almost made it back to Tuskegee but crashed just short of the runway. Everyone on board perished.

If the rumors are true and this is what actually happened then racism killed my grandfather as well as everyone else on board that plane. And they lost there lives fighting to protect the very rights that allow you to sit on your computer and speak to his granddaughter in the ignorant manner that you do.

IF I were the person you claim that I am you'd be in a world of hurt right about now, but my parents brought us up to not mock and make fun of people with handicaps, particularly mental ones although you & Correll make it really hard to mind my manners and not say something that would embarrass my parents if they read it.

While I'm surprised to hear that the moderators allegedly hold the same opinion of me that you do I haven't been banned yet, so there's that but as my Dad used to tell me "always consider the source". And I'm truly sorry if you have suffered in life but just like you all are always telling us "if you hate America so much move back to Africa" (no one HATES America, we're just working to improve conditions for everyone and YES the way our laws work if it improves things for us by extension it will improve things for you all as well), if coal mining was so bad for everyone why didn't you all move somewhere else and do something else to earn a living? Personally, I'd rather improve on what i have than toss everything and start over but that's just me. But don't think there aren't some people trying EVERYTHING they can to manipulate me into a situation where that's exactly what I'd have to do.
I classify that entire post as psycobabble.

You said a lot of nothing.
Not really. A few minutes of typing.

NO, that's just what they SAY, because they can't refute my arguments.

Logical fallacy of Ad Hominem. You lose.

Never said it was.

No "logical fallacy" here, and certainly nothing to lose but a little bit of idle time..

Just an honest observation from an impartial point of view.

Denial does you no good.

I know that denying does me no good.

That is part of the problem. We have a society,where, when lefties make an accusation, it is considered true, and denials, no matter how true or how well supported, have no impact.

Really, it seems the only logical conclusion is that we are done with discussion.

BUT, the fact remains, all you posted was bullshit logical fallacies and you do lose.

Yes, we are done. No one loses. No one wins. It's nothing but entertainment to me.

Pointing out how you are perceived by some, is not a logical fallacy or bullshit.

Obviously it hurts your over inflated ego, but sometimes the truth stings.

Pointing out that a lot of people believe something, as though that is some sort of evidence supporting it,

is a Logical Fallacy.

That is the truth. I provided you with a link explaining that.

You are the one denying the simplest of truths.

It does not hurt my ego to demolish your illogical arguments.
Not really. A few minutes of typing.

NO, that's just what they SAY, because they can't refute my arguments.

Logical fallacy of Ad Hominem. You lose.

Never said it was.

No "logical fallacy" here, and certainly nothing to lose but a little bit of idle time..

Just an honest observation from an impartial point of view.

Denial does you no good.

I know that denying does me no good.

That is part of the problem. We have a society,where, when lefties make an accusation, it is considered true, and denials, no matter how true or how well supported, have no impact.

Really, it seems the only logical conclusion is that we are done with discussion.

BUT, the fact remains, all you posted was bullshit logical fallacies and you do lose.

Yes, we are done. No one loses. No one wins. It's nothing but entertainment to me.

Pointing out how you are perceived by some, is not a logical fallacy or bullshit.

Obviously it hurts your over inflated ego, but sometimes the truth stings.

Pointing out that a lot of people believe something, as though that is some sort of evidence supporting it,

is a Logical Fallacy.

That is the truth. I provided you with a link explaining that.

You are the one denying the simplest of truths.

It does not hurt my ego to demolish your illogical arguments.

If you were really that secure in what you state, and I am so "illogical", you would not still be trying to convince me that you are right.

I didn't answer a question, a question buried in a wall of text AND one that had an OR answer that she ignored herself.

And she decided that that was evidence enough to start calling me vile insults.

And you defend that utter stupidity.

Now you are claiming that if I was "secure" in that logic, that I would let it go, because....

Well, you don't actually explain your claim, you just make it.

Pretty normal for a lefty.
In response to your question, I will give you my honest answer.

I don't know who the Westboro Baptists are, so I cannot say yes or no. To most of them, I don't know. I DO however know about the KIan and Dylan Roof. I'll step up to the plate unlike you.

You fucking well better believe that the Ku Klux Klan and Dylan Roof are people that I have to accept a lot of blame for. But, you know, while I have been fighting them for offering up really bad solutions for their problems, they would deny that we have anything in common - except a troll on this very board who accuses me of being in their organization while inferring I'm a race traitor at the same time.

FWIW, people like Dylan Roof and the KKK ARE partially my fault. Despite the fact that I have spent a good portion of my life trying to witness to those specific people (and organizations like theirs) to get them to use their brains (not to mention accept Jesus into their lives), they are just as committed to chaos and divisiveness as you are. Later this year I will be starting a ministry and trying to reach those who are wasting their lives. I even have an idea to do podcasts, run a website, etc. IF the good Lord thinks it's worth a green light. My regret is that I don't know how nor where to engage those people - except on their turf where I'm persona non grata.
So this part was good, it's almost like we're beginning to have a conversation but then you go and say this

The one thing I'll say to you is that if you ask the moderators here, they will tell you that you are full of shit. I've never backed down from a swinging Richard on this face of this earth. I continually tell people that if they want to issue a challenge to me, don't do the grandstand thing, take it to PM. I stay on thin ice with the moderators because I've been banned so many times when the white racists like to call me stupid and then talk shit like you do. WHEN I've told them if they want to call me out, do it. I have a PM here. Nobody has yet to use it and tell me to name the time and the place - but so far, that's been limited to a half dozen dumbasses that are just as obsessed with the immigration issue as you are with the race issue. But it remains to this date, not one swinging Richard on this board has ever called me a coward to my face.
What is with you boys and your obsession with penises, besides the obvious? The Westboro Baptist Church are those "Christians" that protest at the funerals of dead service members with truly vile signs indicating that the death is God's punishment because God hates fags, etc.

You on the other hand talk all this crap, all day long, call me as well as the other African American posters here a plethora of insulting and demeaning names yet you're surprised that no one is interested in speaking with you privately? You should be able to say whatever it is you have to say with the same transparency that we all have - right here on the public message board. You certainly don't have any problems insulting us publicly why would we want to set up an avenue for private abuse? That's what racists often do, get you behind closed doors where there are no witnesses to anything that is said or done.

So is someone paying you to come to these boards and tell lies and cast aspersions on the character of the African American posters here? Because it's been done before. See, if you and I or any of the other AA posters simply didn't agree on the topic at hand that would be one thing, we could just agree to disagree, but that's not what's going on here. You are intentionally making false statements, making intentionally provocative statements, calling people names like you're trying to pick a fight but nobody is actually taking the bait. I called you a coward because that's what cyberbulllies and cyberstalkers are. You would NEVER speak this way to my face and you damn well know this.

It must REALLY suck to be you to hear you tell it, to see that there are black people here who just won't STFU because you think we should. My grandfather, U.S. Army Air Corps Captain John Daniels whose photos are in my signature line below, lost his life in service to his country, the United States of America even though he served in a segregated military. He along with several other high ranking officers lost their lives when their plane crashed as they were attempting to make their way back to Moton field in Tuskegee, Alabama. There has been a rumor for a long time, not just among our family members but among the community of family, friends and loved ones of the Tuskegee airmen that they had been requesting emergency clearance to try to get out of the thunderstorm they were caught in. But because the south was segregated and the only field that they as African Americans were authorized to fly in and out of was the field in Tuskegee they were not allowed to land anywhere else and their request to divert was denied. They almost made it back to Tuskegee but crashed just short of the runway. Everyone on board perished.

If the rumors are true and this is what actually happened then racism killed my grandfather as well as everyone else on board that plane. And they lost there lives fighting to protect the very rights that allow you to sit on your computer and speak to his granddaughter in the ignorant manner that you do.

IF I were the person you claim that I am you'd be in a world of hurt right about now, but my parents brought us up to not mock and make fun of people with handicaps, particularly mental ones although you & Correll make it really hard to mind my manners and not say something that would embarrass my parents if they read it.

While I'm surprised to hear that the moderators allegedly hold the same opinion of me that you do I haven't been banned yet, so there's that but as my Dad used to tell me "always consider the source". And I'm truly sorry if you have suffered in life but just like you all are always telling us "if you hate America so much move back to Africa" (no one HATES America, we're just working to improve conditions for everyone and YES the way our laws work if it improves things for us by extension it will improve things for you all as well), if coal mining was so bad for everyone why didn't you all move somewhere else and do something else to earn a living? Personally, I'd rather improve on what i have than toss everything and start over but that's just me. But don't think there aren't some people trying EVERYTHING they can to manipulate me into a situation where that's exactly what I'd have to do.

I would ask you the obvious question, but I'd get banned. It must have been one Hell of a big bowl.

Again, to respond to your total B.S.

1) You talk about liars and then lump me into a group that I didn't even know about. You are one sick and demented individual

2) You call me out, call me a coward and then accuse me of calling YOU names? You knocked on my door, son. Everything I have to say to you within the parameters of the rules here, I DO say. You sit back, pecking your keyboard and calling me a coward.

3) You cannot show me one time I have called your race anything; my comments have been aimed at those of you who are calling the whites here names and trying your best to insult us

4) While we all know what a cyberbully is; the difference is EVERY statement I've made to you has been in response to your efforts to bully me. YOU were the one who called me a coward. The moderators don't allow people to respond to that in open forum. Take it up with them. We can go to another board and I will not hold back... then if you don't like it, you'll have options other than being banned

5) It is unfortunate that you lost a relative in the service of this country. I will bear him in mind this Memorial day coming up

6) You wrote:

"IF I were the person you claim that I am you'd be in a world of hurt right about now, but my parents brought us up to not mock and make fun of people with handicaps, particularly mental ones although you & Correll make it really hard to mind my manners and not say something that would embarrass my parents if they read it"

RESPONSE: For all the LIES YOU'VE TOLD ON THIS THREAD, that above quote sums you up quite well. IF people had mental handicaps, a person would have to be a low down son of a bitch to try and ridicule them on a discussion board. Fortunately for you, we both realize that I've got both oars in the water and you're playing the role of the cyber bully - ONLY a cyber bully would taunt people with that kind of language.

I didn't taunt you nor call you any names. I responded to each and every one of your challenges and opened the door to many options for you should you disagree. And if your parents read what I just quoted if they were not embarrassed, there would be something very wrong in their thinking process. Imagine the worst thing I could say about them in that scenario and I'll own it without saying it.

You don't poke fun at the mentally ill and if you want to pick a fight, you aren't going to get the job done posting on a discussion board - especially with those that don't like threats. You have a lot of growing up to do, but make no mistake about it - you and I both realize I'm not the coward and definitely not the liar in this pissing match.
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In response to your question, I will give you my honest answer.

I don't know who the Westboro Baptists are, so I cannot say yes or no. To most of them, I don't know. I DO however know about the KIan and Dylan Roof. I'll step up to the plate unlike you.

You fucking well better believe that the Ku Klux Klan and Dylan Roof are people that I have to accept a lot of blame for. But, you know, while I have been fighting them for offering up really bad solutions for their problems, they would deny that we have anything in common - except a troll on this very board who accuses me of being in their organization while inferring I'm a race traitor at the same time.

FWIW, people like Dylan Roof and the KKK ARE partially my fault. Despite the fact that I have spent a good portion of my life trying to witness to those specific people (and organizations like theirs) to get them to use their brains (not to mention accept Jesus into their lives), they are just as committed to chaos and divisiveness as you are. Later this year I will be starting a ministry and trying to reach those who are wasting their lives. I even have an idea to do podcasts, run a website, etc. IF the good Lord thinks it's worth a green light. My regret is that I don't know how nor where to engage those people - except on their turf where I'm persona non grata.
So this part was good, it's almost like we're beginning to have a conversation but then you go and say this

The one thing I'll say to you is that if you ask the moderators here, they will tell you that you are full of shit. I've never backed down from a swinging Richard on this face of this earth. I continually tell people that if they want to issue a challenge to me, don't do the grandstand thing, take it to PM. I stay on thin ice with the moderators because I've been banned so many times when the white racists like to call me stupid and then talk shit like you do. WHEN I've told them if they want to call me out, do it. I have a PM here. Nobody has yet to use it and tell me to name the time and the place - but so far, that's been limited to a half dozen dumbasses that are just as obsessed with the immigration issue as you are with the race issue. But it remains to this date, not one swinging Richard on this board has ever called me a coward to my face.
What is with you boys and your obsession with penises, besides the obvious? The Westboro Baptist Church are those "Christians" that protest at the funerals of dead service members with truly vile signs indicating that the death is God's punishment because God hates fags, etc.

You on the other hand talk all this crap, all day long, call me as well as the other African American posters here a plethora of insulting and demeaning names yet you're surprised that no one is interested in speaking with you privately? You should be able to say whatever it is you have to say with the same transparency that we all have - right here on the public message board. You certainly don't have any problems insulting us publicly why would we want to set up an avenue for private abuse? That's what racists often do, get you behind closed doors where there are no witnesses to anything that is said or done.

So is someone paying you to come to these boards and tell lies and cast aspersions on the character of the African American posters here? Because it's been done before. See, if you and I or any of the other AA posters simply didn't agree on the topic at hand that would be one thing, we could just agree to disagree, but that's not what's going on here. You are intentionally making false statements, making intentionally provocative statements, calling people names like you're trying to pick a fight but nobody is actually taking the bait. I called you a coward because that's what cyberbulllies and cyberstalkers are. You would NEVER speak this way to my face and you damn well know this.

It must REALLY suck to be you to hear you tell it, to see that there are black people here who just won't STFU because you think we should. My grandfather, U.S. Army Air Corps Captain John Daniels whose photos are in my signature line below, lost his life in service to his country, the United States of America even though he served in a segregated military. He along with several other high ranking officers lost their lives when their plane crashed as they were attempting to make their way back to Moton field in Tuskegee, Alabama. There has been a rumor for a long time, not just among our family members but among the community of family, friends and loved ones of the Tuskegee airmen that they had been requesting emergency clearance to try to get out of the thunderstorm they were caught in. But because the south was segregated and the only field that they as African Americans were authorized to fly in and out of was the field in Tuskegee they were not allowed to land anywhere else and their request to divert was denied. They almost made it back to Tuskegee but crashed just short of the runway. Everyone on board perished.

If the rumors are true and this is what actually happened then racism killed my grandfather as well as everyone else on board that plane. And they lost there lives fighting to protect the very rights that allow you to sit on your computer and speak to his granddaughter in the ignorant manner that you do.

IF I were the person you claim that I am you'd be in a world of hurt right about now, but my parents brought us up to not mock and make fun of people with handicaps, particularly mental ones although you & Correll make it really hard to mind my manners and not say something that would embarrass my parents if they read it.

While I'm surprised to hear that the moderators allegedly hold the same opinion of me that you do I haven't been banned yet, so there's that but as my Dad used to tell me "always consider the source". And I'm truly sorry if you have suffered in life but just like you all are always telling us "if you hate America so much move back to Africa" (no one HATES America, we're just working to improve conditions for everyone and YES the way our laws work if it improves things for us by extension it will improve things for you all as well), if coal mining was so bad for everyone why didn't you all move somewhere else and do something else to earn a living? Personally, I'd rather improve on what i have than toss everything and start over but that's just me. But don't think there aren't some people trying EVERYTHING they can to manipulate me into a situation where that's exactly what I'd have to do.
I classify that entire post as psycobabble.

You said a lot of nothing.

He did say a lot of nothing. I'm long winded, but try to make a point.

That guy is so dishonest, he asked me why my family didn't move if living in a coal mining town was so bad, why didn't we move. Here is the part of my post he left out:

"When I was a kid and my family ventured into the big cities, all I ever got was ridicule because my parents were poor; I had a southern accent; I wore rags..."

The whole point is we did leave. We weren't immediately accepted into the new community, but I ended up making a name for myself. It seems that our resident troll ignored that... but it is what it is. Thanks for calling him on his B.S.
If you were trying to make a point, I fail to see it.
Of course you don't see it. You're white supremacist

Regardless of how one gets their money, if they are rich, they can invest in where they think they will make money.
All saves are equal. White people have no problem making 1 or 2 blk people rich. They can slap any black person down when who they make rich

Ask Bill Cosby

Racism goes far beyond the wallet
Look dude, in all seriousness - when the whites ended slavery
When did whites end slavery ? Racism is slavery. Slavery was just one stage of white supremacy. So when did when ended slavery ?

Unless your silly enough to think that once slavery ended racism just stopped
the blacks had every opportunity to go back to the country of their ancestors / family.
OK. Now how could they have done that ? When the white supremacist were running a muck in Africa and the white supremacist were running a amok in the USA ?
The law is what the law was and your people stayed. The Democrats are the ones that passed the laws you find so offensive, but blacks decided screw it and they voted for Democrats - the party that kept them enslaved.
I don't get into this Democrate - Repubs thing. It's all white supremacy
You can't convince me of the rightness of your cause
And that's the mistake you making is that you are assuming I'm trying to convince you.

I'm not.

Convincing whites to give up the benefits of racism, to give up a false pride in their race, to become outcasts from white society, to face their shame and guilt at benefiting from a racist society all that is way, way, way beyond my powers.

I write about white people and racism for my own understanding.

.For some reason you seem to expect the likes of me and IM2 to write to white supremacist point of view with concern for their tender feelings. As if there are not enough people doing that already.

That are posts are such an affront to you speaks a lot about the privilege white people have, where even a single small instance of contrary opinions are a threat to them. And causes you to erupt like a hilarious volcano.

  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
If you were trying to make a point, I fail to see it.
Of course you don't see it. You're white supremacist

Regardless of how one gets their money, if they are rich, they can invest in where they think they will make money.
All saves are equal. White people have no problem making 1 or 2 blk people rich. They can slap any black person down when who they make rich

Ask Bill Cosby

Racism goes far beyond the wallet
Look dude, in all seriousness - when the whites ended slavery
When did whites end slavery ? Racism is slavery. Slavery was just one stage of white supremacy. So when did when ended slavery ?

Unless your silly enough to think that once slavery ended racism just stopped
the blacks had every opportunity to go back to the country of their ancestors / family.
OK. Now how could they have done that ? When the white supremacist were running a muck in Africa and the white supremacist were running a amok in the USA ?
The law is what the law was and your people stayed. The Democrats are the ones that passed the laws you find so offensive, but blacks decided screw it and they voted for Democrats - the party that kept them enslaved.
I don't get into this Democrate - Repubs thing. It's all white supremacy
You can't convince me of the rightness of your cause
And that's the mistake you making is that you are assuming I'm trying to convince you.

I'm not.

Convincing whites to give up the benefits of racism, to give up a false pride in their race, to become outcasts from white society, to face their shame and guilt at benefiting from a racist society all that is way, way, way beyond my powers.

I write about white people and racism for my own understanding.

.For some reason you seem to expect the likes of me and IM2 to write to white supremacist point of view with concern for their tender feelings. As if there are not enough people doing that already.

That are posts are such an affront to you speaks a lot about the privilege white people have, where even a single small instance of contrary opinions are a threat to them. And causes you to erupt like a hilarious volcano.


Ask the moderators here what they would do to me if I responded to what you called me. And that's fair, how, exactly?

I realize that all slaves are equal. That is why black supremacists always endorse Democrats. They are comfortable with slavery. It's more about the socialism and liberalism that black supremacists endorse. You're comfortable with slavery; it's just that you want everybody else to be just as lazy, worthless and having no work ethic like you.

Bill Cosby is a victim of racism????

If you're writing notes to yourself, keep them in a spiral notebook and don't try quoting me endlessly. Quit feeling sorry for yourself and put some effort into acquiring an education.

IM2 has told us exactly how he feels about whites. He agreed with me on every point when I was being sarcastic with him.

I realize you hate me with every fiber of your being and what I have to say about you - other than you do a lot of projecting, would work better off saying to you in person. That is the only way we wouldn't have any misunderstandings.
Ask the moderators here what they would do to me if I responded to what you called me. And that's fair, how, exactly?
That's what I believe you
I realize that all slaves are equal. That is why black supremacists always endorse Democrats.
Dems - Repubs same shit.
They are comfortable with slavery. It's more about the socialism and liberalism that black supremacists endorse. You're comfortable with slavery; it's just that you want everybody else to be just as lazy, worthless and having no work ethic like you.
So slaves were lazy and worthless and had no ethic ? That what you are saying ?
Bill Cosby is a victim of racism????
The Bill Cosby verdict was a lesson of how having money does not make you exempt from systematic white supremacy. They used the "I'm white and I say so" law to take Cosby down. That's because white supremacists know the importance of being on code. Just because they put a few blk women in there means nothing. Plus


Charlie sheen endangered.lives with his AIDS status..yet he still running around. Or how about Bill Clinton ? But this is all about money as well. Everyone connected with the Cosby case get book deals and now the door is open for people to go after money from the his estate. And they will be able to pillage his estate long after he is dead.
I realize you hate me with every fiber of your being and what I have to say about you
I don't hate you but then again I don't hate tigers............but i understand a Tigers nature.

Tigers kill. It's not personal. It's just there nature. I understand the nature of the white supremacist
No "logical fallacy" here, and certainly nothing to lose but a little bit of idle time..

Just an honest observation from an impartial point of view.

Denial does you no good.

I know that denying does me no good.

That is part of the problem. We have a society,where, when lefties make an accusation, it is considered true, and denials, no matter how true or how well supported, have no impact.

Really, it seems the only logical conclusion is that we are done with discussion.

BUT, the fact remains, all you posted was bullshit logical fallacies and you do lose.

Yes, we are done. No one loses. No one wins. It's nothing but entertainment to me.

Pointing out how you are perceived by some, is not a logical fallacy or bullshit.

Obviously it hurts your over inflated ego, but sometimes the truth stings.

Pointing out that a lot of people believe something, as though that is some sort of evidence supporting it,

is a Logical Fallacy.

That is the truth. I provided you with a link explaining that.

You are the one denying the simplest of truths.

It does not hurt my ego to demolish your illogical arguments.
No "logical fallacy" here, and certainly nothing to lose but a little bit of idle time..

Just an honest observation from an impartial point of view.

Denial does you no good.

I know that denying does me no good.

That is part of the problem. We have a society,where, when lefties make an accusation, it is considered true, and denials, no matter how true or how well supported, have no impact.

Really, it seems the only logical conclusion is that we are done with discussion.

BUT, the fact remains, all you posted was bullshit logical fallacies and you do lose.

Yes, we are done. No one loses. No one wins. It's nothing but entertainment to me.

Pointing out how you are perceived by some, is not a logical fallacy or bullshit.

Obviously it hurts your over inflated ego, but sometimes the truth stings.

Pointing out that a lot of people believe something, as though that is some sort of evidence supporting it,

is a Logical Fallacy.

That is the truth. I provided you with a link explaining that.

You are the one denying the simplest of truths.

It does not hurt my ego to demolish your illogical arguments.

If you were really that secure in what you state, and I am so "illogical", you would not still be trying to convince me that you are right.

I didn't answer a question, a question buried in a wall of text AND one that had an OR answer that she ignored herself.

And she decided that that was evidence enough to start calling me vile insults.

And you defend that utter stupidity.

Now you are claiming that if I was "secure" in that logic, that I would let it go, because....

Well, you don't actually explain your claim, you just make it.

Pretty normal for a lefty.

You've repeated the same thing about 100 times now.

I read what was posted. She called you out, but did not call you a "vile name".

Most normal individuals who are called "racist" in a forum like this just either laugh it off, ignore it, or respond far differently than you do.

Your hypersensitivity to that term, and the frequent occasions that YOU refer to others using that term, and calling pretty much anyone who disagrees with you in a manner that you dont care for, a "race baiter" makes you more than suspect to be EXACTLY what she called you.

Since you insist on bringing politics into this and ASSume that I am a so called "lefty", you are reminicent of that wingnut that was calling for Clinton to be locked up, and he ended up being far more dirty than she ever was.

Pretty normal for an Alt Right Loon.
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I know that denying does me no good.

That is part of the problem. We have a society,where, when lefties make an accusation, it is considered true, and denials, no matter how true or how well supported, have no impact.

Really, it seems the only logical conclusion is that we are done with discussion.

BUT, the fact remains, all you posted was bullshit logical fallacies and you do lose.

Yes, we are done. No one loses. No one wins. It's nothing but entertainment to me.

Pointing out how you are perceived by some, is not a logical fallacy or bullshit.

Obviously it hurts your over inflated ego, but sometimes the truth stings.

Pointing out that a lot of people believe something, as though that is some sort of evidence supporting it,

is a Logical Fallacy.

That is the truth. I provided you with a link explaining that.

You are the one denying the simplest of truths.

It does not hurt my ego to demolish your illogical arguments.
I know that denying does me no good.

That is part of the problem. We have a society,where, when lefties make an accusation, it is considered true, and denials, no matter how true or how well supported, have no impact.

Really, it seems the only logical conclusion is that we are done with discussion.

BUT, the fact remains, all you posted was bullshit logical fallacies and you do lose.

Yes, we are done. No one loses. No one wins. It's nothing but entertainment to me.

Pointing out how you are perceived by some, is not a logical fallacy or bullshit.

Obviously it hurts your over inflated ego, but sometimes the truth stings.

Pointing out that a lot of people believe something, as though that is some sort of evidence supporting it,

is a Logical Fallacy.

That is the truth. I provided you with a link explaining that.

You are the one denying the simplest of truths.

It does not hurt my ego to demolish your illogical arguments.

If you were really that secure in what you state, and I am so "illogical", you would not still be trying to convince me that you are right.

I didn't answer a question, a question buried in a wall of text AND one that had an OR answer that she ignored herself.

And she decided that that was evidence enough to start calling me vile insults.

And you defend that utter stupidity.

Now you are claiming that if I was "secure" in that logic, that I would let it go, because....

Well, you don't actually explain your claim, you just make it.

Pretty normal for a lefty.

You've repeated the same thing about 100 times now.

I read what was posted. She called you out, did not call you a "vile name". Most normal individuals who are called "racist" in a forum like this just either laugh it off, ignore it, or respond differently than you do.

Your hypersensitivity to that term, amd the frequency that YOU refer to others using that term, makes you more than suspect to be exactly what she called you.

Snd since you insist on ASSuming that I am a so called "lefty", you are reminicent of lthat wingnut that was calling for Clinton to be locked up, and he ended up being far more dirty than she ever was.

Pretty normal for an Alt Right Loon.
Kind of a good point. When you call the black racists on here "racist" they get defensive like you just said you impregnated their mother.
Ask the moderators here what they would do to me if I responded to what you called me. And that's fair, how, exactly?
That's what I believe you
I realize that all slaves are equal. That is why black supremacists always endorse Democrats.
Dems - Repubs same shit.
They are comfortable with slavery. It's more about the socialism and liberalism that black supremacists endorse. You're comfortable with slavery; it's just that you want everybody else to be just as lazy, worthless and having no work ethic like you.
So slaves were lazy and worthless and had no ethic ? That what you are saying ?
Bill Cosby is a victim of racism????
The Bill Cosby verdict was a lesson of how having money does not make you exempt from systematic white supremacy. They used the "I'm white and I say so" law to take Cosby down. That's because white supremacists know the importance of being on code. Just because they put a few blk women in there means nothing. Plus


Charlie sheen endangered.lives with his AIDS status..yet he still running around. Or how about Bill Clinton ? But this is all about money as well. Everyone connected with the Cosby case get book deals and now the door is open for people to go after money from the his estate. And they will be able to pillage his estate long after he is dead.
I realize you hate me with every fiber of your being and what I have to say about you
I don't hate you but then again I don't hate tigers............but i understand a Tigers nature.

Tigers kill. It's not personal. It's just there nature. I understand the nature of the white supremacist

I don't know how you got TN Hartley's name attached to what I said, but let's help you once again:

I'm going to compare what I said versus what YOU said:

ME: you want everybody else to be just as lazy, worthless and having no work ethic like you.[/QUOTE]

YOU: slaves were lazy and worthless and had no ethic ?

WTF? Dude,,anybody with an IQ larger than their shoe size can witness that what you accused me of is a damn lie and / or proves that I describe you accurately.

The balance of what you said sounds like what a third grader or someone smoking weed would type. It isn't even worthy of a response.
Yes, we are done. No one loses. No one wins. It's nothing but entertainment to me.

Pointing out how you are perceived by some, is not a logical fallacy or bullshit.

Obviously it hurts your over inflated ego, but sometimes the truth stings.

Pointing out that a lot of people believe something, as though that is some sort of evidence supporting it,

is a Logical Fallacy.

That is the truth. I provided you with a link explaining that.

You are the one denying the simplest of truths.

It does not hurt my ego to demolish your illogical arguments.
Yes, we are done. No one loses. No one wins. It's nothing but entertainment to me.

Pointing out how you are perceived by some, is not a logical fallacy or bullshit.

Obviously it hurts your over inflated ego, but sometimes the truth stings.

Pointing out that a lot of people believe something, as though that is some sort of evidence supporting it,

is a Logical Fallacy.

That is the truth. I provided you with a link explaining that.

You are the one denying the simplest of truths.

It does not hurt my ego to demolish your illogical arguments.

If you were really that secure in what you state, and I am so "illogical", you would not still be trying to convince me that you are right.

I didn't answer a question, a question buried in a wall of text AND one that had an OR answer that she ignored herself.

And she decided that that was evidence enough to start calling me vile insults.

And you defend that utter stupidity.

Now you are claiming that if I was "secure" in that logic, that I would let it go, because....

Well, you don't actually explain your claim, you just make it.

Pretty normal for a lefty.

You've repeated the same thing about 100 times now.

I read what was posted. She called you out, did not call you a "vile name". Most normal individuals who are called "racist" in a forum like this just either laugh it off, ignore it, or respond differently than you do.

Your hypersensitivity to that term, amd the frequency that YOU refer to others using that term, makes you more than suspect to be exactly what she called you.

Snd since you insist on ASSuming that I am a so called "lefty", you are reminicent of lthat wingnut that was calling for Clinton to be locked up, and he ended up being far more dirty than she ever was.

Pretty normal for an Alt Right Loon.
Kind of a good point. When you call the black racists on here "racist" they get defensive like you just said you impregnated their mother.

My experience is that if you point out that some blacks here are black supremacists, they pepper all their posts calling you a white supremacist and lying. I let one guy define the term and showed him, point by point, he was a racist... he just posted LOL in response. He knew I had his number.
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