Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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You talk about filibustering? LOL! I've not told one lie.

10 Racist US Supreme Court Rulings

The Supreme Court has issued some fantastic civil rights rulings over the years, but these aren't among them. Here are ten of the most astonishingly racist Supreme Court rulings in American history, in chronological order.

1. Dred Scott v. Sandford (1856)
When a slave petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for his freedom, the Court ruled against him—also ruling that the Bill of Rights didn't apply to African Americans. If it did, the majority ruling argued, then African Americans would be permitted "the full liberty of speech in public and in private," "to hold public meetings upon political affairs," and "to keep and carry arms wherever they went." In 1856, both the justices in the majority and the white aristocracy they represented found this idea too horrifying to contemplate. In 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment made it law. What a difference a war makes!

10 Racist Supreme Court Rulings in US History

Yep, for anyone who has researched Dred Scott v Sandford understand hat this nation was built on white racism..

Not only me, but every black person here has destroyed you. There are other blacks here, don't see any of them disagreeing with me. And you won't get any repudiating me to support your belief in a whites only nation. Nor will they be upset when say whites have not faced racism. Because they know it;s true


Karen Fratti

Racism against white people doesn't exist in America, and here's why it never will

According to a new poll done by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, most white Americans feel that they are discriminated against because of their race. Which is a little terrifying, since racism against white people doesn’t exist. It’s not a far leap for a privileged group of people to jump from believing that they face discrimination to calling out “reverse racism,” making a real, productive conversation about race in America even more difficult.

The wording in the link to the NPR article "racism against white people doesn’t exist" is misleading because that's not what the article said. If anything the article only implies that racism against whites is not as pervasive as some make it out to be. It does not say that racism against whites does not exist.

It really can’t be said enough: Racism against white people cannot exist in America (unless we go back in time and flip the switch on the European colonization of natives and trans-continental slave trade and make it so that those things and the subsequent years of systemic oppression of people of color never happened).

The author of this article is incorrect in her definition of racism. She further defines the word "racism" from's definition as "Racism is prejudice with power". This is patently false. Webster's defines racism as :

1: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
2: Racial prejudice or discrimination.

Having power to deny someone a job position based on race and acting on that is only one form of racial discrimination. It does not define racism. Furthermore, if a black person views whites as untrustworthy (as you seem to) or that whites are capable of mistreating others but blacks are not (as indicated in this remark by Paul Essien: "Simply put. Black people could never treat white people. The way white people have treated blacks. God just didn't make us that way. He just didn't give us that heart. "), these would fall under the "belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities" part of Webster's definition. In other words, whites, as a race, are untrustworthy and the only race capable of mistreating others. This is racism.

The fact is — and this bears repeating — it’s just not possible for white people to be victims of racism, since white people have all of the power and privilege in systems that they’ve set up over centuries to benefit them. Access to jobs, education, healthcare, and even beauty standards all privilege the white experience, so there’s no real way for white people to face oppression for their race from people of color.

A quote from the Vice article: "But Morgan said even if all people of colour straight up said they hate white people, it wouldn't affect a white person's ability to get a job, an education, or increase the odds that they'd get carded or charged for a crime."

This also is patently false. Denying someone a job or an education based on race is, again, a form of racial discrimination that stems from racism. It does not, however, define what racism is. The person who hates white people is just as racist as the person denying the job.

I quoted that same source for IM2 when he tried to imply that I was a racist he wasn't. IM2 fits the dictionary definition of a racist. Go figure.

False equivalence is what happens when you are led to believe that two things should be given equal weight in your considerations as you come to any given decision, while those two things are not in any way actually equivalent.

The major problem with the quote is that for the claim to be true or valid whites must have the same history as blacks. We can't say it's the same because that would not be the reality of how things have gone. Had blacks done everything whites have done then they could say these things are the same. What these people are doing is using a false equivalence to build a straw man. We will not equate what Morgan said with the racism of whites because blacks don't have the record of racism, murder and terrorism against whites that whites do against us. You can't just make these kinds of comments about whites and blacks like everything has been the same. Whites have a history of oppressing people because they are not white, we have a history of being oppressed by whites. This must be recognized because it appears that at even in the 21st Century, there are whites who have caught a severe case of amnesia.

So, you've been oppressed (sic) because you're black. Does this mean you are agreeing with the alt - right that you are inferior to the whites?

I don't think it's oppression that you are experiencing. I think you wasted your life and now feel that someone owes you a living. And you are teaching that ignorance and hatred to a whole new class of young people that sit on their ass and hang on your every word while the majority of posters here realize that you are preaching a message of hatred and intolerance.

ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made. That is what I do As a matter of FACT. Sometime after September I have hopes to do my first podcast with the church. My first message will be directed to those 20, 30. and 40 something year olds (and beyond) that are still living in mommy's house and many getting money from Uncle Scam simply because they don't want to work.

You want to promote an agenda of fear, ignorance, outright stupidity at times, arrogance, racial hatred, divisiveness, and anything else that can account for the failures of your race in a modern world.

People like you are experienced in trying to twist and distort basic facts in order to prop up your religion of blacks are the greatest race in the world, but they are victims. The persecution complex serves you well and keeps a lot of other blacks dependent upon government while they curse it every day. Maybe if you encouraged people to do better for themselves and gave this victim-hood ideology a break, you might be happier in your own life.

Nobody owes you anything and, in America, you are what you can make of you. Post # 1535 will give posters access to all my rants on this thread. Other than that, unless you come up with something new, we're done.
He must feel superior to us whites,he constantly makes comments about how much more successful and educated he is, without knowing us. LOL

Must I? Or is it that I get tired of you motherfuckers telling me I say what I do because I'm making excuses for failure? Ha? What about that one? You don't know me but you sure as hell feel free to talk that kind of shit now don't you? Your ass is both dumb and delusional. And look at you Ms non racism, you haven't said shit about all of what Humone said, all of how he told us that America was made for whites only and you kept your mouth shut. Racist.

And don't even try your usual retarded ass false equivalences,
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You talk about filibustering? LOL! I've not told one lie.

10 Racist US Supreme Court Rulings

The Supreme Court has issued some fantastic civil rights rulings over the years, but these aren't among them. Here are ten of the most astonishingly racist Supreme Court rulings in American history, in chronological order.

1. Dred Scott v. Sandford (1856)
When a slave petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for his freedom, the Court ruled against him—also ruling that the Bill of Rights didn't apply to African Americans. If it did, the majority ruling argued, then African Americans would be permitted "the full liberty of speech in public and in private," "to hold public meetings upon political affairs," and "to keep and carry arms wherever they went." In 1856, both the justices in the majority and the white aristocracy they represented found this idea too horrifying to contemplate. In 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment made it law. What a difference a war makes!

10 Racist Supreme Court Rulings in US History

Yep, for anyone who has researched Dred Scott v Sandford understand hat this nation was built on white racism..

Not only me, but every black person here has destroyed you. There are other blacks here, don't see any of them disagreeing with me. And you won't get any repudiating me to support your belief in a whites only nation. Nor will they be upset when say whites have not faced racism. Because they know it;s true


Karen Fratti

Racism against white people doesn't exist in America, and here's why it never will

According to a new poll done by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, most white Americans feel that they are discriminated against because of their race. Which is a little terrifying, since racism against white people doesn’t exist. It’s not a far leap for a privileged group of people to jump from believing that they face discrimination to calling out “reverse racism,” making a real, productive conversation about race in America even more difficult.

The wording in the link to the NPR article "racism against white people doesn’t exist" is misleading because that's not what the article said. If anything the article only implies that racism against whites is not as pervasive as some make it out to be. It does not say that racism against whites does not exist.

It really can’t be said enough: Racism against white people cannot exist in America (unless we go back in time and flip the switch on the European colonization of natives and trans-continental slave trade and make it so that those things and the subsequent years of systemic oppression of people of color never happened).

The author of this article is incorrect in her definition of racism. She further defines the word "racism" from's definition as "Racism is prejudice with power". This is patently false. Webster's defines racism as :

1: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
2: Racial prejudice or discrimination.

Having power to deny someone a job position based on race and acting on that is only one form of racial discrimination. It does not define racism. Furthermore, if a black person views whites as untrustworthy (as you seem to) or that whites are capable of mistreating others but blacks are not (as indicated in this remark by Paul Essien: "Simply put. Black people could never treat white people. The way white people have treated blacks. God just didn't make us that way. He just didn't give us that heart. "), these would fall under the "belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities" part of Webster's definition. In other words, whites, as a race, are untrustworthy and the only race capable of mistreating others. This is racism.

The fact is — and this bears repeating — it’s just not possible for white people to be victims of racism, since white people have all of the power and privilege in systems that they’ve set up over centuries to benefit them. Access to jobs, education, healthcare, and even beauty standards all privilege the white experience, so there’s no real way for white people to face oppression for their race from people of color.

A quote from the Vice article: "But Morgan said even if all people of colour straight up said they hate white people, it wouldn't affect a white person's ability to get a job, an education, or increase the odds that they'd get carded or charged for a crime."

This also is patently false. Denying someone a job or an education based on race is, again, a form of racial discrimination that stems from racism. It does not, however, define what racism is. The person who hates white people is just as racist as the person denying the job.

I quoted that same source for IM2 when he tried to imply that I was a racist he wasn't. IM2 fits the dictionary definition of a racist. Go figure.

False equivalence is what happens when you are led to believe that two things should be given equal weight in your considerations as you come to any given decision, while those two things are not in any way actually equivalent.

The major problem with the quote is that for the claim to be true or valid whites must have the same history as blacks. We can't say it's the same because that would not be the reality of how things have gone. Had blacks done everything whites have done then they could say these things are the same. What these people are doing is using a false equivalence to build a straw man. We will not equate what Morgan said with the racism of whites because blacks don't have the record of racism, murder and terrorism against whites that whites do against us. You can't just make these kinds of comments about whites and blacks like everything has been the same. Whites have a history of oppressing people because they are not white, we have a history of being oppressed by whites. This must be recognized because it appears that at even in the 21st Century, there are whites who have caught a severe case of amnesia.

So, you've been oppressed (sic) because you're black. Does this mean you are agreeing with the alt - right that you are inferior to the whites?

I don't think it's oppression that you are experiencing. I think you wasted your life and now feel that someone owes you a living. And you are teaching that ignorance and hatred to a whole new class of young people that sit on their ass and hang on your every word while the majority of posters here realize that you are preaching a message of hatred and intolerance.

ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made. That is what I do As a matter of FACT. Sometime after September I have hopes to do my first podcast with the church. My first message will be directed to those 20, 30. and 40 something year olds (and beyond) that are still living in mommy's house and many getting money from Uncle Scam simply because they don't want to work.

You want to promote an agenda of fear, ignorance, outright stupidity at times, arrogance, racial hatred, divisiveness, and anything else that can account for the failures of your race in a modern world.

People like you are experienced in trying to twist and distort basic facts in order to prop up your religion of blacks are the greatest race in the world, but they are victims. The persecution complex serves you well and keeps a lot of other blacks dependent upon government while they curse it every day. Maybe if you encouraged people to do better for themselves and gave this victim-hood ideology a break, you might be happier in your own life.

Nobody owes you anything and, in America, you are what you can make of you. Post # 1535 will give posters access to all my rants on this thread. Other than that, unless you come up with something new, we're done.
He must feel superior to us whites,he constantly makes comments about how much more successful and educated he is, without knowing us. LOL

He can't be that smart. He's posting here, every day, all day. I'm only stuck on the computer while rehabbing and going to school.

The reason extremists don't have anything and want to spread the misery is that they are lazy to begin with. After I fully recoup from surgery, I'll probably spend some of my time mentoring young people and doing the foster parent thing. It's much more productive than lying to people and calling them names all day long.

You can tell that the guy has made a religion out of racism because he thinks it is the worst thing that can happen to an individual. So, when it wasn't severe enough to impress us, it went from racism to institutional racism, to systemic racism, etc., etc.

Political minorities face the same kinds of challenges; kids from broken homes face challenges. The untold story behind whites who are victimized by a host of people (mostly for political reasons) that aren't even on the books. They don't have a job; they aren't on the government dole; the government hooked them on drugs and then when they turned 25 or so mommy's insurance drops them and now they are locked OUT of the system. Most of them didn't do it to themselves - the government and ignorant parents did.

I'll spend the bulk of my time trying to help them. The black racists will continue to try and convince you how bad they have it - and spending the equivalent of a full time to do so.

You need to ask yourself this honest question. Are whites hated only because of their skin color?

In some cases, yes. Now you need to ask yourself an honest question: Are non-racist whites hated?

Here's a couple of examples. My two sisters work at Wal-Mart and the stores they work at have always had mostly blacks in upper management positions. They have both worked for Wal-Mart for about 25-30 years and they've often related stories of favoritism towards other blacks, leniency for transgressions that got white employees fired and a generally more open and friendly attitude towards other blacks whereas they are rather cool towards white employees.

Mind you, not all of them have been guilty of this and my sisters have formed friendships with many of their black coworkers. But, it is what it is.

In my case, some years ago I had two black guys on my crew. One was a black Honduran and the other was a local guy. As the captain and the chief safety officer, it's my responsibility to enforce company safety rules and procedures. To that end, one day I suggested to the local guy that he should be wearing gloves for the job he was doing as per company safety policy. But when I approached the Honduran a day or two later on a safety matter, the local guy took it to mean I was racist and was singling them out. He became belligerent and uncooperative and I had to enlist the port captain as arbiter to try to mediate the dispute but he had his mind made up and nothing was resolved.
We went back to work and only interacted when we needed to. But, in the company truck on the way home about a week later and while stopped at a red light, I heard him say "This is what I think of you" and when I turned to look at him, the piece of shit spit on me. We had a shouting match the rest of the way back to the office and when I told the HR guy what he did, they fired him.

So there you have it.

No whites are not hated because they are white. I think I can say that since I am not white. Whites carry a history of racism as a people. .It is that history and continuing racism we see that we do not like, not the color of a white persons skin. .

So I guess that excuses the favoritism my sisters see and that asswipe spitting on me?

No, but it certainly is not the same as the 241 years of continuing national white favoritism and racist garbage whites have put on us which is what you are here trying to claim.

Wrong again Lumpy. You've done this in every conversation you and I have had. I have said not one word to give you cause to think that I am implying any such thing. The only thing I have ever maintained in any of our discussions is that blacks can, and some are, racist. That's it.

29 Stupid Things White People Do and What We Can Do Instead
29 Things . . .
Believe that if you have experienced discrimination it is the same as experiencing structural racism.
  1. Instead: Recognize that racism is not just prejudice, but prejudice plus power.
Bullshit. If this were true then a poor white trash blue collar white supremacist is not racist because he doesn't have the power to oppress. You and I both know that's not true. The white trash nazi is just as racist as the person in power or authority. The only difference is that the white trash can do nothing more than spout racist drivel.

Believe that racism “goes both ways.”

I personally don't believe it, I know it. I've seen it with my own eyes.

It seems to me that blacks like yourself are trying to appropriate the word "racism" for yourselves and apply all new meanings and definitions that somehow magically divest blacks of even the capability of racism and where whites are the only ones capable and guilty of it.

We're never going to get very far with race relations if blacks continue to be less than honest as to what the word means. Stick to the dictionary definition. To do otherwise is intellectually dishonest.
There also needs to be a consensus in the black community as to what constitutes racism. To deny a more qualified black person a job based on his/her race is racism and I think we can all agree on these kinds of examples. But then white people with dreadlocks are accused of cultural appropriation, we're told that saying "cotton picking" is racist and we're told that a decorative cotton display in Hobby Lobby is racist for Christ's sake. Is it any wonder you're encountering such resistance? White people are simply sick and tired of this shit because we just can't win no matter what we do or say.

You need to ask yourself this honest question. Are whites hated only because of their skin color?

In some cases, yes. Now you need to ask yourself an honest question: Are non-racist whites hated?

Here's a couple of examples. My two sisters work at Wal-Mart and the stores they work at have always had mostly blacks in upper management positions. They have both worked for Wal-Mart for about 25-30 years and they've often related stories of favoritism towards other blacks, leniency for transgressions that got white employees fired and a generally more open and friendly attitude towards other blacks whereas they are rather cool towards white employees.

Mind you, not all of them have been guilty of this and my sisters have formed friendships with many of their black coworkers. But, it is what it is.

In my case, some years ago I had two black guys on my crew. One was a black Honduran and the other was a local guy. As the captain and the chief safety officer, it's my responsibility to enforce company safety rules and procedures. To that end, one day I suggested to the local guy that he should be wearing gloves for the job he was doing as per company safety policy. But when I approached the Honduran a day or two later on a safety matter, the local guy took it to mean I was racist and was singling them out. He became belligerent and uncooperative and I had to enlist the port captain as arbiter to try to mediate the dispute but he had his mind made up and nothing was resolved.
We went back to work and only interacted when we needed to. But, in the company truck on the way home about a week later and while stopped at a red light, I heard him say "This is what I think of you" and when I turned to look at him, the piece of shit spit on me. We had a shouting match the rest of the way back to the office and when I told the HR guy what he did, they fired him.

So there you have it.

No whites are not hated because they are white. I think I can say that since I am not white. Whites carry a history of racism as a people. .It is that history and continuing racism we see that we do not like, not the color of a white persons skin. .
Because someone is white, you automatically ASSume they are racist.

No I don't. Why did I never call Delores a racist. She's white?.Lystrata, Esmerelda? They are white, why haven't I assumed they are racist? If I assume whites are racist, why do I post studies and articles from whites? I have made statements that there at millions of whites who are not racist, you aren't one of them. You're making things up Molly.
Bs. Look at all the lies you have posted.
The wording in the link to the NPR article "racism against white people doesn’t exist" is misleading because that's not what the article said. If anything the article only implies that racism against whites is not as pervasive as some make it out to be. It does not say that racism against whites does not exist.

The author of this article is incorrect in her definition of racism. She further defines the word "racism" from's definition as "Racism is prejudice with power". This is patently false. Webster's defines racism as :

1: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
2: Racial prejudice or discrimination.

Having power to deny someone a job position based on race and acting on that is only one form of racial discrimination. It does not define racism. Furthermore, if a black person views whites as untrustworthy (as you seem to) or that whites are capable of mistreating others but blacks are not (as indicated in this remark by Paul Essien: "Simply put. Black people could never treat white people. The way white people have treated blacks. God just didn't make us that way. He just didn't give us that heart. "), these would fall under the "belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities" part of Webster's definition. In other words, whites, as a race, are untrustworthy and the only race capable of mistreating others. This is racism.

A quote from the Vice article: "But Morgan said even if all people of colour straight up said they hate white people, it wouldn't affect a white person's ability to get a job, an education, or increase the odds that they'd get carded or charged for a crime."

This also is patently false. Denying someone a job or an education based on race is, again, a form of racial discrimination that stems from racism. It does not, however, define what racism is. The person who hates white people is just as racist as the person denying the job.

I quoted that same source for IM2 when he tried to imply that I was a racist he wasn't. IM2 fits the dictionary definition of a racist. Go figure.

False equivalence is what happens when you are led to believe that two things should be given equal weight in your considerations as you come to any given decision, while those two things are not in any way actually equivalent.

The major problem with the quote is that for the claim to be true or valid whites must have the same history as blacks. We can't say it's the same because that would not be the reality of how things have gone. Had blacks done everything whites have done then they could say these things are the same. What these people are doing is using a false equivalence to build a straw man. We will not equate what Morgan said with the racism of whites because blacks don't have the record of racism, murder and terrorism against whites that whites do against us. You can't just make these kinds of comments about whites and blacks like everything has been the same. Whites have a history of oppressing people because they are not white, we have a history of being oppressed by whites. This must be recognized because it appears that at even in the 21st Century, there are whites who have caught a severe case of amnesia.

So, you've been oppressed (sic) because you're black. Does this mean you are agreeing with the alt - right that you are inferior to the whites?

I don't think it's oppression that you are experiencing. I think you wasted your life and now feel that someone owes you a living. And you are teaching that ignorance and hatred to a whole new class of young people that sit on their ass and hang on your every word while the majority of posters here realize that you are preaching a message of hatred and intolerance.

ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made. That is what I do As a matter of FACT. Sometime after September I have hopes to do my first podcast with the church. My first message will be directed to those 20, 30. and 40 something year olds (and beyond) that are still living in mommy's house and many getting money from Uncle Scam simply because they don't want to work.

You want to promote an agenda of fear, ignorance, outright stupidity at times, arrogance, racial hatred, divisiveness, and anything else that can account for the failures of your race in a modern world.

People like you are experienced in trying to twist and distort basic facts in order to prop up your religion of blacks are the greatest race in the world, but they are victims. The persecution complex serves you well and keeps a lot of other blacks dependent upon government while they curse it every day. Maybe if you encouraged people to do better for themselves and gave this victim-hood ideology a break, you might be happier in your own life.

Nobody owes you anything and, in America, you are what you can make of you. Post # 1535 will give posters access to all my rants on this thread. Other than that, unless you come up with something new, we're done.
He must feel superior to us whites,he constantly makes comments about how much more successful and educated he is, without knowing us. LOL

Must I? Or is it that I get tired of you motherfuckers telling me I say what I do because I'm making excuses for failure? Ha? What about that one? You don't know me but you sure as hell feel free to talk that kind of shit now don't you? Your ass is both dumb and delusional. And look at you Ms non racism, you haven't said shit about all of what Humone said, all of how he told us that America was made for whites only and you kept your mouth shut. Racist.

And don't even try your usual retarded ass false equivalences,
Not replying to all posts does not make someone racist. You misunderstood his posts. Saying America was for whites, I would think, is because whites did govern and make the laws and permit slavery. I do not agree that it was right, its just how it was.
Names you didn't mention:

Oprah Winfrey
Michael Jordan
Sean Combs
Tiger Woods
Mariah Carey
All entertainers.

Whites have always been willing to let black people entertain them. Even at the height of racism you still had your Jack Johnson's Muhammad Ali's, Lena Horne's, Ella Fitzgeralds, Sammy Davis Jnr, Steppin Fetchit's.

The question is, how have whites felt about blacks being their bankers, doctors, bosses, colleagues, neighbors?
And you won't mention the policies of Zimbabwe
No white man is African

If I come into your home, rob and rape you, and say I'm doing it because blk people are superior to whites and I proceed to put you and your people under my heel. I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home back.
Whites have no problem with black people being bankers, lawyers, doctors, millionaires, bosses or anything like that, otherwise if they show themselves to be American's who are fair, and non-racist in their lives.

Whites have a huge problem with blacks who are racist that only hope to aquire power and wealth in order to someday use that power and wealth to somehow over throw the whites as a race of people someday. The whites know who these types of blacks are, just like the blacks know who the racist whites are. No one is fooled by it all, and both sides that are non-racist just hope that a balance will be kept in it all.

We have come close to aquiring a good nation of diverse people under an American flag and/or concept, but forces are always gathering to try and separate, and then conquer in order to rule over the other if feel threatened by them.
Here's a couple of examples. My two sisters work at Wal-Mart and the stores they work at have always had mostly blacks in upper management positions. They have both worked for Wal-Mart for about 25-30 years and they've often related stories of favoritism towards other blacks, leniency for transgressions that got white employees fired and a generally more open and friendly attitude towards other blacks whereas they are rather cool towards white employees.
I don't believe this story for a second.

Can you give me a link to this Walmart store that you say is filled with undeserving black ppl who are getting doors opened for them that whites are not?
Mind you, not all of them have been guilty of this and my sisters have formed friendships with many of their black coworkers. But, it is what it is.
there you have it.

Those blacks friends probably don't even know were your sister lives. Your sister has never dropped her kids at her so called black friends. Your sister had zero communication with her so called blk friends outside of work.

That's what's friends do. Cut the crap about your sister's blk friends. She did not have any.
In my case, some years ago I had two black guys on my crew. One was a black Honduran and the other was a local guy. As the captain and the chief safety officer there you have it.
Hang on a sec. Thought Walmart were anti white ? What are you doing as captain and chief safety officer ? Get your facts straight.
it's my responsibility to enforce company safety rules and procedures. To that end, one day I suggested to the local guy that he should be wearing gloves for the job he was doing as per company safety policy. But when I approached the Honduran a day or two later on a safety matter, the local guy took it to mean I was racist and was singling them out.
there you have it.
So you said to a blk worker to put on gloves and he called you racist ?

No sane black man would do that. Tell the whole story. Youre missing out a lot blanks. See white supremacists get crazy when they have power over blk people. So if this Honduran guy was here to give his side of the story. I'm sure you would not come out the innocent guy your painting yourself as.
he became belligerent and uncooperative and I had to enlist the port captain as arbiter to try to mediate the dispute but he had his mind made up and nothing was resolved.
We went back to work and only interacted when we needed to. But, in the company truck on the way home about a week later and while stopped at a red light, I heard him say "This is what I think of you" and when I turned to look at him, the piece of shit spit on me. We had a shouting match the rest of the way back to the office and when I told the HR guy what he did, they fired him.
there you have it.
Yes and that's how white people are in the workplace.

I know all about whites in the workplace. I know. I know. They do things to piss blk ppl off and if the blk person reacts, they go to HR and get them sacked. They go into victim mode like your doing 'I just asked him to put gloves on and he threatened to shoot me"

100% fake news
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Reactions: IM2
I quoted that same source for IM2 when he tried to imply that I was a racist he wasn't. IM2 fits the dictionary definition of a racist. Go figure.

False equivalence is what happens when you are led to believe that two things should be given equal weight in your considerations as you come to any given decision, while those two things are not in any way actually equivalent.

The major problem with the quote is that for the claim to be true or valid whites must have the same history as blacks. We can't say it's the same because that would not be the reality of how things have gone. Had blacks done everything whites have done then they could say these things are the same. What these people are doing is using a false equivalence to build a straw man. We will not equate what Morgan said with the racism of whites because blacks don't have the record of racism, murder and terrorism against whites that whites do against us. You can't just make these kinds of comments about whites and blacks like everything has been the same. Whites have a history of oppressing people because they are not white, we have a history of being oppressed by whites. This must be recognized because it appears that at even in the 21st Century, there are whites who have caught a severe case of amnesia.

So, you've been oppressed (sic) because you're black. Does this mean you are agreeing with the alt - right that you are inferior to the whites?

I don't think it's oppression that you are experiencing. I think you wasted your life and now feel that someone owes you a living. And you are teaching that ignorance and hatred to a whole new class of young people that sit on their ass and hang on your every word while the majority of posters here realize that you are preaching a message of hatred and intolerance.

ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made. That is what I do As a matter of FACT. Sometime after September I have hopes to do my first podcast with the church. My first message will be directed to those 20, 30. and 40 something year olds (and beyond) that are still living in mommy's house and many getting money from Uncle Scam simply because they don't want to work.

You want to promote an agenda of fear, ignorance, outright stupidity at times, arrogance, racial hatred, divisiveness, and anything else that can account for the failures of your race in a modern world.

People like you are experienced in trying to twist and distort basic facts in order to prop up your religion of blacks are the greatest race in the world, but they are victims. The persecution complex serves you well and keeps a lot of other blacks dependent upon government while they curse it every day. Maybe if you encouraged people to do better for themselves and gave this victim-hood ideology a break, you might be happier in your own life.

Nobody owes you anything and, in America, you are what you can make of you. Post # 1535 will give posters access to all my rants on this thread. Other than that, unless you come up with something new, we're done.
He must feel superior to us whites,he constantly makes comments about how much more successful and educated he is, without knowing us. LOL

Must I? Or is it that I get tired of you motherfuckers telling me I say what I do because I'm making excuses for failure? Ha? What about that one? You don't know me but you sure as hell feel free to talk that kind of shit now don't you? Your ass is both dumb and delusional. And look at you Ms non racism, you haven't said shit about all of what Humone said, all of how he told us that America was made for whites only and you kept your mouth shut. Racist.

And don't even try your usual retarded ass false equivalences,
Not replying to all posts does not make someone racist. You misunderstood his posts. Saying America was for whites, I would think, is because whites did govern and make the laws and permit slavery. I do not agree that it was right, its just how it was.

I cannot alter the facts of history. And I'm not lying for the acceptance of anybody... white or black. Every statement that I put into that series or rants is honest and accurate.

In the latter part of 2016, Obama signed on to give the Israelis $3.8 BILLION dollars a year for ten years. We are that committed to the idea that Israelis should have a homeland of their own, but we find something immoral with American history and the idea of a white nation having their own homeland.

Today, we might say, come to America and abide by "our" laws. But, in America it's not when in Rome, do as the Romans do. It's change your laws if they don't suit us or else you're a racist.

But like it or not our system of jurisprudence is built upon the white man's system. This is from

"The common law is a system of principles and rules grounded in universal custom or natural law and developed, articulated, and applied by courts in a process designed for the resolution of individual controversies. In this general sense, the common law is the historic basis of all Anglo-American legal systems. It is also an important element in the origin and plan of the United States Constitution."

Common Law (Anglo-American) - Dictionary definition of Common Law (Anglo-American) | FREE online dictionary

What my critics want is for me to say something different or risk being called a racist. All I can say is go to law school and preach the gospel according to IM2. They will escort you out the door on day one.
Here's a couple of examples. My two sisters work at Wal-Mart and the stores they work at have always had mostly blacks in upper management positions. They have both worked for Wal-Mart for about 25-30 years and they've often related stories of favoritism towards other blacks, leniency for transgressions that got white employees fired and a generally more open and friendly attitude towards other blacks whereas they are rather cool towards white employees.
I don't believe this story for a second.

Are you calling me a liar?

Can you give me a link to this Walmart store that you say is filled with undeserving black ppl who are getting doors opened for them that whites are not?

I didn't say it was filled with undeserving blacks, I said my sisters have witnessed these things from time to time.

Mind you, not all of them have been guilty of this and my sisters have formed friendships with many of their black coworkers. But, it is what it is.
there you have it.


Those blacks friends probably don't even know were your sister lives. Your sister has never dropped her kids at her so called black friends. Your sister had zero communication with her so called blk friends outside of work.

First of all, they have encountered their black friends outside of work. Secondly, getting together outside of work is not required for friendship.

That's what's friends do. Cut the crap about your sister's blk friends. She did not have any.

How do you know this?

In my case, some years ago I had two black guys on my crew. One was a black Honduran and the other was a local guy. As the captain and the chief safety officer there you have it.

Hang on a sec. Thought Walmart were anti white ?

I didn't say Wal-Mart is anti-white.

What are you doing as captain and chief safety officer ? Get your facts straight.

I don't work for Wal-Mart, my sisters do. I am a boat captain. Didn't you read my post?

it's my responsibility to enforce company safety rules and procedures. To that end, one day I suggested to the local guy that he should be wearing gloves for the job he was doing as per company safety policy. But when I approached the Honduran a day or two later on a safety matter, the local guy took it to mean I was racist and was singling them out.
there you have it.

So you said to a blk worker to put on gloves and he called you racist ?

Nope. He called me a racist after I approached him on a safety issue and then did the same thing to the other black crewmember a few days later whereupon he assumed I was racist. Again, didn't you read my post?

No sane black man would do that.

A sane black man did.

Tell the whole story. Youre missing out a lot blanks. See white supremacists get crazy when they have power over blk people. So if this Honduran guy was here to give his side of the story. I'm sure you would not come out the innocent guy your painting yourself as.

The Honduran never had a problem with it. Unlike the other guy, he understood that I was just doing my duty as captain and that it was mere happenstance that they were both black.

I've worked with many blacks over the years and with this one exception, they've all enjoyed working with me and a few of them I consider friends.

he became belligerent and uncooperative and I had to enlist the port captain as arbiter to try to mediate the dispute but he had his mind made up and nothing was resolved.
We went back to work and only interacted when we needed to. But, in the company truck on the way home about a week later and while stopped at a red light, I heard him say "This is what I think of you" and when I turned to look at him, the piece of shit spit on me. We had a shouting match the rest of the way back to the office and when I told the HR guy what he did, they fired him.
there you have it.
Yes and that's how white people are in the workplace.

I know all about whites in the workplace. I know. I know. They do things to piss blk ppl off and if the blk person reacts, they go to HR and get them sacked. They go into victim mode like your doing 'I just asked him to put gloves on and he threatened to shoot me"

100% fake news

I said the guy spit on me. That is cause for termination for any person of any color. Didn't you read my post?
Last edited:
False equivalence is what happens when you are led to believe that two things should be given equal weight in your considerations as you come to any given decision, while those two things are not in any way actually equivalent.

The major problem with the quote is that for the claim to be true or valid whites must have the same history as blacks. We can't say it's the same because that would not be the reality of how things have gone. Had blacks done everything whites have done then they could say these things are the same. What these people are doing is using a false equivalence to build a straw man. We will not equate what Morgan said with the racism of whites because blacks don't have the record of racism, murder and terrorism against whites that whites do against us. You can't just make these kinds of comments about whites and blacks like everything has been the same. Whites have a history of oppressing people because they are not white, we have a history of being oppressed by whites. This must be recognized because it appears that at even in the 21st Century, there are whites who have caught a severe case of amnesia.

So, you've been oppressed (sic) because you're black. Does this mean you are agreeing with the alt - right that you are inferior to the whites?

I don't think it's oppression that you are experiencing. I think you wasted your life and now feel that someone owes you a living. And you are teaching that ignorance and hatred to a whole new class of young people that sit on their ass and hang on your every word while the majority of posters here realize that you are preaching a message of hatred and intolerance.

ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made. That is what I do As a matter of FACT. Sometime after September I have hopes to do my first podcast with the church. My first message will be directed to those 20, 30. and 40 something year olds (and beyond) that are still living in mommy's house and many getting money from Uncle Scam simply because they don't want to work.

You want to promote an agenda of fear, ignorance, outright stupidity at times, arrogance, racial hatred, divisiveness, and anything else that can account for the failures of your race in a modern world.

People like you are experienced in trying to twist and distort basic facts in order to prop up your religion of blacks are the greatest race in the world, but they are victims. The persecution complex serves you well and keeps a lot of other blacks dependent upon government while they curse it every day. Maybe if you encouraged people to do better for themselves and gave this victim-hood ideology a break, you might be happier in your own life.

Nobody owes you anything and, in America, you are what you can make of you. Post # 1535 will give posters access to all my rants on this thread. Other than that, unless you come up with something new, we're done.
He must feel superior to us whites,he constantly makes comments about how much more successful and educated he is, without knowing us. LOL

Must I? Or is it that I get tired of you motherfuckers telling me I say what I do because I'm making excuses for failure? Ha? What about that one? You don't know me but you sure as hell feel free to talk that kind of shit now don't you? Your ass is both dumb and delusional. And look at you Ms non racism, you haven't said shit about all of what Humone said, all of how he told us that America was made for whites only and you kept your mouth shut. Racist.

And don't even try your usual retarded ass false equivalences,
Not replying to all posts does not make someone racist. You misunderstood his posts. Saying America was for whites, I would think, is because whites did govern and make the laws and permit slavery. I do not agree that it was right, its just how it was.

I cannot alter the facts of history. And I'm not lying for the acceptance of anybody... white or black. Every statement that I put into that series or rants is honest and accurate.

In the latter part of 2016, Obama signed on to give the Israelis $3.8 BILLION dollars a year for ten years. We are that committed to the idea that Israelis should have a homeland of their own, but we find something immoral with American history and the idea of a white nation having their own homeland.

Today, we might say, come to America and abide by "our" laws. But, in America it's not when in Rome, do as the Romans do. It's change your laws if they don't suit us or else you're a racist.

But like it or not our system of jurisprudence is built upon the white man's system. This is from

"The common law is a system of principles and rules grounded in universal custom or natural law and developed, articulated, and applied by courts in a process designed for the resolution of individual controversies. In this general sense, the common law is the historic basis of all Anglo-American legal systems. It is also an important element in the origin and plan of the United States Constitution."

Common Law (Anglo-American) - Dictionary definition of Common Law (Anglo-American) | FREE online dictionary

What my critics want is for me to say something different or risk being called a racist. All I can say is go to law school and preach the gospel according to IM2. They will escort you out the door on day one.

This one is a true loon. If you preach the gospel according to me, you state that the system h jurisprudence is based on English Common law. There is need say this is the white mans law because then you have to take into consideration the only reason this is the case is due to the fact the white man did not allow anyone else into the decision making process. Now you can tell me how I got history all screwed up but:


If I teach your gospel I offend most of the students, get fired and my name goes national as a racist. .

You can say a whole lot of things but the truth is 360 degrees, that means in this case you can say this is the anglo system of jurisprudence we are built on, but that's not the entire 360 degrees. The entire 360 is we operate under the white mans jurisprudence only because the white man would not let anyone else in to make laws. And so the white mans legal system has had a negative effect on non whites because the white man decided that even though we live here we do not have the same rights in that system. Therefore the white mans system of law was and is corrupt.
You do understand that you 've just posted 5 paragraphs of retarded. You are paying Native Americans every year for things you have no ties to. So that excuse is dead. It has no merit and only the extremely dumb keep arguing on that basis. The reparations are for human rights violations and that includes everything that has happened to us after slavery in your lifetime that whites have benefitted from. Whites did not take the first steps to end slavery. Not in America. In fact hey initiated laws whereby blacks could be return to slavery.

When it is said we talk about a history of racist laws and policy many do not understand the full extent of what is meant. According to the 13th Amendment, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, nor any place subject to their jurisdiction."I think people really need to understand the impact of the underlined words. Blacks were arrested, tried, found guilty and sent to prison for crimes such as vagrancy, cussing in front of whites, jaywalking and other minor or non offenses for whites. Because of this, they could be returned to slavery and were. There has been no amendment to change this part of the 13th Amendment meaning that in reality slavery still exists in America today.

Employment was required of all freedmen; violators faced vagrancy charges

•Freedmen could not assemble without the presence of a white person

•Freedmen were assumed to be agricultural workers and their duties and hours were tightly regulated

•Freedmen were not to be taught to read or write

•Public facilities were segregated

•Violators of these laws were subject to being whipped or branded.

And sent back into slavery.
Just think about it, a black person could be convicted of not being employed and sent back into slavery along with many other things. Far too many people want to argue about things said without an understanding of the depth and length of things that have and continue to occur.

The decisions made by the supreme court in these cases began what we call today states rights. The decision was that the federal government could not interfere in how the states did things. If an act of racism happened in a state that was a state concern, not a federal one. So while slavery was illegal by written law, while rights were not to be denied by race, whites found a way around those amendments to continue practicing racism. In 1896 the whites of this nation insured that racial segregation would be the law. This was done by Plessy V. Ferguson. So while slavery was no longer legal by constitutional amendment meaning blacks or anyone of color could not be denied rights, because of Plessy v Ferguson they could be separated and reduced to second class citizenship. So laws were written, but whites found another way to practice the same racism.

Now that's what whites did. And republicans did nothing to stop it. .
One simple fact blows up your silly argument..... The federal government was found liable for damages to Native Americans.

Good luck trying to prove that with respect to blacks when most of the damages were by perpetrators who were private citizens who aren't alive today.

It's easily proven since the government made slavery and apartheid legal. Here is an example:

The Racial Segregation of American Cities Was Anything But Accidental
A housing policy expert explains how federal government policies created the suburbs and the inner city

In The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, Richard Rothstein, a research associate at the Economic Policy Institute, aims to flip the assumption that the state of racial organization in American cities is simply a result of individual prejudices. He untangles a century’s worth of policies that built the segregated American city of today. From the first segregated public housing projects of President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, to the 1949 Housing Act that encouraged white movement to the suburbs, to unconstitutional racial zoning ordinances enacted by city governments, Rothstein substantiates the argument that the current state of the American city is the direct result of unconstitutional, state-sanctioned racial discrimination.
.The Racial Segregation of American Cities Was Anything But Accidental | History | Smithsonian

We call this proof.

You babble on and on about history, but have some idiotic excuses for bitching about the state of affairs under DEMOCRAT administrations - then you vote for them.

This is 2018. Not 1860. You understand?

The Republican Party burned itself: How years of racist demagoguing paved the way for this terrifying moment
The Republican Party burned itself: How years of racist demagoguing...

Yes, the Republican Party is Racist, and here's why

Colin Powell’s former chief of staff Col. Lawrence Wilkerson publicly stated that the Republican Party is “full of racists” who only want President Obama out of office because of "the color of his skin". “Let me just be candid: My party is full of racists,” Wilkerson said on MSNBC’s “The Ed Show.” ”And the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander in chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin. And that’s despicable.”

Yes, the Republican Party is Racist, and here's why

What social science tells us about racism in the Republican party

"There's a good deal of evidence that white resentment of minorities is linked to support for Republican candidates, their policies and conservative ideology in America," said Robb Willer, a political psychologist at Stanford University.

What social science tells us about racism in the Republican party

The Disturbing Data on Republicans and Racism: Trump Backers Are the Most Bigoted Within the GOP
Racists are more likely to be Republicans—and the most extreme among them are Donald Trump supporters.

At present, the Republican Party is the United States’ largest white identity organization. There is a mountain of evidence in support of this claim. The Republican Party nurtures and cultivates hostility towards non-whites among its voters for the purpose of electoral gain. What is known as “The Southern Strategy” of racist “coded appeals” against African-Americans and other people of color has dominated Republican politics since (at least) the end of the civil rights movement. And during the Age of Obama, American politics has been poisoned by racist conspiracy theories such as “Birtherism,” lies that Barack Obama is a type of Manchurian candidate who actually hates America and wants to destroy it from within, efforts to rollback the won in blood gains of the Black Freedom Struggle, as well as unprecedented efforts by the Republican Party to abandon its basic responsibilities of governance in order to delegitimize the country’s first black president.

Donald Trump is not an outlier or aberration. In many ways, he perfectly embodies the racist attitudes and beliefs of the Republican Party in the post civil rights era. Likewise, Donald Trump’s supporters have enthusiastically embraced the Republican Party’s racism towards people of color, in general, and against black Americans, in particular.

The Disturbing Data on Republicans and Racism: Trump Backers Are the Most Bigoted Within the GOP

Now I don't know what kind of psychosis you suffer from. but after readimg your posts and looking at the posts of these republicans in this secion alone you need to shut your mouth about democrats.
Nice cut & paste job.
And you need to stop defending the very people that backed slavery for over a century and created Jim Crow laws when slavery ended. The very people that still have you willfully enslaved to the Democratic Party.

Since I'm not defending the democratic party of 1860, it is apparent you are talking crazy.
One simple fact blows up your silly argument..... The federal government was found liable for damages to Native Americans.

Good luck trying to prove that with respect to blacks when most of the damages were by perpetrators who were private citizens who aren't alive today.

It's easily proven since the government made slavery and apartheid legal. Here is an example:

The Racial Segregation of American Cities Was Anything But Accidental
A housing policy expert explains how federal government policies created the suburbs and the inner city

In The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, Richard Rothstein, a research associate at the Economic Policy Institute, aims to flip the assumption that the state of racial organization in American cities is simply a result of individual prejudices. He untangles a century’s worth of policies that built the segregated American city of today. From the first segregated public housing projects of President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, to the 1949 Housing Act that encouraged white movement to the suburbs, to unconstitutional racial zoning ordinances enacted by city governments, Rothstein substantiates the argument that the current state of the American city is the direct result of unconstitutional, state-sanctioned racial discrimination.
.The Racial Segregation of American Cities Was Anything But Accidental | History | Smithsonian

We call this proof.

You babble on and on about history, but have some idiotic excuses for bitching about the state of affairs under DEMOCRAT administrations - then you vote for them.

This is 2018. Not 1860. You understand?

The Republican Party burned itself: How years of racist demagoguing paved the way for this terrifying moment
The Republican Party burned itself: How years of racist demagoguing...

Yes, the Republican Party is Racist, and here's why

Colin Powell’s former chief of staff Col. Lawrence Wilkerson publicly stated that the Republican Party is “full of racists” who only want President Obama out of office because of "the color of his skin". “Let me just be candid: My party is full of racists,” Wilkerson said on MSNBC’s “The Ed Show.” ”And the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander in chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin. And that’s despicable.”

Yes, the Republican Party is Racist, and here's why

What social science tells us about racism in the Republican party

"There's a good deal of evidence that white resentment of minorities is linked to support for Republican candidates, their policies and conservative ideology in America," said Robb Willer, a political psychologist at Stanford University.

What social science tells us about racism in the Republican party

The Disturbing Data on Republicans and Racism: Trump Backers Are the Most Bigoted Within the GOP
Racists are more likely to be Republicans—and the most extreme among them are Donald Trump supporters.

At present, the Republican Party is the United States’ largest white identity organization. There is a mountain of evidence in support of this claim. The Republican Party nurtures and cultivates hostility towards non-whites among its voters for the purpose of electoral gain. What is known as “The Southern Strategy” of racist “coded appeals” against African-Americans and other people of color has dominated Republican politics since (at least) the end of the civil rights movement. And during the Age of Obama, American politics has been poisoned by racist conspiracy theories such as “Birtherism,” lies that Barack Obama is a type of Manchurian candidate who actually hates America and wants to destroy it from within, efforts to rollback the won in blood gains of the Black Freedom Struggle, as well as unprecedented efforts by the Republican Party to abandon its basic responsibilities of governance in order to delegitimize the country’s first black president.

Donald Trump is not an outlier or aberration. In many ways, he perfectly embodies the racist attitudes and beliefs of the Republican Party in the post civil rights era. Likewise, Donald Trump’s supporters have enthusiastically embraced the Republican Party’s racism towards people of color, in general, and against black Americans, in particular.

The Disturbing Data on Republicans and Racism: Trump Backers Are the Most Bigoted Within the GOP

Now I don't know what kind of psychosis you suffer from. but after readimg your posts and looking at the posts of these republicans in this secion alone you need to shut your mouth about democrats.
Nice cut & paste job.
And you need to stop defending the very people that backed slavery for over a century and created Jim Crow laws when slavery ended. The very people that still have you willfully enslaved to the Democratic Party.

Since I'm not defending the democratic party of 1860, it is apparent you are talking crazy.'re trying to re-write history.
Democrats never change.
They're racists and they never can admit when they screwed up.
All they did was change tactics when Jim Crow ended.
The crazy one is the idiot that thinks Democrats don't run Washington and have for over 100 years regardless which party has the majority.
Corrected post.

1. You open with claiming my arguments are unsound, but present no reason to support that claim.

2. Unless your claim is that racists deny being racist, was the "supporting argument".. Which is utterly stupid, because non racist would deny being racist too.

3. Your support for your calling me a racist is claiming that you know what we "really" mean when we complain about white discrimination. You offer no support of your mind reading ability, and that's all you have to support your vile insult of me.

4. YOu do use the Logical Fallacy of Argumentum ad populum, as a supporting argument So there is that. It's a stupid and invalid argument. Argumentum ad populum - Wikipedia

5. So, to conclude, you SUPPORT callING me a vile name based on utterly stupid and invalid reasons.

WOW! You certainly put a lot of effort into "defending and deflecting".

Not really. A few minutes of typing.

You are perceived by some here as being a RACIST ASSHOLE.

NO, that's just what they SAY, because they can't refute my arguments.

I, on the other hand, perceive you to just be ignorant.

Logical fallacy of Ad Hominem. You lose.

I did not call you a ""vile name". I merely reported how you are perceived.

How you are perceived, is NOT my problem.

Never said it was.

No "logical fallacy" here, and certainly nothing to lose but a little bit of idle time..

Just an honest observation from an impartial point of view.

Denial does you no good.

I know that denying does me no good.

That is part of the problem. We have a society,where, when lefties make an accusation, it is considered true, and denials, no matter how true or how well supported, have no impact.

Really, it seems the only logical conclusion is that we are done with discussion.

BUT, the fact remains, all you posted was bullshit logical fallacies and you do lose.

Yes, we are done. No one loses. No one wins. It's nothing but entertainment to me.

Pointing out how you are perceived by some, is not a logical fallacy or bullshit.

Obviously it hurts your over inflated ego, but sometimes the truth stings.

Pointing out that a lot of people believe something, as though that is some sort of evidence supporting it,

is a Logical Fallacy.

That is the truth. I provided you with a link explaining that.

You are the one denying the simplest of truths.

It does not hurt my ego to demolish your illogical arguments.


This is one of the first subjects I talked about when I started posting on message boards. Are Blacks on average more racist than whites?
I've always believed that they are. Something that I discovered growing up was that almost every black in America thinks about race every day, whereas most whites don't. There's a reason for this, but this simple fact is being used by the left to divide America.

A Rassmussen survey asked the question 5 years ago, and my guess is it would be even worse today.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans.

From a partisan perspective, 49% of Republicans see most black Americans as racist, along with 36% of unaffiliated adults and 29% of Democrats.

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

Among white adults, 10% think most white Americans are racist; 38% believe most blacks are racist, and 17% say most Hispanics are racist.

Overall, just 30% of all Americans now rate race relations in the United States as good or excellent. Fourteen percent (14%) describe them as poor. Twenty-nine percent (29%) think race relations are getting better, while 32% believe they are getting worse. Thirty-five percent (35%) feel they are staying about the same.

These figures reflect more pessimism than was found in April when 42% gave race relations positive marks and 39% said race relations were improving. However, the April number reflected all-time highs while the current numbers are more consistent with the general attitudes of recent years.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Adults was conducted on July 1-2, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.


Blacks are slightly more optimistic about the current state of race relations in American than whites and Hispanics are. But 37% of blacks and 38% of Hispanics believe those relations are getting worse, compared to 29% of whites.​



Most Americans are white. What a surprise.
There are no institutional structures in the U.S. in which black people exercise final and controlling authority: not in the school systems, labor market, justice system, housing markets, financial markets, or media.

So the ability of black folks to oppress white people does not exist.

And guess what ?

Even in countries where black people are in the majority, like in Nigeria, Ghana, Jamaica, even over there racism to whites is limited by the reality of global economics and the desire for good relations with the West.
I just felt that this was worth highlighting and repeating. Thank you.
ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made
Life is hard enough for many people without having racists assholes constantly disrupting one's life simply because they don't like your race, or religion or country of national origin.

That is not "our mistakes" and the fact that you suggested that this is where the problem lies is exactly why you're perceived as you are.
So, you've been oppressed (sic) because you're black. Does this mean you are agreeing with the alt - right that you are inferior to the whites?

I don't think it's oppression that you are experiencing. I think you wasted your life and now feel that someone owes you a living. And you are teaching that ignorance and hatred to a whole new class of young people that sit on their ass and hang on your every word while the majority of posters here realize that you are preaching a message of hatred and intolerance.

ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made. That is what I do As a matter of FACT. Sometime after September I have hopes to do my first podcast with the church. My first message will be directed to those 20, 30. and 40 something year olds (and beyond) that are still living in mommy's house and many getting money from Uncle Scam simply because they don't want to work.

You want to promote an agenda of fear, ignorance, outright stupidity at times, arrogance, racial hatred, divisiveness, and anything else that can account for the failures of your race in a modern world.

People like you are experienced in trying to twist and distort basic facts in order to prop up your religion of blacks are the greatest race in the world, but they are victims. The persecution complex serves you well and keeps a lot of other blacks dependent upon government while they curse it every day. Maybe if you encouraged people to do better for themselves and gave this victim-hood ideology a break, you might be happier in your own life.

Nobody owes you anything and, in America, you are what you can make of you. Post # 1535 will give posters access to all my rants on this thread. Other than that, unless you come up with something new, we're done.
He must feel superior to us whites,he constantly makes comments about how much more successful and educated he is, without knowing us. LOL

Must I? Or is it that I get tired of you motherfuckers telling me I say what I do because I'm making excuses for failure? Ha? What about that one? You don't know me but you sure as hell feel free to talk that kind of shit now don't you? Your ass is both dumb and delusional. And look at you Ms non racism, you haven't said shit about all of what Humone said, all of how he told us that America was made for whites only and you kept your mouth shut. Racist.

And don't even try your usual retarded ass false equivalences,
Not replying to all posts does not make someone racist. You misunderstood his posts. Saying America was for whites, I would think, is because whites did govern and make the laws and permit slavery. I do not agree that it was right, its just how it was.

I cannot alter the facts of history. And I'm not lying for the acceptance of anybody... white or black. Every statement that I put into that series or rants is honest and accurate.

In the latter part of 2016, Obama signed on to give the Israelis $3.8 BILLION dollars a year for ten years. We are that committed to the idea that Israelis should have a homeland of their own, but we find something immoral with American history and the idea of a white nation having their own homeland.

Today, we might say, come to America and abide by "our" laws. But, in America it's not when in Rome, do as the Romans do. It's change your laws if they don't suit us or else you're a racist.

But like it or not our system of jurisprudence is built upon the white man's system. This is from

"The common law is a system of principles and rules grounded in universal custom or natural law and developed, articulated, and applied by courts in a process designed for the resolution of individual controversies. In this general sense, the common law is the historic basis of all Anglo-American legal systems. It is also an important element in the origin and plan of the United States Constitution."

Common Law (Anglo-American) - Dictionary definition of Common Law (Anglo-American) | FREE online dictionary

What my critics want is for me to say something different or risk being called a racist. All I can say is go to law school and preach the gospel according to IM2. They will escort you out the door on day one.

This one is a true loon. If you preach the gospel according to me, you state that the system h jurisprudence is based on English Common law. There is need say this is the white mans law because then you have to take into consideration the only reason this is the case is due to the fact the white man did not allow anyone else into the decision making process. Now you can tell me how I got history all screwed up but:


If I teach your gospel I offend most of the students, get fired and my name goes national as a racist. .

You can say a whole lot of things but the truth is 360 degrees, that means in this case you can say this is the anglo system of jurisprudence we are built on, but that's not the entire 360 degrees. The entire 360 is we operate under the white mans jurisprudence only because the white man would not let anyone else in to make laws. And so the white mans legal system has had a negative effect on non whites because the white man decided that even though we live here we do not have the same rights in that system. Therefore the white mans system of law was and is corrupt.

FWIW - You are not qualified to be in this discussion. Your post makes little to no sense, but I will humor you just for chits and giggles.

IF the truth is 360 degress from what I said it is, then it is exactly what I told you it is. Think about it. If you're headed due north and go 360 degrees, whic way are you heading now?

You see, your lack of understanding is what prevents you from having any real understanding. True, the white people did not allow other races to make any laws in the United States. The Preamble to the Constitution states:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States..."

How many black people signed the Constitution of the United States? How many black people signed the Articles of Confederation? How many blacks signed the Declaration of Independence?

The FIRST Naturalization Act of the United States (a year after the Constitution was ratified) states:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

Now, those are the facts. I'll be more than happy to tell you what the earliest state constitutions had to say with respect to race as well.

Your post sounded as if you were drunk so it is unintelligible, but if America is racist because it was founded by whites, then you would have to explain why North Korea, Japan, and China are not racist as well. No blacks are holding public office there nor do they participate in the body politic. And I would imagine that you are as happy as a pig in slop because Zimbabwe is 99.7 percent black and whites there are routinely beaten and killed for fun.

If you want to call the founders of the United States "racist" then have at it. But, unless YOU can condemn Zimbabwe with the same zeal, then you have to face the FACTS.
One simple fact blows up your silly argument..... The federal government was found liable for damages to Native Americans.

Good luck trying to prove that with respect to blacks when most of the damages were by perpetrators who were private citizens who aren't alive today.

It's easily proven since the government made slavery and apartheid legal. Here is an example:

The Racial Segregation of American Cities Was Anything But Accidental
A housing policy expert explains how federal government policies created the suburbs and the inner city

In The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, Richard Rothstein, a research associate at the Economic Policy Institute, aims to flip the assumption that the state of racial organization in American cities is simply a result of individual prejudices. He untangles a century’s worth of policies that built the segregated American city of today. From the first segregated public housing projects of President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, to the 1949 Housing Act that encouraged white movement to the suburbs, to unconstitutional racial zoning ordinances enacted by city governments, Rothstein substantiates the argument that the current state of the American city is the direct result of unconstitutional, state-sanctioned racial discrimination.
.The Racial Segregation of American Cities Was Anything But Accidental | History | Smithsonian

We call this proof.

You babble on and on about history, but have some idiotic excuses for bitching about the state of affairs under DEMOCRAT administrations - then you vote for them.

This is 2018. Not 1860. You understand?

The Republican Party burned itself: How years of racist demagoguing paved the way for this terrifying moment
The Republican Party burned itself: How years of racist demagoguing...

Yes, the Republican Party is Racist, and here's why

Colin Powell’s former chief of staff Col. Lawrence Wilkerson publicly stated that the Republican Party is “full of racists” who only want President Obama out of office because of "the color of his skin". “Let me just be candid: My party is full of racists,” Wilkerson said on MSNBC’s “The Ed Show.” ”And the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander in chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin. And that’s despicable.”

Yes, the Republican Party is Racist, and here's why

What social science tells us about racism in the Republican party

"There's a good deal of evidence that white resentment of minorities is linked to support for Republican candidates, their policies and conservative ideology in America," said Robb Willer, a political psychologist at Stanford University.

What social science tells us about racism in the Republican party

The Disturbing Data on Republicans and Racism: Trump Backers Are the Most Bigoted Within the GOP
Racists are more likely to be Republicans—and the most extreme among them are Donald Trump supporters.

At present, the Republican Party is the United States’ largest white identity organization. There is a mountain of evidence in support of this claim. The Republican Party nurtures and cultivates hostility towards non-whites among its voters for the purpose of electoral gain. What is known as “The Southern Strategy” of racist “coded appeals” against African-Americans and other people of color has dominated Republican politics since (at least) the end of the civil rights movement. And during the Age of Obama, American politics has been poisoned by racist conspiracy theories such as “Birtherism,” lies that Barack Obama is a type of Manchurian candidate who actually hates America and wants to destroy it from within, efforts to rollback the won in blood gains of the Black Freedom Struggle, as well as unprecedented efforts by the Republican Party to abandon its basic responsibilities of governance in order to delegitimize the country’s first black president.

Donald Trump is not an outlier or aberration. In many ways, he perfectly embodies the racist attitudes and beliefs of the Republican Party in the post civil rights era. Likewise, Donald Trump’s supporters have enthusiastically embraced the Republican Party’s racism towards people of color, in general, and against black Americans, in particular.

The Disturbing Data on Republicans and Racism: Trump Backers Are the Most Bigoted Within the GOP

Now I don't know what kind of psychosis you suffer from. but after readimg your posts and looking at the posts of these republicans in this secion alone you need to shut your mouth about democrats.
Nice cut & paste job.
And you need to stop defending the very people that backed slavery for over a century and created Jim Crow laws when slavery ended. The very people that still have you willfully enslaved to the Democratic Party.

Since I'm not defending the democratic party of 1860, it is apparent you are talking crazy.

By the silence for the wrongdoings of the people you associate with, you are consenting to their acts.
WOW! You certainly put a lot of effort into "defending and deflecting".

Not really. A few minutes of typing.

You are perceived by some here as being a RACIST ASSHOLE.

NO, that's just what they SAY, because they can't refute my arguments.

I, on the other hand, perceive you to just be ignorant.

Logical fallacy of Ad Hominem. You lose.

I did not call you a ""vile name". I merely reported how you are perceived.

How you are perceived, is NOT my problem.

Never said it was.

No "logical fallacy" here, and certainly nothing to lose but a little bit of idle time..

Just an honest observation from an impartial point of view.

Denial does you no good.

I know that denying does me no good.

That is part of the problem. We have a society,where, when lefties make an accusation, it is considered true, and denials, no matter how true or how well supported, have no impact.

Really, it seems the only logical conclusion is that we are done with discussion.

BUT, the fact remains, all you posted was bullshit logical fallacies and you do lose.

Yes, we are done. No one loses. No one wins. It's nothing but entertainment to me.

Pointing out how you are perceived by some, is not a logical fallacy or bullshit.

Obviously it hurts your over inflated ego, but sometimes the truth stings.

Pointing out that a lot of people believe something, as though that is some sort of evidence supporting it,

is a Logical Fallacy.

That is the truth. I provided you with a link explaining that.

You are the one denying the simplest of truths.

It does not hurt my ego to demolish your illogical arguments.
WOW! You certainly put a lot of effort into "defending and deflecting".

Not really. A few minutes of typing.

You are perceived by some here as being a RACIST ASSHOLE.

NO, that's just what they SAY, because they can't refute my arguments.

I, on the other hand, perceive you to just be ignorant.

Logical fallacy of Ad Hominem. You lose.

I did not call you a ""vile name". I merely reported how you are perceived.

How you are perceived, is NOT my problem.

Never said it was.

No "logical fallacy" here, and certainly nothing to lose but a little bit of idle time..

Just an honest observation from an impartial point of view.

Denial does you no good.

I know that denying does me no good.

That is part of the problem. We have a society,where, when lefties make an accusation, it is considered true, and denials, no matter how true or how well supported, have no impact.

Really, it seems the only logical conclusion is that we are done with discussion.

BUT, the fact remains, all you posted was bullshit logical fallacies and you do lose.

Yes, we are done. No one loses. No one wins. It's nothing but entertainment to me.

Pointing out how you are perceived by some, is not a logical fallacy or bullshit.

Obviously it hurts your over inflated ego, but sometimes the truth stings.

Pointing out that a lot of people believe something, as though that is some sort of evidence supporting it,

is a Logical Fallacy.

That is the truth. I provided you with a link explaining that.

You are the one denying the simplest of truths.

It does not hurt my ego to demolish your illogical arguments.

If you were really that secure in what you state, and I am so "illogical", you would not still be trying to convince me that you are right.
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