Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made
Life is hard enough for many people without having racists assholes constantly disrupting one's life simply because they don't like your race, or religion or country of national origin.

That is not "our mistakes" and the fact that you suggested that this is where the problem lies is exactly why you're perceived as you are.

The institution of slavery is one that originates with blacks. You have to own it OR quit using it as way to try and whip the whites.

Any dumb ass can see there are three black extremists - racists, whatever posting on this thread and they are think blacks cannot be racists. History says different. If you cannot own the creation of slavery, you'd be a damn hypocrite to claim there is something "evil" about it. That's part one.

Since you don't condemn places like Zimbabwe, you don't have any realistic argument against what I've told you relative to the facts. But, after having been subject to the B.S. of hate mongers trying to tell us that whites are inferior to you (regardless of how careful you are to crouch the criticisms), then you've answered the question the OP posed.

When I own my history, you want to call me names, but you can't own yours. You would even outright LIE about it. You're a racist and you have nothing to even try and attempt to beat me down with.
The wording in the link to the NPR article "racism against white people doesn’t exist" is misleading because that's not what the article said. If anything the article only implies that racism against whites is not as pervasive as some make it out to be. It does not say that racism against whites does not exist.

The author of this article is incorrect in her definition of racism. She further defines the word "racism" from's definition as "Racism is prejudice with power". This is patently false. Webster's defines racism as :

1: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
2: Racial prejudice or discrimination.

Having power to deny someone a job position based on race and acting on that is only one form of racial discrimination. It does not define racism. Furthermore, if a black person views whites as untrustworthy (as you seem to) or that whites are capable of mistreating others but blacks are not (as indicated in this remark by Paul Essien: "Simply put. Black people could never treat white people. The way white people have treated blacks. God just didn't make us that way. He just didn't give us that heart. "), these would fall under the "belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities" part of Webster's definition. In other words, whites, as a race, are untrustworthy and the only race capable of mistreating others. This is racism.

A quote from the Vice article: "But Morgan said even if all people of colour straight up said they hate white people, it wouldn't affect a white person's ability to get a job, an education, or increase the odds that they'd get carded or charged for a crime."

This also is patently false. Denying someone a job or an education based on race is, again, a form of racial discrimination that stems from racism. It does not, however, define what racism is. The person who hates white people is just as racist as the person denying the job.

I quoted that same source for IM2 when he tried to imply that I was a racist he wasn't. IM2 fits the dictionary definition of a racist. Go figure.

False equivalence is what happens when you are led to believe that two things should be given equal weight in your considerations as you come to any given decision, while those two things are not in any way actually equivalent.

The major problem with the quote is that for the claim to be true or valid whites must have the same history as blacks. We can't say it's the same because that would not be the reality of how things have gone. Had blacks done everything whites have done then they could say these things are the same. What these people are doing is using a false equivalence to build a straw man. We will not equate what Morgan said with the racism of whites because blacks don't have the record of racism, murder and terrorism against whites that whites do against us. You can't just make these kinds of comments about whites and blacks like everything has been the same. Whites have a history of oppressing people because they are not white, we have a history of being oppressed by whites. This must be recognized because it appears that at even in the 21st Century, there are whites who have caught a severe case of amnesia.

So, you've been oppressed (sic) because you're black. Does this mean you are agreeing with the alt - right that you are inferior to the whites?

I don't think it's oppression that you are experiencing. I think you wasted your life and now feel that someone owes you a living. And you are teaching that ignorance and hatred to a whole new class of young people that sit on their ass and hang on your every word while the majority of posters here realize that you are preaching a message of hatred and intolerance.

ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made. That is what I do As a matter of FACT. Sometime after September I have hopes to do my first podcast with the church. My first message will be directed to those 20, 30. and 40 something year olds (and beyond) that are still living in mommy's house and many getting money from Uncle Scam simply because they don't want to work.

You want to promote an agenda of fear, ignorance, outright stupidity at times, arrogance, racial hatred, divisiveness, and anything else that can account for the failures of your race in a modern world.

People like you are experienced in trying to twist and distort basic facts in order to prop up your religion of blacks are the greatest race in the world, but they are victims. The persecution complex serves you well and keeps a lot of other blacks dependent upon government while they curse it every day. Maybe if you encouraged people to do better for themselves and gave this victim-hood ideology a break, you might be happier in your own life.

Nobody owes you anything and, in America, you are what you can make of you. Post # 1535 will give posters access to all my rants on this thread. Other than that, unless you come up with something new, we're done.
He must feel superior to us whites,he constantly makes comments about how much more successful and educated he is, without knowing us. LOL

He can't be that smart. He's posting here, every day, all day. I'm only stuck on the computer while rehabbing and going to school.

The reason extremists don't have anything and want to spread the misery is that they are lazy to begin with. After I fully recoup from surgery, I'll probably spend some of my time mentoring young people and doing the foster parent thing. It's much more productive than lying to people and calling them names all day long.

You can tell that the guy has made a religion out of racism because he thinks it is the worst thing that can happen to an individual. So, when it wasn't severe enough to impress us, it went from racism to institutional racism, to systemic racism, etc., etc.

Political minorities face the same kinds of challenges; kids from broken homes face challenges. The untold story behind whites who are victimized by a host of people (mostly for political reasons) that aren't even on the books. They don't have a job; they aren't on the government dole; the government hooked them on drugs and then when they turned 25 or so mommy's insurance drops them and now they are locked OUT of the system. Most of them didn't do it to themselves - the government and ignorant parents did.

I'll spend the bulk of my time trying to help them. The black racists will continue to try and convince you how bad they have it - and spending the equivalent of a full time to do so.

I'm retired dumb ass, I can do what I want. Please stop mentoring kids. You keep racism alive.

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

I say this because it is almost impossible to overstate the degree to which conservative media today, particularly Fox News and talk radio, are brimming with expressions of white racial grievance and white identity politics. When a survey asks respondents to make broad judgments about things that are outside their experience, where do their answers come from? A white respondent, when coming up with an answer for how much discrimination people (both black and white) face, can't just look to their own experience or those of people they know. So the impression they have is shaped in large part by what they see and hear in the media. And if you're someone who gets your news from conservative media, you're constantly hearing things like this, from Rush Limbaugh:

Hey, look, folks, the white kid on that bus in Belleville, Illinois, he deserved to be beat up. You don't know about this story? Oh, there's video of this. The school bus filled with mostly black students beat up a white student a couple of times with all the black students cheering. Of course the white student on the bus deserved the beating. He was born a racist. That's what Newsweek magazine told us in its most recent cover. It's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama's America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, "Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on," and, of course, everybody says the white kid deserved it, he was born a racist, he's white.

In the white victimization narrative Limbaugh and others repeat so often, not only are whites constantly being oppressed, they're also constantly being falsely accused of racism; indeed, the false racism accusation is the primary means by which blacks and their elitist white liberal allies keep regular white people down..

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

You suffer from psychosis. .You repeat the same psychotic bullshit every day. It's all lies.. We are here reading you telling us this country was made for whites only, the 14th amendment is illegal and we blacks are not citizens, claim it's truth, then claim we are making up racism. LOL! How dumb can one person be. I'm here for a reason and when I'm done I am going to make examples out of those like you and others here.
I quoted that same source for IM2 when he tried to imply that I was a racist he wasn't. IM2 fits the dictionary definition of a racist. Go figure.

False equivalence is what happens when you are led to believe that two things should be given equal weight in your considerations as you come to any given decision, while those two things are not in any way actually equivalent.

The major problem with the quote is that for the claim to be true or valid whites must have the same history as blacks. We can't say it's the same because that would not be the reality of how things have gone. Had blacks done everything whites have done then they could say these things are the same. What these people are doing is using a false equivalence to build a straw man. We will not equate what Morgan said with the racism of whites because blacks don't have the record of racism, murder and terrorism against whites that whites do against us. You can't just make these kinds of comments about whites and blacks like everything has been the same. Whites have a history of oppressing people because they are not white, we have a history of being oppressed by whites. This must be recognized because it appears that at even in the 21st Century, there are whites who have caught a severe case of amnesia.

So, you've been oppressed (sic) because you're black. Does this mean you are agreeing with the alt - right that you are inferior to the whites?

I don't think it's oppression that you are experiencing. I think you wasted your life and now feel that someone owes you a living. And you are teaching that ignorance and hatred to a whole new class of young people that sit on their ass and hang on your every word while the majority of posters here realize that you are preaching a message of hatred and intolerance.

ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made. That is what I do As a matter of FACT. Sometime after September I have hopes to do my first podcast with the church. My first message will be directed to those 20, 30. and 40 something year olds (and beyond) that are still living in mommy's house and many getting money from Uncle Scam simply because they don't want to work.

You want to promote an agenda of fear, ignorance, outright stupidity at times, arrogance, racial hatred, divisiveness, and anything else that can account for the failures of your race in a modern world.

People like you are experienced in trying to twist and distort basic facts in order to prop up your religion of blacks are the greatest race in the world, but they are victims. The persecution complex serves you well and keeps a lot of other blacks dependent upon government while they curse it every day. Maybe if you encouraged people to do better for themselves and gave this victim-hood ideology a break, you might be happier in your own life.

Nobody owes you anything and, in America, you are what you can make of you. Post # 1535 will give posters access to all my rants on this thread. Other than that, unless you come up with something new, we're done.
He must feel superior to us whites,he constantly makes comments about how much more successful and educated he is, without knowing us. LOL

He can't be that smart. He's posting here, every day, all day. I'm only stuck on the computer while rehabbing and going to school.

The reason extremists don't have anything and want to spread the misery is that they are lazy to begin with. After I fully recoup from surgery, I'll probably spend some of my time mentoring young people and doing the foster parent thing. It's much more productive than lying to people and calling them names all day long.

You can tell that the guy has made a religion out of racism because he thinks it is the worst thing that can happen to an individual. So, when it wasn't severe enough to impress us, it went from racism to institutional racism, to systemic racism, etc., etc.

Political minorities face the same kinds of challenges; kids from broken homes face challenges. The untold story behind whites who are victimized by a host of people (mostly for political reasons) that aren't even on the books. They don't have a job; they aren't on the government dole; the government hooked them on drugs and then when they turned 25 or so mommy's insurance drops them and now they are locked OUT of the system. Most of them didn't do it to themselves - the government and ignorant parents did.

I'll spend the bulk of my time trying to help them. The black racists will continue to try and convince you how bad they have it - and spending the equivalent of a full time to do so.

I'm retired dumb ass, I can do what I want. Please stop mentoring kids. You keep racism alive.

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

I say this because it is almost impossible to overstate the degree to which conservative media today, particularly Fox News and talk radio, are brimming with expressions of white racial grievance and white identity politics. When a survey asks respondents to make broad judgments about things that are outside their experience, where do their answers come from? A white respondent, when coming up with an answer for how much discrimination people (both black and white) face, can't just look to their own experience or those of people they know. So the impression they have is shaped in large part by what they see and hear in the media. And if you're someone who gets your news from conservative media, you're constantly hearing things like this, from Rush Limbaugh:

Hey, look, folks, the white kid on that bus in Belleville, Illinois, he deserved to be beat up. You don't know about this story? Oh, there's video of this. The school bus filled with mostly black students beat up a white student a couple of times with all the black students cheering. Of course the white student on the bus deserved the beating. He was born a racist. That's what Newsweek magazine told us in its most recent cover. It's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama's America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, "Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on," and, of course, everybody says the white kid deserved it, he was born a racist, he's white.

In the white victimization narrative Limbaugh and others repeat so often, not only are whites constantly being oppressed, they're also constantly being falsely accused of racism; indeed, the false racism accusation is the primary means by which blacks and their elitist white liberal allies keep regular white people down..

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

You suffer from psychosis. .You repeat the same psychotic bullshit every day. It's all lies.. We are here reading you telling us this country was made for whites only, the 14th amendment is illegal and we blacks are not citizens, claim it's truth, then claim we are making up racism. LOL! How dumb can one person be. I'm here for a reason and when I'm done I am going to make examples out of those like you and others here.

Well, if you're going to do what you claim, you'd better get to popping. You've gotten your ass kicked until it's black and blue on this thread. Again, everything I've said has proven to be true.

Just because you don't like it, does NOT make it "racist." And like you said, if Rush Limbaugh made the claim that whites are falsely being accused of racism, your wailing on a daily basis is proof of the veracity of Limbaugh's charges.

You cannot and will not condemn those countries that DO, in fact, practice vile forms of racism on whites. You're always telling people what their problems are that you cannot see the boulder obscuring your own vision.

I told you about Egypt. You are so proud of your race. Well, I used to work in immigration law. So I contacted a guy FROM Egypt and we discussed some things at length. Until recently, foreigners could not buy land in Egypt. And today, Egypt is so bass ackwards, their immigration records aren't computerized! That's quite a commentary on what you think is the superior race. It doesn't appear that Egypt has advanced much beyond where Joseph, as a slave, worked to get the Egyptians to.

Your false allegations of racism prove that you are a cancer on society. The name calling fails to impress me. I've tried to explain to the whites what made America great. And you're jealous of the accomplishments of the white people, so you want to be a perpetual enemy of whites.

At the end of the day, what you're spewing sends this unequivocal message that if a majority of blacks in the U.S. feel the way you do, then we cannot co-exist. That might be something that my forefathers already knew and modern Americans don't want to accept.

I'm telling the white people that America was founded for the benefit of whites. Opening the door and telling people to come in if they love America and its people and want to live according to our culture, you're welcome might not be a viable way to live our lives.

You hate the whites; you hate American culture. You will use the balance of your life wallowing in self pity and hatred of a people that provided you a lifestyle above anything you could have achieved in any other country on this earth.

You don't abhor slavery; you belong to the race that created it and you belong to the political party that endorses it. You just want to be the slave owner. You're jealous. Well, my great grandfather didn't own slaves and neither did my grandfather. My father didn't own slaves and neither did I. So, I don't owe you squat. You're only pissed because the blacks cannot establish a country that they say they built. And even on that count, YOU are the racist. You keep forgetting that the Israelites were the blood, sweat and tears for the building of Egypt in its heyday. But, you don't own your part in the founding of slavery NOR give the Israelites their due in building Egyptian civilization as the slaves they were.

Then, you want to be inconsistent and claim that blacks built America. It's funny how the rules are not applied equally across history. You want credit for things you didn't do. And yet you bring your hatred and venom and waste your every waking moment promoting black racism while falsely accusing anyone that disagrees with you a racist - or worse. You're going to die a very unhappy man.
ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made
Life is hard enough for many people without having racists assholes constantly disrupting one's life simply because they don't like your race, or religion or country of national origin.

That is not "our mistakes" and the fact that you suggested that this is where the problem lies is exactly why you're perceived as you are.

The institution of slavery is one that originates with blacks. You have to own it OR quit using it as way to try and whip the whites.

Any dumb ass can see there are three black extremists - racists, whatever posting on this thread and they are think blacks cannot be racists. History says different. If you cannot own the creation of slavery, you'd be a damn hypocrite to claim there is something "evil" about it. That's part one.

Since you don't condemn places like Zimbabwe, you don't have any realistic argument against what I've told you relative to the facts. But, after having been subject to the B.S. of hate mongers trying to tell us that whites are inferior to you (regardless of how careful you are to crouch the criticisms), then you've answered the question the OP posed.

When I own my history, you want to call me names, but you can't own yours. You would even outright LIE about it. You're a racist and you have nothing to even try and attempt to beat me down with.

Then own your history punk. Newsvine is ight..1500 people in a poll doesn't prove a damn thing. There are over 300 million people living here. You have been asked to show instances when blacks as a race have done things to whites that whites have done to blacks. Show the laws and policies blacks have enacted to deny whites of anything. You cannot answer these things. That's why I say you are a coward. All your long winded bullshit about black extremists plays to the other dumbasses here, but you are talking loud and saying nothing in reality. Own your history punk.

You talk about Zimbabwe, so can you explain what happened there to make things the way they are now?
ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made
Life is hard enough for many people without having racists assholes constantly disrupting one's life simply because they don't like your race, or religion or country of national origin.

That is not "our mistakes" and the fact that you suggested that this is where the problem lies is exactly why you're perceived as you are.

The institution of slavery is one that originates with blacks. You have to own it OR quit using it as way to try and whip the whites.

Any dumb ass can see there are three black extremists - racists, whatever posting on this thread and they are think blacks cannot be racists. History says different. If you cannot own the creation of slavery, you'd be a damn hypocrite to claim there is something "evil" about it. That's part one.

Since you don't condemn places like Zimbabwe, you don't have any realistic argument against what I've told you relative to the facts. But, after having been subject to the B.S. of hate mongers trying to tell us that whites are inferior to you (regardless of how careful you are to crouch the criticisms), then you've answered the question the OP posed.

When I own my history, you want to call me names, but you can't own yours. You would even outright LIE about it. You're a racist and you have nothing to even try and attempt to beat me down with.

Then own your history punk. Newsvine is ight..1500 people in a poll doesn't prove a damn thing. There are over 300 million people living here. You have been asked to show instances when blacks as a race have done things to whites that whites have done to blacks. Show the laws and policies blacks have enacted to deny whites of anything. You cannot answer these things. That's why I say you are a coward. All your long winded bullshit about black extremists plays to the other dumbasses here, but you are talking loud and saying nothing in reality. Own your history punk.

You talk about Zimbabwe, so can you explain what happened there to make things the way they are now?

You're absolutely right IM2. I can argue with you no longer. I'm a changed man.

No black ever raped a white woman
No black ever killed a white person
No black ever cheated a white person out of a thin dime
No black EVER committed a racist act in their life
No whites have ever contributed a fucking thing to the blacks
In Zimbabwe, the whites deserve to be second class sub-humans. Hell, whites aren't nothing except blond haired, blue eyed devils that should be gutted and fed to the vultures.

Black people had every right to create slavery. Whites are stupid and need to be lorded over by the superior black man. Oh my God. I'm sorry that there wasn't a single, solitary white person on the face of this earth that ever extended a helping hand to the black race. I apologize on behalf of the entire white race.

And while the Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Israelis, and even the blacks deserve their own homeland, the whites do not. Why Hell, they would choke on their own spit if superior blacks like you didn't come along and swab out their throats.

I can't imagine how it was in history that the whites were able to hold the black people down, being just a grade up from monkeys, but there has to be a reason. After all the whites are so far down on the scale of evolution it's a wonder they know how to wipe their ass after they take a dump. It's amazing that a race of people that couldn't even invent a toothpick to get that piece of meat out of between their teeth managed to keep black people down for so long, But they did and you and I cannot let that happen.

Let's keep telling the people how inferior and barbaric the white race is so that they will eventually remove that scourge from this planet. What in the Hell were those Anglo apes thinking when they came to this country and built a silly ass Republic on Christian principles? Those filthy subhumans.

Yep, IM2 you got me to hating those people too. I guess that plan of yours to keep repeating the same talking points over and over really does work..... Oooops... Repeating the same lie over and over was the observation made by Adolph Hitler. Like Hell. IM2 beat Hitler to that by - how long was it again?

Yes, brothers and sisters, bow before you leader - the only person on this board that is infallible, omnipotent - all knowing, perfect in every way. He will save you from the evil white people. And I must beg for his mercy for telling you about people like Viola Liuzzo, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner. They were black. I should have known better. No white person ever experienced racism. What was I thinking? Besides no white person would every help a black person out.

Expecting white people to do anything good for a black man would be like expecting a hungry wolf to pass up the open door of a chicken house full of chickens. Silly me.

Listen to me all you heathen white people that refuse to earn a living and steal your way to riches at the expense of the black man. Your days are numbered. Return all those riches you stole from the black people. Get the Hell out of this country that your forefathers stole from the black man. Go back to whatever country you came from.

In IM2's name we prey: Black Power!

Now there is a post where IM2 cannot refute a single sentence of.
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False equivalence is what happens when you are led to believe that two things should be given equal weight in your considerations as you come to any given decision, while those two things are not in any way actually equivalent.

The major problem with the quote is that for the claim to be true or valid whites must have the same history as blacks. We can't say it's the same because that would not be the reality of how things have gone. Had blacks done everything whites have done then they could say these things are the same. What these people are doing is using a false equivalence to build a straw man. We will not equate what Morgan said with the racism of whites because blacks don't have the record of racism, murder and terrorism against whites that whites do against us. You can't just make these kinds of comments about whites and blacks like everything has been the same. Whites have a history of oppressing people because they are not white, we have a history of being oppressed by whites. This must be recognized because it appears that at even in the 21st Century, there are whites who have caught a severe case of amnesia.

So, you've been oppressed (sic) because you're black. Does this mean you are agreeing with the alt - right that you are inferior to the whites?

I don't think it's oppression that you are experiencing. I think you wasted your life and now feel that someone owes you a living. And you are teaching that ignorance and hatred to a whole new class of young people that sit on their ass and hang on your every word while the majority of posters here realize that you are preaching a message of hatred and intolerance.

ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made. That is what I do As a matter of FACT. Sometime after September I have hopes to do my first podcast with the church. My first message will be directed to those 20, 30. and 40 something year olds (and beyond) that are still living in mommy's house and many getting money from Uncle Scam simply because they don't want to work.

You want to promote an agenda of fear, ignorance, outright stupidity at times, arrogance, racial hatred, divisiveness, and anything else that can account for the failures of your race in a modern world.

People like you are experienced in trying to twist and distort basic facts in order to prop up your religion of blacks are the greatest race in the world, but they are victims. The persecution complex serves you well and keeps a lot of other blacks dependent upon government while they curse it every day. Maybe if you encouraged people to do better for themselves and gave this victim-hood ideology a break, you might be happier in your own life.

Nobody owes you anything and, in America, you are what you can make of you. Post # 1535 will give posters access to all my rants on this thread. Other than that, unless you come up with something new, we're done.
He must feel superior to us whites,he constantly makes comments about how much more successful and educated he is, without knowing us. LOL

He can't be that smart. He's posting here, every day, all day. I'm only stuck on the computer while rehabbing and going to school.

The reason extremists don't have anything and want to spread the misery is that they are lazy to begin with. After I fully recoup from surgery, I'll probably spend some of my time mentoring young people and doing the foster parent thing. It's much more productive than lying to people and calling them names all day long.

You can tell that the guy has made a religion out of racism because he thinks it is the worst thing that can happen to an individual. So, when it wasn't severe enough to impress us, it went from racism to institutional racism, to systemic racism, etc., etc.

Political minorities face the same kinds of challenges; kids from broken homes face challenges. The untold story behind whites who are victimized by a host of people (mostly for political reasons) that aren't even on the books. They don't have a job; they aren't on the government dole; the government hooked them on drugs and then when they turned 25 or so mommy's insurance drops them and now they are locked OUT of the system. Most of them didn't do it to themselves - the government and ignorant parents did.

I'll spend the bulk of my time trying to help them. The black racists will continue to try and convince you how bad they have it - and spending the equivalent of a full time to do so.

I'm retired dumb ass, I can do what I want. Please stop mentoring kids. You keep racism alive.

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

I say this because it is almost impossible to overstate the degree to which conservative media today, particularly Fox News and talk radio, are brimming with expressions of white racial grievance and white identity politics. When a survey asks respondents to make broad judgments about things that are outside their experience, where do their answers come from? A white respondent, when coming up with an answer for how much discrimination people (both black and white) face, can't just look to their own experience or those of people they know. So the impression they have is shaped in large part by what they see and hear in the media. And if you're someone who gets your news from conservative media, you're constantly hearing things like this, from Rush Limbaugh:

Hey, look, folks, the white kid on that bus in Belleville, Illinois, he deserved to be beat up. You don't know about this story? Oh, there's video of this. The school bus filled with mostly black students beat up a white student a couple of times with all the black students cheering. Of course the white student on the bus deserved the beating. He was born a racist. That's what Newsweek magazine told us in its most recent cover. It's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama's America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, "Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on," and, of course, everybody says the white kid deserved it, he was born a racist, he's white.

In the white victimization narrative Limbaugh and others repeat so often, not only are whites constantly being oppressed, they're also constantly being falsely accused of racism; indeed, the false racism accusation is the primary means by which blacks and their elitist white liberal allies keep regular white people down..

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

You suffer from psychosis. .You repeat the same psychotic bullshit every day. It's all lies.. We are here reading you telling us this country was made for whites only, the 14th amendment is illegal and we blacks are not citizens, claim it's truth, then claim we are making up racism. LOL! How dumb can one person be. I'm here for a reason and when I'm done I am going to make examples out of those like you and others here.

Well, if you're going to do what you claim, you'd better get to popping. You've gotten your ass kicked until it's black and blue on this thread. Again, everything I've said has proven to be true.

Just because you don't like it, does NOT make it "racist." And like you said, if Rush Limbaugh made the claim that whites are falsely being accused of racism, your wailing on a daily basis is proof of the veracity of Limbaugh's charges.

You cannot and will not condemn those countries that DO, in fact, practice vile forms of racism on whites. You're always telling people what their problems are that you cannot see the boulder obscuring your own vision.

I told you about Egypt. You are so proud of your race. Well, I used to work in immigration law. So I contacted a guy FROM Egypt and we discussed some things at length. Until recently, foreigners could not buy land in Egypt. And today, Egypt is so bass ackwards, their immigration records aren't computerized! That's quite a commentary on what you think is the superior race. It doesn't appear that Egypt has advanced much beyond where Joseph, as a slave, worked to get the Egyptians to.

Your false allegations of racism prove that you are a cancer on society. The name calling fails to impress me. I've tried to explain to the whites what made America great. And you're jealous of the accomplishments of the white people, so you want to be a perpetual enemy of whites.

At the end of the day, what you're spewing sends this unequivocal message that if a majority of blacks in the U.S. feel the way you do, then we cannot co-exist. That might be something that my forefathers already knew and modern Americans don't want to accept.

I'm telling the white people that America was founded for the benefit of whites. Opening the door and telling people to come in if they love America and its people and want to live according to our culture, you're welcome might not be a viable way to live our lives.

You hate the whites; you hate American culture. You will use the balance of your life wallowing in self pity and hatred of a people that provided you a lifestyle above anything you could have achieved in any other country on this earth.

You don't abhor slavery; you belong to the race that created it and you belong to the political party that endorses it. You just want to be the slave owner. You're jealous. Well, my great grandfather didn't own slaves and neither did my grandfather. My father didn't own slaves and neither did I. So, I don't owe you squat. You're only pissed because the blacks cannot establish a country that they say they built. And even on that count, YOU are the racist. You keep forgetting that the Israelites were the blood, sweat and tears for the building of Egypt in its heyday. But, you don't own your part in the founding of slavery NOR give the Israelites their due in building Egyptian civilization as the slaves they were.

Then, you want to be inconsistent and claim that blacks built America. It's funny how the rules are not applied equally across history. You want credit for things you didn't do. And yet you bring your hatred and venom and waste your every waking moment promoting black racism while falsely accusing anyone that disagrees with you a racist - or worse. You're going to die a very unhappy man.

And who has kicked my ass? You? Ha! .We're talking about America, you are the one who posted 7-8 screeds about the American system. Not Israel. Blacks have a continent full of countries they built. They had so much whites decided steal from them.

So understand this because you missed it. You see the white mans constitution provided for the ability to amend. The founders made this so because they knew changing times would require it. The supreme court has overturned Dred Scott, Plessy and other racist decisions and has decided by law this is not a nation only for whites. Your whining about countries practicing racism against is childish considering whites have tried to colonize most of the planet.


But I'm sure you have an excuse about that too. I guess your forefathers believed they were ordained by God to build New Jerusalems all over the world.

Here endeth the lesson
ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made
Life is hard enough for many people without having racists assholes constantly disrupting one's life simply because they don't like your race, or religion or country of national origin.

That is not "our mistakes" and the fact that you suggested that this is where the problem lies is exactly why you're perceived as you are.

The institution of slavery is one that originates with blacks. You have to own it OR quit using it as way to try and whip the whites.

Any dumb ass can see there are three black extremists - racists, whatever posting on this thread and they are think blacks cannot be racists. History says different. If you cannot own the creation of slavery, you'd be a damn hypocrite to claim there is something "evil" about it. That's part one.

Since you don't condemn places like Zimbabwe, you don't have any realistic argument against what I've told you relative to the facts. But, after having been subject to the B.S. of hate mongers trying to tell us that whites are inferior to you (regardless of how careful you are to crouch the criticisms), then you've answered the question the OP posed.

When I own my history, you want to call me names, but you can't own yours. You would even outright LIE about it. You're a racist and you have nothing to even try and attempt to beat me down with.

Then own your history punk. Newsvine is ight..1500 people in a poll doesn't prove a damn thing. There are over 300 million people living here. You have been asked to show instances when blacks as a race have done things to whites that whites have done to blacks. Show the laws and policies blacks have enacted to deny whites of anything. You cannot answer these things. That's why I say you are a coward. All your long winded bullshit about black extremists plays to the other dumbasses here, but you are talking loud and saying nothing in reality. Own your history punk.

You talk about Zimbabwe, so can you explain what happened there to make things the way they are now?

You're absolutely right IM2. I can argue with you no longer. I'm a changed man.

No black ever raped a white woman
No black ever killed a white person
No black ever cheated a white person out of a thin dime
No black EVER committed a racist act in their life
No whites have ever contributed a fucking thing to the blacks
In Zimbabwe, the whites deserve to be second class sub-humans. Hell, whites aren't nothing except blond haired, blue eyed devils that should be gutted and fed to the vultures.

Black people had every right to create slavery. Whites are stupid and need to be lorded over by the superior black man. Oh my God. I'm sorry that there wasn't a single, solitary white person on the face of this earth that ever extended a helping hand to the black race. I apologize on behalf of the entire white race.

And while the Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Israelis, and even the blacks deserve their own homeland, the whites do not. Why Hell, they would choke on their own spit if superior blacks like you didn't come along and swab out their throats.

I can't imagine how it was in history that the whites were able to hold the black people down, being just a grade up from monkeys, but there has to be a reason. After all the whites are so far down on the scale of evolution it's a wonder they know how to wipe their ass after they take a dump. It's amazing that a race of people that couldn't even invent a toothpick to get that piece of meat out of between their teeth managed to keep black people down for so long, But they did and you and I cannot let that happen.

Let's keep telling the people how inferior and barbaric the white race is so that they will eventually remove that scourge from this planet. What in the Hell were those Anglo apes thinking when they came to this country and built a silly ass Republic on Christian principles? Those filthy subhumans.

Yep, IM2 you got me to hating those people too. I guess that plan of yours to keep repeating the same talking points over and over really does work..... Oooops... Repeating the same lie over and over was the observation made by Adolph Hitler. Like Hell. IM2 beat Hitler to that by - how long was it again?

Yes, brothers and sisters, bow before you leader - the only person on this board that is infallible, omnipotent - all knowing, perfect in every way. He will save you from the evil white people. And I must beg for his mercy for telling you about people like Viola Liuzzo, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner. They were black. I should have known better. No white person ever experienced racism. What was I thinking? Besides no white person would every help a black person out.

Expecting white people to do anything good for a black man would be like expecting a hungry wolf to pass up the open door of a chicken house full of chickens. Silly me.

Listen to me all you heathen white people that refuse to earn a living and steal your way to riches at the expense of the black man. Your days are numbered. Return all those riches you stole from the black people. Get the Hell out of this country that your forefathers stole from the black man. Go back to whatever country you came from.

In IM2's name we prey: Black Power!

Now there is a post where IM2 cannot refute a single sentence of.

LOL! In all of this you answered none f the questions you have been asked nor did you explain what happened in Zimbabwe to create conditions you want denounced. You had a childish temper tantrum and that's all.

So let me show you one thing, you talk about blacks raping a white woman. Has there ever been a case that happened and the whole town knew it but the black man was not tried or found guilty of a crime?

“Truth is 360 degrees of reality. Don’t touch it if you don’t want to deal with it!”
Last edited:
So, you've been oppressed (sic) because you're black. Does this mean you are agreeing with the alt - right that you are inferior to the whites?

I don't think it's oppression that you are experiencing. I think you wasted your life and now feel that someone owes you a living. And you are teaching that ignorance and hatred to a whole new class of young people that sit on their ass and hang on your every word while the majority of posters here realize that you are preaching a message of hatred and intolerance.

ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made. That is what I do As a matter of FACT. Sometime after September I have hopes to do my first podcast with the church. My first message will be directed to those 20, 30. and 40 something year olds (and beyond) that are still living in mommy's house and many getting money from Uncle Scam simply because they don't want to work.

You want to promote an agenda of fear, ignorance, outright stupidity at times, arrogance, racial hatred, divisiveness, and anything else that can account for the failures of your race in a modern world.

People like you are experienced in trying to twist and distort basic facts in order to prop up your religion of blacks are the greatest race in the world, but they are victims. The persecution complex serves you well and keeps a lot of other blacks dependent upon government while they curse it every day. Maybe if you encouraged people to do better for themselves and gave this victim-hood ideology a break, you might be happier in your own life.

Nobody owes you anything and, in America, you are what you can make of you. Post # 1535 will give posters access to all my rants on this thread. Other than that, unless you come up with something new, we're done.
He must feel superior to us whites,he constantly makes comments about how much more successful and educated he is, without knowing us. LOL

He can't be that smart. He's posting here, every day, all day. I'm only stuck on the computer while rehabbing and going to school.

The reason extremists don't have anything and want to spread the misery is that they are lazy to begin with. After I fully recoup from surgery, I'll probably spend some of my time mentoring young people and doing the foster parent thing. It's much more productive than lying to people and calling them names all day long.

You can tell that the guy has made a religion out of racism because he thinks it is the worst thing that can happen to an individual. So, when it wasn't severe enough to impress us, it went from racism to institutional racism, to systemic racism, etc., etc.

Political minorities face the same kinds of challenges; kids from broken homes face challenges. The untold story behind whites who are victimized by a host of people (mostly for political reasons) that aren't even on the books. They don't have a job; they aren't on the government dole; the government hooked them on drugs and then when they turned 25 or so mommy's insurance drops them and now they are locked OUT of the system. Most of them didn't do it to themselves - the government and ignorant parents did.

I'll spend the bulk of my time trying to help them. The black racists will continue to try and convince you how bad they have it - and spending the equivalent of a full time to do so.

I'm retired dumb ass, I can do what I want. Please stop mentoring kids. You keep racism alive.

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

I say this because it is almost impossible to overstate the degree to which conservative media today, particularly Fox News and talk radio, are brimming with expressions of white racial grievance and white identity politics. When a survey asks respondents to make broad judgments about things that are outside their experience, where do their answers come from? A white respondent, when coming up with an answer for how much discrimination people (both black and white) face, can't just look to their own experience or those of people they know. So the impression they have is shaped in large part by what they see and hear in the media. And if you're someone who gets your news from conservative media, you're constantly hearing things like this, from Rush Limbaugh:

Hey, look, folks, the white kid on that bus in Belleville, Illinois, he deserved to be beat up. You don't know about this story? Oh, there's video of this. The school bus filled with mostly black students beat up a white student a couple of times with all the black students cheering. Of course the white student on the bus deserved the beating. He was born a racist. That's what Newsweek magazine told us in its most recent cover. It's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama's America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, "Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on," and, of course, everybody says the white kid deserved it, he was born a racist, he's white.

In the white victimization narrative Limbaugh and others repeat so often, not only are whites constantly being oppressed, they're also constantly being falsely accused of racism; indeed, the false racism accusation is the primary means by which blacks and their elitist white liberal allies keep regular white people down..

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

You suffer from psychosis. .You repeat the same psychotic bullshit every day. It's all lies.. We are here reading you telling us this country was made for whites only, the 14th amendment is illegal and we blacks are not citizens, claim it's truth, then claim we are making up racism. LOL! How dumb can one person be. I'm here for a reason and when I'm done I am going to make examples out of those like you and others here.

Well, if you're going to do what you claim, you'd better get to popping. You've gotten your ass kicked until it's black and blue on this thread. Again, everything I've said has proven to be true.

Just because you don't like it, does NOT make it "racist." And like you said, if Rush Limbaugh made the claim that whites are falsely being accused of racism, your wailing on a daily basis is proof of the veracity of Limbaugh's charges.

You cannot and will not condemn those countries that DO, in fact, practice vile forms of racism on whites. You're always telling people what their problems are that you cannot see the boulder obscuring your own vision.

I told you about Egypt. You are so proud of your race. Well, I used to work in immigration law. So I contacted a guy FROM Egypt and we discussed some things at length. Until recently, foreigners could not buy land in Egypt. And today, Egypt is so bass ackwards, their immigration records aren't computerized! That's quite a commentary on what you think is the superior race. It doesn't appear that Egypt has advanced much beyond where Joseph, as a slave, worked to get the Egyptians to.

Your false allegations of racism prove that you are a cancer on society. The name calling fails to impress me. I've tried to explain to the whites what made America great. And you're jealous of the accomplishments of the white people, so you want to be a perpetual enemy of whites.

At the end of the day, what you're spewing sends this unequivocal message that if a majority of blacks in the U.S. feel the way you do, then we cannot co-exist. That might be something that my forefathers already knew and modern Americans don't want to accept.

I'm telling the white people that America was founded for the benefit of whites. Opening the door and telling people to come in if they love America and its people and want to live according to our culture, you're welcome might not be a viable way to live our lives.

You hate the whites; you hate American culture. You will use the balance of your life wallowing in self pity and hatred of a people that provided you a lifestyle above anything you could have achieved in any other country on this earth.

You don't abhor slavery; you belong to the race that created it and you belong to the political party that endorses it. You just want to be the slave owner. You're jealous. Well, my great grandfather didn't own slaves and neither did my grandfather. My father didn't own slaves and neither did I. So, I don't owe you squat. You're only pissed because the blacks cannot establish a country that they say they built. And even on that count, YOU are the racist. You keep forgetting that the Israelites were the blood, sweat and tears for the building of Egypt in its heyday. But, you don't own your part in the founding of slavery NOR give the Israelites their due in building Egyptian civilization as the slaves they were.

Then, you want to be inconsistent and claim that blacks built America. It's funny how the rules are not applied equally across history. You want credit for things you didn't do. And yet you bring your hatred and venom and waste your every waking moment promoting black racism while falsely accusing anyone that disagrees with you a racist - or worse. You're going to die a very unhappy man.

And who has kicked my ass? You? Ha! .We're talking about America, you are the one who posted 7-8 screeds about the American system. Not Israel. Blacks have a continent full of countries they built. They had so much whites decided steal from them.

So understand this because you missed it. You see the white mans constitution provided for the ability to amend. The founders made this so because they knew changing times would require it. The supreme court has overturned Dred Scott, Plessy and other racist decisions and has decided by law this is not a nation only for whites. Your whining about countries practicing racism against is childish considering whites have tried to colonize most of the planet.


But I'm sure you have an excuse about that too. I guess your forefathers believed they were ordained by God to build New Jerusalems all over the world.

Here endeth the lesson

I'm not arguing with you. You have all the facts. You have the lessons. You're perfect. Thank you for the history lesson. You are perfect in all ways.

Forgive me, I beg of thee great master. I had no idea the white race controlled Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, etc. But, I have faith that you will not allow the clown to build that silly ass wall and deprive the Hispanics their piece of America - or are they the heathen too, Great Master? I do not intend to offend thee, oh Great One.

How long before you usher in the NEW WORLD ORDER and take America back again? Despicable whites thinking they could build a nation based upon Liberty. They are too stupid for Liberty. What we need is the government to feed us, clothe us, and tell us what our likes and dislikes are.

IM2 is my shepherd
I shall not want
He leadeth me beside still factories
He remindeth me that no white man has a soul
ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made
Life is hard enough for many people without having racists assholes constantly disrupting one's life simply because they don't like your race, or religion or country of national origin.

That is not "our mistakes" and the fact that you suggested that this is where the problem lies is exactly why you're perceived as you are.

The institution of slavery is one that originates with blacks. You have to own it OR quit using it as way to try and whip the whites.

Any dumb ass can see there are three black extremists - racists, whatever posting on this thread and they are think blacks cannot be racists. History says different. If you cannot own the creation of slavery, you'd be a damn hypocrite to claim there is something "evil" about it. That's part one.

Since you don't condemn places like Zimbabwe, you don't have any realistic argument against what I've told you relative to the facts. But, after having been subject to the B.S. of hate mongers trying to tell us that whites are inferior to you (regardless of how careful you are to crouch the criticisms), then you've answered the question the OP posed.

When I own my history, you want to call me names, but you can't own yours. You would even outright LIE about it. You're a racist and you have nothing to even try and attempt to beat me down with.

Then own your history punk. Newsvine is ight..1500 people in a poll doesn't prove a damn thing. There are over 300 million people living here. You have been asked to show instances when blacks as a race have done things to whites that whites have done to blacks. Show the laws and policies blacks have enacted to deny whites of anything. You cannot answer these things. That's why I say you are a coward. All your long winded bullshit about black extremists plays to the other dumbasses here, but you are talking loud and saying nothing in reality. Own your history punk.

You talk about Zimbabwe, so can you explain what happened there to make things the way they are now?

You're absolutely right IM2. I can argue with you no longer. I'm a changed man.

No black ever raped a white woman
No black ever killed a white person
No black ever cheated a white person out of a thin dime
No black EVER committed a racist act in their life
No whites have ever contributed a fucking thing to the blacks
In Zimbabwe, the whites deserve to be second class sub-humans. Hell, whites aren't nothing except blond haired, blue eyed devils that should be gutted and fed to the vultures.

Black people had every right to create slavery. Whites are stupid and need to be lorded over by the superior black man. Oh my God. I'm sorry that there wasn't a single, solitary white person on the face of this earth that ever extended a helping hand to the black race. I apologize on behalf of the entire white race.

And while the Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Israelis, and even the blacks deserve their own homeland, the whites do not. Why Hell, they would choke on their own spit if superior blacks like you didn't come along and swab out their throats.

I can't imagine how it was in history that the whites were able to hold the black people down, being just a grade up from monkeys, but there has to be a reason. After all the whites are so far down on the scale of evolution it's a wonder they know how to wipe their ass after they take a dump. It's amazing that a race of people that couldn't even invent a toothpick to get that piece of meat out of between their teeth managed to keep black people down for so long, But they did and you and I cannot let that happen.

Let's keep telling the people how inferior and barbaric the white race is so that they will eventually remove that scourge from this planet. What in the Hell were those Anglo apes thinking when they came to this country and built a silly ass Republic on Christian principles? Those filthy subhumans.

Yep, IM2 you got me to hating those people too. I guess that plan of yours to keep repeating the same talking points over and over really does work..... Oooops... Repeating the same lie over and over was the observation made by Adolph Hitler. Like Hell. IM2 beat Hitler to that by - how long was it again?

Yes, brothers and sisters, bow before you leader - the only person on this board that is infallible, omnipotent - all knowing, perfect in every way. He will save you from the evil white people. And I must beg for his mercy for telling you about people like Viola Liuzzo, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner. They were black. I should have known better. No white person ever experienced racism. What was I thinking? Besides no white person would every help a black person out.

Expecting white people to do anything good for a black man would be like expecting a hungry wolf to pass up the open door of a chicken house full of chickens. Silly me.

Listen to me all you heathen white people that refuse to earn a living and steal your way to riches at the expense of the black man. Your days are numbered. Return all those riches you stole from the black people. Get the Hell out of this country that your forefathers stole from the black man. Go back to whatever country you came from.

In IM2's name we prey: Black Power!

Now there is a post where IM2 cannot refute a single sentence of.


It was the first post you could not refute a single sentence of.
So, you've been oppressed (sic) because you're black. Does this mean you are agreeing with the alt - right that you are inferior to the whites?

I don't think it's oppression that you are experiencing. I think you wasted your life and now feel that someone owes you a living. And you are teaching that ignorance and hatred to a whole new class of young people that sit on their ass and hang on your every word while the majority of posters here realize that you are preaching a message of hatred and intolerance.

ALL of us has their cross to bear. Maybe the blacks ought to look back into history and realize the mistakes they've made. That is what I do As a matter of FACT. Sometime after September I have hopes to do my first podcast with the church. My first message will be directed to those 20, 30. and 40 something year olds (and beyond) that are still living in mommy's house and many getting money from Uncle Scam simply because they don't want to work.

You want to promote an agenda of fear, ignorance, outright stupidity at times, arrogance, racial hatred, divisiveness, and anything else that can account for the failures of your race in a modern world.

People like you are experienced in trying to twist and distort basic facts in order to prop up your religion of blacks are the greatest race in the world, but they are victims. The persecution complex serves you well and keeps a lot of other blacks dependent upon government while they curse it every day. Maybe if you encouraged people to do better for themselves and gave this victim-hood ideology a break, you might be happier in your own life.

Nobody owes you anything and, in America, you are what you can make of you. Post # 1535 will give posters access to all my rants on this thread. Other than that, unless you come up with something new, we're done.
He must feel superior to us whites,he constantly makes comments about how much more successful and educated he is, without knowing us. LOL

He can't be that smart. He's posting here, every day, all day. I'm only stuck on the computer while rehabbing and going to school.

The reason extremists don't have anything and want to spread the misery is that they are lazy to begin with. After I fully recoup from surgery, I'll probably spend some of my time mentoring young people and doing the foster parent thing. It's much more productive than lying to people and calling them names all day long.

You can tell that the guy has made a religion out of racism because he thinks it is the worst thing that can happen to an individual. So, when it wasn't severe enough to impress us, it went from racism to institutional racism, to systemic racism, etc., etc.

Political minorities face the same kinds of challenges; kids from broken homes face challenges. The untold story behind whites who are victimized by a host of people (mostly for political reasons) that aren't even on the books. They don't have a job; they aren't on the government dole; the government hooked them on drugs and then when they turned 25 or so mommy's insurance drops them and now they are locked OUT of the system. Most of them didn't do it to themselves - the government and ignorant parents did.

I'll spend the bulk of my time trying to help them. The black racists will continue to try and convince you how bad they have it - and spending the equivalent of a full time to do so.

I'm retired dumb ass, I can do what I want. Please stop mentoring kids. You keep racism alive.

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

I say this because it is almost impossible to overstate the degree to which conservative media today, particularly Fox News and talk radio, are brimming with expressions of white racial grievance and white identity politics. When a survey asks respondents to make broad judgments about things that are outside their experience, where do their answers come from? A white respondent, when coming up with an answer for how much discrimination people (both black and white) face, can't just look to their own experience or those of people they know. So the impression they have is shaped in large part by what they see and hear in the media. And if you're someone who gets your news from conservative media, you're constantly hearing things like this, from Rush Limbaugh:

Hey, look, folks, the white kid on that bus in Belleville, Illinois, he deserved to be beat up. You don't know about this story? Oh, there's video of this. The school bus filled with mostly black students beat up a white student a couple of times with all the black students cheering. Of course the white student on the bus deserved the beating. He was born a racist. That's what Newsweek magazine told us in its most recent cover. It's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama's America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, "Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on," and, of course, everybody says the white kid deserved it, he was born a racist, he's white.

In the white victimization narrative Limbaugh and others repeat so often, not only are whites constantly being oppressed, they're also constantly being falsely accused of racism; indeed, the false racism accusation is the primary means by which blacks and their elitist white liberal allies keep regular white people down..

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

You suffer from psychosis. .You repeat the same psychotic bullshit every day. It's all lies.. We are here reading you telling us this country was made for whites only, the 14th amendment is illegal and we blacks are not citizens, claim it's truth, then claim we are making up racism. LOL! How dumb can one person be. I'm here for a reason and when I'm done I am going to make examples out of those like you and others here.

Well, if you're going to do what you claim, you'd better get to popping. You've gotten your ass kicked until it's black and blue on this thread. Again, everything I've said has proven to be true.

Just because you don't like it, does NOT make it "racist." And like you said, if Rush Limbaugh made the claim that whites are falsely being accused of racism, your wailing on a daily basis is proof of the veracity of Limbaugh's charges.

You cannot and will not condemn those countries that DO, in fact, practice vile forms of racism on whites. You're always telling people what their problems are that you cannot see the boulder obscuring your own vision.

I told you about Egypt. You are so proud of your race. Well, I used to work in immigration law. So I contacted a guy FROM Egypt and we discussed some things at length. Until recently, foreigners could not buy land in Egypt. And today, Egypt is so bass ackwards, their immigration records aren't computerized! That's quite a commentary on what you think is the superior race. It doesn't appear that Egypt has advanced much beyond where Joseph, as a slave, worked to get the Egyptians to.

Your false allegations of racism prove that you are a cancer on society. The name calling fails to impress me. I've tried to explain to the whites what made America great. And you're jealous of the accomplishments of the white people, so you want to be a perpetual enemy of whites.

At the end of the day, what you're spewing sends this unequivocal message that if a majority of blacks in the U.S. feel the way you do, then we cannot co-exist. That might be something that my forefathers already knew and modern Americans don't want to accept.

I'm telling the white people that America was founded for the benefit of whites. Opening the door and telling people to come in if they love America and its people and want to live according to our culture, you're welcome might not be a viable way to live our lives.

You hate the whites; you hate American culture. You will use the balance of your life wallowing in self pity and hatred of a people that provided you a lifestyle above anything you could have achieved in any other country on this earth.

You don't abhor slavery; you belong to the race that created it and you belong to the political party that endorses it. You just want to be the slave owner. You're jealous. Well, my great grandfather didn't own slaves and neither did my grandfather. My father didn't own slaves and neither did I. So, I don't owe you squat. You're only pissed because the blacks cannot establish a country that they say they built. And even on that count, YOU are the racist. You keep forgetting that the Israelites were the blood, sweat and tears for the building of Egypt in its heyday. But, you don't own your part in the founding of slavery NOR give the Israelites their due in building Egyptian civilization as the slaves they were.

Then, you want to be inconsistent and claim that blacks built America. It's funny how the rules are not applied equally across history. You want credit for things you didn't do. And yet you bring your hatred and venom and waste your every waking moment promoting black racism while falsely accusing anyone that disagrees with you a racist - or worse. You're going to die a very unhappy man.

And who has kicked my ass? You? Ha! .We're talking about America, you are the one who posted 7-8 screeds about the American system. Not Israel. Blacks have a continent full of countries they built. They had so much whites decided steal from them.

So understand this because you missed it. You see the white mans constitution provided for the ability to amend. The founders made this so because they knew changing times would require it. The supreme court has overturned Dred Scott, Plessy and other racist decisions and has decided by law this is not a nation only for whites. Your whining about countries practicing racism against is childish considering whites have tried to colonize most of the planet.


But I'm sure you have an excuse about that too. I guess your forefathers believed they were ordained by God to build New Jerusalems all over the world.

Here endeth the lesson
Learn to be more to the point instead of going on and on.

Brevity is our friend.

As to the point about the "White Man's Constitution" : It's not just the White man's constitution, it's every man's constitution. Which parts do you feel don't protect your black ass?

Answer: Nothing

What you want is special rights and privileges carved out in the Constitution for your race alone.

The very definition of racism.
He must feel superior to us whites,he constantly makes comments about how much more successful and educated he is, without knowing us. LOL

He can't be that smart. He's posting here, every day, all day. I'm only stuck on the computer while rehabbing and going to school.

The reason extremists don't have anything and want to spread the misery is that they are lazy to begin with. After I fully recoup from surgery, I'll probably spend some of my time mentoring young people and doing the foster parent thing. It's much more productive than lying to people and calling them names all day long.

You can tell that the guy has made a religion out of racism because he thinks it is the worst thing that can happen to an individual. So, when it wasn't severe enough to impress us, it went from racism to institutional racism, to systemic racism, etc., etc.

Political minorities face the same kinds of challenges; kids from broken homes face challenges. The untold story behind whites who are victimized by a host of people (mostly for political reasons) that aren't even on the books. They don't have a job; they aren't on the government dole; the government hooked them on drugs and then when they turned 25 or so mommy's insurance drops them and now they are locked OUT of the system. Most of them didn't do it to themselves - the government and ignorant parents did.

I'll spend the bulk of my time trying to help them. The black racists will continue to try and convince you how bad they have it - and spending the equivalent of a full time to do so.

I'm retired dumb ass, I can do what I want. Please stop mentoring kids. You keep racism alive.

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

I say this because it is almost impossible to overstate the degree to which conservative media today, particularly Fox News and talk radio, are brimming with expressions of white racial grievance and white identity politics. When a survey asks respondents to make broad judgments about things that are outside their experience, where do their answers come from? A white respondent, when coming up with an answer for how much discrimination people (both black and white) face, can't just look to their own experience or those of people they know. So the impression they have is shaped in large part by what they see and hear in the media. And if you're someone who gets your news from conservative media, you're constantly hearing things like this, from Rush Limbaugh:

Hey, look, folks, the white kid on that bus in Belleville, Illinois, he deserved to be beat up. You don't know about this story? Oh, there's video of this. The school bus filled with mostly black students beat up a white student a couple of times with all the black students cheering. Of course the white student on the bus deserved the beating. He was born a racist. That's what Newsweek magazine told us in its most recent cover. It's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama's America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, "Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on," and, of course, everybody says the white kid deserved it, he was born a racist, he's white.

In the white victimization narrative Limbaugh and others repeat so often, not only are whites constantly being oppressed, they're also constantly being falsely accused of racism; indeed, the false racism accusation is the primary means by which blacks and their elitist white liberal allies keep regular white people down..

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

You suffer from psychosis. .You repeat the same psychotic bullshit every day. It's all lies.. We are here reading you telling us this country was made for whites only, the 14th amendment is illegal and we blacks are not citizens, claim it's truth, then claim we are making up racism. LOL! How dumb can one person be. I'm here for a reason and when I'm done I am going to make examples out of those like you and others here.

Well, if you're going to do what you claim, you'd better get to popping. You've gotten your ass kicked until it's black and blue on this thread. Again, everything I've said has proven to be true.

Just because you don't like it, does NOT make it "racist." And like you said, if Rush Limbaugh made the claim that whites are falsely being accused of racism, your wailing on a daily basis is proof of the veracity of Limbaugh's charges.

You cannot and will not condemn those countries that DO, in fact, practice vile forms of racism on whites. You're always telling people what their problems are that you cannot see the boulder obscuring your own vision.

I told you about Egypt. You are so proud of your race. Well, I used to work in immigration law. So I contacted a guy FROM Egypt and we discussed some things at length. Until recently, foreigners could not buy land in Egypt. And today, Egypt is so bass ackwards, their immigration records aren't computerized! That's quite a commentary on what you think is the superior race. It doesn't appear that Egypt has advanced much beyond where Joseph, as a slave, worked to get the Egyptians to.

Your false allegations of racism prove that you are a cancer on society. The name calling fails to impress me. I've tried to explain to the whites what made America great. And you're jealous of the accomplishments of the white people, so you want to be a perpetual enemy of whites.

At the end of the day, what you're spewing sends this unequivocal message that if a majority of blacks in the U.S. feel the way you do, then we cannot co-exist. That might be something that my forefathers already knew and modern Americans don't want to accept.

I'm telling the white people that America was founded for the benefit of whites. Opening the door and telling people to come in if they love America and its people and want to live according to our culture, you're welcome might not be a viable way to live our lives.

You hate the whites; you hate American culture. You will use the balance of your life wallowing in self pity and hatred of a people that provided you a lifestyle above anything you could have achieved in any other country on this earth.

You don't abhor slavery; you belong to the race that created it and you belong to the political party that endorses it. You just want to be the slave owner. You're jealous. Well, my great grandfather didn't own slaves and neither did my grandfather. My father didn't own slaves and neither did I. So, I don't owe you squat. You're only pissed because the blacks cannot establish a country that they say they built. And even on that count, YOU are the racist. You keep forgetting that the Israelites were the blood, sweat and tears for the building of Egypt in its heyday. But, you don't own your part in the founding of slavery NOR give the Israelites their due in building Egyptian civilization as the slaves they were.

Then, you want to be inconsistent and claim that blacks built America. It's funny how the rules are not applied equally across history. You want credit for things you didn't do. And yet you bring your hatred and venom and waste your every waking moment promoting black racism while falsely accusing anyone that disagrees with you a racist - or worse. You're going to die a very unhappy man.

And who has kicked my ass? You? Ha! .We're talking about America, you are the one who posted 7-8 screeds about the American system. Not Israel. Blacks have a continent full of countries they built. They had so much whites decided steal from them.

So understand this because you missed it. You see the white mans constitution provided for the ability to amend. The founders made this so because they knew changing times would require it. The supreme court has overturned Dred Scott, Plessy and other racist decisions and has decided by law this is not a nation only for whites. Your whining about countries practicing racism against is childish considering whites have tried to colonize most of the planet.


But I'm sure you have an excuse about that too. I guess your forefathers believed they were ordained by God to build New Jerusalems all over the world.

Here endeth the lesson
Learn to be more to the point instead of going on and on.

Brevity is our friend.

As to the point about the "White Man's Constitution" : It's not just the White man's constitution, it's every man's constitution. Which parts do you feel don't protect your black ass?

Answer: Nothing

What you want is special rights and privileges carved out in the Constitution for your race alone.

The very definition of racism.

Actually, the way the Constitution has been interpreted and reinterpreted - along with the 14th Amendment, non-whites already have more rights than do the American citizen.

In my ten long rants, I explained that the whites are left right now with a legal challenge to the Constitution and pick up the fight that historians, lawyers, constitutionalists, judges, talked about in earlier years when you had constitutionalists.

The 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. IF the whites do not pick up that fight and go with it, they have no options left, save of an internal war, to preserve,protect, and defend the posterity of the founding fathers. They would, most likely not prevail in the courts being that the Justices are left of center.

So, America having been reduced from a constitutional Republic to a Federal / Legislative Democracy, owned and controlled by a few elite multi-national corporations the Constitution is no longer relative because in the next presidential election, the liberals will get a socialist in the White House.

The only thing black extremists understand is that the Constitution was written by whites, so it has to go. They push aside the fact that the United States is the only country on this planet that recognizes unalienable Rights. Unfortunately, the black people have no need for them and most white people - including conservatives don't even know what they are. Without that, our nation has nothing.
The institution of slavery is one that originates with blacks. You have to own it OR quit using it as way to try and whip the whites.
Is the Klan "your people"? What about the Westboro Baptists Church? Dylann Roof, that guy they just captured down in California , the Golden State Killer, any of them? What about all of the white criminals who were kicked out of Great Britain and sent to populate Australia. Those your people too?

I don't usually call people stupid, even when they show every symptom of being nothing other and I'm trying really hard not to make an exception here since you're being intentionally antagonistic and too much of a coward to do this face-to-face but nonetheless I'm going to allow you to see something I wrote days ago that I felt would be lost upon you

As far as your claim that slavery was not initiated by whites (disputable) if someone works in the sex slave trafficking industry and they bring you one of their kidnapped kids, and you keep and use that child for whatever purposes you see fit, do you honestly believe that just because you didn't go out and kidnap her or him yourself that absolves you of using that child in an illicit manner?​

You're making it sound like the whites of this country were the poor victims of entrapment, like what the FBI and some law enforcement agencies do sometimes - "if that mean FBI agent hadn't suggested that we kidnap, enslave, rape, beat and murder those Africans that were brought to us, we would have NEVER even thought to do something like that on our own!"

It's the SAME DAMN THING with slavery in AMERICA, the CURRENT topic of this discussion, not slavery as it exists everywhere in the world. I didn't set the topic but I've managed to make my arguments within those parameters while you keep deflecting to everything else under the sun apparently to draw attention away from the fact that you can't dispute our arguments that "as a race" whites are more racists than blacks. If whites actively sought to have blacks brought to American soil for the purpose of enslaving them, "breeding" them in order to increase their personal wealth and fought a war which they lost in order to protect the institution, no person on earth (not just in America) could REASONABLY conclude that whites "as a race" are not more racist than blacks "as a race" could ever be.

I personally don't know or want to know any people of any race who HATES white people or any race of people. You however are confusing HATE with valid and warranted criticisms of a system of oppression perpetrated against non-whites the affects of which linger to this day. Discussing it and strategizing with others on ways to deal with discrimination and racism in 2018 doesn't make any one of us a racist nor extremist.
False equivalence is what happens when you are led to believe that two things should be given equal weight in your considerations as you come to any given decision, while those two things are not in any way actually equivalent.

If by that you mean that being racist longer is more racist, that would be incorrect.

If you wish to make comparisons as to which race had more racists and which one committed racial discrimination on a grander scale and for a longer period of time, that's a legitimate starting point. But hating whites is still racism and nothing in the blacks' experience changes that.

The major problem with the quote is that for the claim to be true or valid whites must have the same history as blacks. We can't say it's the same because that would not be the reality of how things have gone. Had blacks done everything whites have done then they could say these things are the same. What these people are doing is using a false equivalence to build a straw man. We will not equate what Morgan said with the racism of whites because blacks don't have the record of racism, murder and terrorism against whites that whites do against us. You can't just make these kinds of comments about whites and blacks like everything has been the same. Whites have a history of oppressing people because they are not white, we have a history of being oppressed by whites. This must be recognized because it appears that at even in the 21st Century, there are whites who have caught a severe case of amnesia.

I don't know what you think this guy Morgan is saying but he's basically saying the same thing you are: Denying a person a job based on skin color is racism whereas hating whites based on skin color is not. Which of course is horseshit.

You need to ask yourself this honest question. Are whites hated only because of their skin color?

In some cases, yes. Now you need to ask yourself an honest question: Are non-racist whites hated?

Here's a couple of examples. My two sisters work at Wal-Mart and the stores they work at have always had mostly blacks in upper management positions. They have both worked for Wal-Mart for about 25-30 years and they've often related stories of favoritism towards other blacks, leniency for transgressions that got white employees fired and a generally more open and friendly attitude towards other blacks whereas they are rather cool towards white employees.

Mind you, not all of them have been guilty of this and my sisters have formed friendships with many of their black coworkers. But, it is what it is.

In my case, some years ago I had two black guys on my crew. One was a black Honduran and the other was a local guy. As the captain and the chief safety officer, it's my responsibility to enforce company safety rules and procedures. To that end, one day I suggested to the local guy that he should be wearing gloves for the job he was doing as per company safety policy. But when I approached the Honduran a day or two later on a safety matter, the local guy took it to mean I was racist and was singling them out. He became belligerent and uncooperative and I had to enlist the port captain as arbiter to try to mediate the dispute but he had his mind made up and nothing was resolved.
We went back to work and only interacted when we needed to. But, in the company truck on the way home about a week later and while stopped at a red light, I heard him say "This is what I think of you" and when I turned to look at him, the piece of shit spit on me. We had a shouting match the rest of the way back to the office and when I told the HR guy what he did, they fired him.

So there you have it.

No whites are not hated because they are white. I think I can say that since I am not white. Whites carry a history of racism as a people. .It is that history and continuing racism we see that we do not like, not the color of a white persons skin. .
In other words you have created a negative stereotype of white people. When whites negatively stereotype blacks it's considered racist.
He can't be that smart. He's posting here, every day, all day. I'm only stuck on the computer while rehabbing and going to school.

The reason extremists don't have anything and want to spread the misery is that they are lazy to begin with. After I fully recoup from surgery, I'll probably spend some of my time mentoring young people and doing the foster parent thing. It's much more productive than lying to people and calling them names all day long.

You can tell that the guy has made a religion out of racism because he thinks it is the worst thing that can happen to an individual. So, when it wasn't severe enough to impress us, it went from racism to institutional racism, to systemic racism, etc., etc.

Political minorities face the same kinds of challenges; kids from broken homes face challenges. The untold story behind whites who are victimized by a host of people (mostly for political reasons) that aren't even on the books. They don't have a job; they aren't on the government dole; the government hooked them on drugs and then when they turned 25 or so mommy's insurance drops them and now they are locked OUT of the system. Most of them didn't do it to themselves - the government and ignorant parents did.

I'll spend the bulk of my time trying to help them. The black racists will continue to try and convince you how bad they have it - and spending the equivalent of a full time to do so.

I'm retired dumb ass, I can do what I want. Please stop mentoring kids. You keep racism alive.

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

I say this because it is almost impossible to overstate the degree to which conservative media today, particularly Fox News and talk radio, are brimming with expressions of white racial grievance and white identity politics. When a survey asks respondents to make broad judgments about things that are outside their experience, where do their answers come from? A white respondent, when coming up with an answer for how much discrimination people (both black and white) face, can't just look to their own experience or those of people they know. So the impression they have is shaped in large part by what they see and hear in the media. And if you're someone who gets your news from conservative media, you're constantly hearing things like this, from Rush Limbaugh:

Hey, look, folks, the white kid on that bus in Belleville, Illinois, he deserved to be beat up. You don't know about this story? Oh, there's video of this. The school bus filled with mostly black students beat up a white student a couple of times with all the black students cheering. Of course the white student on the bus deserved the beating. He was born a racist. That's what Newsweek magazine told us in its most recent cover. It's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama's America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, "Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on," and, of course, everybody says the white kid deserved it, he was born a racist, he's white.

In the white victimization narrative Limbaugh and others repeat so often, not only are whites constantly being oppressed, they're also constantly being falsely accused of racism; indeed, the false racism accusation is the primary means by which blacks and their elitist white liberal allies keep regular white people down..

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

You suffer from psychosis. .You repeat the same psychotic bullshit every day. It's all lies.. We are here reading you telling us this country was made for whites only, the 14th amendment is illegal and we blacks are not citizens, claim it's truth, then claim we are making up racism. LOL! How dumb can one person be. I'm here for a reason and when I'm done I am going to make examples out of those like you and others here.

Well, if you're going to do what you claim, you'd better get to popping. You've gotten your ass kicked until it's black and blue on this thread. Again, everything I've said has proven to be true.

Just because you don't like it, does NOT make it "racist." And like you said, if Rush Limbaugh made the claim that whites are falsely being accused of racism, your wailing on a daily basis is proof of the veracity of Limbaugh's charges.

You cannot and will not condemn those countries that DO, in fact, practice vile forms of racism on whites. You're always telling people what their problems are that you cannot see the boulder obscuring your own vision.

I told you about Egypt. You are so proud of your race. Well, I used to work in immigration law. So I contacted a guy FROM Egypt and we discussed some things at length. Until recently, foreigners could not buy land in Egypt. And today, Egypt is so bass ackwards, their immigration records aren't computerized! That's quite a commentary on what you think is the superior race. It doesn't appear that Egypt has advanced much beyond where Joseph, as a slave, worked to get the Egyptians to.

Your false allegations of racism prove that you are a cancer on society. The name calling fails to impress me. I've tried to explain to the whites what made America great. And you're jealous of the accomplishments of the white people, so you want to be a perpetual enemy of whites.

At the end of the day, what you're spewing sends this unequivocal message that if a majority of blacks in the U.S. feel the way you do, then we cannot co-exist. That might be something that my forefathers already knew and modern Americans don't want to accept.

I'm telling the white people that America was founded for the benefit of whites. Opening the door and telling people to come in if they love America and its people and want to live according to our culture, you're welcome might not be a viable way to live our lives.

You hate the whites; you hate American culture. You will use the balance of your life wallowing in self pity and hatred of a people that provided you a lifestyle above anything you could have achieved in any other country on this earth.

You don't abhor slavery; you belong to the race that created it and you belong to the political party that endorses it. You just want to be the slave owner. You're jealous. Well, my great grandfather didn't own slaves and neither did my grandfather. My father didn't own slaves and neither did I. So, I don't owe you squat. You're only pissed because the blacks cannot establish a country that they say they built. And even on that count, YOU are the racist. You keep forgetting that the Israelites were the blood, sweat and tears for the building of Egypt in its heyday. But, you don't own your part in the founding of slavery NOR give the Israelites their due in building Egyptian civilization as the slaves they were.

Then, you want to be inconsistent and claim that blacks built America. It's funny how the rules are not applied equally across history. You want credit for things you didn't do. And yet you bring your hatred and venom and waste your every waking moment promoting black racism while falsely accusing anyone that disagrees with you a racist - or worse. You're going to die a very unhappy man.

And who has kicked my ass? You? Ha! .We're talking about America, you are the one who posted 7-8 screeds about the American system. Not Israel. Blacks have a continent full of countries they built. They had so much whites decided steal from them.

So understand this because you missed it. You see the white mans constitution provided for the ability to amend. The founders made this so because they knew changing times would require it. The supreme court has overturned Dred Scott, Plessy and other racist decisions and has decided by law this is not a nation only for whites. Your whining about countries practicing racism against is childish considering whites have tried to colonize most of the planet.


But I'm sure you have an excuse about that too. I guess your forefathers believed they were ordained by God to build New Jerusalems all over the world.

Here endeth the lesson
Learn to be more to the point instead of going on and on.

Brevity is our friend.

As to the point about the "White Man's Constitution" : It's not just the White man's constitution, it's every man's constitution. Which parts do you feel don't protect your black ass?

Answer: Nothing

What you want is special rights and privileges carved out in the Constitution for your race alone.

The very definition of racism.

Actually, the way the Constitution has been interpreted and reinterpreted - along with the 14th Amendment, non-whites already have more rights than do the American citizen.

In my ten long rants, I explained that the whites are left right now with a legal challenge to the Constitution and pick up the fight that historians, lawyers, constitutionalists, judges, talked about in earlier years when you had constitutionalists.

The 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. IF the whites do not pick up that fight and go with it, they have no options left, save of an internal war, to preserve,protect, and defend the posterity of the founding fathers. They would, most likely not prevail in the courts being that the Justices are left of center.

So, America having been reduced from a constitutional Republic to a Federal / Legislative Democracy, owned and controlled by a few elite multi-national corporations the Constitution is no longer relative because in the next presidential election, the liberals will get a socialist in the White House.

The only thing black extremists understand is that the Constitution was written by whites, so it has to go. They push aside the fact that the United States is the only country on this planet that recognizes unalienable Rights. Unfortunately, the black people have no need for them and most white people - including conservatives don't even know what they are. Without that, our nation has nothing.

If by that you mean that being racist longer is more racist, that would be incorrect.

If you wish to make comparisons as to which race had more racists and which one committed racial discrimination on a grander scale and for a longer period of time, that's a legitimate starting point. But hating whites is still racism and nothing in the blacks' experience changes that.

I don't know what you think this guy Morgan is saying but he's basically saying the same thing you are: Denying a person a job based on skin color is racism whereas hating whites based on skin color is not. Which of course is horseshit.

You need to ask yourself this honest question. Are whites hated only because of their skin color?

In some cases, yes. Now you need to ask yourself an honest question: Are non-racist whites hated?

Here's a couple of examples. My two sisters work at Wal-Mart and the stores they work at have always had mostly blacks in upper management positions. They have both worked for Wal-Mart for about 25-30 years and they've often related stories of favoritism towards other blacks, leniency for transgressions that got white employees fired and a generally more open and friendly attitude towards other blacks whereas they are rather cool towards white employees.

Mind you, not all of them have been guilty of this and my sisters have formed friendships with many of their black coworkers. But, it is what it is.

In my case, some years ago I had two black guys on my crew. One was a black Honduran and the other was a local guy. As the captain and the chief safety officer, it's my responsibility to enforce company safety rules and procedures. To that end, one day I suggested to the local guy that he should be wearing gloves for the job he was doing as per company safety policy. But when I approached the Honduran a day or two later on a safety matter, the local guy took it to mean I was racist and was singling them out. He became belligerent and uncooperative and I had to enlist the port captain as arbiter to try to mediate the dispute but he had his mind made up and nothing was resolved.
We went back to work and only interacted when we needed to. But, in the company truck on the way home about a week later and while stopped at a red light, I heard him say "This is what I think of you" and when I turned to look at him, the piece of shit spit on me. We had a shouting match the rest of the way back to the office and when I told the HR guy what he did, they fired him.

So there you have it.

No whites are not hated because they are white. I think I can say that since I am not white. Whites carry a history of racism as a people. .It is that history and continuing racism we see that we do not like, not the color of a white persons skin. .
In other words you have created a negative stereotype of white people. When whites negatively stereotype blacks it's considered racist.

I have not created any stereotype. The conduct of whites is documented.
He must feel superior to us whites,he constantly makes comments about how much more successful and educated he is, without knowing us. LOL

He can't be that smart. He's posting here, every day, all day. I'm only stuck on the computer while rehabbing and going to school.

The reason extremists don't have anything and want to spread the misery is that they are lazy to begin with. After I fully recoup from surgery, I'll probably spend some of my time mentoring young people and doing the foster parent thing. It's much more productive than lying to people and calling them names all day long.

You can tell that the guy has made a religion out of racism because he thinks it is the worst thing that can happen to an individual. So, when it wasn't severe enough to impress us, it went from racism to institutional racism, to systemic racism, etc., etc.

Political minorities face the same kinds of challenges; kids from broken homes face challenges. The untold story behind whites who are victimized by a host of people (mostly for political reasons) that aren't even on the books. They don't have a job; they aren't on the government dole; the government hooked them on drugs and then when they turned 25 or so mommy's insurance drops them and now they are locked OUT of the system. Most of them didn't do it to themselves - the government and ignorant parents did.

I'll spend the bulk of my time trying to help them. The black racists will continue to try and convince you how bad they have it - and spending the equivalent of a full time to do so.

I'm retired dumb ass, I can do what I want. Please stop mentoring kids. You keep racism alive.

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

I say this because it is almost impossible to overstate the degree to which conservative media today, particularly Fox News and talk radio, are brimming with expressions of white racial grievance and white identity politics. When a survey asks respondents to make broad judgments about things that are outside their experience, where do their answers come from? A white respondent, when coming up with an answer for how much discrimination people (both black and white) face, can't just look to their own experience or those of people they know. So the impression they have is shaped in large part by what they see and hear in the media. And if you're someone who gets your news from conservative media, you're constantly hearing things like this, from Rush Limbaugh:

Hey, look, folks, the white kid on that bus in Belleville, Illinois, he deserved to be beat up. You don't know about this story? Oh, there's video of this. The school bus filled with mostly black students beat up a white student a couple of times with all the black students cheering. Of course the white student on the bus deserved the beating. He was born a racist. That's what Newsweek magazine told us in its most recent cover. It's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama's America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, "Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on," and, of course, everybody says the white kid deserved it, he was born a racist, he's white.

In the white victimization narrative Limbaugh and others repeat so often, not only are whites constantly being oppressed, they're also constantly being falsely accused of racism; indeed, the false racism accusation is the primary means by which blacks and their elitist white liberal allies keep regular white people down..

Conservative Media and the White Victimization Narrative

You suffer from psychosis. .You repeat the same psychotic bullshit every day. It's all lies.. We are here reading you telling us this country was made for whites only, the 14th amendment is illegal and we blacks are not citizens, claim it's truth, then claim we are making up racism. LOL! How dumb can one person be. I'm here for a reason and when I'm done I am going to make examples out of those like you and others here.

Well, if you're going to do what you claim, you'd better get to popping. You've gotten your ass kicked until it's black and blue on this thread. Again, everything I've said has proven to be true.

Just because you don't like it, does NOT make it "racist." And like you said, if Rush Limbaugh made the claim that whites are falsely being accused of racism, your wailing on a daily basis is proof of the veracity of Limbaugh's charges.

You cannot and will not condemn those countries that DO, in fact, practice vile forms of racism on whites. You're always telling people what their problems are that you cannot see the boulder obscuring your own vision.

I told you about Egypt. You are so proud of your race. Well, I used to work in immigration law. So I contacted a guy FROM Egypt and we discussed some things at length. Until recently, foreigners could not buy land in Egypt. And today, Egypt is so bass ackwards, their immigration records aren't computerized! That's quite a commentary on what you think is the superior race. It doesn't appear that Egypt has advanced much beyond where Joseph, as a slave, worked to get the Egyptians to.

Your false allegations of racism prove that you are a cancer on society. The name calling fails to impress me. I've tried to explain to the whites what made America great. And you're jealous of the accomplishments of the white people, so you want to be a perpetual enemy of whites.

At the end of the day, what you're spewing sends this unequivocal message that if a majority of blacks in the U.S. feel the way you do, then we cannot co-exist. That might be something that my forefathers already knew and modern Americans don't want to accept.

I'm telling the white people that America was founded for the benefit of whites. Opening the door and telling people to come in if they love America and its people and want to live according to our culture, you're welcome might not be a viable way to live our lives.

You hate the whites; you hate American culture. You will use the balance of your life wallowing in self pity and hatred of a people that provided you a lifestyle above anything you could have achieved in any other country on this earth.

You don't abhor slavery; you belong to the race that created it and you belong to the political party that endorses it. You just want to be the slave owner. You're jealous. Well, my great grandfather didn't own slaves and neither did my grandfather. My father didn't own slaves and neither did I. So, I don't owe you squat. You're only pissed because the blacks cannot establish a country that they say they built. And even on that count, YOU are the racist. You keep forgetting that the Israelites were the blood, sweat and tears for the building of Egypt in its heyday. But, you don't own your part in the founding of slavery NOR give the Israelites their due in building Egyptian civilization as the slaves they were.

Then, you want to be inconsistent and claim that blacks built America. It's funny how the rules are not applied equally across history. You want credit for things you didn't do. And yet you bring your hatred and venom and waste your every waking moment promoting black racism while falsely accusing anyone that disagrees with you a racist - or worse. You're going to die a very unhappy man.

And who has kicked my ass? You? Ha! .We're talking about America, you are the one who posted 7-8 screeds about the American system. Not Israel. Blacks have a continent full of countries they built. They had so much whites decided steal from them.

So understand this because you missed it. You see the white mans constitution provided for the ability to amend. The founders made this so because they knew changing times would require it. The supreme court has overturned Dred Scott, Plessy and other racist decisions and has decided by law this is not a nation only for whites. Your whining about countries practicing racism against is childish considering whites have tried to colonize most of the planet.


But I'm sure you have an excuse about that too. I guess your forefathers believed they were ordained by God to build New Jerusalems all over the world.

Here endeth the lesson
Learn to be more to the point instead of going on and on.

Brevity is our friend.

As to the point about the "White Man's Constitution" : It's not just the White man's constitution, it's every man's constitution. Which parts do you feel don't protect your black ass?

Answer: Nothing

What you want is special rights and privileges carved out in the Constitution for your race alone.

The very definition of racism.

I will be as brief as the whites here who post long posts and you don't say a fucking word. So now shut up because humone was the one talking about the white mans system therefore the constitution being part of the white mans system makes it he whit as constitution if we continue with humoes logic. Whites were given special rights by the initial document and had those rights by law until 1965. When you run your mouth know what you are talking about.
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