Are blacks "political chumps" for supporting Democrats

Lets look at this another way:

Republicans "do for yourself" mantra is the principals they stand by


LOL , you didn't even bring a knife, you bought a spoon!

From your own link:

"Results suggest that black self-segregation plays a statistically significant, albeit minor role in explaining housing segregation."

Compare that to this and you will see how laughable your comparison and post is:
Racial segregation in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Self-imposed Segregation On U.s. College Campuses -
There is a report on the cbs news website which appears to be down right now. It is entitled "going home to the south"...The piece discusses among other things the willingness of blacks to self segregate.
Look, don't argue with me on this. The phenomenon exists. It has been well documented.
There is no further discussion required. This falls under the category of "It is what it is"..Deal with it.
I'd rather stay here and annoy you.

So isn't it funny that here we are 14 months after Romney getting field dressed (due to the women's vote mainly) and the autopsy report by Princess Phillips or whatever her name is and you guys are still making dumbass statements about women's reproductive systems?

Gee, another week of you guys having to try to convince people you don't really hate women.

well it was the black and Hispanic vote, but then again history is not your strong point

Logic isn't yours.

Blacks and Hispanics helped but roughly 1/2 of the Blacks and Hispanics voting are female. Single women destroyed any hope of Romney ever being President. The fact that he wants to control their bodies and remove their reproductive rights was central to that. It turns out that apparently libidos make you vote for Democrats.

Yes....However the intelligent women of the US realize the grave error they made...Twice

LOL , you didn't even bring a knife, you bought a spoon!

From your own link:

"Results suggest that black self-segregation plays a statistically significant, albeit minor role in explaining housing segregation."

Compare that to this and you will see how laughable your comparison and post is:
Racial segregation in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Self-imposed Segregation On U.s. College Campuses -
There is a report on the cbs news website which appears to be down right now. It is entitled "going home to the south"...The piece discusses among other things the willingness of blacks to self segregate.
Look, don't argue with me on this. The phenomenon exists. It has been well documented.
There is no further discussion required. This falls under the category of "It is what it is"..Deal with it.

Wait you completely ignored this point:

"Results suggest that black self-segregation plays a statistically significant, albeit minor role in explaining housing segregation."

And started talking about College Campus Segregation? Huh?
No there is another thread about Huckabee's stupid statement on birth control....Why don't you head over there and bore those people to death with your femininazi horseshit.

I'd rather stay here and annoy you.

So isn't it funny that here we are 14 months after Romney getting field dressed (due to the women's vote mainly) and the autopsy report by Princess Phillips or whatever her name is and you guys are still making dumbass statements about women's reproductive systems?

Gee, another week of you guys having to try to convince people you don't really hate women.

Stupidity is not annoying. It's stupidity.
The women's vote?
Please. Enough with the estrogen overload.
You have serious problems.
You are hung up on your gender to the point of distraction.
It is as though your lady parts are the focal point of your existence.
Also it is highly offensive to women, I discussed with my wife, that you objectify women and support the notion that they cannot think for themselves.
The GOP's problem is that women can think for themselves. Has been for 5 of the last 6 general elections where the GOP has lost the popular vote.

As for lady parts being the focal point of's not really the case but play it out in your mind. If a politician proposed a law that forced you to get sterilized after having one child, would it matter what his deficit reduction package was? Ninety percent of Catholic women ignore the teachings of their church and practice contraception. It's 98% according to Reuters:

Most Catholic women in U.S. use birth control | Reuters

If you don't think managing reproductive rights is a big deal, you'd have a hard time selling that to who should be the most receptive of crowds.

Your premise is "I am woman therefore I must vote democrat lest I get called out by far left wing feminazi's (like you) and be accused of not sticking with the cause of the sisterhood.
With the hostile attitude toward men that you display, I would not be surprised if men you approach would rather just stab themselves in the eye with a pencil rather than endure 30 seconds of your "I am woman hear me roar" left over feminist bullshit.
Pretty hilarious.

You should really tour with that caliber of material. I'm not a democrat so why would I care what other women do? The democrats are far more advanced thinking to reproductive rights as well as other women's issues. I, for one, wish we had two parties in this nation that thought women were equal to men but it's only the Democrats who seem to think it and express it in words if not always in action. It is the GOP passing restrictive laws at the state level, opposing the LLFPA, 138 republicans opposed extending the Violence against Women Act last February. I won't get into the name calling, the junk science, the positively cave-manish approach to even discussing the issues "legitimate rape", "gift from God." It goes on and on.

I have a newsflash for you....No one like a divider/divisive person. Get it?
But you go ahead and keep those cards and letters coming. You have made a side show of yourself. Court jesterette, if you will....

Fifty two percent of the electorate will be female in 2016. That you don't like that fact and feel threatened by it is of no concern to us.
Lets look at this another way:

Republicans "do for yourself" mantra is the principals they stand by


I'm suspicious of maps like this. We are ALL warmed by fires started by others. Wyoming, for example, is mineral rich but educationally poor. Connecticut is educationally rich but mineral poor. America's breadbasket is largely irrelevant without lively markets on the coasts to sustain them. The gulf's seafood and oil riches are consumed in St. Louis, St. Paul, and St. Alban's, VT.

A strong central government that has offered protection for all of these entities has supported the US becoming the greatest civilization the world has ever seen.
While it's politically beneficial to liberals to point out that the red states are larger consumers of government spending...lets not forget why that may be the case.

I will say this; Texas is the real head-scratcher since there are few natural resources you cannot find there and there is few non-natural/non-native resources that haven't been developed there. Politics has not served the State well it would seem.

You bolded the part about jobs leaving the country due to unions and taxes. So tell me, why is there no longer a textile industry in the USA? why is there no longer a commercial shipbuilding industry in the USA? Why are all TVs and computers made out of the USA?

OH, I know, corporate greed---------------:cuckoo:

Well, let's look at that.

Why aren't TV's made in the US anymore? Because back in the 1970's the Japanese engaged in a practice known as "Dumping"- selling their product here at damn well near a loss.

In fact, it got so bad that Japanese tourists would by TV's and VCR's in the US in the 1980's and take them back to Japan at a bargain.

And while he couldn't move fast enough to save Zenith and RCA and Motorola, Reagan did put the Kaybosh on Dumping cars, forcing the Japanese to open plants here, paying our taxes and matching our union wages.

Of course, that's when Republicans used to put the interest of America above that of Corporations.

I can agree with most of what you say. Back in the 60s and 70s there would be news reports of how the Japanese tools were vastly inferior to US tools. How the Japanese wanted to buy American. Then that switched, the Japanese got smart, they started making what we WANT not what we need. Now everything we made is being made in China and we are back to somewhat inferior tools.

That said. The great sucking sound of jobs fleeing the country was predicted by Ross Perot and the chickens have come home to roost. To keep blaming Republicans, other then Reagan, and forgetting about Clinton who pushed for those "free" trade deals is disingenuous.
Finally, you see the light.

Women make up (and will continue to) a higher % of the electorate than men.

You simply don't understand the average female voter; in other words, you're a typical republican. As if when it comes down to choosing between one party hell bent on protecting the right to reproductive choice and the other hell bent on getting between a woman an her right...gun control enters the equation.

I suppose you figure there is some sort of mental scale with what you like about candidate/party A on the left and what you like about candidate/party B on the right. You pile issues on one side or the other and when you're done; Presto! whatever side has more weight....that is who you vote for. Right?

I'll help you out pinhead. Some topics carry more weight than the other. Gun control (by the way it's been 5 years and Obama/liberals have collected zero weapons) is a non-starter outside of the bible belt. Much like affirmative action is likely a non-starter in the bible belt.
Additionally, there are already a lot of female gun owners. Someone once said the women's vote went for Obama...strange.

well again you are wrong. I'm actually a registered democrat. one who is sick of a democratic government trying to infringe their agendas on me.
I'm sure you meant impose.

Yet somehow the House of Representatives (the anti-thesis to Obama) has single digit approval ratings. Hmmm. Apparently you're out on that limb by yourself.

Nonsense. I'm anti machine gun. I'm anti- the thought that whatever Private Jane Doe has access to....private citizen Jane Doe should have access to the same weaponry. It's pure craziness.

No, it's what your lazy research imposes (or infringes) on those you disagree with.

Obama and the democrats didn't step up their gun initiative until after he was already elected for his second term. had he attempted that before, he would have lost. talk to many female gun owners? they are anti Obama. and I live in an overwhelmingly democrat state.
I know several female gun owners--one of them is my training buddy--hates Obama's guts. Her daughters (also own guns) all could not like Obama more. It's, by no means, an A=B relationship. Just as an aside, I think what you ignore (and most Republicans do too) is religion. Talk about imposing one's views on another...that is basically all Rick Santorum wanted to do. If you have Netflix, check out the Romney campaign video; women not named Ann speak for something like 15 seconds; its the patriarchal family structure the GOP wants to impose on the Country that the younger women reject. My buddy is comfortable with it; her daughters are not. They're single, college grads, into their careers, basically the cast of HBO's Girls.

I personally feel that the GOP is a bunch of scared folks who, understandably, reason as follows: We had a much more economically prosperous country when we had this patriarchy in place across the nation so we need to go back to those days when girls wore skirts, guys were never challenged by their girlfriend/wife, and everyone knew their place. Since that dynamic has changed and is not coming back...we get the "we're going to hell in a hand basket" threads.

remember after sandy hook you liberal nut jobs were so sure mandatory background checks were going to happen. 85% of America wanted them remember? well you gun grabbing congressmen found out differently. people made their voices heard and even an extremely watered down bill couldn't pass. face it, guns talk and are here to stay.

The NRA lobby effectively kept sensible gun laws off of the books. That much is true.


Keep in mind the states on the left are NOT all states he won. He lost Arizona and North Carolina's EV's. But somehow won the women's votes in those states.

Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin by more than double digits!!! Presumably some of those women were gun owners or sympathetic to gun ownership rights. Yet Romney was powerless.

Running the Marlboro man in 2016 will likely help since Romney didn't embody gun ownership much more than Obama did but
The women's vote is a democratic stronghold and until you guys realize it's all about Roe, you'll never win the vote.

*dropping the mike*

typical liberal twit making unfounded assumptions again. if I meant impose I would have said impose. but we all know all you are capable of doing is spinning your own interpretation into everything.

here's something else you need to get used to. The NRA has not only helped keep more senseless laws off the books, it's now going to push to get the restricting laws in existence removed.

Candy not every woman is an irresponsible slut who needs to use abortion as a from of birth control. to the majority of the sensible women out there. abortion is such a non issue. the fact that you really think it is an election winning issue shows how much of a filthy gutter tramp you are. you keep right on ripping fetuses out of your uterus. no one wants more of your kind around here anyway.
well again you are wrong. I'm actually a registered democrat. one who is sick of a democratic government trying to infringe their agendas on me.
I'm sure you meant impose.

Yet somehow the House of Representatives (the anti-thesis to Obama) has single digit approval ratings. Hmmm. Apparently you're out on that limb by yourself.

Nonsense. I'm anti machine gun. I'm anti- the thought that whatever Private Jane Doe has access to....private citizen Jane Doe should have access to the same weaponry. It's pure craziness.

No, it's what your lazy research imposes (or infringes) on those you disagree with.

I know several female gun owners--one of them is my training buddy--hates Obama's guts. Her daughters (also own guns) all could not like Obama more. It's, by no means, an A=B relationship.

remember after sandy hook you liberal nut jobs were so sure mandatory background checks were going to happen. 85% of America wanted them remember? well you gun grabbing congressmen found out differently. people made their voices heard and even an extremely watered down bill couldn't pass. face it, guns talk and are here to stay.

The NRA lobby effectively kept sensible gun laws off of the books. That much is true.


Keep in mind the states on the left are NOT all states he won. He lost Arizona and North Carolina's EV's. But somehow won the women's votes in those states.

Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin by more than double digits!!! Presumably some of those women were gun owners or sympathetic to gun ownership rights. Yet Romney was powerless.

Running the Marlboro man in 2016 will likely help since Romney didn't embody gun ownership much more than Obama did but
The women's vote is a democratic stronghold and until you guys realize it's all about Roe, you'll never win the vote.

*dropping the mike*

I go to the range every other week, usually to train with which ever side arm is up in the rotation, at any of several ranges.

30 years ago, it was not unlikely that you'd see a woman at the range, but odds were if you did, she was with her boyfriend, and you rarely saw her twice.

Today, you will see women at the range every day, without fail and it is not uncommon that the women will be the majority of shooters.

Women are not anti-gun, they're anti-getting their assed kicked.

Now here's another stat for ya: Women are moving out of states which prevent or stringently control the ownership and effective use of a firearm, TO STATES THAT DO NOT.

It seems that even though it took a while for them to figure it out, that women are coming to understand that the Daddy-State isn't even as good as their abusive husband in protecting them and that "State Agencies" who claim to protect women are counter productive, often wrecking families, stripping them of their children and abusing them in worse ways than the alcoholic asshole they shacked up with. So they're turning from the Daddy State and back to Daddy, where their bread is buttered and taste the sweetest, for the longest, hedging their bets with a dainty ACP and High-cap Mag.

The addled old hags of the NAGS are still out there, obviously, but they're dyin' off leaving nothing behind but their cats and their lies.

my son just turned 21 and took his safety course for his pistol permit. he told me it was 3 guys and the rest were women. master class, the range where he took his course holds these every other weekend and the class size is limited to 30. the class is typically booked out 4 months. 5 years ago it was offered once every 3 months. and this is one of a dozen places in the area offering them now. but very interesting that it was probably a 27 - 3 ratio of women to men.
well again you are wrong. I'm actually a registered democrat. one who is sick of a democratic government trying to infringe their agendas on me.
I'm sure you meant impose.

Yet somehow the House of Representatives (the anti-thesis to Obama) has single digit approval ratings. Hmmm. Apparently you're out on that limb by yourself.

Nonsense. I'm anti machine gun. I'm anti- the thought that whatever Private Jane Doe has access to....private citizen Jane Doe should have access to the same weaponry. It's pure craziness.

No, it's what your lazy research imposes (or infringes) on those you disagree with.

I know several female gun owners--one of them is my training buddy--hates Obama's guts. Her daughters (also own guns) all could not like Obama more. It's, by no means, an A=B relationship. Just as an aside, I think what you ignore (and most Republicans do too) is religion. Talk about imposing one's views on another...that is basically all Rick Santorum wanted to do. If you have Netflix, check out the Romney campaign video; women not named Ann speak for something like 15 seconds; its the patriarchal family structure the GOP wants to impose on the Country that the younger women reject. My buddy is comfortable with it; her daughters are not. They're single, college grads, into their careers, basically the cast of HBO's Girls.

I personally feel that the GOP is a bunch of scared folks who, understandably, reason as follows: We had a much more economically prosperous country when we had this patriarchy in place across the nation so we need to go back to those days when girls wore skirts, guys were never challenged by their girlfriend/wife, and everyone knew their place. Since that dynamic has changed and is not coming back...we get the "we're going to hell in a hand basket" threads.

remember after sandy hook you liberal nut jobs were so sure mandatory background checks were going to happen. 85% of America wanted them remember? well you gun grabbing congressmen found out differently. people made their voices heard and even an extremely watered down bill couldn't pass. face it, guns talk and are here to stay.

The NRA lobby effectively kept sensible gun laws off of the books. That much is true.


Keep in mind the states on the left are NOT all states he won. He lost Arizona and North Carolina's EV's. But somehow won the women's votes in those states.

Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin by more than double digits!!! Presumably some of those women were gun owners or sympathetic to gun ownership rights. Yet Romney was powerless.

Running the Marlboro man in 2016 will likely help since Romney didn't embody gun ownership much more than Obama did but
The women's vote is a democratic stronghold and until you guys realize it's all about Roe, you'll never win the vote.

*dropping the mike*

typical liberal twit making unfounded assumptions again. if I meant impose I would have said impose. but we all know all you are capable of doing is spinning your own interpretation into everything.

here's something else you need to get used to. The NRA has not only helped keep more senseless laws off the books, it's now going to push to get the restricting laws in existence removed.

Candy not every woman is an irresponsible slut who needs to use abortion as a from of birth control. to the majority of the sensible women out there. abortion is such a non issue. the fact that you really think it is an election winning issue shows how much of a filthy gutter tramp you are. you keep right on ripping fetuses out of your uterus. no one wants more of your kind around here anyway.

Nice now say that to Israel because they offer abortion on Demand for Free. Now watch how smooth "we dont want your kind around" goes over with that bunch.

BTW...Keep it classy. When you have nothing you always can hide behind insults...because thats what children do
I'm sure you meant impose.

Yet somehow the House of Representatives (the anti-thesis to Obama) has single digit approval ratings. Hmmm. Apparently you're out on that limb by yourself.

Nonsense. I'm anti machine gun. I'm anti- the thought that whatever Private Jane Doe has access to....private citizen Jane Doe should have access to the same weaponry. It's pure craziness.

No, it's what your lazy research imposes (or infringes) on those you disagree with.

I know several female gun owners--one of them is my training buddy--hates Obama's guts. Her daughters (also own guns) all could not like Obama more. It's, by no means, an A=B relationship. Just as an aside, I think what you ignore (and most Republicans do too) is religion. Talk about imposing one's views on another...that is basically all Rick Santorum wanted to do. If you have Netflix, check out the Romney campaign video; women not named Ann speak for something like 15 seconds; its the patriarchal family structure the GOP wants to impose on the Country that the younger women reject. My buddy is comfortable with it; her daughters are not. They're single, college grads, into their careers, basically the cast of HBO's Girls.

I personally feel that the GOP is a bunch of scared folks who, understandably, reason as follows: We had a much more economically prosperous country when we had this patriarchy in place across the nation so we need to go back to those days when girls wore skirts, guys were never challenged by their girlfriend/wife, and everyone knew their place. Since that dynamic has changed and is not coming back...we get the "we're going to hell in a hand basket" threads.

The NRA lobby effectively kept sensible gun laws off of the books. That much is true.


Keep in mind the states on the left are NOT all states he won. He lost Arizona and North Carolina's EV's. But somehow won the women's votes in those states.

Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin by more than double digits!!! Presumably some of those women were gun owners or sympathetic to gun ownership rights. Yet Romney was powerless.

Running the Marlboro man in 2016 will likely help since Romney didn't embody gun ownership much more than Obama did but
The women's vote is a democratic stronghold and until you guys realize it's all about Roe, you'll never win the vote.

*dropping the mike*

typical liberal twit making unfounded assumptions again. if I meant impose I would have said impose. but we all know all you are capable of doing is spinning your own interpretation into everything.

here's something else you need to get used to. The NRA has not only helped keep more senseless laws off the books, it's now going to push to get the restricting laws in existence removed.

Candy not every woman is an irresponsible slut who needs to use abortion as a from of birth control. to the majority of the sensible women out there. abortion is such a non issue. the fact that you really think it is an election winning issue shows how much of a filthy gutter tramp you are. you keep right on ripping fetuses out of your uterus. no one wants more of your kind around here anyway.

Nice now say that to Israel because they offer abortion on Demand for Free. Now watch how smooth "we dont want your kind around" goes over with that bunch.

BTW...Keep it classy. When you have nothing you always can hide behind insults...because thats what children do

if I lived in Israel I'd worry what Israel does, but I don't
I'd rather stay here and annoy you.

So isn't it funny that here we are 14 months after Romney getting field dressed (due to the women's vote mainly) and the autopsy report by Princess Phillips or whatever her name is and you guys are still making dumbass statements about women's reproductive systems?

Gee, another week of you guys having to try to convince people you don't really hate women.

Stupidity is not annoying. It's stupidity.
The women's vote?
Please. Enough with the estrogen overload.
You have serious problems.
You are hung up on your gender to the point of distraction.
It is as though your lady parts are the focal point of your existence.
Also it is highly offensive to women, I discussed with my wife, that you objectify women and support the notion that they cannot think for themselves.
The GOP's problem is that women can think for themselves. Has been for 5 of the last 6 general elections where the GOP has lost the popular vote.

As for lady parts being the focal point of's not really the case but play it out in your mind. If a politician proposed a law that forced you to get sterilized after having one child, would it matter what his deficit reduction package was? Ninety percent of Catholic women ignore the teachings of their church and practice contraception. It's 98% according to Reuters:

Most Catholic women in U.S. use birth control | Reuters

If you don't think managing reproductive rights is a big deal, you'd have a hard time selling that to who should be the most receptive of crowds.

Your premise is "I am woman therefore I must vote democrat lest I get called out by far left wing feminazi's (like you) and be accused of not sticking with the cause of the sisterhood.
With the hostile attitude toward men that you display, I would not be surprised if men you approach would rather just stab themselves in the eye with a pencil rather than endure 30 seconds of your "I am woman hear me roar" left over feminist bullshit.
Pretty hilarious.

You should really tour with that caliber of material. I'm not a democrat so why would I care what other women do? The democrats are far more advanced thinking to reproductive rights as well as other women's issues. I, for one, wish we had two parties in this nation that thought women were equal to men but it's only the Democrats who seem to think it and express it in words if not always in action. It is the GOP passing restrictive laws at the state level, opposing the LLFPA, 138 republicans opposed extending the Violence against Women Act last February. I won't get into the name calling, the junk science, the positively cave-manish approach to even discussing the issues "legitimate rape", "gift from God." It goes on and on.

I have a newsflash for you....No one like a divider/divisive person. Get it?
But you go ahead and keep those cards and letters coming. You have made a side show of yourself. Court jesterette, if you will....

Fifty two percent of the electorate will be female in 2016. That you don't like that fact and feel threatened by it is of no concern to us.

My "material" has you trumped on every issue.
You keep spouting off about the percentage of the female electorate.
Once again, you disparage women by assuming they vote in democrat lockstep.
That is your problem.
BTW, how do you know 52% of the electorate will be female? You've not provided one shred of it now....that will be the turnout.
You think you have this little war being fought between men and women.
You must realize you are every bit as divisive and bigoted as your run of the mill trailer trash redneck.
You keep bothering yourself with this nonsense.
Meanwhile, what have democrats done for you? Other than give you a radical feminist a bullhorn to shout your shrill shrew like message of anger and self victimhood.
As much as you'd like to keep women down and voting for free shit, you will not succeed.
Standing in the middle of a crowded room screeching hysterics does not make your message viable. It makes you out to be a fool who cannot think for themselves.
typical liberal twit making unfounded assumptions again. if I meant impose I would have said impose. but we all know all you are capable of doing is spinning your own interpretation into everything.

here's something else you need to get used to. The NRA has not only helped keep more senseless laws off the books, it's now going to push to get the restricting laws in existence removed.

Candy not every woman is an irresponsible slut who needs to use abortion as a from of birth control. to the majority of the sensible women out there. abortion is such a non issue. the fact that you really think it is an election winning issue shows how much of a filthy gutter tramp you are. you keep right on ripping fetuses out of your uterus. no one wants more of your kind around here anyway.

Nice now say that to Israel because they offer abortion on Demand for Free. Now watch how smooth "we dont want your kind around" goes over with that bunch.

BTW...Keep it classy. When you have nothing you always can hide behind insults...because thats what children do

if I lived in Israel I'd worry what Israel does, but I don't

Concern for "child murder" ends at the shore huh? Glad that your morals cant swim huh man?
Stupidity is not annoying. It's stupidity.
The women's vote?
Please. Enough with the estrogen overload.
You have serious problems.
You are hung up on your gender to the point of distraction.
It is as though your lady parts are the focal point of your existence.
Also it is highly offensive to women, I discussed with my wife, that you objectify women and support the notion that they cannot think for themselves.
The GOP's problem is that women can think for themselves. Has been for 5 of the last 6 general elections where the GOP has lost the popular vote.

As for lady parts being the focal point of's not really the case but play it out in your mind. If a politician proposed a law that forced you to get sterilized after having one child, would it matter what his deficit reduction package was? Ninety percent of Catholic women ignore the teachings of their church and practice contraception. It's 98% according to Reuters:

Most Catholic women in U.S. use birth control | Reuters

If you don't think managing reproductive rights is a big deal, you'd have a hard time selling that to who should be the most receptive of crowds.

Pretty hilarious.

You should really tour with that caliber of material. I'm not a democrat so why would I care what other women do? The democrats are far more advanced thinking to reproductive rights as well as other women's issues. I, for one, wish we had two parties in this nation that thought women were equal to men but it's only the Democrats who seem to think it and express it in words if not always in action. It is the GOP passing restrictive laws at the state level, opposing the LLFPA, 138 republicans opposed extending the Violence against Women Act last February. I won't get into the name calling, the junk science, the positively cave-manish approach to even discussing the issues "legitimate rape", "gift from God." It goes on and on.

I have a newsflash for you....No one like a divider/divisive person. Get it?
But you go ahead and keep those cards and letters coming. You have made a side show of yourself. Court jesterette, if you will....

Fifty two percent of the electorate will be female in 2016. That you don't like that fact and feel threatened by it is of no concern to us.

My "material" has you trumped on every issue.
You keep spouting off about the percentage of the female electorate.
Once again, you disparage women by assuming they vote in democrat lockstep.
That is your problem.
BTW, how do you know 52% of the electorate will be female? You've not provided one shred of it now....that will be the turnout.
You think you have this little war being fought between men and women.
You must realize you are every bit as divisive and bigoted as your run of the mill trailer trash redneck.
You keep bothering yourself with this nonsense.
Meanwhile, what have democrats done for you? Other than give you a radical feminist a bullhorn to shout your shrill shrew like message of anger and self victimhood.
As much as you'd like to keep women down and voting for free shit, you will not succeed.
Standing in the middle of a crowded room screeching hysterics does not make your message viable. It makes you out to be a fool who cannot think for themselves.

Wives will vote how their husband's tell them. :eek::eusa_pray:
The GOP's problem is that women can think for themselves. Has been for 5 of the last 6 general elections where the GOP has lost the popular vote.

As for lady parts being the focal point of's not really the case but play it out in your mind. If a politician proposed a law that forced you to get sterilized after having one child, would it matter what his deficit reduction package was? Ninety percent of Catholic women ignore the teachings of their church and practice contraception. It's 98% according to Reuters:

Most Catholic women in U.S. use birth control | Reuters

If you don't think managing reproductive rights is a big deal, you'd have a hard time selling that to who should be the most receptive of crowds.

Pretty hilarious.

You should really tour with that caliber of material. I'm not a democrat so why would I care what other women do? The democrats are far more advanced thinking to reproductive rights as well as other women's issues. I, for one, wish we had two parties in this nation that thought women were equal to men but it's only the Democrats who seem to think it and express it in words if not always in action. It is the GOP passing restrictive laws at the state level, opposing the LLFPA, 138 republicans opposed extending the Violence against Women Act last February. I won't get into the name calling, the junk science, the positively cave-manish approach to even discussing the issues "legitimate rape", "gift from God." It goes on and on.

Fifty two percent of the electorate will be female in 2016. That you don't like that fact and feel threatened by it is of no concern to us.

My "material" has you trumped on every issue.
You keep spouting off about the percentage of the female electorate.
Once again, you disparage women by assuming they vote in democrat lockstep.
That is your problem.
BTW, how do you know 52% of the electorate will be female? You've not provided one shred of it now....that will be the turnout.
You think you have this little war being fought between men and women.
You must realize you are every bit as divisive and bigoted as your run of the mill trailer trash redneck.
You keep bothering yourself with this nonsense.
Meanwhile, what have democrats done for you? Other than give you a radical feminist a bullhorn to shout your shrill shrew like message of anger and self victimhood.
As much as you'd like to keep women down and voting for free shit, you will not succeed.
Standing in the middle of a crowded room screeching hysterics does not make your message viable. It makes you out to be a fool who cannot think for themselves.

Wives will vote how their husband's tell them. :eek::eusa_pray:
40 years ago....If I try to tell my wife for whom to vote she would give me "the look"...
Not good.
well again you are wrong. I'm actually a registered democrat. one who is sick of a democratic government trying to infringe their agendas on me.
I'm sure you meant impose.

Yet somehow the House of Representatives (the anti-thesis to Obama) has single digit approval ratings. Hmmm. Apparently you're out on that limb by yourself.

Nonsense. I'm anti machine gun. I'm anti- the thought that whatever Private Jane Doe has access to....private citizen Jane Doe should have access to the same weaponry. It's pure craziness.

No, it's what your lazy research imposes (or infringes) on those you disagree with.

I know several female gun owners--one of them is my training buddy--hates Obama's guts. Her daughters (also own guns) all could not like Obama more. It's, by no means, an A=B relationship. Just as an aside, I think what you ignore (and most Republicans do too) is religion. Talk about imposing one's views on another...that is basically all Rick Santorum wanted to do. If you have Netflix, check out the Romney campaign video; women not named Ann speak for something like 15 seconds; its the patriarchal family structure the GOP wants to impose on the Country that the younger women reject. My buddy is comfortable with it; her daughters are not. They're single, college grads, into their careers, basically the cast of HBO's Girls.

I personally feel that the GOP is a bunch of scared folks who, understandably, reason as follows: We had a much more economically prosperous country when we had this patriarchy in place across the nation so we need to go back to those days when girls wore skirts, guys were never challenged by their girlfriend/wife, and everyone knew their place. Since that dynamic has changed and is not coming back...we get the "we're going to hell in a hand basket" threads.

remember after sandy hook you liberal nut jobs were so sure mandatory background checks were going to happen. 85% of America wanted them remember? well you gun grabbing congressmen found out differently. people made their voices heard and even an extremely watered down bill couldn't pass. face it, guns talk and are here to stay.

The NRA lobby effectively kept sensible gun laws off of the books. That much is true.


Keep in mind the states on the left are NOT all states he won. He lost Arizona and North Carolina's EV's. But somehow won the women's votes in those states.

Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin by more than double digits!!! Presumably some of those women were gun owners or sympathetic to gun ownership rights. Yet Romney was powerless.

Running the Marlboro man in 2016 will likely help since Romney didn't embody gun ownership much more than Obama did but
The women's vote is a democratic stronghold and until you guys realize it's all about Roe, you'll never win the vote.

*dropping the mike*

typical liberal twit making unfounded assumptions again. if I meant impose I would have said impose. but we all know all you are capable of doing is spinning your own interpretation into everything.
I just assumed you wished to write a statement that made sense.

here's something else you need to get used to. The NRA has not only helped keep more senseless laws off the books, it's now going to push to get the restricting laws in existence removed.

Makes sense​

Candy not every woman is an irresponsible slut who needs to use abortion as a from of birth control.
Very few women are irresponsible sluts; at least as many irresponsible males who, of course, are never always blame the females. It's's the conservative in you.

Anyway...women who know the pain and ramifications of child birth are often the biggest advocates for the need to protect reproductive rights.

to the majority of the sensible women out there. abortion is such a non issue.
It would be a non issue if the conservatives would simply abide by the Roe decision instead of putting up all of the obstacles they have erected. But every time you do it, those that empathize find another reason to wonder aloud..."why am I a republican"

the fact that you really think it is an election winning issue shows how much of a filthy gutter tramp you are.
It has been shown to be an issue where the GOP has no standing. You are either ignorant of history or ignorant in general...take your pick.

you keep right on ripping fetuses out of your uterus. no one wants more of your kind around here anyway.

Again, I couldn't have written a better example of why the GOP is so brain-dead on women's issues. Are You sure you're not a liberal?
Stupidity is not annoying. It's stupidity.
The women's vote?
Please. Enough with the estrogen overload.
You have serious problems.
You are hung up on your gender to the point of distraction.
It is as though your lady parts are the focal point of your existence.
Also it is highly offensive to women, I discussed with my wife, that you objectify women and support the notion that they cannot think for themselves.
The GOP's problem is that women can think for themselves. Has been for 5 of the last 6 general elections where the GOP has lost the popular vote.

As for lady parts being the focal point of's not really the case but play it out in your mind. If a politician proposed a law that forced you to get sterilized after having one child, would it matter what his deficit reduction package was? Ninety percent of Catholic women ignore the teachings of their church and practice contraception. It's 98% according to Reuters:

Most Catholic women in U.S. use birth control | Reuters

If you don't think managing reproductive rights is a big deal, you'd have a hard time selling that to who should be the most receptive of crowds.

Pretty hilarious.

You should really tour with that caliber of material. I'm not a democrat so why would I care what other women do? The democrats are far more advanced thinking to reproductive rights as well as other women's issues. I, for one, wish we had two parties in this nation that thought women were equal to men but it's only the Democrats who seem to think it and express it in words if not always in action. It is the GOP passing restrictive laws at the state level, opposing the LLFPA, 138 republicans opposed extending the Violence against Women Act last February. I won't get into the name calling, the junk science, the positively cave-manish approach to even discussing the issues "legitimate rape", "gift from God." It goes on and on.

I have a newsflash for you....No one like a divider/divisive person. Get it?
But you go ahead and keep those cards and letters coming. You have made a side show of yourself. Court jesterette, if you will....

Fifty two percent of the electorate will be female in 2016. That you don't like that fact and feel threatened by it is of no concern to us.

My "material" has you trumped on every issue.
I'm sure Mitt said the same thing right up until 11/6/2012

You keep spouting off about the percentage of the female electorate.
Once again, you disparage women by assuming they vote in democrat lockstep.
That is your problem.
Of course I've never said that. You have to make up what you think I said so your can "trump" me.

I showed you stats, Obama won the women's vote in states he didn't win and by double digits in the key swing states of PA, MI, OH, WI.

Lockstep would be 100%

BTW, how do you know 52% of the electorate will be female? You've not provided one shred of it now....that will be the turnout.
You can look it up if you like.

You think you have this little war being fought between men and women.
You must realize you are every bit as divisive and bigoted as your run of the mill trailer trash redneck.
As a trailer trash redneck, you seem to be taking this personally.

You keep bothering yourself with this nonsense.
Meanwhile, what have democrats done for you? Other than give you a radical feminist a bullhorn to shout your shrill shrew like message of anger and self victimhood.
As much as you'd like to keep women down and voting for free shit, you will not succeed.
Standing in the middle of a crowded room screeching hysterics does not make your message viable. It makes you out to be a fool who cannot think for themselves.

Hysterics? Just facts.

I can post them again if you like. Oh, who am I kidding...I don't care if you like it or not:


Gee, I wonder if Hillary will do better? She actually would have to 'roid up to post the same incredible margins.

You start a war with women, they fight back. But please keep up with the name's worked wonders so far.
I'm sure you meant impose.

Yet somehow the House of Representatives (the anti-thesis to Obama) has single digit approval ratings. Hmmm. Apparently you're out on that limb by yourself.

Nonsense. I'm anti machine gun. I'm anti- the thought that whatever Private Jane Doe has access to....private citizen Jane Doe should have access to the same weaponry. It's pure craziness.

No, it's what your lazy research imposes (or infringes) on those you disagree with.

I know several female gun owners--one of them is my training buddy--hates Obama's guts. Her daughters (also own guns) all could not like Obama more. It's, by no means, an A=B relationship. Just as an aside, I think what you ignore (and most Republicans do too) is religion. Talk about imposing one's views on another...that is basically all Rick Santorum wanted to do. If you have Netflix, check out the Romney campaign video; women not named Ann speak for something like 15 seconds; its the patriarchal family structure the GOP wants to impose on the Country that the younger women reject. My buddy is comfortable with it; her daughters are not. They're single, college grads, into their careers, basically the cast of HBO's Girls.

I personally feel that the GOP is a bunch of scared folks who, understandably, reason as follows: We had a much more economically prosperous country when we had this patriarchy in place across the nation so we need to go back to those days when girls wore skirts, guys were never challenged by their girlfriend/wife, and everyone knew their place. Since that dynamic has changed and is not coming back...we get the "we're going to hell in a hand basket" threads.

The NRA lobby effectively kept sensible gun laws off of the books. That much is true.


Keep in mind the states on the left are NOT all states he won. He lost Arizona and North Carolina's EV's. But somehow won the women's votes in those states.

Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin by more than double digits!!! Presumably some of those women were gun owners or sympathetic to gun ownership rights. Yet Romney was powerless.

Running the Marlboro man in 2016 will likely help since Romney didn't embody gun ownership much more than Obama did but
The women's vote is a democratic stronghold and until you guys realize it's all about Roe, you'll never win the vote.

*dropping the mike*

typical liberal twit making unfounded assumptions again. if I meant impose I would have said impose. but we all know all you are capable of doing is spinning your own interpretation into everything.
I just assumed you wished to write a statement that made sense.


Makes sense​

Very few women are irresponsible sluts; at least as many irresponsible males who, of course, are never always blame the females. It's's the conservative in you.

Anyway...women who know the pain and ramifications of child birth are often the biggest advocates for the need to protect reproductive rights.

It would be a non issue if the conservatives would simply abide by the Roe decision instead of putting up all of the obstacles they have erected. But every time you do it, those that empathize find another reason to wonder aloud..."why am I a republican"

the fact that you really think it is an election winning issue shows how much of a filthy gutter tramp you are.
It has been shown to be an issue where the GOP has no standing. You are either ignorant of history or ignorant in general...take your pick.

you keep right on ripping fetuses out of your uterus. no one wants more of your kind around here anyway.

Again, I couldn't have written a better example of why the GOP is so brain-dead on women's issues. Are You sure you're not a liberal?

again, if you had a clue, it would make sense to you. your short comings are not my problem.

interesting thing, my wife went out to dinner with 4 friends tonight. I asked them who voted for Obama. 3 did 2 didn't. I asked them why they voted for Obama and these were the responses. I heard Romney was going to outsource more jobs. I didn't like sarah palin ??? never got a clear answer why that impacted her vote the 2nd time. and finally, I thought he was trying to do a good job for the country. I asked all 5 if they thought republicans were trying to impact womens reproductive rights. that took a little explaining to let them know I was asking were republicans trying to take away womens rights to birth control and abortion. I also asked if so would this issue prevent you from voting republican. well none of them even knew who Sandra fluke was. they knew republicans were anti abortion but didn't think they were trying to stop it. one even said , I don't remember bush ever trying to stop abortion. I got a where did you hear republicans were trying to stop birth control? I showed them some of the lunacy going on here. which got a few nice lol's. but it looks to me like the only ones worried about the republicans trying to impact womens rights are koolaid drinking, brain washed liberal twits like yourself. seriously candy. no one is buying your shit. what self respecting woman is even focused on the fact that they might not be able to run out and get an abortion tomorrow.
typical liberal twit making unfounded assumptions again. if I meant impose I would have said impose. but we all know all you are capable of doing is spinning your own interpretation into everything.
I just assumed you wished to write a statement that made sense.


Makes sense​

Very few women are irresponsible sluts; at least as many irresponsible males who, of course, are never always blame the females. It's's the conservative in you.

Anyway...women who know the pain and ramifications of child birth are often the biggest advocates for the need to protect reproductive rights.

It would be a non issue if the conservatives would simply abide by the Roe decision instead of putting up all of the obstacles they have erected. But every time you do it, those that empathize find another reason to wonder aloud..."why am I a republican"

It has been shown to be an issue where the GOP has no standing. You are either ignorant of history or ignorant in general...take your pick.

you keep right on ripping fetuses out of your uterus. no one wants more of your kind around here anyway.

Again, I couldn't have written a better example of why the GOP is so brain-dead on women's issues. Are You sure you're not a liberal?

again, if you had a clue, it would make sense to you. your short comings are not my problem.

interesting thing, my wife went out to dinner with 4 friends tonight. I asked them who voted for Obama. 3 did 2 didn't. I asked them why they voted for Obama and these were the responses. I heard Romney was going to outsource more jobs. I didn't like sarah palin ??? never got a clear answer why that impacted her vote the 2nd time. and finally, I thought he was trying to do a good job for the country. I asked all 5 if they thought republicans were trying to impact womens reproductive rights. that took a little explaining to let them know I was asking were republicans trying to take away womens rights to birth control and abortion. I also asked if so would this issue prevent you from voting republican. well none of them even knew who Sandra fluke was. they knew republicans were anti abortion but didn't think they were trying to stop it. one even said , I don't remember bush ever trying to stop abortion. I got a where did you hear republicans were trying to stop birth control? I showed them some of the lunacy going on here. which got a few nice lol's. but it looks to me like the only ones worried about the republicans trying to impact womens rights are koolaid drinking, brain washed liberal twits like yourself. seriously candy. no one is buying your shit. what self respecting woman is even focused on the fact that they might not be able to run out and get an abortion tomorrow.

Really? Somehow women in 4 swing states (OH, PA, WI, and MI) supported Obama over Romney by double digits. And please keep in mind that these states are purple and pretty much have just as many R's and D's...About 10% of those surveyed crossed party lines to support Obama

I would submit that the evidence in those four SWING STATES prove that the four women are not very well informed; either that or the polls are skewed yet again (just like they were before the election....right?)

Of course, you'll call this "kool aid drinking" or "hysterics" or some other mumbo jumbo...whatever dude. Facts are facts.

It's unlikely you showed anyone anything tonight (it looks like you've been here the entire evening)...except how inexplicably dismissive you are of facts.

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