Are blacks "political chumps" for supporting Democrats

Are older white men chumps for kissing the butt of corporate american and doing their whims while they are used and kicked aside.

Personally, I do not believe that black support Democrats in the numbers purported. I remain unshakable in my conviction that whatever the true vote is, the Democrat Big City Machines manufacture the 95-5% black vote supporting Democrats. If we ever had real voter ID and honest elections black "support" of Democrats would plummet. That said, and somehow this wasn't in the "Malcolm X" movie, he believed that blacks who supported Democrats were "Political chumps" and I concur

Blacks know that they can do better that failing public schools and public housing, they need to take a look at what Democrats have done to them all these years

MALCOLM X: "You're A Political Chump!" - YouTube

"Anytime you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that Party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that Party, you’re not only a chump, but you’re a traitor to your race. – Malcolm X

They try and pass the buck to the Dixiecrats. Now back during the days when you were blind, deaf, and dumb, ignorant, politically immature, naturally you went along with that. But today as your eyes come open, and you develop political maturity, you’re able to see and think for yourself, and you can see that a Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat in disguise. – Malcolm X

They’ve been down there four years, and they’re — all other legislation they wanted to bring up they brought it up and gotten it out of the way, and now they bring up you. And now, they bring up you. You put them first, and they put you last, ’cause you’re a chump, a political chump". – Malcolm X
well it was the black and Hispanic vote, but then again history is not your strong point

Logic isn't yours.

Blacks and Hispanics helped but roughly 1/2 of the Blacks and Hispanics voting are female. Single women destroyed any hope of Romney ever being President. The fact that he wants to control their bodies and remove their reproductive rights was central to that. It turns out that apparently libidos make you vote for Democrats.

half of any demographic that voted for anyone was a woman. ok pinhead.
Finally, you see the light.

i'll help you out here. you have to look at the demographic for women only. more woman voted for Obama, but more men voted for Romney. they basically cancelled each other out.
Women make up (and will continue to) a higher % of the electorate than men.

and guess what, of the 20,000,000 plus new gun permit applications per year, the majority are women. they'll be thinking twice about voting for a liberal in the future.

You simply don't understand the average female voter; in other words, you're a typical republican. As if when it comes down to choosing between one party hell bent on protecting the right to reproductive choice and the other hell bent on getting between a woman an her right...gun control enters the equation.

I suppose you figure there is some sort of mental scale with what you like about candidate/party A on the left and what you like about candidate/party B on the right. You pile issues on one side or the other and when you're done; Presto! whatever side has more weight....that is who you vote for. Right?

I'll help you out pinhead. Some topics carry more weight than the other. Gun control (by the way it's been 5 years and Obama/liberals have collected zero weapons) is a non-starter outside of the bible belt. Much like affirmative action is likely a non-starter in the bible belt.
Additionally, there are already a lot of female gun owners. Someone once said the women's vote went for Obama...strange.
well it was the black and Hispanic vote, but then again history is not your strong point

Logic isn't yours.

Blacks and Hispanics helped but roughly 1/2 of the Blacks and Hispanics voting are female. Single women destroyed any hope of Romney ever being President. The fact that he wants to control their bodies and remove their reproductive rights was central to that. It turns out that apparently libidos make you vote for Democrats.

Now THAT is funny.

For four years Obama abused the power of his office to suppress the vote of his political opposition, laundering BILLIONS of campaign dollars to covertly fund DNC state operations, which defrauded the vote on an unprecedented scale, Obama's welfare queens managed to carry the vote by three million votes.

In Florida, the Democrats kept the polls open for nearly 24 hours beyond the Legal hours of Operations, with Poll operators in Dade/Broward and Palm beach counties, claiming that they didn't have enough ballots, which represents the majority of Florida's Democrat constituency. The won the state of 8.4 million voters by fewer than 70,000 votes. Which they repeated in State after State. The '12 election was a TOTAL SCAM.

Wow, quite a yarn there...

So as election day proceeded, in all 26 states that Obama won. During that 24 hour period, the democrats kept polls opened in those 26 states; even when the state had Republican governors and presumably GOP cabinets and bureau chiefs etc... Rick Scott and Scott Walker just let it happen? Really? But somehow, the tactic didn't work in the 24 states that Romney was awarded?

It reminds me of my liberal friends who swore the GOP fixed the 2000 and 2004 election but somehow forgot how to do it during the 06 midterms and in 08;

Yeah, okay.:cuckoo:
zenith, RCA, and Motorola could not compete with the japanese and taiwanese on an equal basis. Union wages and benefits made it impossible. Same thing with textiles and shipbuilding. Remember "look for the union label" ? well now all you see on your clothes is "made in costa rica, or mexico, or india"

On the car thing. The very successful BMW, Mercedes, Kia, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Hyundai, and Mazda plants in the south are NON-UNION. They pay very good wages and have a great benefit package, while the UAW has turned the once great city of Detroit into a cess pool.

Uh, Dumbass, the Japanese have unions. They have stronger unions than we have. Their unions can vote out the CEO.

And the only reason why they are opening "assembly" plants in the south (the components are made in Japan and China and Europe) is because that is cheaper than importing a whole car.

What made it impossible is that we signed bad trade treaties, while these other countries looked at their manufacturing as a national resource to be protected.

When a japanese goes to work for a company, that company becomes his/her family, they take care of each other in every way. Their "unions" are nothing like ours, and yes, they can vote out the CEO just like a family can take power away from the grandfather when he becomes senile.

I do agree with you that we have made bad trade deals, some of the worst have been done by obama and clinton.

but all is well, after all, obama did bow to the saudi king. Allah will shine on Barry.

Did Bush or Bush Sr. not hold hands with one of these Saudis?
Logic isn't yours.

Blacks and Hispanics helped but roughly 1/2 of the Blacks and Hispanics voting are female. Single women destroyed any hope of Romney ever being President. The fact that he wants to control their bodies and remove their reproductive rights was central to that. It turns out that apparently libidos make you vote for Democrats.

half of any demographic that voted for anyone was a woman. ok pinhead.
Finally, you see the light.

i'll help you out here. you have to look at the demographic for women only. more woman voted for Obama, but more men voted for Romney. they basically cancelled each other out.
Women make up (and will continue to) a higher % of the electorate than men.

and guess what, of the 20,000,000 plus new gun permit applications per year, the majority are women. they'll be thinking twice about voting for a liberal in the future.

You simply don't understand the average female voter; in other words, you're a typical republican. As if when it comes down to choosing between one party hell bent on protecting the right to reproductive choice and the other hell bent on getting between a woman an her right...gun control enters the equation.

I suppose you figure there is some sort of mental scale with what you like about candidate/party A on the left and what you like about candidate/party B on the right. You pile issues on one side or the other and when you're done; Presto! whatever side has more weight....that is who you vote for. Right?

I'll help you out pinhead. Some topics carry more weight than the other. Gun control (by the way it's been 5 years and Obama/liberals have collected zero weapons) is a non-starter outside of the bible belt. Much like affirmative action is likely a non-starter in the bible belt.
Additionally, there are already a lot of female gun owners. Someone once said the women's vote went for Obama...strange.

well again you are wrong. I'm actually a registered democrat. one who is sick of a democratic government trying to infringe their agendas on me. which is exactly where most people are today. see you are anti gun, and that is the only point of view you can see. remember this too. Obama and the democrats didn't step up their gun initiative until after he was already elected for his second term. had he attempted that before, he would have lost. talk to many female gun owners? they are anti Obama. and I live in an overwhelmingly democrat state.

remember after sandy hook you liberal nut jobs were so sure mandatory background checks were going to happen. 85% of America wanted them remember? well you gun grabbing congressmen found out differently. people made their voices heard and even an extremely watered down bill couldn't pass. face it, guns talk and are here to stay.
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Blacks, in general, just aren't very informed when it comes to politics. They vote for who their leaders (who are paid off by the democrat party) tell them to vote for.

And that can be said for any lo-info color of people who watch CNN or MSNBC. They really don't know the current news that would come back and kick their teeth in economically. Comedy Central viewers who think that is a news channel. :lol: The independents are the group of voters both sides need to win over, to win, PERIOD!
It's really funny and infuriating how you Teabaggers say shit like "Blacks in general" and then claim to not be racist.

And then you actually wonder why so many black people won't vote Republican?

Have you GOP voters ever heard of the GOP's "southern strategy"?
half of any demographic that voted for anyone was a woman. ok pinhead.
Finally, you see the light.

Women make up (and will continue to) a higher % of the electorate than men.

and guess what, of the 20,000,000 plus new gun permit applications per year, the majority are women. they'll be thinking twice about voting for a liberal in the future.

You simply don't understand the average female voter; in other words, you're a typical republican. As if when it comes down to choosing between one party hell bent on protecting the right to reproductive choice and the other hell bent on getting between a woman an her right...gun control enters the equation.

I suppose you figure there is some sort of mental scale with what you like about candidate/party A on the left and what you like about candidate/party B on the right. You pile issues on one side or the other and when you're done; Presto! whatever side has more weight....that is who you vote for. Right?

I'll help you out pinhead. Some topics carry more weight than the other. Gun control (by the way it's been 5 years and Obama/liberals have collected zero weapons) is a non-starter outside of the bible belt. Much like affirmative action is likely a non-starter in the bible belt.
Additionally, there are already a lot of female gun owners. Someone once said the women's vote went for Obama...strange.

well again you are wrong. I'm actually a registered democrat. one who is sick of a democratic government trying to infringe their agendas on me.
I'm sure you meant impose.

which is exactly where most people are today.
Yet somehow the House of Representatives (the anti-thesis to Obama) has single digit approval ratings. Hmmm. Apparently you're out on that limb by yourself.

see you are anti gun,
Nonsense. I'm anti machine gun. I'm anti- the thought that whatever Private Jane Doe has access to....private citizen Jane Doe should have access to the same weaponry. It's pure craziness.

and that is the only point of view you can see.
No, it's what your lazy research imposes (or infringes) on those you disagree with.

Obama and the democrats didn't step up their gun initiative until after he was already elected for his second term. had he attempted that before, he would have lost. talk to many female gun owners? they are anti Obama. and I live in an overwhelmingly democrat state.
I know several female gun owners--one of them is my training buddy--hates Obama's guts. Her daughters (also own guns) all could not like Obama more. It's, by no means, an A=B relationship. Just as an aside, I think what you ignore (and most Republicans do too) is religion. Talk about imposing one's views on another...that is basically all Rick Santorum wanted to do. If you have Netflix, check out the Romney campaign video; women not named Ann speak for something like 15 seconds; its the patriarchal family structure the GOP wants to impose on the Country that the younger women reject. My buddy is comfortable with it; her daughters are not. They're single, college grads, into their careers, basically the cast of HBO's Girls.

I personally feel that the GOP is a bunch of scared folks who, understandably, reason as follows: We had a much more economically prosperous country when we had this patriarchy in place across the nation so we need to go back to those days when girls wore skirts, guys were never challenged by their girlfriend/wife, and everyone knew their place. Since that dynamic has changed and is not coming back...we get the "we're going to hell in a hand basket" threads.

remember after sandy hook you liberal nut jobs were so sure mandatory background checks were going to happen. 85% of America wanted them remember? well you gun grabbing congressmen found out differently. people made their voices heard and even an extremely watered down bill couldn't pass. face it, guns talk and are here to stay.

The NRA lobby effectively kept sensible gun laws off of the books. That much is true.


Keep in mind the states on the left are NOT all states he won. He lost Arizona and North Carolina's EV's. But somehow won the women's votes in those states.

Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin by more than double digits!!! Presumably some of those women were gun owners or sympathetic to gun ownership rights. Yet Romney was powerless.

Running the Marlboro man in 2016 will likely help since Romney didn't embody gun ownership much more than Obama did but
The women's vote is a democratic stronghold and until you guys realize it's all about Roe, you'll never win the vote.

*dropping the mike*
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About like the poverty stricken southern voters that vote for republicans. Now those are chumps.

Have figures to back that up? And tell us why Blue Staters are abandoning places like California, New York (Controlled by DEMOCRATS) for more fiscally responsible places like Florida, Texas, Georgia, North and South know the poor South? Can't be too bad eh?

Oh, he'll claim to have the figures but will refuse to link them. Instead, he will tell you to look them up yourself. They're out there, he just can't be bothered...

It should be policy here at USMB that, when making such claims, a member should be required to link their source...
Whine and snivel a little more.... Lay on your back and kick your feet.... Now suck your thumb.
It's really funny and infuriating how you Teabaggers say shit like "Blacks in general" and then claim to not be racist.

And then you actually wonder why so many black people won't vote Republican?

Have you GOP voters ever heard of the GOP's "southern strategy"?

So "Teabaggers" who say "blacks in general" are racist but you who say "so many black people won't vote Republican" are not racist.
Yeah, we get it. You're a 'tard.
Remind us what the "Southern Strategy" was.

THe truth is democrats and liberals are the biggest racists out there, insisting black people cannot get ahead without special set asides and preferences, pushing policies and programs that have demonstrated their success only at pushing blacks to one parent families and government dependence.
Finally, you see the light.

Women make up (and will continue to) a higher % of the electorate than men.

You simply don't understand the average female voter; in other words, you're a typical republican. As if when it comes down to choosing between one party hell bent on protecting the right to reproductive choice and the other hell bent on getting between a woman an her right...gun control enters the equation.

I suppose you figure there is some sort of mental scale with what you like about candidate/party A on the left and what you like about candidate/party B on the right. You pile issues on one side or the other and when you're done; Presto! whatever side has more weight....that is who you vote for. Right?

I'll help you out pinhead. Some topics carry more weight than the other. Gun control (by the way it's been 5 years and Obama/liberals have collected zero weapons) is a non-starter outside of the bible belt. Much like affirmative action is likely a non-starter in the bible belt.
Additionally, there are already a lot of female gun owners. Someone once said the women's vote went for Obama...strange.

well again you are wrong. I'm actually a registered democrat. one who is sick of a democratic government trying to infringe their agendas on me.
I'm sure you meant impose.

Yet somehow the House of Representatives (the anti-thesis to Obama) has single digit approval ratings. Hmmm. Apparently you're out on that limb by yourself.

Nonsense. I'm anti machine gun. I'm anti- the thought that whatever Private Jane Doe has access to....private citizen Jane Doe should have access to the same weaponry. It's pure craziness.

No, it's what your lazy research imposes (or infringes) on those you disagree with.

Obama and the democrats didn't step up their gun initiative until after he was already elected for his second term. had he attempted that before, he would have lost. talk to many female gun owners? they are anti Obama. and I live in an overwhelmingly democrat state.
I know several female gun owners--one of them is my training buddy--hates Obama's guts. Her daughters (also own guns) all could not like Obama more. It's, by no means, an A=B relationship.

remember after sandy hook you liberal nut jobs were so sure mandatory background checks were going to happen. 85% of America wanted them remember? well you gun grabbing congressmen found out differently. people made their voices heard and even an extremely watered down bill couldn't pass. face it, guns talk and are here to stay.

The NRA lobby effectively kept sensible gun laws off of the books. That much is true.


Keep in mind the states on the left are NOT all states he won. He lost Arizona and North Carolina's EV's. But somehow won the women's votes in those states.

Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin by more than double digits!!! Presumably some of those women were gun owners or sympathetic to gun ownership rights. Yet Romney was powerless.

Running the Marlboro man in 2016 will likely help since Romney didn't embody gun ownership much more than Obama did but
The women's vote is a democratic stronghold and until you guys realize it's all about Roe, you'll never win the vote.

*dropping the mike*

I go to the range every other week, usually to train with which ever side arm is up in the rotation, at any of several ranges.

30 years ago, it was not unlikely that you'd see a woman at the range, but odds were if you did, she was with her boyfriend, and you rarely saw her twice.

Today, you will see women at the range every day, without fail and it is not uncommon that the women will be the majority of shooters.

Women are not anti-gun, they're anti-getting their assed kicked.

Now here's another stat for ya: Women are moving out of states which prevent or stringently control the ownership and effective use of a firearm, TO STATES THAT DO NOT.

It seems that even though it took a while for them to figure it out, that women are coming to understand that the Daddy-State isn't even as good as their abusive husband in protecting them and that "State Agencies" who claim to protect women are counter productive, often wrecking families, stripping them of their children and abusing them in worse ways than the alcoholic asshole they shacked up with. So they're turning from the Daddy State and back to Daddy, where their bread is buttered and taste the sweetest, for the longest, hedging their bets with a dainty ACP and High-cap Mag.

The addled old hags of the NAGS are still out there, obviously, but they're dyin' off leaving nothing behind but their cats and their lies.
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Logic isn't yours.

Blacks and Hispanics helped but roughly 1/2 of the Blacks and Hispanics voting are female. Single women destroyed any hope of Romney ever being President. The fact that he wants to control their bodies and remove their reproductive rights was central to that. It turns out that apparently libidos make you vote for Democrats.

Now THAT is funny.

For four years Obama abused the power of his office to suppress the vote of his political opposition, laundering BILLIONS of campaign dollars to covertly fund DNC state operations, which defrauded the vote on an unprecedented scale, Obama's welfare queens managed to carry the vote by three million votes.

In Florida, the Democrats kept the polls open for nearly 24 hours beyond the Legal hours of Operations, with Poll operators in Dade/Broward and Palm beach counties, claiming that they didn't have enough ballots, which represents the majority of Florida's Democrat constituency. The won the state of 8.4 million voters by fewer than 70,000 votes. Which they repeated in State after State. The '12 election was a TOTAL SCAM.

Wow, quite a yarn there...

So as election day proceeded, in all 26 states that Obama won. During that 24 hour period, the democrats kept polls opened in those 26 states; even when the state had Republican governors and presumably GOP cabinets and bureau chiefs etc... Rick Scott and Scott Walker just let it happen? Really? But somehow, the tactic didn't work in the 24 states that Romney was awarded?

It reminds me of my liberal friends who swore the GOP fixed the 2000 and 2004 election but somehow forgot how to do it during the 06 midterms and in 08;

Yeah, okay.:cuckoo:

Ladies and Gentlemen of the USMB, I present for your entertainment pleasure:

The Relativist!

Notice how DESPITE the IRS PUBLICLY ADMITTING THAT IT SUPPRESSED THE TEA PARTY VOTE, in the mind of the Relativist, 'that don't mean much.'

When the Head of the IRS TAKES THE 5th!, 'that's NOTHIN'!

The President comes out, says 'If it happened HEADS WILL ROLL!', they appoint a political crony to 'Investigate': NO HEADS ROLL, what do they see: 'Nothin''.

Election law is violated in State after State after STATE, few if ANYONE is charged, except a handful of the lowest threshold poll workers, elderly woman for the most part, SENT TO PRISON for election fraud. MEANS NOTHIN''

And FWIW, in 2000, You and your 'friends' weren't pissed about the GOP successfully defrauding the election, you were pissed that YOUR FRAUD FAILED!

Democrat Poll workers caught with Cases of Ballots and voting machines IN THEIR TRUNK!


It's naked sociopathy.

Deceit <=> FRAUD <=> Ignorance
>>> >> S O C I A L I S M << <<<
Blacks are so dependent on govt that they just keep voting Dem...Except

Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider

Dont mention this because talking points dont match. derp.

That is SUCH a load of nonsense. Absolute BULLSHIT!

I would wager that there are more people on welfare in Chicago, NYC, and DC, than are in MISSISSIPPI.

you would lose because these are the facts. Kinda blows away your entire premise that blacks vote dem to get govt benes when republicans are the main ones on the govt tit.

Why are Republicans addicted to the Govt? Why cant they pull themselves up by the bootstraps and start taking responsibility for themselves?
You have another thread detailing how the GOP is alienating black people?

No there is another thread about Huckabee's stupid statement on birth control....Why don't you head over there and bore those people to death with your femininazi horseshit.

I'd rather stay here and annoy you.

So isn't it funny that here we are 14 months after Romney getting field dressed (due to the women's vote mainly) and the autopsy report by Princess Phillips or whatever her name is and you guys are still making dumbass statements about women's reproductive systems?

Gee, another week of you guys having to try to convince people you don't really hate women.

Stupidity is not annoying. It's stupidity.
The women's vote?
Please. Enough with the estrogen overload.
You have serious problems.
You are hung up on your gender to the point of distraction.
It is as though your lady parts are the focal point of your existence.
Also it is highly offensive to women, I discussed with my wife, that you objectify women and support the notion that they cannot think for themselves.
Your premise is "I am woman therefore I must vote democrat lest I get called out by far left wing feminazi's (like you) and be accused of not sticking with the cause of the sisterhood.
With the hostile attitude toward men that you display, I would not be surprised if men you approach would rather just stab themselves in the eye with a pencil rather than endure 30 seconds of your "I am woman hear me roar" left over feminist bullshit.
I have a newsflash for you....No one like a divider/divisive person. Get it?
But you go ahead and keep those cards and letters coming. You have made a side show of yourself. Court jesterette, if you will....

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