Are blacks "political chumps" for supporting Democrats

Personally, I do not believe that black support Democrats in the numbers purported. I remain unshakable in my conviction that whatever the true vote is, the Democrat Big City Machines manufacture the 95-5% black vote supporting Democrats. If we ever had real voter ID and honest elections black "support" of Democrats would plummet. That said, and somehow this wasn't in the "Malcolm X" movie, he believed that blacks who supported Democrats were "Political chumps" and I concur

Blacks know that they can do better that failing public schools and public housing, they need to take a look at what Democrats have done to them all these years

MALCOLM X: "You're A Political Chump!" - YouTube

"Anytime you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that Party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that Party, you’re not only a chump, but you’re a traitor to your race. – Malcolm X

They try and pass the buck to the Dixiecrats. Now back during the days when you were blind, deaf, and dumb, ignorant, politically immature, naturally you went along with that. But today as your eyes come open, and you develop political maturity, you’re able to see and think for yourself, and you can see that a Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat in disguise. – Malcolm X

They’ve been down there four years, and they’re — all other legislation they wanted to bring up they brought it up and gotten it out of the way, and now they bring up you. And now, they bring up you. You put them first, and they put you last, ’cause you’re a chump, a political chump". – Malcolm X

I'm a big fan of Malcolm X...

'n if I coulda been there when he got shot down, I'da taken a bullet 'r two trying to protect him...
I just assumed you wished to write a statement that made sense.


Makes sense​

Very few women are irresponsible sluts; at least as many irresponsible males who, of course, are never always blame the females. It's's the conservative in you.

Anyway...women who know the pain and ramifications of child birth are often the biggest advocates for the need to protect reproductive rights.

It would be a non issue if the conservatives would simply abide by the Roe decision instead of putting up all of the obstacles they have erected. But every time you do it, those that empathize find another reason to wonder aloud..."why am I a republican"

It has been shown to be an issue where the GOP has no standing. You are either ignorant of history or ignorant in general...take your pick.

Again, I couldn't have written a better example of why the GOP is so brain-dead on women's issues. Are You sure you're not a liberal?

again, if you had a clue, it would make sense to you. your short comings are not my problem.

interesting thing, my wife went out to dinner with 4 friends tonight. I asked them who voted for Obama. 3 did 2 didn't. I asked them why they voted for Obama and these were the responses. I heard Romney was going to outsource more jobs. I didn't like sarah palin ??? never got a clear answer why that impacted her vote the 2nd time. and finally, I thought he was trying to do a good job for the country. I asked all 5 if they thought republicans were trying to impact womens reproductive rights. that took a little explaining to let them know I was asking were republicans trying to take away womens rights to birth control and abortion. I also asked if so would this issue prevent you from voting republican. well none of them even knew who Sandra fluke was. they knew republicans were anti abortion but didn't think they were trying to stop it. one even said , I don't remember bush ever trying to stop abortion. I got a where did you hear republicans were trying to stop birth control? I showed them some of the lunacy going on here. which got a few nice lol's. but it looks to me like the only ones worried about the republicans trying to impact womens rights are koolaid drinking, brain washed liberal twits like yourself. seriously candy. no one is buying your shit. what self respecting woman is even focused on the fact that they might not be able to run out and get an abortion tomorrow.

Really? Somehow women in 4 swing states (OH, PA, WI, and MI) supported Obama over Romney by double digits. And please keep in mind that these states are purple and pretty much have just as many R's and D's...About 10% of those surveyed crossed party lines to support Obama

I would submit that the evidence in those four SWING STATES prove that the four women are not very well informed; either that or the polls are skewed yet again (just like they were before the election....right?)

Of course, you'll call this "kool aid drinking" or "hysterics" or some other mumbo jumbo...whatever dude. Facts are facts.

It's unlikely you showed anyone anything tonight (it looks like you've been here the entire evening)...except how inexplicably dismissive you are of facts.

yea candy, you are a hysterical partisan liberal hack. you're so off the wall i'll bet you are a moveon member. please, most women aren't worried whether or not they'll be able to run out and get their next abortion. since roe vs wade you've had 23 years of republican presidents and none of them have ever moved to end abortions. get real. and face facts, the next election, the economy, healthcare and gun rights are going to be the issues the left is going to have to answer for. you're bullshit is going to be buried in a landslide.
Personally, I do not believe that black support Democrats in the numbers purported. I remain unshakable in my conviction that whatever the true vote is, the Democrat Big City Machines manufacture the 95-5% black vote supporting Democrats. If we ever had real voter ID and honest elections black "support" of Democrats would plummet. That said, and somehow this wasn't in the "Malcolm X" movie, he believed that blacks who supported Democrats were "Political chumps" and I concur

Blacks know that they can do better that failing public schools and public housing, they need to take a look at what Democrats have done to them all these years

MALCOLM X: "You're A Political Chump!" - YouTube

"Anytime you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that Party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that Party, you’re not only a chump, but you’re a traitor to your race. – Malcolm X

They try and pass the buck to the Dixiecrats. Now back during the days when you were blind, deaf, and dumb, ignorant, politically immature, naturally you went along with that. But today as your eyes come open, and you develop political maturity, you’re able to see and think for yourself, and you can see that a Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat in disguise. – Malcolm X

They’ve been down there four years, and they’re — all other legislation they wanted to bring up they brought it up and gotten it out of the way, and now they bring up you. And now, they bring up you. You put them first, and they put you last, ’cause you’re a chump, a political chump". – Malcolm X

The Republican base are chumps for voting for an odious and racist party that screws them over time and time again. Do you want examples? We have plenty.
I'm sure you meant impose.

Yet somehow the House of Representatives (the anti-thesis to Obama) has single digit approval ratings. Hmmm. Apparently you're out on that limb by yourself.

Nonsense. I'm anti machine gun. I'm anti- the thought that whatever Private Jane Doe has access to....private citizen Jane Doe should have access to the same weaponry. It's pure craziness.

No, it's what your lazy research imposes (or infringes) on those you disagree with.

I know several female gun owners--one of them is my training buddy--hates Obama's guts. Her daughters (also own guns) all could not like Obama more. It's, by no means, an A=B relationship. Just as an aside, I think what you ignore (and most Republicans do too) is religion. Talk about imposing one's views on another...that is basically all Rick Santorum wanted to do. If you have Netflix, check out the Romney campaign video; women not named Ann speak for something like 15 seconds; its the patriarchal family structure the GOP wants to impose on the Country that the younger women reject. My buddy is comfortable with it; her daughters are not. They're single, college grads, into their careers, basically the cast of HBO's Girls.

I personally feel that the GOP is a bunch of scared folks who, understandably, reason as follows: We had a much more economically prosperous country when we had this patriarchy in place across the nation so we need to go back to those days when girls wore skirts, guys were never challenged by their girlfriend/wife, and everyone knew their place. Since that dynamic has changed and is not coming back...we get the "we're going to hell in a hand basket" threads.

The NRA lobby effectively kept sensible gun laws off of the books. That much is true.


Keep in mind the states on the left are NOT all states he won. He lost Arizona and North Carolina's EV's. But somehow won the women's votes in those states.

Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin by more than double digits!!! Presumably some of those women were gun owners or sympathetic to gun ownership rights. Yet Romney was powerless.

Running the Marlboro man in 2016 will likely help since Romney didn't embody gun ownership much more than Obama did but
The women's vote is a democratic stronghold and until you guys realize it's all about Roe, you'll never win the vote.

*dropping the mike*

typical liberal twit making unfounded assumptions again. if I meant impose I would have said impose. but we all know all you are capable of doing is spinning your own interpretation into everything.
I just assumed you wished to write a statement that made sense.


Makes sense​

Very few women are irresponsible sluts; at least as many irresponsible males who, of course, are never always blame the females. It's's the conservative in you.

Anyway...women who know the pain and ramifications of child birth are often the biggest advocates for the need to protect reproductive rights.

It would be a non issue if the conservatives would simply abide by the Roe decision instead of putting up all of the obstacles they have erected. But every time you do it, those that empathize find another reason to wonder aloud..."why am I a republican"

the fact that you really think it is an election winning issue shows how much of a filthy gutter tramp you are.
It has been shown to be an issue where the GOP has no standing. You are either ignorant of history or ignorant in general...take your pick.

you keep right on ripping fetuses out of your uterus. no one wants more of your kind around here anyway.

Again, I couldn't have written a better example of why the GOP is so brain-dead on women's issues. Are You sure you're not a liberal?

I wonder if the GOP's next solution is to arm the children?
again, if you had a clue, it would make sense to you. your short comings are not my problem.

interesting thing, my wife went out to dinner with 4 friends tonight. I asked them who voted for Obama. 3 did 2 didn't. I asked them why they voted for Obama and these were the responses. I heard Romney was going to outsource more jobs. I didn't like sarah palin ??? never got a clear answer why that impacted her vote the 2nd time. and finally, I thought he was trying to do a good job for the country. I asked all 5 if they thought republicans were trying to impact womens reproductive rights. that took a little explaining to let them know I was asking were republicans trying to take away womens rights to birth control and abortion. I also asked if so would this issue prevent you from voting republican. well none of them even knew who Sandra fluke was. they knew republicans were anti abortion but didn't think they were trying to stop it. one even said , I don't remember bush ever trying to stop abortion. I got a where did you hear republicans were trying to stop birth control? I showed them some of the lunacy going on here. which got a few nice lol's. but it looks to me like the only ones worried about the republicans trying to impact womens rights are koolaid drinking, brain washed liberal twits like yourself. seriously candy. no one is buying your shit. what self respecting woman is even focused on the fact that they might not be able to run out and get an abortion tomorrow.

Really? Somehow women in 4 swing states (OH, PA, WI, and MI) supported Obama over Romney by double digits. And please keep in mind that these states are purple and pretty much have just as many R's and D's...About 10% of those surveyed crossed party lines to support Obama

I would submit that the evidence in those four SWING STATES prove that the four women are not very well informed; either that or the polls are skewed yet again (just like they were before the election....right?)

Of course, you'll call this "kool aid drinking" or "hysterics" or some other mumbo jumbo...whatever dude. Facts are facts.

It's unlikely you showed anyone anything tonight (it looks like you've been here the entire evening)...except how inexplicably dismissive you are of facts.

yea candy, you are a hysterical partisan liberal hack. you're so off the wall i'll bet you are a moveon member.
I didn't even know you could join move on.

please, most women aren't worried whether or not they'll be able to run out and get their next abortion.
I've already agreed with you on that. But they are sympathetic to those who need to exercise their right to reproductive choice.

Much like the youth are sympathetic to plight of LGBT individuals and the hatred you guys have for them.

since roe vs wade you've had 23 years of republican presidents and none of them have ever moved to end abortions. get real. and face facts,
Romney said he wanted Roe overturned. Fact.
He got his ass handed to him. Fact
Obama won swing states (the women's vote in OH, MI, WI, PA) by double digits. Fact.

I love facing facts. They are all support my thesis.

the next election, the economy, healthcare and gun rights are going to be the issues the left is going to have to answer for. you're bullshit is going to be buried in a landslide.

2014 will (or should be) a very good year for the GOP since there are more Dem seats up for grabs and the House is gerrymandered to prevent any meaningful movement. Ari Fleischer had a good piece about folks like you.

GOP Image Still Muddled, a Year After Priebus Report

I'm sure he's "spewing bullshit" as well.
typical liberal twit making unfounded assumptions again. if I meant impose I would have said impose. but we all know all you are capable of doing is spinning your own interpretation into everything.
I just assumed you wished to write a statement that made sense.


Makes sense​

Very few women are irresponsible sluts; at least as many irresponsible males who, of course, are never always blame the females. It's's the conservative in you.

Anyway...women who know the pain and ramifications of child birth are often the biggest advocates for the need to protect reproductive rights.

It would be a non issue if the conservatives would simply abide by the Roe decision instead of putting up all of the obstacles they have erected. But every time you do it, those that empathize find another reason to wonder aloud..."why am I a republican"

It has been shown to be an issue where the GOP has no standing. You are either ignorant of history or ignorant in general...take your pick.

you keep right on ripping fetuses out of your uterus. no one wants more of your kind around here anyway.

Again, I couldn't have written a better example of why the GOP is so brain-dead on women's issues. Are You sure you're not a liberal?

again, if you had a clue, it would make sense to you. your short comings are not my problem.

interesting thing, my wife went out to dinner with 4 friends tonight. I asked them who voted for Obama. 3 did 2 didn't. I asked them why they voted for Obama and these were the responses. I heard Romney was going to outsource more jobs. I didn't like sarah palin ??? never got a clear answer why that impacted her vote the 2nd time. and finally, I thought he was trying to do a good job for the country. I asked all 5 if they thought republicans were trying to impact womens reproductive rights. that took a little explaining to let them know I was asking were republicans trying to take away womens rights to birth control and abortion. I also asked if so would this issue prevent you from voting republican. well none of them even knew who Sandra fluke was. they knew republicans were anti abortion but didn't think they were trying to stop it. one even said , I don't remember bush ever trying to stop abortion. I got a where did you hear republicans were trying to stop birth control? I showed them some of the lunacy going on here. which got a few nice lol's. but it looks to me like the only ones worried about the republicans trying to impact womens rights are koolaid drinking, brain washed liberal twits like yourself. seriously candy. no one is buying your shit. what self respecting woman is even focused on the fact that they might not be able to run out and get an abortion tomorrow.

So, where did you all go for dinner where you showed them the "lunacy"?
I just assumed you wished to write a statement that made sense.


Makes sense​

Very few women are irresponsible sluts; at least as many irresponsible males who, of course, are never always blame the females. It's's the conservative in you.

Anyway...women who know the pain and ramifications of child birth are often the biggest advocates for the need to protect reproductive rights.

It would be a non issue if the conservatives would simply abide by the Roe decision instead of putting up all of the obstacles they have erected. But every time you do it, those that empathize find another reason to wonder aloud..."why am I a republican"

It has been shown to be an issue where the GOP has no standing. You are either ignorant of history or ignorant in general...take your pick.

Again, I couldn't have written a better example of why the GOP is so brain-dead on women's issues. Are You sure you're not a liberal?

again, if you had a clue, it would make sense to you. your short comings are not my problem.

interesting thing, my wife went out to dinner with 4 friends tonight. I asked them who voted for Obama. 3 did 2 didn't. I asked them why they voted for Obama and these were the responses. I heard Romney was going to outsource more jobs. I didn't like sarah palin ??? never got a clear answer why that impacted her vote the 2nd time. and finally, I thought he was trying to do a good job for the country. I asked all 5 if they thought republicans were trying to impact womens reproductive rights. that took a little explaining to let them know I was asking were republicans trying to take away womens rights to birth control and abortion. I also asked if so would this issue prevent you from voting republican. well none of them even knew who Sandra fluke was. they knew republicans were anti abortion but didn't think they were trying to stop it. one even said , I don't remember bush ever trying to stop abortion. I got a where did you hear republicans were trying to stop birth control? I showed them some of the lunacy going on here. which got a few nice lol's. but it looks to me like the only ones worried about the republicans trying to impact womens rights are koolaid drinking, brain washed liberal twits like yourself. seriously candy. no one is buying your shit. what self respecting woman is even focused on the fact that they might not be able to run out and get an abortion tomorrow.

So, where did you all go for dinner where you showed them the "lunacy"?

more comprehension issues on your part? my wife went out to dinner with 4 friends. where am I in that mix?
again, if you had a clue, it would make sense to you. your short comings are not my problem.

interesting thing, my wife went out to dinner with 4 friends tonight. I asked them who voted for Obama. 3 did 2 didn't. I asked them why they voted for Obama and these were the responses. I heard Romney was going to outsource more jobs. I didn't like sarah palin ??? never got a clear answer why that impacted her vote the 2nd time. and finally, I thought he was trying to do a good job for the country. I asked all 5 if they thought republicans were trying to impact womens reproductive rights. that took a little explaining to let them know I was asking were republicans trying to take away womens rights to birth control and abortion. I also asked if so would this issue prevent you from voting republican. well none of them even knew who Sandra fluke was. they knew republicans were anti abortion but didn't think they were trying to stop it. one even said , I don't remember bush ever trying to stop abortion. I got a where did you hear republicans were trying to stop birth control? I showed them some of the lunacy going on here. which got a few nice lol's. but it looks to me like the only ones worried about the republicans trying to impact womens rights are koolaid drinking, brain washed liberal twits like yourself. seriously candy. no one is buying your shit. what self respecting woman is even focused on the fact that they might not be able to run out and get an abortion tomorrow.

So, where did you all go for dinner where you showed them the "lunacy"?

more comprehension issues on your part? my wife went out to dinner with 4 friends. where am I in that mix?

I said she went out but you asked them.
So, where did you all go for dinner where you showed them the "lunacy"?

more comprehension issues on your part? my wife went out to dinner with 4 friends. where am I in that mix?

I said she went out but you asked them.

yes, I asked them when they were standing around here when they came to pick her up. I was sitting here posting and said, hey let me ask you a couple of questions.
Are blacks "political chumps" for supporting Democrats

Yes. But they would be even dumber to vote for the Republican party which clearly hates them.

as opposed to the Democratic Party which hates them, but cleverly hides their hatred...

Hey isn't it to bad that the Repubs are to stupid to learn from the Democrats? Maybe the Repubs need to take a few lessons on how to hide hatred.

So far, they aren't doing a very good job of it. They hate just about everybody and everything from what I can tell.

What is it they don't hate about the poorer people or even the middle class people of this country?

The Repubs do seem to like the Chinese quite a lot.
Yes. But they would be even dumber to vote for the Republican party which clearly hates them.

as opposed to the Democratic Party which hates them, but cleverly hides their hatred...

Hey isn't it to bad that the Repubs are to stupid to learn from the Democrats? Maybe the Repubs need to take a few lessons on how to hide hatred.

So far, they aren't doing a very good job of it. They hate just about everybody and everything from what I can tell.

What is it they don't hate about the poorer people or even the middle class people of this country?

The Repubs do seem to like the Chinese quite a lot.

lets see now, who hates Ben Carson and Alan West? not republicans. who calls intelligent conservative blacks uncle toms? not republicans.

you dems hate anyone who does not bow down to your socialist agenda and your messiah barry soetoro.
more comprehension issues on your part? my wife went out to dinner with 4 friends. where am I in that mix?

I said she went out but you asked them.

yes, I asked them when they were standing around here when they came to pick her up. I was sitting here posting and said, hey let me ask you a couple of questions.

I'll pretend you asked me.
Senile liberal John McCain and Crazy Sarah was not a ticket I could vote for.

Then the Repubs doubled down on stupid and gave us Corporations Are People To Romney and whats his name that looks like Howdy Dooty?

Why in the fuck ANYONE voted for those tickets is beyond me to understand.
I said she went out but you asked them.

yes, I asked them when they were standing around here when they came to pick her up. I was sitting here posting and said, hey let me ask you a couple of questions.

I'll pretend you asked me.
Senile liberal John McCain and Crazy Sarah was not a ticket I could vote for.

Then the Repubs doubled down on stupid and gave us Corporations Are People To Romney and whats his name that looks like Howdy Dooty?

Why in the fuck ANYONE voted for those tickets is beyond me to understand.

if we elected Romney we would be seeing some economic growth for a change
I said she went out but you asked them.

yes, I asked them when they were standing around here when they came to pick her up. I was sitting here posting and said, hey let me ask you a couple of questions.

I'll pretend you asked me.
Senile liberal John McCain and Crazy Sarah was not a ticket I could vote for.

Then the Repubs doubled down on stupid and gave us Corporations Are People To Romney and whats his name that looks like Howdy Dooty?

Why in the fuck ANYONE voted for those tickets is beyond me to understand.

McCain/Palin was a stupid ticket, only obama/biden was more stupid but the media decided that the black guy had to win.

Romney would have been a very good president, if he had won we would not be in the mess we are today. Ryan showed bipartisanship working with Murray on a budget deal. He would have been much better than the idiot Biden. ("just buy a shotgun")
yes, I asked them when they were standing around here when they came to pick her up. I was sitting here posting and said, hey let me ask you a couple of questions.

I'll pretend you asked me.
Senile liberal John McCain and Crazy Sarah was not a ticket I could vote for.

Then the Repubs doubled down on stupid and gave us Corporations Are People To Romney and whats his name that looks like Howdy Dooty?

Why in the fuck ANYONE voted for those tickets is beyond me to understand.

if we elected Romney we would be seeing some economic growth for a change

In India and China.

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