Are blacks "political chumps" for supporting Democrats

again, if you had a clue, it would make sense to you. your short comings are not my problem.

interesting thing, my wife went out to dinner with 4 friends tonight. I asked them who voted for Obama. 3 did 2 didn't. I asked them why they voted for Obama and these were the responses. I heard Romney was going to outsource more jobs. I didn't like sarah palin ??? never got a clear answer why that impacted her vote the 2nd time. and finally, I thought he was trying to do a good job for the country. I asked all 5 if they thought republicans were trying to impact womens reproductive rights. that took a little explaining to let them know I was asking were republicans trying to take away womens rights to birth control and abortion. I also asked if so would this issue prevent you from voting republican. well none of them even knew who Sandra fluke was. they knew republicans were anti abortion but didn't think they were trying to stop it. one even said , I don't remember bush ever trying to stop abortion. I got a where did you hear republicans were trying to stop birth control? I showed them some of the lunacy going on here. which got a few nice lol's. but it looks to me like the only ones worried about the republicans trying to impact womens rights are koolaid drinking, brain washed liberal twits like yourself. seriously candy. no one is buying your shit. what self respecting woman is even focused on the fact that they might not be able to run out and get an abortion tomorrow.

Really? Somehow women in 4 swing states (OH, PA, WI, and MI) supported Obama over Romney by double digits. And please keep in mind that these states are purple and pretty much have just as many R's and D's...About 10% of those surveyed crossed party lines to support Obama

I would submit that the evidence in those four SWING STATES prove that the four women are not very well informed; either that or the polls are skewed yet again (just like they were before the election....right?)

Of course, you'll call this "kool aid drinking" or "hysterics" or some other mumbo jumbo...whatever dude. Facts are facts.

It's unlikely you showed anyone anything tonight (it looks like you've been here the entire evening)...except how inexplicably dismissive you are of facts.

oh please. Do you think that by simply posting this stuff makes it true?
Once again, you were told you've never presented a single shred of evidence to support your claims regarding voting patterns of females. You've not responded to that challenge. Oh you can post these silly charts which are produced by people with a certain agenda, but uless you can produce actual voter rolls or something close to that, you're blowing smoke.
Lesson for you...So called facts not supported by corroborated evidence are not facts at all.

Question. Let's suppose for a moment your statistics on female voting patterns are accurate, tell us, what has the Obama administration done for ....Ahem...."women's issues"?
Follow up....And how have the policies of the Obama administration improved conditions for women in America?
BTW..Opinion pieces from liberal or feminist blogs will not be accepted. Use your OWN WORDS.


Obama signed the extension to the Violence Against Women Act (over 100+ House Members opposed it).

Obama has/will appoint center-left jurists to the Supreme Court to further Ensure that ROE stays in tact

Obama lobbied for the LLFPA; something else that you guys oppose; for some reason.

Democrats continue to oppose republican measures to limit access to reproductive choice on a State level.

Stats that you don't agree with are just as valid as stats you agree with. Obama won the women's vote by double digits in OH, MI, PA, and WI (Scott Walker Territory).

Now that I've answered your question, answer one of mine.

Obama beat Romney 332-206. That is a fact. Agree? Well, I don't care...he won 332-206. Getting 206 electoral votes means that you fell 64 votes short of the 270 needed to win the Presidency.

Awarding all of the states to the GOP nominee that Romney won as a basis, please tell us where the other 64 comes from.
we could always give them free cellphones, tell them we have their best interests at heart and keep them enslaved in the ghettos like the democrats do

You will have to do better than that

All Republicans have to do is explain to blacks how their lives will be better if they vote Republican

Why don't you explain that trickle down stuff again?
It's called responsibility...but seems they don't want that...neither do YOU.

90% of blacks are irresponsible

Republicans should run on that
we could always give them free cellphones, tell them we have their best interests at heart and keep them enslaved in the ghettos like the democrats do

You will have to do better than that

All Republicans have to do is explain to blacks how their lives will be better if they vote Republican

Why don't you explain that trickle down stuff again?

well they could start with this

That is a good graphic

Why don't you explain to blacks how 150 years ago Republicans used to care about them?
Really? Somehow women in 4 swing states (OH, PA, WI, and MI) supported Obama over Romney by double digits. And please keep in mind that these states are purple and pretty much have just as many R's and D's...About 10% of those surveyed crossed party lines to support Obama

I would submit that the evidence in those four SWING STATES prove that the four women are not very well informed; either that or the polls are skewed yet again (just like they were before the election....right?)

Of course, you'll call this "kool aid drinking" or "hysterics" or some other mumbo jumbo...whatever dude. Facts are facts.

It's unlikely you showed anyone anything tonight (it looks like you've been here the entire evening)...except how inexplicably dismissive you are of facts.

oh please. Do you think that by simply posting this stuff makes it true?
Once again, you were told you've never presented a single shred of evidence to support your claims regarding voting patterns of females. You've not responded to that challenge. Oh you can post these silly charts which are produced by people with a certain agenda, but uless you can produce actual voter rolls or something close to that, you're blowing smoke.
Lesson for you...So called facts not supported by corroborated evidence are not facts at all.

Question. Let's suppose for a moment your statistics on female voting patterns are accurate, tell us, what has the Obama administration done for ....Ahem...."women's issues"?
Follow up....And how have the policies of the Obama administration improved conditions for women in America?
BTW..Opinion pieces from liberal or feminist blogs will not be accepted. Use your OWN WORDS.


Obama signed the extension to the Violence Against Women Act (over 100+ House Members opposed it).

Obama has/will appoint center-left jurists to the Supreme Court to further Ensure that ROE stays in tact

Obama lobbied for the LLFPA; something else that you guys oppose; for some reason.

Democrats continue to oppose republican measures to limit access to reproductive choice on a State level.

Stats that you don't agree with are just as valid as stats you agree with. Obama won the women's vote by double digits in OH, MI, PA, and WI (Scott Walker Territory).

Now that I've answered your question, answer one of mine.

Obama beat Romney 332-206. That is a fact. Agree? Well, I don't care...he won 332-206. Getting 206 electoral votes means that you fell 64 votes short of the 270 needed to win the Presidency.

Awarding all of the states to the GOP nominee that Romney won as a basis, please tell us where the other 64 comes from.

Obama has/will appoint center-left jurists to the Supreme Court to further Ensure that ROE stays in tact - Shouldn't justices be impartial an judge a law on its constitutiality, no its political agenda? Next thing you know the dictator will be bypassing congress and ruling by executive action.

Stats that you don't agree with are just as valid as stats you agree with. Obama won the women's vote by double digits in OH, MI, PA, and WI (Scott Walker Territory). - hey, remember when you liberal dingbats tried to recall scott walker and failed? lol want to see how a recall is done, just watch gun owners. they'll show you success
All Republicans need to do is give blacks a reason to vote for them

Bring this fact up, and the reaction is usually "we're not going to become Democrats just to get the black vote", and of course, that's not the point. For some reason, they appear to still be afraid to proudly and aggressively proclaim their message (whether one thinks it's good or bad) directly to the black "community" (don't really like that phrase).

There's a difference between turning into a liberal and just communicating. The GOP doesn't appear to recognize this distinction.


Republicans can start by acknowledging that th black community exists. That they are struggling. That they are not a bunch of lazy freeloaders

Start to move jobs into black communities and you will get their vote
You will have to do better than that

All Republicans have to do is explain to blacks how their lives will be better if they vote Republican

Why don't you explain that trickle down stuff again?

well they could start with this

That is a good graphic

Why don't you explain to blacks how 150 years ago Republicans used to care about them?
the only tome they don't today is in liberal spin. libs like to keep backs poor and dependent so they get their votes
All Republicans need to do is give blacks a reason to vote for them

Why don't they do that Party of Lincoln thing again?

we could always give them free cellphones, tell them we have their best interests at heart and keep them enslaved in the ghettos like the democrats do

You will have to do better than that

All Republicans have to do is explain to blacks how their lives will be better if they vote Republican

Why don't you explain that trickle down stuff again?
HA! I could waste my time explaining how trickle down IS out economy and how it works best for the most, but you'd dismiss it and respond with a bunch of liberal class envy talking points.
The fact is since the 1960's our federal government has done is best to create a permanent underclass of people who not only feel entitled, but also are convinced they are 'owed'.
Democrats in their quest for retention of political power have seized on this weakness.
And yes, entitlement IS a weakness.
All Republicans need to do is give blacks a reason to vote for them

Why don't they do that Party of Lincoln thing again?

Its being done, you are just not listening because you get all of your news (and your daily talking points) from huff puff, msnbc, and kos.

you don't live in the real world, norton.

Given that only 10% of blacks vote Republican, you are not doing a very good job of convincing them why they should
All across the nation there are growing numbers of blacks that have joined the middle class. The irony is these people vote democrat in virtual lockstep.
Its being done, you are just not listening because you get all of your news (and your daily talking points) from huff puff, msnbc, and kos.

you don't live in the real world, norton.

Given that only 10% of blacks vote Republican, you are not doing a very good job of convincing them why they should

This will be a fun thread to re-visit on a Wednesday in 2016. "Its being done?" Perhaps you can ask redfish for examples...he has me on ignore (yeah right) so he can't respond.

I'm sure you'll get some sort of "We don't see blacks as a group" nonsense....predictable but fun none the less.
We are a nation of individual achievement and success. That is one of the core concepts by which this republic was formed.
You believe in 'group think'....That is YOUR problem. You despise the concept of individual achievement and success. Unless of course it is YOUR achievement. Then it's different.
I just assumed you wished to write a statement that made sense.


Makes sense​

Very few women are irresponsible sluts; at least as many irresponsible males who, of course, are never always blame the females. It's's the conservative in you.

Anyway...women who know the pain and ramifications of child birth are often the biggest advocates for the need to protect reproductive rights.

It would be a non issue if the conservatives would simply abide by the Roe decision instead of putting up all of the obstacles they have erected. But every time you do it, those that empathize find another reason to wonder aloud..."why am I a republican"

It has been shown to be an issue where the GOP has no standing. You are either ignorant of history or ignorant in general...take your pick.

Again, I couldn't have written a better example of why the GOP is so brain-dead on women's issues. Are You sure you're not a liberal?

"Women's issues".......THAT is friggin funny.
What the hell are "women's issues"?
Are women some strange extra terrestrial species that require their own special accommodations?
As much as you'd like to maintain this status, women are NOT victims....You believe women are, but you're wrong.
Feminism requires victim status for women in order to have a voice.
Intelligent people view feminists as whiners and complainers.

Can't you just feel the love from the GOP/Conservatives?
I asked my wife about these so called "women's issues".....She looked at me and said " you mean those women where I work that complain about everything".
All Republicans need to do is give blacks a reason to vote for them

Bring this fact up, and the reaction is usually "we're not going to become Democrats just to get the black vote", and of course, that's not the point. For some reason, they appear to still be afraid to proudly and aggressively proclaim their message (whether one thinks it's good or bad) directly to the black "community" (don't really like that phrase).

There's a difference between turning into a liberal and just communicating. The GOP doesn't appear to recognize this distinction.


Republicans can start by acknowledging that th black community exists. That they are struggling. That they are not a bunch of lazy freeloaders

Start to move jobs into black communities and you will get their vote
HA! This has been discussed for decades. Enterprise zones. Minority business set asides for government ( local, state and federal) contracts. Tax incentives offered to minority owned businesses. The list of incentives, bonuses and other advantages is long.
Post hurricane Katrina is a perfect example of the problems facing this so called 'black community'....Local residents were offered all kinds of work repairing their OWN neighborhoods. Few applied. So workers were brought in from outside New Orleans.
What happened next is typical. The black people complained about the "outsiders" taking all the jobs.
There were thousands of opportunities for the locals to participate.
I'll pretend you asked me.
Senile liberal John McCain and Crazy Sarah was not a ticket I could vote for.

Then the Repubs doubled down on stupid and gave us Corporations Are People To Romney and whats his name that looks like Howdy Dooty?

Why in the fuck ANYONE voted for those tickets is beyond me to understand.

I blamed the RNC leadership for losing the '08 and '12 elections to Obama....
The Committee was influenced by old guard establishment republicans that want nothing to do with conservatism. The fact is that most DC republicans who've been in office for more than two terms are worried about their political careers and largely unconcerned with the proper functioning of government. They are spineless when it comes to making tough decisions. The main culprit is John Boehner. I cannot stand that flip flopping bad deal making wussy.

Which Republican or conservative could have won in 2008 or 2012?

America wants to know?

No....YOU want to know. Speak only for yourself.
I do not know the answer to that question.
The issue IS both candidates were part of the establishment that has weakened the GOP to the extent that there were 3 million fewer republican voters that cast ballots in 2012 than did in 2008.
Lo and behold, polls taken a couple of months ago showed that if the election were done over again, Obama would have lost his reelection bid.
Now I do not know what that means other than the love fest for Obama is clearly over and done.
Really? Somehow women in 4 swing states (OH, PA, WI, and MI) supported Obama over Romney by double digits. And please keep in mind that these states are purple and pretty much have just as many R's and D's...About 10% of those surveyed crossed party lines to support Obama

I would submit that the evidence in those four SWING STATES prove that the four women are not very well informed; either that or the polls are skewed yet again (just like they were before the election....right?)

Of course, you'll call this "kool aid drinking" or "hysterics" or some other mumbo jumbo...whatever dude. Facts are facts.

It's unlikely you showed anyone anything tonight (it looks like you've been here the entire evening)...except how inexplicably dismissive you are of facts.

oh please. Do you think that by simply posting this stuff makes it true?
Once again, you were told you've never presented a single shred of evidence to support your claims regarding voting patterns of females. You've not responded to that challenge. Oh you can post these silly charts which are produced by people with a certain agenda, but uless you can produce actual voter rolls or something close to that, you're blowing smoke.
Lesson for you...So called facts not supported by corroborated evidence are not facts at all.

Question. Let's suppose for a moment your statistics on female voting patterns are accurate, tell us, what has the Obama administration done for ....Ahem...."women's issues"?
Follow up....And how have the policies of the Obama administration improved conditions for women in America?
BTW..Opinion pieces from liberal or feminist blogs will not be accepted. Use your OWN WORDS.


Obama signed the extension to the Violence Against Women Act (over 100+ House Members opposed it).

Obama has/will appoint center-left jurists to the Supreme Court to further Ensure that ROE stays in tact

Obama lobbied for the LLFPA; something else that you guys oppose; for some reason.

Democrats continue to oppose republican measures to limit access to reproductive choice on a State level.

Stats that you don't agree with are just as valid as stats you agree with. Obama won the women's vote by double digits in OH, MI, PA, and WI (Scott Walker Territory).

Now that I've answered your question, answer one of mine.

Obama beat Romney 332-206. That is a fact. Agree? Well, I don't care...he won 332-206. Getting 206 electoral votes means that you fell 64 votes short of the 270 needed to win the Presidency.

Awarding all of the states to the GOP nominee that Romney won as a basis, please tell us where the other 64 comes from.

The Violence Against Women Act? What the hell is THAT?....And what does it do? He 'signed it".....Look, I asked you which Obama admin policies have had an effect on these so called women's issues....Providing a list of largely ceremonial and meaningless legislation is not on point....
"Obama has/will appoint center-left jurists to the Supreme Court to further Ensure that ROE stays in tact".....Huh?....Are you implying roe v Wade is a single issue deciding factor in the appointment of federal jurists? You're kidding right? A litmus test?..
A word about Roe....At some point Roe will be reexamined. Not to overturn it, but to modify it. The reason is states are passing laws which by letter of the 10th Amendment should have been observed in the Roe decision in the first place. In other words, Roe is by the strictest of interpretations of the Tenth, a violation of the States Rights clause.
IThe Court also ruled in favor of the plaintiff in Roe that shall we say, "reproductive freedom was an issue of "privacy" in the context of patient and doctor. Ok. I buy that.
The problem I have with Roe is that the Court overstepped it's authority by usurping State's Rights. I believe that Roe will be overturned and while the decision will remain intact save for the States retaining the right to administer laws as the people see fit.
What the hell is the "LLFPA"?....Is that the Lilly Ledbetter thing? Stop it...That is what I call a "lawyer law"....All Ledbetter would do is create a virtual conga line of plaintiffs marching into court rooms across the nation with papers in hand to file lawsuits for the smallest of perceived offenses. Ledbetter has to be rewritten to even come close to passing Constitutional muster for one reason. "It violates the 6th Amendment's guarantee to the right to innocent until proven guilty". In other words Ledbetter flips the system of jurisprudence on its head in that it does not require the plaintiff to prove its case. it requires the defendant to prove a negative.
I'm going to stop here. Because you are stuck on this issue of reproductive rights, you have exposed yourself not as a champion of women's issues, but as a shill for a single issue. As though that is all that matters. You are still hung up on this lady parts thing. With that, your argument dies on the vine. It's also exclusionary. Many women which call themselves liberal cannot bear children or may be beyond the age of child bearing. You exclude them from your crusade.
What do the electoral vote counts have to do with policy?
I asked you a narrowly focused question with a follow up. You evaded both queries.
You are not here for women's issues. You are here to protect democrat seats in Washington.
I'm done with you. There is no need for a response. It will go unread. Of course as a liberal, you MUST have the last word....So have at it. Others will see it. I will not.
I terminate my participation in this debate with you.
oh please. Do you think that by simply posting this stuff makes it true?
Once again, you were told you've never presented a single shred of evidence to support your claims regarding voting patterns of females. You've not responded to that challenge. Oh you can post these silly charts which are produced by people with a certain agenda, but uless you can produce actual voter rolls or something close to that, you're blowing smoke.
Lesson for you...So called facts not supported by corroborated evidence are not facts at all.

Question. Let's suppose for a moment your statistics on female voting patterns are accurate, tell us, what has the Obama administration done for ....Ahem...."women's issues"?
Follow up....And how have the policies of the Obama administration improved conditions for women in America?
BTW..Opinion pieces from liberal or feminist blogs will not be accepted. Use your OWN WORDS.


Obama signed the extension to the Violence Against Women Act (over 100+ House Members opposed it).

Obama has/will appoint center-left jurists to the Supreme Court to further Ensure that ROE stays in tact

Obama lobbied for the LLFPA; something else that you guys oppose; for some reason.

Democrats continue to oppose republican measures to limit access to reproductive choice on a State level.

Stats that you don't agree with are just as valid as stats you agree with. Obama won the women's vote by double digits in OH, MI, PA, and WI (Scott Walker Territory).

Now that I've answered your question, answer one of mine.

Obama beat Romney 332-206. That is a fact. Agree? Well, I don't care...he won 332-206. Getting 206 electoral votes means that you fell 64 votes short of the 270 needed to win the Presidency.

Awarding all of the states to the GOP nominee that Romney won as a basis, please tell us where the other 64 comes from.

The Violence Against Women Act? What the hell is THAT?....
I'll let you google it.

And what does it do? He 'signed it".....Look, I asked you which Obama admin policies have had an effect on these so called women's issues....Providing a list of largely ceremonial and meaningless legislation is not on point....
No, it was set to expire. His administration lobbied Congress for it's extension (hence--he "signed the extension").

Look, I know it's hard but please try reading before you respond. You won't sound any smarter but you won't look nearly as stupid.

"Obama has/will appoint center-left jurists to the Supreme Court to further Ensure that ROE stays in tact".....Huh?....Are you implying roe v Wade is a single issue deciding factor in the appointment of federal jurists? You're kidding right? A litmus test?..
It's an ingredient in the soup. I would probably say it's a deal breaker for Obama if you're anti-Roe. I know it would be for me.

Hence Center-left. Again, please try reading what you're responding to.

A word about Roe....At some point Roe will be reexamined. Not to overturn it, but to modify it. The reason is states are passing laws which by letter of the 10th Amendment should have been observed in the Roe decision in the first place. In other words, Roe is by the strictest of interpretations of the Tenth, a violation of the States Rights clause.
IThe Court also ruled in favor of the plaintiff in Roe that shall we say, "reproductive freedom was an issue of "privacy" in the context of patient and doctor. Ok. I buy that.
The problem I have with Roe is that the Court overstepped it's authority by usurping State's Rights. I believe that Roe will be overturned and while the decision will remain intact save for the States retaining the right to administer laws as the people see fit.
Human rights trump state's rights.

What the hell is the "LLFPA"?....Is that the Lilly Ledbetter thing?
Again, Google is your friend.

Stop it...That is what I call a "lawyer law"....All Ledbetter would do is create a virtual conga line of plaintiffs marching into court rooms across the nation with papers in hand to file lawsuits for the smallest of perceived offenses.
No, it gives women ammo to fight for equal pay. Since you're not a woman, you obviously don't care--this is why Obama gets double digit support from women in OH, MI, WI, and PA when the R's and the D's are pretty much 50/50; you guys simply do not care.
What do the electoral vote counts have to do with policy?
I asked you a narrowly focused question with a follow up. You evaded both queries.
You are not here for women's issues. You are here to protect democrat seats in Washington.
I'm done with you. There is no need for a response. It will go unread. Of course as a liberal, you MUST have the last word....So have at it. Others will see it. I will not.
I terminate my participation in this debate with you.


A one question knockout.

Run can't handle my game.

:dance: :dance:
:dance: :dance: :dance:
I blamed the RNC leadership for losing the '08 and '12 elections to Obama....
The Committee was influenced by old guard establishment republicans that want nothing to do with conservatism. The fact is that most DC republicans who've been in office for more than two terms are worried about their political careers and largely unconcerned with the proper functioning of government. They are spineless when it comes to making tough decisions. The main culprit is John Boehner. I cannot stand that flip flopping bad deal making wussy.

Which Republican or conservative could have won in 2008 or 2012?

America wants to know?

No....YOU want to know. Speak only for yourself.
I do not know the answer to that question.
The issue IS both candidates were part of the establishment that has weakened the GOP to the extent that there were 3 million fewer republican voters that cast ballots in 2012 than did in 2008.
Lo and behold, polls taken a couple of months ago showed that if the election were done over again, Obama would have lost his reelection bid.
Now I do not know what that means other than the love fest for Obama is clearly over and done.

You don't know shit sonny boy. Obama was and is the superior choice to both McCain and Romney. I think both of them suffered from having clearly moronic supporters such as yourself. You have set the bar of ignorance very high. Long live the king.
All Republicans need to do is give blacks a reason to vote for them

Bring this fact up, and the reaction is usually "we're not going to become Democrats just to get the black vote", and of course, that's not the point. For some reason, they appear to still be afraid to proudly and aggressively proclaim their message (whether one thinks it's good or bad) directly to the black "community" (don't really like that phrase).

There's a difference between turning into a liberal and just communicating. The GOP doesn't appear to recognize this distinction.


Republicans can start by acknowledging that th black community exists. That they are struggling. That they are not a bunch of lazy freeloaders

Start to move jobs into black communities and you will get their vote

Increasing the minimum wage would certainly help. Both parties should be talking about raising the pay of the military which would certainly go a long way toward engendering good will with ethnic minorities.

Of course this needs to be coupled with recruitment of blacks as serious candidates.

Deeds; not words.
All Republicans need to do is give blacks a reason to vote for them

Bring this fact up, and the reaction is usually "we're not going to become Democrats just to get the black vote", and of course, that's not the point. For some reason, they appear to still be afraid to proudly and aggressively proclaim their message (whether one thinks it's good or bad) directly to the black "community" (don't really like that phrase).

There's a difference between turning into a liberal and just communicating. The GOP doesn't appear to recognize this distinction.


Republicans can start by acknowledging that th black community exists. That they are struggling. That they are not a bunch of lazy freeloaders

Start to move jobs into black communities and you will get their vote

In a way, I can understand the GOP's hesitance to single out the "black community" because I strongly agree that it's not right to divide people into groups based on something as arbitrary as the color of their skin. I don't even like the phrase "black community" because it does the same thing. That's the Democrats' domain, and I think it's destructive and (quite obviously) divisive.

The GOP says its message is about personal responsibility, God, family, hard work, you can do it. Great. When is the last time you saw a Republican candidate boldly go into a "black" church or a "black" organization deliver that message clearly and unapologetically? Rarely, if ever. Instead, if they go at all, it's sheepishly and delicately.

Fuck that, that's an insult.

If they believe in their message, they shouldn't be afraid to step over the Jacksons and Sharptons and deliver it proudly. Challenge them. What are they, breakable dolls? Get in their face with the message. Shock them. Let's see what they think of the message if they hear it in its purest form, without apologies.

The GOP is afraid to do it, and I have to wonder why.

Bring this fact up, and the reaction is usually "we're not going to become Democrats just to get the black vote", and of course, that's not the point. For some reason, they appear to still be afraid to proudly and aggressively proclaim their message (whether one thinks it's good or bad) directly to the black "community" (don't really like that phrase).

There's a difference between turning into a liberal and just communicating. The GOP doesn't appear to recognize this distinction.


Republicans can start by acknowledging that th black community exists. That they are struggling. That they are not a bunch of lazy freeloaders

Start to move jobs into black communities and you will get their vote

In a way, I can understand the GOP's hesitance to single out the "black community" because I strongly agree that it's not right to divide people into groups based on something as arbitrary as the color of their skin. I don't even like the phrase "black community" because it does the same thing. That's the Democrats' domain, and I think it's destructive and (quite obviously) divisive.

The GOP says its message is about personal responsibility, God, family, hard work, you can do it. Great. When is the last time you saw a Republican candidate boldly go into a "black" church or a "black" organization deliver that message clearly and unapologetically? Rarely, if ever. Instead, if they go at all, it's sheepishly and delicately.

Fuck that, that's an insult.

If they believe in their message, they shouldn't be afraid to step over the Jacksons and Sharptons and deliver it proudly. Challenge them. What are they, breakable dolls? Get in their face with the message. Shock them. Let's see what they think of the message if they hear it in its purest form, without apologies.

The GOP is afraid to do it, and I have to wonder why.

They're afraid of what people will think of them. Worried of the media circus that would ensue. I think they are just as afraid of the truth.
In a way, I can understand the GOP's hesitance to single out the "black community" because I strongly agree that it's not right to divide people into groups based on something as arbitrary as the color of their skin. I don't even like the phrase "black community" because it does the same thing. That's the Democrats' domain, and I think it's destructive and (quite obviously) divisive.

The GOP says its message is about personal responsibility, God, family, hard work, you can do it. Great. When is the last time you saw a Republican candidate boldly go into a "black" church or a "black" organization deliver that message clearly and unapologetically? Rarely, if ever. Instead, if they go at all, it's sheepishly and delicately.

Fuck that, that's an insult.

If they believe in their message, they shouldn't be afraid to step over the Jacksons and Sharptons and deliver it proudly. Challenge them. What are they, breakable dolls? Get in their face with the message. Shock them. Let's see what they think of the message if they hear it in its purest form, without apologies.

The GOP is afraid to do it, and I have to wonder why.


If they went in with that bullshit message, they'd be laughed out of the room, which is why they don't do it.

because unlike you with your platitudes about "divisiveness", there is a major difference between the way white are treated and the way blacks are treated, with 400 years of bad history to back it up.

Are Sharpton and Jackson cheap demagogues? Yup. But they are symptoms, not the disease.

And honestly, when you do get a straight politician who happens to be black in an office that whites think is rightfully theirs, they go batshit crazy.

I saw it in 1983 when Harold Washington became mayor of Chicago. I'm seeing it now with Barack Obama.

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