Are blacks "political chumps" for supporting Democrats

Bring this fact up, and the reaction is usually "we're not going to become Democrats just to get the black vote", and of course, that's not the point. For some reason, they appear to still be afraid to proudly and aggressively proclaim their message (whether one thinks it's good or bad) directly to the black "community" (don't really like that phrase).

There's a difference between turning into a liberal and just communicating. The GOP doesn't appear to recognize this distinction.


Republicans can start by acknowledging that th black community exists. That they are struggling. That they are not a bunch of lazy freeloaders

Start to move jobs into black communities and you will get their vote
HA! This has been discussed for decades. Enterprise zones. Minority business set asides for government ( local, state and federal) contracts. Tax incentives offered to minority owned businesses. The list of incentives, bonuses and other advantages is long.
Post hurricane Katrina is a perfect example of the problems facing this so called 'black community'....Local residents were offered all kinds of work repairing their OWN neighborhoods. Few applied. So workers were brought in from outside New Orleans.
What happened next is typical. The black people complained about the "outsiders" taking all the jobs.
There were thousands of opportunities for the locals to participate.

The problem for Republicans is you actually have to do it

Blacks know whether there are job opportunities in their communities or not. Republicans need to start showing their faces in poor and black communities. They need to provide concrete examples of what they have done to make those communities better

Explaining trickle down does not cut it
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well they could start with this

That is a good graphic

Why don't you explain to blacks how 150 years ago Republicans used to care about them?
the only tome they don't today is in liberal spin. libs like to keep backs poor and dependent so they get their votes

What do Conservatives do for the poor and minorities?

Explain that and some may actually vote for you
we could always give them free cellphones, tell them we have their best interests at heart and keep them enslaved in the ghettos like the democrats do

You will have to do better than that

All Republicans have to do is explain to blacks how their lives will be better if they vote Republican

Why don't you explain that trickle down stuff again?
HA! I could waste my time explaining how trickle down IS out economy and how it works best for the most, but you'd dismiss it and respond with a bunch of liberal class envy talking points.
The fact is since the 1960's our federal government has done is best to create a permanent underclass of people who not only feel entitled, but also are convinced they are 'owed'.
Democrats in their quest for retention of political power have seized on this weakness.
And yes, entitlement IS a weakness.

Since the 1980s Republicans have created a low paid workforce that no longer has access to the American Dream
You will have to do better than that

All Republicans have to do is explain to blacks how their lives will be better if they vote Republican

Why don't you explain that trickle down stuff again?
HA! I could waste my time explaining how trickle down IS out economy and how it works best for the most, but you'd dismiss it and respond with a bunch of liberal class envy talking points.
The fact is since the 1960's our federal government has done is best to create a permanent underclass of people who not only feel entitled, but also are convinced they are 'owed'.
Democrats in their quest for retention of political power have seized on this weakness.
And yes, entitlement IS a weakness.

Since the 1980s Republicans have created a low paid workforce that no longer has access to the American Dream

Stop making excuses for yourself...get off your ass and git er done!!!
I blamed the RNC leadership for losing the '08 and '12 elections to Obama....
The Committee was influenced by old guard establishment republicans that want nothing to do with conservatism. The fact is that most DC republicans who've been in office for more than two terms are worried about their political careers and largely unconcerned with the proper functioning of government. They are spineless when it comes to making tough decisions. The main culprit is John Boehner. I cannot stand that flip flopping bad deal making wussy.

Which Republican or conservative could have won in 2008 or 2012?

America wants to know?

No....YOU want to know. Speak only for yourself.
I do not know the answer to that question.
The issue IS both candidates were part of the establishment that has weakened the GOP to the extent that there were 3 million fewer republican voters that cast ballots in 2012 than did in 2008.
Lo and behold, polls taken a couple of months ago showed that if the election were done over again, Obama would have lost his reelection bid.
Now I do not know what that means other than the love fest for Obama is clearly over and done.

You made the statement about the failures of the RNC in 2008 and 2012. In fact, Republicans ran the candidate with the best chance to win the election both years. That candidate came up woefully short both years, but they were their parties best chance

Fact is ...Conservatives are too out of touch with the American people
They can't come close to winning the GOP nomination let alone a general election
Libs are in touch with the voters...who the the's worked for them the past two elections...aided by white guilt morons who bought into "yes we can..."when they didn't even know what they want. Time for a change...Obabble failed.
Bring this fact up, and the reaction is usually "we're not going to become Democrats just to get the black vote", and of course, that's not the point. For some reason, they appear to still be afraid to proudly and aggressively proclaim their message (whether one thinks it's good or bad) directly to the black "community" (don't really like that phrase).

There's a difference between turning into a liberal and just communicating. The GOP doesn't appear to recognize this distinction.


Republicans can start by acknowledging that th black community exists. That they are struggling. That they are not a bunch of lazy freeloaders

Start to move jobs into black communities and you will get their vote

In a way, I can understand the GOP's hesitance to single out the "black community" because I strongly agree that it's not right to divide people into groups based on something as arbitrary as the color of their skin. I don't even like the phrase "black community" because it does the same thing. That's the Democrats' domain, and I think it's destructive and (quite obviously) divisive.

The GOP says its message is about personal responsibility, God, family, hard work, you can do it. Great. When is the last time you saw a Republican candidate boldly go into a "black" church or a "black" organization deliver that message clearly and unapologetically? Rarely, if ever. Instead, if they go at all, it's sheepishly and delicately.

Fuck that, that's an insult.

If they believe in their message, they shouldn't be afraid to step over the Jacksons and Sharptons and deliver it proudly. Challenge them. What are they, breakable dolls? Get in their face with the message. Shock them. Let's see what they think of the message if they hear it in its purest form, without apologies.

The GOP is afraid to do it, and I have to wonder why.


Republicans pretending that demographics does not exist is a sham. The only demographic Republicans care about is the wealthy

Until they can convince America otherwise, they will continue to lose ground
Republicans can start by acknowledging that th black community exists. That they are struggling. That they are not a bunch of lazy freeloaders

Start to move jobs into black communities and you will get their vote

In a way, I can understand the GOP's hesitance to single out the "black community" because I strongly agree that it's not right to divide people into groups based on something as arbitrary as the color of their skin. I don't even like the phrase "black community" because it does the same thing. That's the Democrats' domain, and I think it's destructive and (quite obviously) divisive.

The GOP says its message is about personal responsibility, God, family, hard work, you can do it. Great. When is the last time you saw a Republican candidate boldly go into a "black" church or a "black" organization deliver that message clearly and unapologetically? Rarely, if ever. Instead, if they go at all, it's sheepishly and delicately.

Fuck that, that's an insult.

If they believe in their message, they shouldn't be afraid to step over the Jacksons and Sharptons and deliver it proudly. Challenge them. What are they, breakable dolls? Get in their face with the message. Shock them. Let's see what they think of the message if they hear it in its purest form, without apologies.

The GOP is afraid to do it, and I have to wonder why.


Republicans pretending that demographics does not exist is a sham. The only demographic Republicans care about is the wealthy

Until they can convince America otherwise, they will continue to lose ground

The black vote will never go to the GOP
In any sizable #. Because they are fooled into
Believing that the GOP is all wealthy white guys.

Total foolish bullshit.

The black community is causeing there own problem as we all know. They refuse to assimilate with the whites society and just want to destroy them. There raised that way just watch a comedy show and view what blacks feel about whites
They only wish to bang white girls and change them into white trash. Not learn to get along as one culture..... So Obama has made a stressful
Time worse.
In a way, I can understand the GOP's hesitance to single out the "black community" because I strongly agree that it's not right to divide people into groups based on something as arbitrary as the color of their skin. I don't even like the phrase "black community" because it does the same thing. That's the Democrats' domain, and I think it's destructive and (quite obviously) divisive.

The GOP says its message is about personal responsibility, God, family, hard work, you can do it. Great. When is the last time you saw a Republican candidate boldly go into a "black" church or a "black" organization deliver that message clearly and unapologetically? Rarely, if ever. Instead, if they go at all, it's sheepishly and delicately.

Fuck that, that's an insult.

If they believe in their message, they shouldn't be afraid to step over the Jacksons and Sharptons and deliver it proudly. Challenge them. What are they, breakable dolls? Get in their face with the message. Shock them. Let's see what they think of the message if they hear it in its purest form, without apologies.

The GOP is afraid to do it, and I have to wonder why.


Republicans pretending that demographics does not exist is a sham. The only demographic Republicans care about is the wealthy

Until they can convince America otherwise, they will continue to lose ground

The black vote will never go to the GOP
In any sizable #. Because they are fooled into
Believing that the GOP is all wealthy white guys.

Total foolish bullshit.

The black community is causeing there own problem as we all know. They refuse to assimilate with the whites society and just want to destroy them. There raised that way just watch a comedy show and view what blacks feel about whites
They only wish to bang white girls and change them into white trash. Not learn to get along as one culture..
... So Obama has made a stressful
Time worse.

Another reason blacks will not vote Republican

Why would they want to belong to the same party that racewright belongs to?
Republicans can start by acknowledging that th black community exists. That they are struggling. That they are not a bunch of lazy freeloaders

Start to move jobs into black communities and you will get their vote

In a way, I can understand the GOP's hesitance to single out the "black community" because I strongly agree that it's not right to divide people into groups based on something as arbitrary as the color of their skin. I don't even like the phrase "black community" because it does the same thing. That's the Democrats' domain, and I think it's destructive and (quite obviously) divisive.

The GOP says its message is about personal responsibility, God, family, hard work, you can do it. Great. When is the last time you saw a Republican candidate boldly go into a "black" church or a "black" organization deliver that message clearly and unapologetically? Rarely, if ever. Instead, if they go at all, it's sheepishly and delicately.

Fuck that, that's an insult.

If they believe in their message, they shouldn't be afraid to step over the Jacksons and Sharptons and deliver it proudly. Challenge them. What are they, breakable dolls? Get in their face with the message. Shock them. Let's see what they think of the message if they hear it in its purest form, without apologies.

The GOP is afraid to do it, and I have to wonder why.


Republicans pretending that demographics does not exist is a sham. The only demographic Republicans care about is the wealthy

Until they can convince America otherwise, they will continue to lose ground

Bullshit: are the following ultra rich republicans? Oprah, Gates, Sarandon, Streisand, Baldwin, Clinton, Gore, Soros, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer.

don't be so fucking stupid, the dems suck up to the rich as much, if not more, than the pubs.
In a way, I can understand the GOP's hesitance to single out the "black community" because I strongly agree that it's not right to divide people into groups based on something as arbitrary as the color of their skin. I don't even like the phrase "black community" because it does the same thing. That's the Democrats' domain, and I think it's destructive and (quite obviously) divisive.

The GOP says its message is about personal responsibility, God, family, hard work, you can do it. Great. When is the last time you saw a Republican candidate boldly go into a "black" church or a "black" organization deliver that message clearly and unapologetically? Rarely, if ever. Instead, if they go at all, it's sheepishly and delicately.

Fuck that, that's an insult.

If they believe in their message, they shouldn't be afraid to step over the Jacksons and Sharptons and deliver it proudly. Challenge them. What are they, breakable dolls? Get in their face with the message. Shock them. Let's see what they think of the message if they hear it in its purest form, without apologies.

The GOP is afraid to do it, and I have to wonder why.


Republicans pretending that demographics does not exist is a sham. The only demographic Republicans care about is the wealthy

Until they can convince America otherwise, they will continue to lose ground

Bullshit: are the following ultra rich republicans? Oprah, Gates, Sarandon, Streisand, Baldwin, Clinton, Gore, Soros, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer.

don't be so fucking stupid, the dems suck up to the rich as much, if not more, than the pubs.

I forgot the two rap-republican rich people---beyonce and J zee.
In a way, I can understand the GOP's hesitance to single out the "black community" because I strongly agree that it's not right to divide people into groups based on something as arbitrary as the color of their skin. I don't even like the phrase "black community" because it does the same thing. That's the Democrats' domain, and I think it's destructive and (quite obviously) divisive.

The GOP says its message is about personal responsibility, God, family, hard work, you can do it. Great. When is the last time you saw a Republican candidate boldly go into a "black" church or a "black" organization deliver that message clearly and unapologetically? Rarely, if ever. Instead, if they go at all, it's sheepishly and delicately.

Fuck that, that's an insult.

If they believe in their message, they shouldn't be afraid to step over the Jacksons and Sharptons and deliver it proudly. Challenge them. What are they, breakable dolls? Get in their face with the message. Shock them. Let's see what they think of the message if they hear it in its purest form, without apologies.

The GOP is afraid to do it, and I have to wonder why.


Republicans pretending that demographics does not exist is a sham. The only demographic Republicans care about is the wealthy

Until they can convince America otherwise, they will continue to lose ground

Bullshit: are the following ultra rich republicans? Oprah, Gates, Sarandon, Streisand, Baldwin, Clinton, Gore, Soros, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer.

don't be so fucking stupid, the dems suck up to the rich as much, if not more, than the pubs.


Which Democratic initiatives are making the lives of Oprah, Gates, Sarandon ....easier?

Republicans are only concerned with helping the rich. Until they can convince America otherwise....they will continue to be marginalized
In a way, I can understand the GOP's hesitance to single out the "black community" because I strongly agree that it's not right to divide people into groups based on something as arbitrary as the color of their skin. I don't even like the phrase "black community" because it does the same thing. That's the Democrats' domain, and I think it's destructive and (quite obviously) divisive.

The GOP says its message is about personal responsibility, God, family, hard work, you can do it. Great. When is the last time you saw a Republican candidate boldly go into a "black" church or a "black" organization deliver that message clearly and unapologetically? Rarely, if ever. Instead, if they go at all, it's sheepishly and delicately.

Fuck that, that's an insult.

If they believe in their message, they shouldn't be afraid to step over the Jacksons and Sharptons and deliver it proudly. Challenge them. What are they, breakable dolls? Get in their face with the message. Shock them. Let's see what they think of the message if they hear it in its purest form, without apologies.

The GOP is afraid to do it, and I have to wonder why.


Republicans pretending that demographics does not exist is a sham. The only demographic Republicans care about is the wealthy

Until they can convince America otherwise, they will continue to lose ground

The black vote will never go to the GOP
In any sizable #. Because they are fooled into
Believing that the GOP is all wealthy white guys.

Total foolish bullshit.

The black community is causeing there own problem as we all know. They refuse to assimilate with the whites society and just want to destroy them. There raised that way just watch a comedy show and view what blacks feel about whites
They only wish to bang white girls and change them into white trash. Not learn to get along as one culture..... So Obama has made a stressful
Time worse.

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

Civil Rights act 1964 Only 61 percent of Democrats supported that bill, versus 80 percent of Republicans.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Written by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen - 94 percent of Senate Republicans voted in favor of the bill versus 73 percent of Democrats. The final vote on the House version - only one Senate Republican voted against it compared to seventeen Democrats.

Blacks and the Democratic Party
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Republicans pretending that demographics does not exist is a sham. The only demographic Republicans care about is the wealthy

Until they can convince America otherwise, they will continue to lose ground

The black vote will never go to the GOP
In any sizable #. Because they are fooled into
Believing that the GOP is all wealthy white guys.

Total foolish bullshit.

The black community is causeing there own problem as we all know. They refuse to assimilate with the whites society and just want to destroy them. There raised that way just watch a comedy show and view what blacks feel about whites
They only wish to bang white girls and change them into white trash. Not learn to get along as one culture..... So Obama has made a stressful
Time worse.

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

Civil Rights act 1964 Only 61 percent of Democrats supported that bill, versus 80 percent of Republicans.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Written by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen - 94 percent of Senate Republicans voted in favor of the bill versus 73 percent of Democrats. The final vote on the House version - only one Senate Republican voted against it compared to seventeen Democrats.

Blacks and the Democratic Party

I really appreciate how Republicans remind Americans how they used to support Civil Rights 50 years ago

Reminds us of how great the party used to be
Republicans pretending that demographics does not exist is a sham. The only demographic Republicans care about is the wealthy

Until they can convince America otherwise, they will continue to lose ground

Bullshit: are the following ultra rich republicans? Oprah, Gates, Sarandon, Streisand, Baldwin, Clinton, Gore, Soros, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer.

don't be so fucking stupid, the dems suck up to the rich as much, if not more, than the pubs.


Which Democratic initiatives are making the lives of Oprah, Gates, Sarandon ....easier?

Republicans are only concerned with helping the rich. Until they can convince America otherwise....they will continue to be marginalized

total horseshit. what have republicans done in the last 5 years to help the evil rich? Any bill passed by the GOP lead house would have to pass the dem led senate and be signed by the dem president.

So give us a list of republican bills that only help the rich-------or STFU and stop lying.
The black vote will never go to the GOP
In any sizable #. Because they are fooled into
Believing that the GOP is all wealthy white guys.

Total foolish bullshit.

The black community is causeing there own problem as we all know. They refuse to assimilate with the whites society and just want to destroy them. There raised that way just watch a comedy show and view what blacks feel about whites
They only wish to bang white girls and change them into white trash. Not learn to get along as one culture..... So Obama has made a stressful
Time worse.

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

Civil Rights act 1964 Only 61 percent of Democrats supported that bill, versus 80 percent of Republicans.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Written by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen - 94 percent of Senate Republicans voted in favor of the bill versus 73 percent of Democrats. The final vote on the House version - only one Senate Republican voted against it compared to seventeen Democrats.

Blacks and the Democratic Party

I really appreciate how Republicans remind Americans how they used to support Civil Rights 50 years ago

Reminds us of how great the party used to be

that has not changed. Civil rights is not equal to government slavery. lifetime welfare is not civil rights---its democrat slavery to buy votes.
The black vote will never go to the GOP
In any sizable #. Because they are fooled into
Believing that the GOP is all wealthy white guys.

Total foolish bullshit.

The black community is causeing there own problem as we all know. They refuse to assimilate with the whites society and just want to destroy them. There raised that way just watch a comedy show and view what blacks feel about whites
They only wish to bang white girls and change them into white trash. Not learn to get along as one culture..... So Obama has made a stressful
Time worse.

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

Civil Rights act 1964 Only 61 percent of Democrats supported that bill, versus 80 percent of Republicans.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Written by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen - 94 percent of Senate Republicans voted in favor of the bill versus 73 percent of Democrats. The final vote on the House version - only one Senate Republican voted against it compared to seventeen Democrats.

Blacks and the Democratic Party

I really appreciate how Republicans remind Americans how they used to support Civil Rights 50 years ago

Reminds us of how great the party used to be

Its almost 9 am, isn't it time to switch to your jake sock?
Civil Rights act 1964 Only 61 percent of Democrats supported that bill, versus 80 percent of Republicans.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Written by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen - 94 percent of Senate Republicans voted in favor of the bill versus 73 percent of Democrats. The final vote on the House version - only one Senate Republican voted against it compared to seventeen Democrats.

Blacks and the Democratic Party

I really appreciate how Republicans remind Americans how they used to support Civil Rights 50 years ago

Reminds us of how great the party used to be

that has not changed. Civil rights is not equal to government slavery. lifetime welfare is not civil rights---its democrat slavery to buy votes.

Explain that to the poor or minorities.
Point out all the Republicans who are standing up for their rights
Tell them you will take away welfare, foodstamps, low cost childcare, healthcare, housing subsidies, job training....and how they will be better off without it
Explain how Republicans will make their lives better and they will vote for you
I really appreciate how Republicans remind Americans how they used to support Civil Rights 50 years ago

Reminds us of how great the party used to be

that has not changed. Civil rights is not equal to government slavery. lifetime welfare is not civil rights---its democrat slavery to buy votes.

Explain that to the poor or minorities.
Point out all the Republicans who are standing up for their rights
Tell them you will take away welfare, foodstamps, low cost childcare, healthcare, housing subsidies, job training....and how they will be better off without it
Explain how Republicans will make their lives better and they will vote for you

which republicans have said that they want those things taken away from poor minorities? name them and provide the quotes-----------or admit to just repeating a dem lying talking point.
that has not changed. Civil rights is not equal to government slavery. lifetime welfare is not civil rights---its democrat slavery to buy votes.

Explain that to the poor or minorities.
Point out all the Republicans who are standing up for their rights
Tell them you will take away welfare, foodstamps, low cost childcare, healthcare, housing subsidies, job training....and how they will be better off without it
Explain how Republicans will make their lives better and they will vote for you

which republicans have said that they want those things taken away from poor minorities? name them and provide the quotes-----------or admit to just repeating a dem lying talking point.

They haven't?

All that "free stuff" propaganda from Republicans was just Bull Shit?

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