Are blacks "political chumps" for supporting Democrats

The black vote will never go to the GOP
In any sizable #. Because they are fooled into
Believing that the GOP is all wealthy white guys.

Total foolish bullshit.

The black community is causeing there own problem as we all know. They refuse to assimilate with the whites society and just want to destroy them. There raised that way just watch a comedy show and view what blacks feel about whites
They only wish to bang white girls and change them into white trash. Not learn to get along as one culture..... So Obama has made a stressful
Time worse.

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

Civil Rights act 1964 Only 61 percent of Democrats supported that bill, versus 80 percent of Republicans.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Written by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen - 94 percent of Senate Republicans voted in favor of the bill versus 73 percent of Democrats. The final vote on the House version - only one Senate Republican voted against it compared to seventeen Democrats.

Blacks and the Democratic Party

I really appreciate how Republicans remind Americans how they used to support Civil Rights 50 years ago

Reminds us of how great the party used to be

The term Civil Rights is so Dumb--no such thing ..Tilting the scale is soooooo wrong. And will be our undoing. Most working class people Hate there boss and believe him to be a republican..
My Friends it is not about RACE its about MONEY and how it can be taken from those who have it by those who can not or will not play by the rules . By convincing a group that voting one way or another will tilt the scales your way is the present Game--

I fear that this split among the masses will continue until a real disaster strikes and all foolish blaming will stop and how to bring the USA back will be looked at as it should be.
You work for it, it is yours, you don't work for it , its not yours.

This rule of finance is simple just as simple as Baseball, Football or any other completive situation...But Government like to mess with these things I believe so they can feel Godly and take what they want.

Oh and for the record I voted for Jimmy Carter and then Ronald Regan So based on the person not the party is how I vote, For free Abortion and Freedom of religion. I think there is no such thing as Illegal aliens they should be put into our society--but do not like that they make there children speak Spanish and do there best to have Spanish as another language...

Do not like interracial marriages but you have the right to marry who ever you want even if you are of the same sex. Guns--very strongly hate that the Good citizen has to give up his rights because of the bad person. Gun control to me means 3 in a Quarter at 100.
punishment for rape or murder should be as it was death for all to see--in the town square. Punishment for smoking Pot ,there should be none smoke them if you got em (never smoked Pot and never will) Drunk driving well we kind a are over reacting with punishment here. But I do not drink either. RAP MUSIC SHOULD BE BANNED) Only kidding but I do hate it. Except for CAN'T TOUCH THIS. LOLOLOLO
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Civil Rights act 1964 Only 61 percent of Democrats supported that bill, versus 80 percent of Republicans.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Written by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen - 94 percent of Senate Republicans voted in favor of the bill versus 73 percent of Democrats. The final vote on the House version - only one Senate Republican voted against it compared to seventeen Democrats.

Blacks and the Democratic Party

I really appreciate how Republicans remind Americans how they used to support Civil Rights 50 years ago

Reminds us of how great the party used to be

that has not changed. Civil rights is not equal to government slavery. lifetime welfare is not civil rights---its democrat slavery to buy votes.

Yes and even the slaves like it Free Cell phones don't you know.
funny, I watched the movie malcolm x last light. he thought the democrats were keeping blacks down. he urged them to get off the white mans handouts. to instill pride in themselves. to get an education, to get jobs, to own their own businesses. to be the leaders of their own communities. he saw the poison welfare was to them. it made them complacent. always looking to the white man
funny, I watched the movie malcolm x last light. he thought the democrats were keeping blacks down. he urged them to get off the white mans handouts. to instill pride in themselves. to get an education, to get jobs, to own their own businesses. to be the leaders of their own communities. he saw the poison welfare was to them. it made them complacent. always looking to the white man

[ame=]Malcolm X on White People's Guilt Complex - YouTube[/ame]

He also believed white people were paranoid. Great man
funny, I watched the movie malcolm x last light. he thought the democrats were keeping blacks down. he urged them to get off the white mans handouts. to instill pride in themselves. to get an education, to get jobs, to own their own businesses. to be the leaders of their own communities. he saw the poison welfare was to them. it made them complacent. always looking to the white man

[ame=]Malcolm X on White People's Guilt Complex - YouTube[/ame]

He also believed white people were paranoid. Great man

white democrats are. he understood an educated black man that wasn't a low education voter is their worst enemy
funny, I watched the movie malcolm x last light. he thought the democrats were keeping blacks down. he urged them to get off the white mans handouts. to instill pride in themselves. to get an education, to get jobs, to own their own businesses. to be the leaders of their own communities. he saw the poison welfare was to them. it made them complacent. always looking to the white man

[ame=]Malcolm X on White People's Guilt Complex - YouTube[/ame]

He also believed white people were paranoid. Great man

SOME white people.

and he is right on that as well :D
Blacks, in general, just aren't very informed when it comes to politics. They vote for who their leaders (who are paid off by the democrat party) tell them to vote for.

what i find interesting is liberals scream about the poor and innercity kids being undereducated and not having a fair chance as a result. but on the other hand they are the ones who fight any effort for these school systems to intall disciplines and establish the tools needed to bring these kids inline and get the education being offered to them. they start screaming about personal rights and that schoold don't have the rights to make kids learn. they want these people to remain uneducated. these uneducated voters are easier to brain wash later. throw them some trinkets and cheap perks and they are happy.
That's a harsh judgment and I cringed when I first read it, and I don't pretend to know the conditions prevalent amongst various Black communities and population-segments in this country, but - on a stereotypical level, anyway - that has the ring and feel of Truth to it...
Blacks, in general, just aren't very informed when it comes to politics. They vote for who their leaders (who are paid off by the democrat party) tell them to vote for.

what i find interesting is liberals scream about the poor and innercity kids being undereducated and not having a fair chance as a result. but on the other hand they are the ones who fight any effort for these school systems to intall disciplines and establish the tools needed to bring these kids inline and get the education being offered to them. they start screaming about personal rights and that schoold don't have the rights to make kids learn. they want these people to remain uneducated. these uneducated voters are easier to brain wash later. throw them some trinkets and cheap perks and they are happy.
That's a harsh judgment and I cringed when I first read it, and I don't pretend to know the conditions prevalent amongst various Black communities and population-segments in this country, but - on a stereotypical level, anyway - that has the ring and feel of Truth to it...
definitely a bit of stereotyping in there and not all together true if you are talking about the entire black population. but when you are talking about the inner city and ghetto communities it really does ring pretty true, even a stereotype is based on a certain element of truth. if you look at education levels and test scores of blacks in general, they are a lot higher than what you would find on average in the inner cities. its not that inner city blacks are less intelligent or the schools are worse. there is no focus on education. the drive in the communities is not to be educated. kids influence is more from the street vs the family or community at large. its the kind of thing you hear people like bill cosby talking about. its what you'd hear black leaders like Sharpton and Jackson talking about if their interest was really in helping these black communities.
Explain that to the poor or minorities.
Point out all the Republicans who are standing up for their rights
Tell them you will take away welfare, foodstamps, low cost childcare, healthcare, housing subsidies, job training....and how they will be better off without it
Explain how Republicans will make their lives better and they will vote for you

which republicans have said that they want those things taken away from poor minorities? name them and provide the quotes-----------or admit to just repeating a dem lying talking point.

They haven't?

All that "free stuff" propaganda from Republicans was just Bull Shit?

Nice dodge sewerboy. WE knew you couldn't come up with ANY quotes and that proves you to be a LIAR, HACK, Stupid, or all three.
which republicans have said that they want those things taken away from poor minorities? name them and provide the quotes-----------or admit to just repeating a dem lying talking point.

They haven't?

All that "free stuff" propaganda from Republicans was just Bull Shit?

Nice dodge sewerboy. WE knew you couldn't come up with ANY quotes and that proves you to be a LIAR, HACK, Stupid, or all three.

I guess we missed the part where free stuff was a civil right.

These libs have really gone off the deep end. logic and reason totally escape them
They haven't?

All that "free stuff" propaganda from Republicans was just Bull Shit?

Nice dodge sewerboy. WE knew you couldn't come up with ANY quotes and that proves you to be a LIAR, HACK, Stupid, or all three.

I guess we missed the part where free stuff was a civil right.

These libs have really gone off the deep end. logic and reason totally escape them
Off the deep end in the form of prime arrogance.
which republicans have said that they want those things taken away from poor minorities? name them and provide the quotes-----------or admit to just repeating a dem lying talking point.

They haven't?

All that "free stuff" propaganda from Republicans was just Bull Shit?

Nice dodge sewerboy. WE knew you couldn't come up with ANY quotes and that proves you to be a LIAR, HACK, Stupid, or all three.
icon14.gif don't have to convince me

You have to convince blacks to vote Republucan. Tell them about all the Teapublican initiatives to help them
They haven't?

All that "free stuff" propaganda from Republicans was just Bull Shit?

Nice dodge sewerboy. WE knew you couldn't come up with ANY quotes and that proves you to be a LIAR, HACK, Stupid, or all three.

I guess we missed the part where free stuff was a civil right.

These libs have really gone off the deep end. logic and reason totally escape them
Everybody gets free stuff.

The poor get theirs, you and I get ours

The rich get more than anybody
Nice dodge sewerboy. WE knew you couldn't come up with ANY quotes and that proves you to be a LIAR, HACK, Stupid, or all three.

I guess we missed the part where free stuff was a civil right.

These libs have really gone off the deep end. logic and reason totally escape them
Everybody gets free stuff.

The poor get theirs, you and I get ours

The rich get more than anybody

SEWERGAS has gotten to your brain, BOY...WE EARN ours...WE aren't given a Godamned thing. Wealth envy mulesqueeze on display by YOU.

Learn it, Live it, KNOW IT.
I guess we missed the part where free stuff was a civil right.

These libs have really gone off the deep end. logic and reason totally escape them
Everybody gets free stuff.

The poor get theirs, you and I get ours

The rich get more than anybody

SEWERGAS has gotten to your brain, BOY...WE EARN ours...WE aren't given a Godamned thing. Wealth envy mulesqueeze on display by YOU.

Learn it, Live it, KNOW IT.

Sure ya do.......LOL
The black vote will never go to the GOP
In any sizable #. Because they are fooled into
Believing that the GOP is all wealthy white guys.

Total foolish bullshit.

The black community is causeing there own problem as we all know. They refuse to assimilate with the whites society and just want to destroy them. There raised that way just watch a comedy show and view what blacks feel about whites
They only wish to bang white girls and change them into white trash. Not learn to get along as one culture..... So Obama has made a stressful
Time worse.

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

Civil Rights act 1964 Only 61 percent of Democrats supported that bill, versus 80 percent of Republicans.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Written by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen - 94 percent of Senate Republicans voted in favor of the bill versus 73 percent of Democrats. The final vote on the House version - only one Senate Republican voted against it compared to seventeen Democrats.

Blacks and the Democratic Party

I really appreciate how Republicans remind Americans how they used to support Civil Rights 50 years ago

Reminds us of how great the party used to be

To this very day, a large majority of African Americans continue to support the Democratic party which continues to enslave Blacks under an increasingly sophisticated methodology. The type of slavery has changed, it was once forced servitude where now it is a slavery to handouts.

E.W. Jackson of Virginia, Black Politician, Republican Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, stated ...

..."slavery did not destroy black families, but government welfare programs launched in the 1960s caused them to deteriorate"....

Under the government machine , firmly controlled by the Democrats, even during Republican administrations, the Liberals dictate, manipulate and devastate the poor, and poor families, in particular African Americans. The bumbling leftists bureaucracy attempts to end poverty are a dismal failure and have only succeeded in forming a new type of slavery , slavery to the Liberal machine.

The public has been taught that white Americans should atone for the sins of slavery and racism by supporting welfare programs and the Democratic Party. Black Americans are taught that greed and hatred is the reason whites are prosperous and that whites are the cause of economic barriers that prevented blacks from obtaining wealth. All who disagree are racists.

Welfare is a two edged sword, it not only enslaves those being taxed, but shackles the recipients as well.


Blacks and the Democratic Party
Civil Rights act 1964 Only 61 percent of Democrats supported that bill, versus 80 percent of Republicans.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Written by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen - 94 percent of Senate Republicans voted in favor of the bill versus 73 percent of Democrats. The final vote on the House version - only one Senate Republican voted against it compared to seventeen Democrats.

Blacks and the Democratic Party

I really appreciate how Republicans remind Americans how they used to support Civil Rights 50 years ago

Reminds us of how great the party used to be

To this very day, a large majority of African Americans continue to support the Democratic party which continues to enslave Blacks under an increasingly sophisticated methodology. The type of slavery has changed, it was once forced servitude where now it is a slavery to handouts.

E.W. Jackson of Virginia, Black Politician, Republican Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, stated ...

..."slavery did not destroy black families, but government welfare programs launched in the 1960s caused them to deteriorate"....

Under the government machine , firmly controlled by the Democrats, even during Republican administrations, the Liberals dictate, manipulate and devastate the poor, and poor families, in particular African Americans. The bumbling leftists bureaucracy attempts to end poverty are a dismal failure and have only succeeded in forming a new type of slavery , slavery to the Liberal machine.

The public has been taught that white Americans should atone for the sins of slavery and racism by supporting welfare programs and the Democratic Party. Black Americans are taught that greed and hatred is the reason whites are prosperous and that whites are the cause of economic barriers that prevented blacks from obtaining wealth. All who disagree are racists.

Welfare is a two edged sword, it not only enslaves those being taxed, but shackles the recipients as well.


Blacks and the Democratic Party

Fair enough...

If the Democratic Party is enslaving Blacks, why don't Republicans explain it to them?

Explain why poor people are better off without social programs
Explain why the lives of the poor and minorities would be better off under Republicans
Explain how every black is receiving a handout
Explain why Herman Cain makes a better leader than Barack Obama
Explain the hate rhetoric coming out of the rightwing media

Then maybe blacks would vote for you
I really appreciate how Republicans remind Americans how they used to support Civil Rights 50 years ago

Reminds us of how great the party used to be

To this very day, a large majority of African Americans continue to support the Democratic party which continues to enslave Blacks under an increasingly sophisticated methodology. The type of slavery has changed, it was once forced servitude where now it is a slavery to handouts.

E.W. Jackson of Virginia, Black Politician, Republican Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, stated ...

..."slavery did not destroy black families, but government welfare programs launched in the 1960s caused them to deteriorate"....

Under the government machine , firmly controlled by the Democrats, even during Republican administrations, the Liberals dictate, manipulate and devastate the poor, and poor families, in particular African Americans. The bumbling leftists bureaucracy attempts to end poverty are a dismal failure and have only succeeded in forming a new type of slavery , slavery to the Liberal machine.

The public has been taught that white Americans should atone for the sins of slavery and racism by supporting welfare programs and the Democratic Party. Black Americans are taught that greed and hatred is the reason whites are prosperous and that whites are the cause of economic barriers that prevented blacks from obtaining wealth. All who disagree are racists.

Welfare is a two edged sword, it not only enslaves those being taxed, but shackles the recipients as well.


Blacks and the Democratic Party

Fair enough...

If the Democratic Party is enslaving Blacks, why don't Republicans explain it to them?

Explain why poor people are better off without social programs
Explain why the lives of the poor and minorities would be better off under Republicans
Explain how every black is receiving a handout
Explain why Herman Cain makes a better leader than Barack Obama
Explain the hate rhetoric coming out of the rightwing media

Then maybe blacks would vote for you

I guess Blacks are just too ignorant to realize that the Republicans are their friends.

I voted for Obama and have not recieved my 'free stuff' yet. Did you get yours, Rightwinger?
To this very day, a large majority of African Americans continue to support the Democratic party which continues to enslave Blacks under an increasingly sophisticated methodology. The type of slavery has changed, it was once forced servitude where now it is a slavery to handouts.

E.W. Jackson of Virginia, Black Politician, Republican Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, stated ...

..."slavery did not destroy black families, but government welfare programs launched in the 1960s caused them to deteriorate"....

Under the government machine , firmly controlled by the Democrats, even during Republican administrations, the Liberals dictate, manipulate and devastate the poor, and poor families, in particular African Americans. The bumbling leftists bureaucracy attempts to end poverty are a dismal failure and have only succeeded in forming a new type of slavery , slavery to the Liberal machine.

The public has been taught that white Americans should atone for the sins of slavery and racism by supporting welfare programs and the Democratic Party. Black Americans are taught that greed and hatred is the reason whites are prosperous and that whites are the cause of economic barriers that prevented blacks from obtaining wealth. All who disagree are racists.

Welfare is a two edged sword, it not only enslaves those being taxed, but shackles the recipients as well.


Blacks and the Democratic Party

Fair enough...

If the Democratic Party is enslaving Blacks, why don't Republicans explain it to them?

Explain why poor people are better off without social programs
Explain why the lives of the poor and minorities would be better off under Republicans
Explain how every black is receiving a handout
Explain why Herman Cain makes a better leader than Barack Obama
Explain the hate rhetoric coming out of the rightwing media

Then maybe blacks would vote for you

I guess Blacks are just too ignorant to realize that the Republicans are their friends.

I voted for Obama and have not recieved my 'free stuff' yet. Did you get yours, Rightwinger?

I am a liberal....I don't work and I get everything for free

I just show up, flash my liberal card, wink and there is no charge

Works at gas stations, restaurants, movie theaters and titty bars
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I really appreciate how Republicans remind Americans how they used to support Civil Rights 50 years ago

Reminds us of how great the party used to be

To this very day, a large majority of African Americans continue to support the Democratic party which continues to enslave Blacks under an increasingly sophisticated methodology. The type of slavery has changed, it was once forced servitude where now it is a slavery to handouts.

E.W. Jackson of Virginia, Black Politician, Republican Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, stated ...

..."slavery did not destroy black families, but government welfare programs launched in the 1960s caused them to deteriorate"....

Under the government machine , firmly controlled by the Democrats, even during Republican administrations, the Liberals dictate, manipulate and devastate the poor, and poor families, in particular African Americans. The bumbling leftists bureaucracy attempts to end poverty are a dismal failure and have only succeeded in forming a new type of slavery , slavery to the Liberal machine.

The public has been taught that white Americans should atone for the sins of slavery and racism by supporting welfare programs and the Democratic Party. Black Americans are taught that greed and hatred is the reason whites are prosperous and that whites are the cause of economic barriers that prevented blacks from obtaining wealth. All who disagree are racists.

Welfare is a two edged sword, it not only enslaves those being taxed, but shackles the recipients as well.


Blacks and the Democratic Party

Fair enough...

If the Democratic Party is enslaving Blacks, why don't Republicans explain it to them?

Been trying to for 30 years, but with Left Wing monopolization of the Media just beginning to wane - it's a difficult task

Explain why poor people are better off without social programs
There's a difference between Social Programs to help people who are down and out and deserving to get back on their feet , or in some cases get a decent start in life as opposed to Life Long servitude to the Welfare Check.

Explain why the lives of the poor and minorities would be better off under Republicans

See Above

Explain how every black is receiving a handout
Far From it - Whites outnumber Blacks on the Welfare Rolls - And many of the more advantaged Blacks, more ambitious and more more talented and or intelligent Blacks
are breaking away from the Demoncrats - A high percentage of the more intelligent and or more informed African Americans are REPUBLICANS - just like MLK ,Condoleeza, and LL Cool J

Explain why Herman Cain makes a better leader than Barack Obama

Explain how Obama is in any way qualified to be President - his first real Job gimme a fuckin Break !

Explain the hate rhetoric coming out of the rightwing media

Examples Please ....

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