Are Democrat News Outlets Begging For A Race Riot In Ferguson?...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
The obvious answer is Yes. I've been saying that all along. Democrat Media Outlets like CNN (Communist News Network) and NBC, should be ashamed of themselves for their 24/7 Race-Baiting incitement. Both Networks' ratings are in the toilet. They see a 'Race-War' as being the lift they need. It truly is shameful.

Why is so much of liberal cable news begging for a race riot in Ferguson, Missouri?

Riots create chaos and disorder in black communities like Ferguson. They threaten the public safety of black families, drive down real estate prices in black neighborhoods and hurt the trade of black-owned businesses in the area.

We saw this with the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles in 1992. During the LA Riots, 50 people were killed, hundreds more injured and millions of dollars of property destroyed in the black community. Let me repeat, black people did not profit from riots.

Cities from Washington, D.C. to Detroit and L.A. can tell you that rioting in the 1960s is still hurting them today. Rioting only devastates communities. It even pushed out the black middle class.

Now, it is true that television networks profit from coverage of riots. So do extremist voices, often from out of town; suddenly people making threats and shouting vile things are in demand for interviews because they are elevated to the status of experts on the black experience. They certainly profit from racial chaos and violence and now they are looking to score again.

Stop it.

Those people looking to get on television and the producers looking for ratings will not be around to repair the damage once the riots tear through town.

Read More:
Are liberal news outlets begging for a race riot in Ferguson Fox News
The thug way of life has been reinforced by this sitting president..

If one does break out it will because of the racist far left.
Sorry but nope...You can talk about "intentions" or what people "really want" all day because it requires nothing but imagination. But you can read like real stuff like this

Following a week in which a chapter of Ku Klux Klan threatened to use “lethal force” against Ferguson protesters, the hacker collective known as Anonymous announced Operation KKK (#OpKKK) designed to harass the white supremacist group.

After Anonymous posted photos and personal information, including addresses and job positions, of Klan members living in the St. Louis area on Saturday, the Klan taunted the hacker group on Sunday only to see Anonymous take over their Twitter account two hours later.

Last week, Frank Ancona of the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK defended handing out fliers in St. Louis calling Ferguson protestors “terrorists,” and threatening, “We will use lethal force as provided under Missouri law to defend ourselves.”

Responding to the KKK threats, Anonymous tracked down and began posting information about St. Louis Klan members on Twitter — some of which were collected and posted by Liberaland — leading the Klan to complain about the invasion of privacy.

Late Saturday, on the @KuKluxKlanUSA Twitter account, the Klan began mocking Anonymous, tweeting out “Anonymous is nothing but an act. Don’t be worried by this, fellow klansmen. #OpKKK #HoodsON,” followed by “Anonymous is nothing but a bunch of wannabes. They won’t take any action. We will not be brought down by some low-lives behind a screen.”

On Sunday, they tweeted, “We are continuing to read Anonymous threats with much amusement. Still no action taken. #Cowards #HoodsON.”

Two hours later Anonymous had taken over the Twitter account, substituting the Anonymous logo for the Klan logo, and changing the bio to read: “Under anon control as of 16 NOV 2014 09:11:47. You should’ve expected us.”

Anonymous then posted a tweet announcing the takeover (seen below), featuring a lynched Klansman, which has been retweeted over 1,800 times.


Sorry but nope...You can talk about "intentions" or what people "really want" all day because it requires nothing but imagination. But you can read like real stuff like this

Following a week in which a chapter of Ku Klux Klan threatened to use “lethal force” against Ferguson protesters, the hacker collective known as Anonymous announced Operation KKK (#OpKKK) designed to harass the white supremacist group.

After Anonymous posted photos and personal information, including addresses and job positions, of Klan members living in the St. Louis area on Saturday, the Klan taunted the hacker group on Sunday only to see Anonymous take over their Twitter account two hours later.

Last week, Frank Ancona of the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK defended handing out fliers in St. Louis calling Ferguson protestors “terrorists,” and threatening, “We will use lethal force as provided under Missouri law to defend ourselves.”

Responding to the KKK threats, Anonymous tracked down and began posting information about St. Louis Klan members on Twitter — some of which were collected and posted by Liberaland — leading the Klan to complain about the invasion of privacy.

Late Saturday, on the @KuKluxKlanUSA Twitter account, the Klan began mocking Anonymous, tweeting out “Anonymous is nothing but an act. Don’t be worried by this, fellow klansmen. #OpKKK #HoodsON,” followed by “Anonymous is nothing but a bunch of wannabes. They won’t take any action. We will not be brought down by some low-lives behind a screen.”

On Sunday, they tweeted, “We are continuing to read Anonymous threats with much amusement. Still no action taken. #Cowards #HoodsON.”

Two hours later Anonymous had taken over the Twitter account, substituting the Anonymous logo for the Klan logo, and changing the bio to read: “Under anon control as of 16 NOV 2014 09:11:47. You should’ve expected us.”

Anonymous then posted a tweet announcing the takeover (seen below), featuring a lynched Klansman, which has been retweeted over 1,800 times.



More absurd Race-Baiting incitement. If there is still a 'KKK', its numbers are probably even smaller than the Black Panther's numbers. It's no threat whatsoever. Reports like this are just more Democrat Race-Baiting incitement. They desperately want their Race-War.
Sorry but nope...You can talk about "intentions" or what people "really want" all day because it requires nothing but imagination. But you can read like real stuff like this

Following a week in which a chapter of Ku Klux Klan threatened to use “lethal force” against Ferguson protesters, the hacker collective known as Anonymous announced Operation KKK (#OpKKK) designed to harass the white supremacist group.

After Anonymous posted photos and personal information, including addresses and job positions, of Klan members living in the St. Louis area on Saturday, the Klan taunted the hacker group on Sunday only to see Anonymous take over their Twitter account two hours later.

Last week, Frank Ancona of the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK defended handing out fliers in St. Louis calling Ferguson protestors “terrorists,” and threatening, “We will use lethal force as provided under Missouri law to defend ourselves.”

Responding to the KKK threats, Anonymous tracked down and began posting information about St. Louis Klan members on Twitter — some of which were collected and posted by Liberaland — leading the Klan to complain about the invasion of privacy.

Late Saturday, on the @KuKluxKlanUSA Twitter account, the Klan began mocking Anonymous, tweeting out “Anonymous is nothing but an act. Don’t be worried by this, fellow klansmen. #OpKKK #HoodsON,” followed by “Anonymous is nothing but a bunch of wannabes. They won’t take any action. We will not be brought down by some low-lives behind a screen.”

On Sunday, they tweeted, “We are continuing to read Anonymous threats with much amusement. Still no action taken. #Cowards #HoodsON.”

Two hours later Anonymous had taken over the Twitter account, substituting the Anonymous logo for the Klan logo, and changing the bio to read: “Under anon control as of 16 NOV 2014 09:11:47. You should’ve expected us.”

Anonymous then posted a tweet announcing the takeover (seen below), featuring a lynched Klansman, which has been retweeted over 1,800 times.



More absurd Race-Baiting incitement. If there is still a 'KKK', its numbers are probably even smaller than the Black Panther's numbers. It's no threat whatsoever. Reports like this are just more Democrat Race-Baiting incitement. They desperately want their Race-War.

Oh I get it. The KKK didnt threaten anyone because they probably have small numbers and you cant threaten anyone unless you have probably larger numbers than probable small numbers.

Got cha
Sorry but nope...You can talk about "intentions" or what people "really want" all day because it requires nothing but imagination. But you can read like real stuff like this

Following a week in which a chapter of Ku Klux Klan threatened to use “lethal force” against Ferguson protesters, the hacker collective known as Anonymous announced Operation KKK (#OpKKK) designed to harass the white supremacist group.

After Anonymous posted photos and personal information, including addresses and job positions, of Klan members living in the St. Louis area on Saturday, the Klan taunted the hacker group on Sunday only to see Anonymous take over their Twitter account two hours later.

Last week, Frank Ancona of the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK defended handing out fliers in St. Louis calling Ferguson protestors “terrorists,” and threatening, “We will use lethal force as provided under Missouri law to defend ourselves.”

Responding to the KKK threats, Anonymous tracked down and began posting information about St. Louis Klan members on Twitter — some of which were collected and posted by Liberaland — leading the Klan to complain about the invasion of privacy.

Late Saturday, on the @KuKluxKlanUSA Twitter account, the Klan began mocking Anonymous, tweeting out “Anonymous is nothing but an act. Don’t be worried by this, fellow klansmen. #OpKKK #HoodsON,” followed by “Anonymous is nothing but a bunch of wannabes. They won’t take any action. We will not be brought down by some low-lives behind a screen.”

On Sunday, they tweeted, “We are continuing to read Anonymous threats with much amusement. Still no action taken. #Cowards #HoodsON.”

Two hours later Anonymous had taken over the Twitter account, substituting the Anonymous logo for the Klan logo, and changing the bio to read: “Under anon control as of 16 NOV 2014 09:11:47. You should’ve expected us.”

Anonymous then posted a tweet announcing the takeover (seen below), featuring a lynched Klansman, which has been retweeted over 1,800 times.



More absurd Race-Baiting incitement. If there is still a 'KKK', its numbers are probably even smaller than the Black Panther's numbers. It's no threat whatsoever. Reports like this are just more Democrat Race-Baiting incitement. They desperately want their Race-War.

Oh I get it. The KKK didnt threaten anyone because they probably have small numbers and you cant threaten anyone unless you have probably larger numbers than probable small numbers.

Got cha

Race-Baiter Bullshite. Your beloved Black Panther assholes probably have more members. Are they a serious threat to anyone? There will not be any 'KKK' violence in Ferguson. Any blood spilled, will be by you Race-Baiter bastards.

The PC Police indicts and convicts the cop before Brown's body is even cold, stoking every last racial fire possible, then they're unwilling to take responsibility when the racial shit hits the fan.

Making things better is clearly not the goal here. This is political.

The media loves controversy. They thrive on it, so yeah, they probably are hoping for some kind of riot to happen.

The PC Police indicts and convicts the cop before Brown's body is even cold, stoking every last racial fire possible, then they're unwilling to take responsibility when the racial shit hits the fan.

Making things better is clearly not the goal here. This is political.


Yes, they want blood. Democrat Media Outlets like CNN (Communist News Network), are screaming for it. They won't be satisfied until they get it. Their ratings are in the toilet. It really is shameful.
Yes, they are. It seems to be OK that this shit is being encouraged and that NO ONE ON THE LEFT is speaking up about it.
Yes, they are. It seems to be OK that this shit is being encouraged and that NO ONE ON THE LEFT is speaking up about it.

Yeah, it's blatant incitement. CNN and NBC's 24/7 Race-Baiting coverage has been shockingly over-the-top.
Sorry but nope...You can talk about "intentions" or what people "really want" all day because it requires nothing but imagination. But you can read like real stuff like this

Following a week in which a chapter of Ku Klux Klan threatened to use “lethal force” against Ferguson protesters, the hacker collective known as Anonymous announced Operation KKK (#OpKKK) designed to harass the white supremacist group.

After Anonymous posted photos and personal information, including addresses and job positions, of Klan members living in the St. Louis area on Saturday, the Klan taunted the hacker group on Sunday only to see Anonymous take over their Twitter account two hours later.

Last week, Frank Ancona of the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK defended handing out fliers in St. Louis calling Ferguson protestors “terrorists,” and threatening, “We will use lethal force as provided under Missouri law to defend ourselves.”

Responding to the KKK threats, Anonymous tracked down and began posting information about St. Louis Klan members on Twitter — some of which were collected and posted by Liberaland — leading the Klan to complain about the invasion of privacy.

Late Saturday, on the @KuKluxKlanUSA Twitter account, the Klan began mocking Anonymous, tweeting out “Anonymous is nothing but an act. Don’t be worried by this, fellow klansmen. #OpKKK #HoodsON,” followed by “Anonymous is nothing but a bunch of wannabes. They won’t take any action. We will not be brought down by some low-lives behind a screen.”

On Sunday, they tweeted, “We are continuing to read Anonymous threats with much amusement. Still no action taken. #Cowards #HoodsON.”

Two hours later Anonymous had taken over the Twitter account, substituting the Anonymous logo for the Klan logo, and changing the bio to read: “Under anon control as of 16 NOV 2014 09:11:47. You should’ve expected us.”

Anonymous then posted a tweet announcing the takeover (seen below), featuring a lynched Klansman, which has been retweeted over 1,800 times.



More absurd Race-Baiting incitement. If there is still a 'KKK', its numbers are probably even smaller than the Black Panther's numbers. It's no threat whatsoever. Reports like this are just more Democrat Race-Baiting incitement. They desperately want their Race-War.

Oh I get it. The KKK didnt threaten anyone because they probably have small numbers and you cant threaten anyone unless you have probably larger numbers than probable small numbers.

Got cha

Race-Baiter Bullshite. Your beloved Black Panther assholes probably have more members. Are they a serious threat to anyone? There will not be any 'KKK' violence in Ferguson. Any blood spilled, will be by you Race-Baiter bastards.

I dont know, do you think threatening to kill people is "threatening"?

The PC Police indicts and convicts the cop before Brown's body is even cold, stoking every last racial fire possible, then they're unwilling to take responsibility when the racial shit hits the fan.

Making things better is clearly not the goal here. This is political.

Poltical? What is the party of dont shoot an unarmed man?
Sorry but nope...You can talk about "intentions" or what people "really want" all day because it requires nothing but imagination. But you can read like real stuff like this

Following a week in which a chapter of Ku Klux Klan threatened to use “lethal force” against Ferguson protesters, the hacker collective known as Anonymous announced Operation KKK (#OpKKK) designed to harass the white supremacist group.

After Anonymous posted photos and personal information, including addresses and job positions, of Klan members living in the St. Louis area on Saturday, the Klan taunted the hacker group on Sunday only to see Anonymous take over their Twitter account two hours later.

Last week, Frank Ancona of the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK defended handing out fliers in St. Louis calling Ferguson protestors “terrorists,” and threatening, “We will use lethal force as provided under Missouri law to defend ourselves.”

Responding to the KKK threats, Anonymous tracked down and began posting information about St. Louis Klan members on Twitter — some of which were collected and posted by Liberaland — leading the Klan to complain about the invasion of privacy.

Late Saturday, on the @KuKluxKlanUSA Twitter account, the Klan began mocking Anonymous, tweeting out “Anonymous is nothing but an act. Don’t be worried by this, fellow klansmen. #OpKKK #HoodsON,” followed by “Anonymous is nothing but a bunch of wannabes. They won’t take any action. We will not be brought down by some low-lives behind a screen.”

On Sunday, they tweeted, “We are continuing to read Anonymous threats with much amusement. Still no action taken. #Cowards #HoodsON.”

Two hours later Anonymous had taken over the Twitter account, substituting the Anonymous logo for the Klan logo, and changing the bio to read: “Under anon control as of 16 NOV 2014 09:11:47. You should’ve expected us.”

Anonymous then posted a tweet announcing the takeover (seen below), featuring a lynched Klansman, which has been retweeted over 1,800 times.



More absurd Race-Baiting incitement. If there is still a 'KKK', its numbers are probably even smaller than the Black Panther's numbers. It's no threat whatsoever. Reports like this are just more Democrat Race-Baiting incitement. They desperately want their Race-War.

Oh I get it. The KKK didnt threaten anyone because they probably have small numbers and you cant threaten anyone unless you have probably larger numbers than probable small numbers.

Got cha

Race-Baiter Bullshite. Your beloved Black Panther assholes probably have more members. Are they a serious threat to anyone? There will not be any 'KKK' violence in Ferguson. Any blood spilled, will be by you Race-Baiter bastards.
And yet....many of you on the Right had expressed a great deal of fear over TWO unarmed Black Panthers outside a polling place in 2008. Many of you still wet your pants over them.
Sorry but nope...You can talk about "intentions" or what people "really want" all day because it requires nothing but imagination. But you can read like real stuff like this

Following a week in which a chapter of Ku Klux Klan threatened to use “lethal force” against Ferguson protesters, the hacker collective known as Anonymous announced Operation KKK (#OpKKK) designed to harass the white supremacist group.

After Anonymous posted photos and personal information, including addresses and job positions, of Klan members living in the St. Louis area on Saturday, the Klan taunted the hacker group on Sunday only to see Anonymous take over their Twitter account two hours later.

Last week, Frank Ancona of the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK defended handing out fliers in St. Louis calling Ferguson protestors “terrorists,” and threatening, “We will use lethal force as provided under Missouri law to defend ourselves.”

Responding to the KKK threats, Anonymous tracked down and began posting information about St. Louis Klan members on Twitter — some of which were collected and posted by Liberaland — leading the Klan to complain about the invasion of privacy.

Late Saturday, on the @KuKluxKlanUSA Twitter account, the Klan began mocking Anonymous, tweeting out “Anonymous is nothing but an act. Don’t be worried by this, fellow klansmen. #OpKKK #HoodsON,” followed by “Anonymous is nothing but a bunch of wannabes. They won’t take any action. We will not be brought down by some low-lives behind a screen.”

On Sunday, they tweeted, “We are continuing to read Anonymous threats with much amusement. Still no action taken. #Cowards #HoodsON.”

Two hours later Anonymous had taken over the Twitter account, substituting the Anonymous logo for the Klan logo, and changing the bio to read: “Under anon control as of 16 NOV 2014 09:11:47. You should’ve expected us.”

Anonymous then posted a tweet announcing the takeover (seen below), featuring a lynched Klansman, which has been retweeted over 1,800 times.



More absurd Race-Baiting incitement. If there is still a 'KKK', its numbers are probably even smaller than the Black Panther's numbers. It's no threat whatsoever. Reports like this are just more Democrat Race-Baiting incitement. They desperately want their Race-War.

Oh I get it. The KKK didnt threaten anyone because they probably have small numbers and you cant threaten anyone unless you have probably larger numbers than probable small numbers.

Got cha

Race-Baiter Bullshite. Your beloved Black Panther assholes probably have more members. Are they a serious threat to anyone? There will not be any 'KKK' violence in Ferguson. Any blood spilled, will be by you Race-Baiter bastards.

I dont know, do you think threatening to kill people is "threatening"?

Ferguson will not be crawling with your 'KKK' Boogeymen. It's far more likely your Black Panther pussies will be there stirring shit up. Bet on that.
Yes, they are. It seems to be OK that this shit is being encouraged and that NO ONE ON THE LEFT is speaking up about it.

The Hacker group just hacked the KKK's account for threatening violence. Like, they actually said it...which is different than your reading intentions act that you do.

Who's speaking out against the KKK?

The PC Police indicts and convicts the cop before Brown's body is even cold, stoking every last racial fire possible, then they're unwilling to take responsibility when the racial shit hits the fan.

Making things better is clearly not the goal here. This is political.

Poltical? What is the party of dont shoot an unarmed man?

Look, if the unarmed man is attackingf someone, YOU SHOOT HIS ASS. Where is the accountability here????

The PC Police indicts and convicts the cop before Brown's body is even cold, stoking every last racial fire possible, then they're unwilling to take responsibility when the racial shit hits the fan.

Making things better is clearly not the goal here. This is political.

Poltical? What is the party of dont shoot an unarmed man?

Yes, political.

If the cop were black and the dead guy were white you wouldn't give a flying fuck about "don't shoot an unarmed man".

Please play this game with someone else, I'm not buying it.

Sorry but nope...You can talk about "intentions" or what people "really want" all day because it requires nothing but imagination. But you can read like real stuff like this

Following a week in which a chapter of Ku Klux Klan threatened to use “lethal force” against Ferguson protesters, the hacker collective known as Anonymous announced Operation KKK (#OpKKK) designed to harass the white supremacist group.

After Anonymous posted photos and personal information, including addresses and job positions, of Klan members living in the St. Louis area on Saturday, the Klan taunted the hacker group on Sunday only to see Anonymous take over their Twitter account two hours later.

Last week, Frank Ancona of the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK defended handing out fliers in St. Louis calling Ferguson protestors “terrorists,” and threatening, “We will use lethal force as provided under Missouri law to defend ourselves.”

Responding to the KKK threats, Anonymous tracked down and began posting information about St. Louis Klan members on Twitter — some of which were collected and posted by Liberaland — leading the Klan to complain about the invasion of privacy.

Late Saturday, on the @KuKluxKlanUSA Twitter account, the Klan began mocking Anonymous, tweeting out “Anonymous is nothing but an act. Don’t be worried by this, fellow klansmen. #OpKKK #HoodsON,” followed by “Anonymous is nothing but a bunch of wannabes. They won’t take any action. We will not be brought down by some low-lives behind a screen.”

On Sunday, they tweeted, “We are continuing to read Anonymous threats with much amusement. Still no action taken. #Cowards #HoodsON.”

Two hours later Anonymous had taken over the Twitter account, substituting the Anonymous logo for the Klan logo, and changing the bio to read: “Under anon control as of 16 NOV 2014 09:11:47. You should’ve expected us.”

Anonymous then posted a tweet announcing the takeover (seen below), featuring a lynched Klansman, which has been retweeted over 1,800 times.



More absurd Race-Baiting incitement. If there is still a 'KKK', its numbers are probably even smaller than the Black Panther's numbers. It's no threat whatsoever. Reports like this are just more Democrat Race-Baiting incitement. They desperately want their Race-War.

Oh I get it. The KKK didnt threaten anyone because they probably have small numbers and you cant threaten anyone unless you have probably larger numbers than probable small numbers.

Got cha

Race-Baiter Bullshite. Your beloved Black Panther assholes probably have more members. Are they a serious threat to anyone? There will not be any 'KKK' violence in Ferguson. Any blood spilled, will be by you Race-Baiter bastards.

I dont know, do you think threatening to kill people is "threatening"?

Ferguson will not be crawling with your 'KKK' Boogeymen. It's far more likely your Black Panther pussies will be there stirring shit up. Bet on that.

So when I tell you a fact like "the KKK threatened people" in their own words. Will all your responses be a variation of "yeah well, I bet black people want to hurt people they just dont say it"?

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