Are Democrat News Outlets Begging For A Race Riot In Ferguson?...

And yet....many of you on the Right had expressed a great deal of fear over TWO unarmed Black Panthers outside a polling place in 2008. Many of you still wet your pants over them.

In Pauls defense there were 2 whole black panthers there enough blacks for them to be rightfully scared for their life and their womens libido

Yes "unarmed" carrying night sticks and acting like thugs..

Thus proving that these are indeed far left programmed drones with zero independent thought..

Easy there, you're not dealing with geniuses. Armed Racists at Polling Places are fine... As long as they're not bad ole Whitey.

Oh boy, bunch of nutters. But waddyagunnado, right?
My feeling is that he will be indicted. There's so much pressure to do so. I would say the fix is in on that. And that's too bad for the Race-Baiter assholes at CNN & NBC. Looks like they'll have to cancel their Race Riot. Boo Hoo for them. :(

The cop may indeed have to be sacrificed.

As I've said, let's just set it up so that only black cops can be called to crimes involving blacks. No white cop can be blamed for being afraid for their career and/or their lives if they respond to those calls.

The PC Police want us all divided, let 'em have it. Fuck it.

I have an easier solution. Its complicated so here it goes.

Stop shooting unarmed blacks.

Yes, just let them attack you. Check their skin color and, if it's dark enough, just take it.

Nope. Divide us up by skin color, just the way you like it.


When they are not attacking, Do not shoot unarmed blacks.

And yet....many of you on the Right had expressed a great deal of fear over TWO unarmed Black Panthers outside a polling place in 2008. Many of you still wet your pants over them.

In Pauls defense there were 2 whole black panthers there enough blacks for them to be rightfully scared for their life and their womens libido

Yes "unarmed" carrying night sticks and acting like thugs..

Thus proving that these are indeed far left programmed drones with zero independent thought..

Easy there, you're not dealing with geniuses. Armed Racists at Polling Places are fine... As long as they're not bad ole Whitey.

Oh boy, bunch of nutters. But waddyagunnado, right?
My feeling is that he will be indicted. There's so much pressure to do so. I would say the fix is in on that. And that's too bad for the Race-Baiter assholes at CNN & NBC. Looks like they'll have to cancel their Race Riot. Boo Hoo for them. :(

The cop may indeed have to be sacrificed.

As I've said, let's just set it up so that only black cops can be called to crimes involving blacks. No white cop can be blamed for being afraid for their career and/or their lives if they respond to those calls.

The PC Police want us all divided, let 'em have it. Fuck it.


I have an easier solution. Its complicated so here it goes.

Stop shooting unarmed blacks.

Don't act like a thug and fight with police and maybe you won't get shot!
In fact do not shoot anyone who is unarmed and not attacking you.

I mean how much easier is that than Mac's proposal that calls for all white cops to leave lol.
In Pauls defense there were 2 whole black panthers there enough blacks for them to be rightfully scared for their life and their womens libido

Yes "unarmed" carrying night sticks and acting like thugs..

Thus proving that these are indeed far left programmed drones with zero independent thought..

Easy there, you're not dealing with geniuses. Armed Racists at Polling Places are fine... As long as they're not bad ole Whitey.

Oh boy, bunch of nutters. But waddyagunnado, right?
My feeling is that he will be indicted. There's so much pressure to do so. I would say the fix is in on that. And that's too bad for the Race-Baiter assholes at CNN & NBC. Looks like they'll have to cancel their Race Riot. Boo Hoo for them. :(

The cop may indeed have to be sacrificed.

As I've said, let's just set it up so that only black cops can be called to crimes involving blacks. No white cop can be blamed for being afraid for their career and/or their lives if they respond to those calls.

The PC Police want us all divided, let 'em have it. Fuck it.

I have an easier solution. Its complicated so here it goes.

Stop shooting unarmed blacks.

Yes, just let them attack you. Check their skin color and, if it's dark enough, just take it.

Nope. Divide us up by skin color, just the way you like it.


When they are not attacking, Do not shoot unarmed blacks.


Yes the racist far left drone proves that race does not matter!

Oh wait they do not understand irony and sarcasm..

Must be careful not to over load their programming circuits..
My feeling is that he will be indicted. There's so much pressure to do so. I would say the fix is in on that. And that's too bad for the Race-Baiter assholes at CNN & NBC. Looks like they'll have to cancel their Race Riot. Boo Hoo for them. :(

The cop may indeed have to be sacrificed.

As I've said, let's just set it up so that only black cops can be called to crimes involving blacks. No white cop can be blamed for being afraid for their career and/or their lives if they respond to those calls.

The PC Police want us all divided, let 'em have it. Fuck it.


Sadly, your suggestion may have to become the policy. Some will always want the People to be divided. They see profit in it. It is what it is.
My feeling is that he will be indicted. There's so much pressure to do so. I would say the fix is in on that. And that's too bad for the Race-Baiter assholes at CNN & NBC. Looks like they'll have to cancel their Race Riot. Boo Hoo for them. :(

The cop may indeed have to be sacrificed.

As I've said, let's just set it up so that only black cops can be called to crimes involving blacks. No white cop can be blamed for being afraid for their career and/or their lives if they respond to those calls.

The PC Police want us all divided, let 'em have it. Fuck it.


Sadly, your suggestion may have to become the policy. Some will always want the People to be divided. They see profit in it. It is what it is.

Yes but that can be race, class envy, social status, the type shoes you are wearing, etc..
My feeling is that he will be indicted. There's so much pressure to do so. I would say the fix is in on that. And that's too bad for the Race-Baiter assholes at CNN & NBC. Looks like they'll have to cancel their Race Riot. Boo Hoo for them. :(

The cop may indeed have to be sacrificed.

As I've said, let's just set it up so that only black cops can be called to crimes involving blacks. No white cop can be blamed for being afraid for their career and/or their lives if they respond to those calls.

The PC Police want us all divided, let 'em have it. Fuck it.


Sadly, your suggestion may have to become the policy. Some will always want the People to be divided. They see profit in it. It is what it is.

Yes but that can be race, class envy, social status, the type shoes you are wearing, etc..

Democrats see big profit in racial division. They'll never stop Race-Baiting and dividing.
Democrats will only stop dividing the races when they see there's no longer any profit in it. That's the sad reality. Right now they still see a whole lotta profit in it. So for the foreseeable future, it will be 'Divide & Conquer' for them.
My feeling is that he will be indicted. There's so much pressure to do so. I would say the fix is in on that. And that's too bad for the Race-Baiter assholes at CNN & NBC. Looks like they'll have to cancel their Race Riot. Boo Hoo for them. :(

The cop may indeed have to be sacrificed.

As I've said, let's just set it up so that only black cops can be called to crimes involving blacks. No white cop can be blamed for being afraid for their career and/or their lives if they respond to those calls.

The PC Police want us all divided, let 'em have it. Fuck it.


Sadly, your suggestion may have to become the policy. Some will always want the People to be divided. They see profit in it. It is what it is.

:rolleyes: yes we will start sacrificing cops :rolleyes:

Democrats will only stop dividing the races when they see there's no longer any profit in it. That's the sad reality. Right now they still see a whole lotta profit in it. So for the foreseeable future, it will be 'Divide & Conquer' for them.

:rolleyes: Yes there is much money to be made and thats why the cops shoot blacks at a high rate....for profit to someone :rolleyes:
Sorry but nope...You can talk about "intentions" or what people "really want" all day because it requires nothing but imagination. But you can read like real stuff like this

Following a week in which a chapter of Ku Klux Klan threatened to use “lethal force” against Ferguson protesters, the hacker collective known as Anonymous announced Operation KKK (#OpKKK) designed to harass the white supremacist group.

After Anonymous posted photos and personal information, including addresses and job positions, of Klan members living in the St. Louis area on Saturday, the Klan taunted the hacker group on Sunday only to see Anonymous take over their Twitter account two hours later.

Last week, Frank Ancona of the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK defended handing out fliers in St. Louis calling Ferguson protestors “terrorists,” and threatening, “We will use lethal force as provided under Missouri law to defend ourselves.”

Responding to the KKK threats, Anonymous tracked down and began posting information about St. Louis Klan members on Twitter — some of which were collected and posted by Liberaland — leading the Klan to complain about the invasion of privacy.

Late Saturday, on the @KuKluxKlanUSA Twitter account, the Klan began mocking Anonymous, tweeting out “Anonymous is nothing but an act. Don’t be worried by this, fellow klansmen. #OpKKK #HoodsON,” followed by “Anonymous is nothing but a bunch of wannabes. They won’t take any action. We will not be brought down by some low-lives behind a screen.”

On Sunday, they tweeted, “We are continuing to read Anonymous threats with much amusement. Still no action taken. #Cowards #HoodsON.”

Two hours later Anonymous had taken over the Twitter account, substituting the Anonymous logo for the Klan logo, and changing the bio to read: “Under anon control as of 16 NOV 2014 09:11:47. You should’ve expected us.”

Anonymous then posted a tweet announcing the takeover (seen below), featuring a lynched Klansman, which has been retweeted over 1,800 times.



While I don't support the Klan as they are racists, from what I saw people looting a business that had absolutely nothing to do with why they were protesting are dangerous. If they'll do something like that then justify it because they are mad, they're unpredictable.
Liberals seek to divide the races by pretending to care that someone was shot by someone who vowed to protect us.

Liberals seek to divide the races by making cops shoot black people against their will...for decades

Liberals seek to divide the people in groups such as "dead" and "alive"
My feeling is that he will be indicted. There's so much pressure to do so. I would say the fix is in on that. And that's too bad for the Race-Baiter assholes at CNN & NBC. Looks like they'll have to cancel their Race Riot. Boo Hoo for them. :(

The cop may indeed have to be sacrificed.

As I've said, let's just set it up so that only black cops can be called to crimes involving blacks. No white cop can be blamed for being afraid for their career and/or their lives if they respond to those calls.

The PC Police want us all divided, let 'em have it. Fuck it.


Sadly, your suggestion may have to become the policy. Some will always want the People to be divided. They see profit in it. It is what it is.

:rolleyes: yes we will start sacrificing cops :rolleyes:


His suggestion is actually something that will have to be considered at some point. It makes sense. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but it does make sense at this point. It'll counter Race-Baiter assholes like you a bit.
Sorry but nope...You can talk about "intentions" or what people "really want" all day because it requires nothing but imagination. But you can read like real stuff like this

Following a week in which a chapter of Ku Klux Klan threatened to use “lethal force” against Ferguson protesters, the hacker collective known as Anonymous announced Operation KKK (#OpKKK) designed to harass the white supremacist group.

After Anonymous posted photos and personal information, including addresses and job positions, of Klan members living in the St. Louis area on Saturday, the Klan taunted the hacker group on Sunday only to see Anonymous take over their Twitter account two hours later.

Last week, Frank Ancona of the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK defended handing out fliers in St. Louis calling Ferguson protestors “terrorists,” and threatening, “We will use lethal force as provided under Missouri law to defend ourselves.”

Responding to the KKK threats, Anonymous tracked down and began posting information about St. Louis Klan members on Twitter — some of which were collected and posted by Liberaland — leading the Klan to complain about the invasion of privacy.

Late Saturday, on the @KuKluxKlanUSA Twitter account, the Klan began mocking Anonymous, tweeting out “Anonymous is nothing but an act. Don’t be worried by this, fellow klansmen. #OpKKK #HoodsON,” followed by “Anonymous is nothing but a bunch of wannabes. They won’t take any action. We will not be brought down by some low-lives behind a screen.”

On Sunday, they tweeted, “We are continuing to read Anonymous threats with much amusement. Still no action taken. #Cowards #HoodsON.”

Two hours later Anonymous had taken over the Twitter account, substituting the Anonymous logo for the Klan logo, and changing the bio to read: “Under anon control as of 16 NOV 2014 09:11:47. You should’ve expected us.”

Anonymous then posted a tweet announcing the takeover (seen below), featuring a lynched Klansman, which has been retweeted over 1,800 times.



While I don't support the Klan as they are racists, from what I saw people looting a business that had absolutely nothing to do with why they were protesting are dangerous. If they'll do something like that then justify it because they are mad, they're unpredictable.

What does that have to do with anything? Anything?

Sounds like you are doing your weak justification routine for why its understandable for the KKK to threaten.

Of course you're going to say thats not the case then avoid telling what the point of your post was....but we know..
Democrats will only stop dividing the races when they see there's no longer any profit in it. That's the sad reality. Right now they still see a whole lotta profit in it. So for the foreseeable future, it will be 'Divide & Conquer' for them.

:rolleyes: Yes there is much money to be made and thats why the cops shoot blacks at a high rate....for profit to someone :rolleyes:

Democrats see a whole lotta profit in stirring up dipshits like you. Until that changes, they'll continue to divide.
My feeling is that he will be indicted. There's so much pressure to do so. I would say the fix is in on that. And that's too bad for the Race-Baiter assholes at CNN & NBC. Looks like they'll have to cancel their Race Riot. Boo Hoo for them. :(

The cop may indeed have to be sacrificed.

As I've said, let's just set it up so that only black cops can be called to crimes involving blacks. No white cop can be blamed for being afraid for their career and/or their lives if they respond to those calls.

The PC Police want us all divided, let 'em have it. Fuck it.


Sadly, your suggestion may have to become the policy. Some will always want the People to be divided. They see profit in it. It is what it is.

:rolleyes: yes we will start sacrificing cops :rolleyes:


His suggestion is actually something that will have to be considered at some point. It makes sense. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but it does make sense at this point. It'll counter Race-Baiter assholes like you a bit.

:rolleyes: Yes, we DO have to consider sacrificing cops :rolleyes:
Democrats will only stop dividing the races when they see there's no longer any profit in it. That's the sad reality. Right now they still see a whole lotta profit in it. So for the foreseeable future, it will be 'Divide & Conquer' for them.

:rolleyes: Yes there is much money to be made and thats why the cops shoot blacks at a high rate....for profit to someone :rolleyes:

Democrats see a whole lotta profit in stirring up dipshits like you. Until that changes, they'll continue to divide.

Yes, they can profit from me who pays them nothing. Profit must mean something different in your circles
My feeling is that he will be indicted. There's so much pressure to do so. I would say the fix is in on that. And that's too bad for the Race-Baiter assholes at CNN & NBC. Looks like they'll have to cancel their Race Riot. Boo Hoo for them. :(

The cop may indeed have to be sacrificed.

As I've said, let's just set it up so that only black cops can be called to crimes involving blacks. No white cop can be blamed for being afraid for their career and/or their lives if they respond to those calls.

The PC Police want us all divided, let 'em have it. Fuck it.


Sadly, your suggestion may have to become the policy. Some will always want the People to be divided. They see profit in it. It is what it is.

:rolleyes: yes we will start sacrificing cops :rolleyes:


His suggestion is actually something that will have to be considered at some point. It makes sense. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but it does make sense at this point. It'll counter Race-Baiter assholes like you a bit.

:rolleyes: Yes, we DO have to consider sacrificing cops :rolleyes:

Yeah, you're sounding dumber & dumber. You're derailing. His suggestion is actually something that will have to be considered.

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