Are Democrat News Outlets Begging For A Race Riot In Ferguson?...

And yet....many of you on the Right had expressed a great deal of fear over TWO unarmed Black Panthers outside a polling place in 2008. Many of you still wet your pants over them.

In Pauls defense there were 2 whole black panthers there enough blacks for them to be rightfully scared for their life and their womens libido

Yes "unarmed" carrying night sticks and acting like thugs..

Thus proving that these are indeed far left programmed drones with zero independent thought..

White people are getting tired of it all. there will be a backlash one day.
My feeling is that he will be indicted. There's so much pressure to do so. I would say the fix is in on that. And that's too bad for the Race-Baiter assholes at CNN & NBC. Looks like they'll have to cancel their Race Riot. Boo Hoo for them. :(

The cop may indeed have to be sacrificed.

As I've said, let's just set it up so that only black cops can be called to crimes involving blacks. No white cop can be blamed for being afraid for their career and/or their lives if they respond to those calls.

The PC Police want us all divided, let 'em have it. Fuck it.


negroes don't want white cops in their neighborhoods..white cops are "racist"
negroes don't want white prosecutors to handle their cases. white prosecutors are "racist"
negroes don't want white judges hearing their cases. white judges are "racist"
negroes don't want white legislators representing them. white legislators are "racist"
negroes don't want white teachers to teach their spawn. white teachers are "racist"..

Ok..fine...We should free all negroes from the threat of all evilwhiteracistkkkbigots.

I say partition the country now and give them a couple of states and let them peacefully build their all black "new africa" or whatever they want to call it entirely free from white interference. Let them sink or swim..

Time to separate now before it gets worse. When law and order break down it will be like the balkans...and the math isn't in their favor.
And yet....many of you on the Right had expressed a great deal of fear over TWO unarmed Black Panthers outside a polling place in 2008. Many of you still wet your pants over them.

In Pauls defense there were 2 whole black panthers there enough blacks for them to be rightfully scared for their life and their womens libido

Yes "unarmed" carrying night sticks and acting like thugs..

Thus proving that these are indeed far left programmed drones with zero independent thought..

White people are getting tired of it all. there will be a backlash one day.

What exactly are you tired of? Blacks responding unfavorably to being gunned down? LOL
My feeling is that he will be indicted. There's so much pressure to do so. I would say the fix is in on that. And that's too bad for the Race-Baiter assholes at CNN & NBC. Looks like they'll have to cancel their Race Riot. Boo Hoo for them. :(

The cop may indeed have to be sacrificed.

As I've said, let's just set it up so that only black cops can be called to crimes involving blacks. No white cop can be blamed for being afraid for their career and/or their lives if they respond to those calls.

The PC Police want us all divided, let 'em have it. Fuck it.


negroes don't want white cops in their neighborhoods..white cops are "racist"
negroes don't want white prosecutors to handle their cases. white prosecutors are "racist"
negroes don't want white judges hearing their cases. white judges are "racist"
negroes don't want white legislators representing them. white legislators are "racist"
negroes don't want white teachers to teach their spawn. white teachers are "racist"..

Ok..fine...We should free all negroes from the threat of all evilwhiteracistkkkbigots.

I say partition the country now and give them a couple of states and let them peacefully build their all black "new africa" or whatever they want to call it entirely free from white interference. Let them sink or swim..

Time to separate now before it gets worse. When law and order break down it will be like the balkans...and the math isn't in their favor.

You seem to know an awful lot about the blacks "wants". Are you some sort of X Man that knows the intentions of millions of people or the type of X Man that creates straw men to justify your bigotry.

Full disclosure, I'm putting money on the latter
And yet....many of you on the Right had expressed a great deal of fear over TWO unarmed Black Panthers outside a polling place in 2008. Many of you still wet your pants over them.

In Pauls defense there were 2 whole black panthers there enough blacks for them to be rightfully scared for their life and their womens libido

Yes "unarmed" carrying night sticks and acting like thugs..

Thus proving that these are indeed far left programmed drones with zero independent thought..

White people are getting tired of it all. there will be a backlash one day.

What exactly are you tired of? Blacks responding unfavorably to being gunned down? LOL

negro dysfunction and crime and the drag on the system they cause.
They are taught to hate white people..they are raised in an atmosphere of racial envy and jealousy...
Let them have their own portion of this nation and we can separate peacefully...before the nation collapses completely and ethnic cleansing begins like in the balkans.
My feeling is that he will be indicted. There's so much pressure to do so. I would say the fix is in on that. And that's too bad for the Race-Baiter assholes at CNN & NBC. Looks like they'll have to cancel their Race Riot. Boo Hoo for them. :(

The cop may indeed have to be sacrificed.

As I've said, let's just set it up so that only black cops can be called to crimes involving blacks. No white cop can be blamed for being afraid for their career and/or their lives if they respond to those calls.

The PC Police want us all divided, let 'em have it. Fuck it.


negroes don't want white cops in their neighborhoods..white cops are "racist"
negroes don't want white prosecutors to handle their cases. white prosecutors are "racist"
negroes don't want white judges hearing their cases. white judges are "racist"
negroes don't want white legislators representing them. white legislators are "racist"
negroes don't want white teachers to teach their spawn. white teachers are "racist"..

Ok..fine...We should free all negroes from the threat of all evilwhiteracistkkkbigots.

I say partition the country now and give them a couple of states and let them peacefully build their all black "new africa" or whatever they want to call it entirely free from white interference. Let them sink or swim..

Time to separate now before it gets worse. When law and order break down it will be like the balkans...and the math isn't in their favor.

You seem to know an awful lot about the blacks "wants". Are you some sort of X Man that knows the intentions of millions of people or the type of X Man that creates straw men to justify your bigotry.

Full disclosure, I'm putting money on the latter

Those are their own words.
Save your silly comic book references, pajama boy. Go play with your star trek dolls or something.
And yet....many of you on the Right had expressed a great deal of fear over TWO unarmed Black Panthers outside a polling place in 2008. Many of you still wet your pants over them.

In Pauls defense there were 2 whole black panthers there enough blacks for them to be rightfully scared for their life and their womens libido

Yes "unarmed" carrying night sticks and acting like thugs..

Thus proving that these are indeed far left programmed drones with zero independent thought..

White people are getting tired of it all. there will be a backlash one day.

What exactly are you tired of? Blacks responding unfavorably to being gunned down? LOL

negro dysfunction and crime and the drag on the system they cause.

So what are you going to do about it....answer crime with crime and tell everyone your crime is better? Because its white? lol

They are taught to hate white people..they are raised in an atmosphere of racial envy and jealousy...

Stick to talking about whites because you dont know how anyone is raised. You're just using that as a justification for your bigotry. You're the typical bigot....its not YOUR fault you're a bigot...nooooooo, its their fault

Let them have their own portion of this nation and we can separate peacefully...before the nation collapses completely and ethnic cleansing begins like in the balkans.

LOL!!! Dude, if you go back to the other whites with this idea they might kick you out as too far gone and a drag on the thinking people
My feeling is that he will be indicted. There's so much pressure to do so. I would say the fix is in on that. And that's too bad for the Race-Baiter assholes at CNN & NBC. Looks like they'll have to cancel their Race Riot. Boo Hoo for them. :(

The cop may indeed have to be sacrificed.

As I've said, let's just set it up so that only black cops can be called to crimes involving blacks. No white cop can be blamed for being afraid for their career and/or their lives if they respond to those calls.

The PC Police want us all divided, let 'em have it. Fuck it.


negroes don't want white cops in their neighborhoods..white cops are "racist"
negroes don't want white prosecutors to handle their cases. white prosecutors are "racist"
negroes don't want white judges hearing their cases. white judges are "racist"
negroes don't want white legislators representing them. white legislators are "racist"
negroes don't want white teachers to teach their spawn. white teachers are "racist"..

Ok..fine...We should free all negroes from the threat of all evilwhiteracistkkkbigots.

I say partition the country now and give them a couple of states and let them peacefully build their all black "new africa" or whatever they want to call it entirely free from white interference. Let them sink or swim..

Time to separate now before it gets worse. When law and order break down it will be like the balkans...and the math isn't in their favor.

You seem to know an awful lot about the blacks "wants". Are you some sort of X Man that knows the intentions of millions of people or the type of X Man that creates straw men to justify your bigotry.

Full disclosure, I'm putting money on the latter

Those are their own words.

MILLIONS?!!? How do I get those words sent to me?

Save your silly comic book references, pajama boy. Go play with your star trek dolls or something.

Do you have the power to read minds or not? Please tell me how you have intimate knowledge of the upbringing of millions of blacks? Its really intriguing
Most of the KKK membership these days are FBI undercover agents....probably true with the "new" black panthers too. Let Ferguson RIOT.....shoot a mess of them dead in the streets.....CNN will go with it 24 hours non-stop while raking in the ad revenue. Finally the Missouri NG will be called out....Al Sharpton arrested for covering himself in feces and jumping in a dumpster, ala Twana Brawley......I don't have cable anymore but I look forward to the highlights on PBS with Judy Woodruff's wrinkly old face trying to show compassion for wild animals hitting the pavement as buckshot riddled corpses. No justice no peace....BANG! :badgrin:

So they've called out the National Guard, I guess.

Must be in case the white folks there riot if the cop is indicted, huh?


no its in case white people dont get pumpkins

Did I say you support the Klan?
Actually you did. Your statement was so you do support the Klan just like I said. You can't even remember what you said then have to ask. That's a sign of a retard.

As for addressing the violence, I didn't I addressed the statement that the Klan made that looters were dangerous.

So they've called out the National Guard, I guess.

Must be in case the white folks there riot if the cop is indicted, huh?


Although there are plenty of examples of black on white crime, I can't recall whites of the area where it occurred doing anything remotely close to what the blacks did in Ferguson and justified doing it.
Did I say you support the Klan?
Actually you did. Your statement was so you do support the Klan just like I said. You can't even remember what you said then have to ask. That's a sign of a retard.

As for addressing the violence, I didn't I addressed the statement that the Klan made that looters were dangerous.

Oh ok, then quote me saying you support the klan and we're good. But what I said was you were making excuses for their hate. Do you want to address what I actually typed or do you want to continue your phony mind reading act of what you think I want to say?

So they've called out the National Guard, I guess.

Must be in case the white folks there riot if the cop is indicted, huh?


Although there are plenty of examples of black on white crime, I can't recall whites of the area where it occurred doing anything remotely close to what the blacks did in Ferguson and justified doing it.

Because murder by cop is a little more concerning than murder by criminal.

Let me help you here, Cops are not criminals so when a cop does something bad its a shock. When a criminal does it its not a shock. Cops and Criminals are held to different standards
Democrats will only stop dividing the races when they see there's no longer any profit in it. That's the sad reality. Right now they still see a whole lotta profit in it. So for the foreseeable future, it will be 'Divide & Conquer' for them.

:rolleyes: Yes there is much money to be made and thats why the cops shoot blacks at a high rate....for profit to someone :rolleyes:

Democrats see a whole lotta profit in stirring up dipshits like you. Until that changes, they'll continue to divide.

Yes, they can profit from me who pays them nothing. Profit must mean something different in your circles

Ha, you pay alright. You're a miserable loyal dupe. They got you. You're owned. You dance right on cue. You're all-too willing to play the puppet. So enjoy your riot dipshit. See ya.

I do pay for dividing...It goes into a fund that hires police to shoot blacks for no reason since the 60's

"no reason." You sure about that? In this particular case, it looks like the cop had a reason.
:rolleyes: Yes there is much money to be made and thats why the cops shoot blacks at a high rate....for profit to someone :rolleyes:

Democrats see a whole lotta profit in stirring up dipshits like you. Until that changes, they'll continue to divide.

Yes, they can profit from me who pays them nothing. Profit must mean something different in your circles

Ha, you pay alright. You're a miserable loyal dupe. They got you. You're owned. You dance right on cue. You're all-too willing to play the puppet. So enjoy your riot dipshit. See ya.

I do pay for dividing...It goes into a fund that hires police to shoot blacks for no reason since the 60's

"no reason." You sure about that? In this particular case, it looks like the cop had a reason.

Thats because any reason is good enough to a shit heel racist like yourself
Democrats see a whole lotta profit in stirring up dipshits like you. Until that changes, they'll continue to divide.

Yes, they can profit from me who pays them nothing. Profit must mean something different in your circles

Ha, you pay alright. You're a miserable loyal dupe. They got you. You're owned. You dance right on cue. You're all-too willing to play the puppet. So enjoy your riot dipshit. See ya.

I do pay for dividing...It goes into a fund that hires police to shoot blacks for no reason since the 60's

"no reason." You sure about that? In this particular case, it looks like the cop had a reason.

Thats because any reason is good enough to a shit heel racist like yourself


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