Are Democrats for Real?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

An offhand remark, in a private meeting, that just happened to be true.

And the entire Democrat party has a case of the vapors.

"Political debasement"?

Have any of them heard any of the things that Queen Maxine says about our SITTING PRESIDENT on a daily basis?

If there were a way of raising words to higher powers..."hypocrisy" doesn't begin to describe the Democrats' response to this private, appropriate, true remark.
It looks to me someone always has to be outraged by something even if it's as ridiculous as this. McCain has made a spectacle of himself, even as he heads towards his final moments, and I'm sure his family was outraged over the remarks, but he opened himself up for it. I don't think i would have said it but it's true.
I wouldn't have said it in public, and indeed if any Administration official had said it in public, s/he would have been summarily fired. But this was a closed meeting, and an off-hand semi-humorous remark, by a mid-level staffer.

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