are Dems about to start and lose their 2nd civil war in the US ?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !


Having failed to get anywhere with the "Hitler was a leftist" canard, the "FDR caused the Depression" mythology, and the "Democrats Started the Klan" fable, the Winston Smith Revisionistas have moved on to "Democrats Started the Civil War" novel, apparently somehow expecting different results this time.

If only we didn't have history books. The ones that tell us how the South ---- the states that would become the Confederacy ---- kicked the Democratic Party out of its turf in its 1860 convention and then gave its candidate a total of zero electoral votes. And how the rumblings of secession began over three decades earlier before the Democratic Party ever existed.

Oh wait --- we record our history in statues. I forgot.
Social media trolls Alex Jones with 'Second Civil War' letters

Social media users mocked InfoWars founder and host Alex Jones for predicting that Democrats are planning to start a civil war on July 4.

The conspiracy theorist tweeted his prediction on Monday, accompanied by a video in which he claimed that “elite publications” were calling for a “civil emergency” using civil unrest and “racial strife” to force out President Trump.

BREAKING: Democrats Plan To Launch Civil War On July 4th Alex Jones @RealAlexJones

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) July 1, 2018
Twitter users were quick to jump on Jones’s claims, mocking him with letters written in the style of those from soldiers written during the American Civil War.

Many of the tweets referenced the alt-right and spoke of fighting the “MAGA” or “red hats,” referencing President Trump’s campaign slogan, Make America Great Again.

#secondcivilwarletters Dearest wife,
We were besieged on all sides with the dankest of memes from the 2nd Flying Pepe Battalion; however the siege lifted when the owner of a Thai/Mexican fusion restaurant denied service to Field Marshall Stephen Miller. Pls refill iTunes account

— Craig Jordan Potter (@Cjpotter2112) July 3, 2018
Dear Mom and dad,

The war is going well. The MAGA’s launched a barrage of red hats at us yesterday, but we retaliated by making them read books. They’ve created an image of strength but are very weak. We will win.

Send my love to Roscoe.

They already lost....its over....
no, the attempted assassination of the house whip, the Vegas shooter and no doubt other stories that are not as famous say you are wrong on this one. That the Ds will double down on dumb and lose is a very safe bet but that has not yet provoked enough outrage and loss of voter base to say it is anywhere near over.
Didn’t we just have one on the Fourth of July? I can’t keep taking personal days at work for these wars. :mad:
— Sam Bova (@sam_bova) July 3, 2018

Dear Pa,

Rations are dwindling. Morale is low.

The Trump supporters we captured refused to share bathrooms with our trans troops.

We told them it was either that or they could piss in their own corn meal and eat it.

And they did. To “own the libs”.

— Charlotte Clymer️‍ (@cmclymer) July 3, 2018
My love,

Spying on a battalion of MAGA. Their red hats have faded to pink in the sun causing chaos in the ranks. Soldiers are yelling "bad guy with a gun" and shooting each other.

Will be home by Labor Day.#secondcivilwarletters

— Charlotte (@factsarefact12) July 3, 2018
Dearest Ruth,

Arrived deep in the woods of Bowling Green. I fear we may be surrounded. The enemy remains out of sight, but the aroma of Hot Pockets and hand lotion permeates the air. This may be the end.

PS dont check my browsing history.#secondcivilwarletters

— Matt Green (@matthewcgreen) July 3, 2018
Dearest family
Our plan worked. Their love of our candy helped us strike the final blow, and bring the wall down. We shall celebrate by finally putting a taco truck on every corner

— Charlie Rodriguez (@CharlieandTed) July 3, 2018
My dear wife,
Most of my battalion has succumbed to smallpox. The horrid disease was thought to have been eradicated shortly after the last civil war, but the enemy troops we recently faced were all unvaccinated. #secondcivilwarletters

— Tom Filline (@FillineMachine) July 3, 2018

They already lost....its over....
no, the attempted assassination of the house whip, the Vegas shooter and no doubt other stories that are not as famous say you are wrong on this one. That the Ds will double down on dumb and lose is a very safe bet but that has not yet provoked enough outrage and loss of voter base to say it is anywhere near over.
The good economy will calm the waters...even the most nutcase prog libtard enjoys money.....but what I mean by they already lost was that they lost in November 2016.........this is just the expected infantile tantrum....
Didn’t we just have one on the Fourth of July? I can’t keep taking personal days at work for these wars. :mad:

Wars should be observed on a Monday, like we do with Presidential birthdays. So it becomes a nice three-day weekend.

July 4 was a Wednesday. Bad planning. Let's do it on Labor Day.
There won't be a civil war......

We have a robust economy and a president that is fighting for long overdue fairness from the rest of the free world...he is shaking off old adversaries and welcoming them to the opportunity of prosperity...he is resetting the norms in global finance and standing up for the American tax payer by demanding fairness in NATO.....Trump called out Germany and I'm damn proud he did....why are we spending trillions to defend Germany from the nation they just signed a lucrative pipeline deal with?????

ITS silly....Anyone that argues for maintaining that alliance as it stands is profiting from it somehow....
Didn’t we just have one on the Fourth of July? I can’t keep taking personal days at work for these wars. :mad:

Wars should be observed on a Monday, like we do with Presidential birthdays. So it becomes a nice three-day weekend.

July 4 was a Wednesday. Bad planning. Let's do it on Labor Day.
Labor Day might be doable for me. At this point in time, I'm not even sure which of my neighbors to shoot.
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !

I'll entertain the scenario of a second civil war even being possible.

On one hand it is a question of unit cohesion--versus degree of ideological belief--throughout the ranks of our armed forces. From very recent personal experience as an army national guardsman who has served and trained with regular active duty forces, what I've witnessed is widespread support for President Trump at lower and mid-level enlisted ranks.

Much the same can be said for members of our Warrant Officer corps. While I cannot speak broadly for the mid-level officer cadre, educated deduction leads me to believe many battalion and brigade commanders would choose loyalty to their respective commands and country over political ideology. At Flag rank the waters clear and become murkier simultaneously as some of the commands at that high level are near purely political.

That being said, and if the ranks of our armed services would not divide massively along party lines, from where would any radical American Leftist revolutionary movement draw up the ranks of their revolutionary army? I can think of two possible sources: large urban police forces, and very limited numbers of national guardsmen. Firstly, it is not beyond the realm of reality to imagine Left leaning mayors to declare for a radical Left revolutionary movement, condemn the mobilization of regular armed forces onto their streets as illegal, and order their police forces to stand them down with limited use of force.

Of course when it finally came down to American police officer vs. American soldier it is anyone's guess what would happen next. Then there's the obvious outcome of such a clash; law enforcement forces are crushed and mayors arrested.

The other possible scenario is democrat governors declare for the radical Left revolution and use their national guard forces in an attempt to arrest regular military commanders on bases in their respective states before mobilization orders can be issued. This scenario seems highly unlikely as no one I currently serve with has given me any indication they would side against their President--but you never know someone until the SHTF.

Lastly, the only other scenario I see playing out in favor of a radical Left revolutionary movement is assassination or arrest at the highest levels of cabinet members, heads of federal departments and in the White House itself. If the Left succeeded in detaining or removing key executive and judicial branch leaders, replaced them with Red loyalists and ordered our armed services to stand down, things could get somewhat more complicated.

In the above described event any victory or defeat of internal revolutionary coup would depend greatly on individual corps and division--and perhaps even brigade level--commanders and their loyalty to God and country. A relatively bloodless coup requiring tens or hundreds of thousands of American lives to reverse could be viewed in some military commanders' minds as not worth the terrible price.
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !
We are currently in a state of "Civil Discourse." Despite the far-left's rantings, tantrums and rare violent actions, I doubt that we will actually enter into an actual bloody Civil War.
But, as long as we have actual Marxist/Communists teachiing in our educational systems, we will continue to have a growth in the population of Marxists and then, a possible Civil War. Funding for such colleges should be ended.
the 2cnd civil war started by the dems will probably be large numbers of communist transvestites [dems]...rioting and looting !
Arrived deep in the woods of Bowling Green. I fear we may be surrounded. The enemy remains out of sight, but the aroma of Hot Pockets and hand lotion permeates the air. This may be the end.

:rofl: Bowling Green... lest we ferget....

with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !
Only trump trash talk about civil

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