are Dems about to start and lose their 2nd civil war in the US ?

with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !


Having failed to get anywhere with the "Hitler was a leftist" canard, the "FDR caused the Depression" mythology, and the "Democrats Started the Klan" fable, the Winston Smith Revisionistas have moved on to "Democrats Started the Civil War" novel, apparently somehow expecting different results this time.

If only we didn't have history books. The ones that tell us how the South ---- the states that would become the Confederacy ---- kicked the Democratic Party out of its turf in its 1860 convention and then gave its candidate a total of zero electoral votes. And how the rumblings of secession began over three decades earlier before the Democratic Party ever existed.

Oh wait --- we record our history in statues. I forgot.
Wow, that is some of the most twisted disgusting logic I've ever seen. to deny the Klan was started and supported by democrats, that's even dumber than the southern strategy narrative. holy cow are you brainwashed. And Hitler was a leftist. He didn't like private business and

Economy of Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

While not espousing a specific economic philosophy, Hitler employed anti-semitic themes to attack economic systems in other countries, associating ethnic Jews with both communism ("Jewish Bolsheviks") and capitalism, both of which he opposed.[23
Earlier, Hitler had restated his economic intentions in a 1931 interview with Richard Breiting, singling out the 13 point plank of the National Socialist 25-point program, which he declared “demands the nationalisation of all public companies, in other words socialisation, or what is known here as socialism.”[46

n other cases, where the Nazi administration wanted additional industrial capacity, they would first nationalize and then establish a new state-owned-and-operated company. In 1937 Hermann Göring targeted companies producing iron ore, “taking control of all privately owned steelworks and setting up a new company, known as the Hermann Göring Works.”[48] By 1943, up to 500 companies were owned by the German state.[49]

and the ones he privatized, were still controlled by the state:

Among companies that were privatized, were the four major commercial banks in Germany that had all come under public ownership during the prior years; Commerz– und Privatbank, Deutsche Bank und Disconto-Gesellschaft, Golddiskontbank and Dresdner Bank. Instead of making important investment decisions, and determining the use to which their funds were to be put, the private banks merely had to provide the technical facilities for covering government expenditure or financing new investment—the volume and composition of which had been previously settled by the government.[64][clarification needed] Also privatized were the Deutsche Reichsbahn (German Railways), at the time the largest single public enterprise in the world, the Vereinigte Stahlwerke A.G. (United Steelworks), the second largest joint-stock company in Germany (the largest was IG Farben) and Vereinigte Oberschlesische Hüttenwerke AG, a company controlling all of the metal production in the Upper Silesian coal and steel industry.

IT was a PLANNED economy., yes he was a socialist, he was not a right winger at all.
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !
Only trump trash talk about civil
Another useful post, Look at the intellect needed for this one. All the research, facts, logic an arguments needed for an insightful post.
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !


Having failed to get anywhere with the "Hitler was a leftist" canard, the "FDR caused the Depression" mythology, and the "Democrats Started the Klan" fable, the Winston Smith Revisionistas have moved on to "Democrats Started the Civil War" novel, apparently somehow expecting different results this time.

If only we didn't have history books. The ones that tell us how the South ---- the states that would become the Confederacy ---- kicked the Democratic Party out of its turf in its 1860 convention and then gave its candidate a total of zero electoral votes. And how the rumblings of secession began over three decades earlier before the Democratic Party ever existed.

Oh wait --- we record our history in statues. I forgot.
Wow, that is some of the most twisted disgusting logic I've ever seen. to deny the Klan was started and supported by democrats, that's even dumber than the southern strategy narrative. holy cow are you brainwashed.

Actually what I am is "educated". That's why I've shot that myth full of holes dozens of times on this board. Which wasn't the point of this post anyway, but feel free to challenge me if you want to mix it up in a tangent. I'm heavily armed.

And Hitler was a leftist. He didn't like private business and

Economy of Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

While not espousing a specific economic philosophy, Hitler employed anti-semitic themes to attack economic systems in other countries, associating ethnic Jews with both communism ("Jewish Bolsheviks") and capitalism, both of which he opposed.[23
Earlier, Hitler had restated his economic intentions in a 1931 interview with Richard Breiting, singling out the 13 point plank of the National Socialist 25-point program, which he declared “demands the nationalisation of all public companies, in other words socialisation, or what is known here as socialism.”[46

n other cases, where the Nazi administration wanted additional industrial capacity, they would first nationalize and then establish a new state-owned-and-operated company. In 1937 Hermann Göring targeted companies producing iron ore, “taking control of all privately owned steelworks and setting up a new company, known as the Hermann Göring Works.”[48] By 1943, up to 500 companies were owned by the German state.[49]

and the ones he privatized, were still controlled by the state:

Among companies that were privatized, were the four major commercial banks in Germany that had all come under public ownership during the prior years; Commerz– und Privatbank, Deutsche Bank und Disconto-Gesellschaft, Golddiskontbank and Dresdner Bank. Instead of making important investment decisions, and determining the use to which their funds were to be put, the private banks merely had to provide the technical facilities for covering government expenditure or financing new investment—the volume and composition of which had been previously settled by the government.[64][clarification needed] Also privatized were the Deutsche Reichsbahn (German Railways), at the time the largest single public enterprise in the world, the Vereinigte Stahlwerke A.G. (United Steelworks), the second largest joint-stock company in Germany (the largest was IG Farben) and Vereinigte Oberschlesische Hüttenwerke AG, a company controlling all of the metal production in the Upper Silesian coal and steel industry.

IT was a PLANNED economy., yes he was a socialist, he was not a right winger at all.

ALSO not the point, which you seem to be avoiding, but again ---- fascism is a hard-right aberration and there was nothing "socialist" about the NSDAP --- the actual Socialists, who had power and influence before Hitler got there, were the targets of his S.A. (Brownshirts) and the first prisoners at Dachau, while he had their political party declared illegal. The actual Socialists were his rivals. Again, simple history books that you don't get to alter just because you have diaper rash about what's in them. You don't like history? Go pull a statue down in Bowling Green.

Again --- completely off the topic.
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !


Having failed to get anywhere with the "Hitler was a leftist" canard, the "FDR caused the Depression" mythology, and the "Democrats Started the Klan" fable, the Winston Smith Revisionistas have moved on to "Democrats Started the Civil War" novel, apparently somehow expecting different results this time.

If only we didn't have history books. The ones that tell us how the South ---- the states that would become the Confederacy ---- kicked the Democratic Party out of its turf in its 1860 convention and then gave its candidate a total of zero electoral votes. And how the rumblings of secession began over three decades earlier before the Democratic Party ever existed.

Oh wait --- we record our history in statues. I forgot.
Wow, that is some of the most twisted disgusting logic I've ever seen. to deny the Klan was started and supported by democrats, that's even dumber than the southern strategy narrative. holy cow are you brainwashed.

Actually what I am is "educated". That's why I've shot that myth full of holes dozens of times on this board. Which wasn't the point of this post anyway, but feel free to challenge me if you want to mix it up in a tangent. I'm heavily armed.

And Hitler was a leftist. He didn't like private business and

Economy of Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

While not espousing a specific economic philosophy, Hitler employed anti-semitic themes to attack economic systems in other countries, associating ethnic Jews with both communism ("Jewish Bolsheviks") and capitalism, both of which he opposed.[23
Earlier, Hitler had restated his economic intentions in a 1931 interview with Richard Breiting, singling out the 13 point plank of the National Socialist 25-point program, which he declared “demands the nationalisation of all public companies, in other words socialisation, or what is known here as socialism.”[46

n other cases, where the Nazi administration wanted additional industrial capacity, they would first nationalize and then establish a new state-owned-and-operated company. In 1937 Hermann Göring targeted companies producing iron ore, “taking control of all privately owned steelworks and setting up a new company, known as the Hermann Göring Works.”[48] By 1943, up to 500 companies were owned by the German state.[49]

and the ones he privatized, were still controlled by the state:

Among companies that were privatized, were the four major commercial banks in Germany that had all come under public ownership during the prior years; Commerz– und Privatbank, Deutsche Bank und Disconto-Gesellschaft, Golddiskontbank and Dresdner Bank. Instead of making important investment decisions, and determining the use to which their funds were to be put, the private banks merely had to provide the technical facilities for covering government expenditure or financing new investment—the volume and composition of which had been previously settled by the government.[64][clarification needed] Also privatized were the Deutsche Reichsbahn (German Railways), at the time the largest single public enterprise in the world, the Vereinigte Stahlwerke A.G. (United Steelworks), the second largest joint-stock company in Germany (the largest was IG Farben) and Vereinigte Oberschlesische Hüttenwerke AG, a company controlling all of the metal production in the Upper Silesian coal and steel industry.

IT was a PLANNED economy., yes he was a socialist, he was not a right winger at all.

ALSO not the point, which you seem to be avoiding, but again ---- fascism is a hard-right aberration and there was nothing "socialist" about the NSDAP --- the actual Socialists, who had power and influence before Hitler got there, were the targets of his S.A. (Brownshirts) and the first prisoners at Dachau, while he had their political party declared illegal. The actual Socialists were his rivals. Again, simple history books that you don't get to alter just because you have diaper rash about what's in them. You don't like history? Go pull a statue down in Bowling Green.

Again --- completely off the topic.
Wrong, how is fascism right wing?
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !
Only trump trash talk about civil
Another useful post, Look at the intellect needed for this one. All the research, facts, logic an arguments needed for an insightful post.
Why do you think the stupid thread deserved more than the accurate observation I made.

Trumpflake are funny
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !

Lol! You righty snowflakes are so dramatic .

If you are on twitter check out #secondcivilwarletters. Bunch of people mocking Alex Jones and the other freaks calling for civil war.
"Wow, that is some of the most twisted disgusting logic I've ever seen" by buckeye to deny that Hitler was anything but a Big Government right wing Progressive, who used big government to terrorize minorities, to be a nativist, an ethnocentrist, a white supremacist, a racialist, a hater and tremendous foe of democracy.

He killed the socialist wing in his party in 1934 and allied ever after with the corporationists and plutocrats, much like Trump is today.
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !

Lol! You righty snowflakes are so dramatic .

If you are on twitter check out #secondcivilwarletters. Bunch of people mocking Alex Jones and the other freaks calling for civil war.
Twitter was rendered completely illegitimate when they refused to close down handles calling for the assassination of President Trump.

Nothing but psychopaths who are increasingly being crushed by the vastly superior intellect of the average right wing voter.
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !
Only trump trash talk about civil
Another useful post, Look at the intellect needed for this one. All the research, facts, logic an arguments needed for an insightful post.
Why do you think the stupid thread deserved more than the accurate observation I made.

Trumpflake are funny
Because it's all you ever post....
"Wow, that is some of the most twisted disgusting logic I've ever seen" by buckeye to deny that Hitler was anything but a Big Government right wing Progressive, who used big government to terrorize minorities, to be a nativist, an ethnocentrist, a white supremacist, a racialist, a hater and tremendous foe of democracy.

He killed the socialist wing in his party in 1934 and allied ever after with the corporationists and plutocrats, much like Trump is today.

You just called Hitler a "progressive" and "white supremacist" when you are wrong on both counts.

Hitler was a German ethno-nationalist.

That is very different from your clearly racist assertion that he was a "white supremacist"
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !
You missed it already. Were you asleep? Alex Jones declared that we were starting the civil war on July 4th.
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !

In your mind, do the confederate democrats of 1865 (devout Christians who used the bible to justify slavery, pro-states rights, didn't trust Federal government, hated abolitionists who believed slavery was a sin and blacks were equal to whites) do they IN ANY WAY resemble today's liberal anti-Christian, pro-Goverment regs and intervention, loving all races Dems.

Please tell me you are no that thick...
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !
Only trump trash talk about civil
Another useful post, Look at the intellect needed for this one. All the research, facts, logic an arguments needed for an insightful post.
Why do you think the stupid thread deserved more than the accurate observation I made.

Trumpflake are funny
Because it's all you ever post....
Oh. A stalker.
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !
Only trump trash talk about civil
Another useful post, Look at the intellect needed for this one. All the research, facts, logic an arguments needed for an insightful post.
Why do you think the stupid thread deserved more than the accurate observation I made.

Trumpflake are funny
Because it's all you ever post....
Oh. A stalker.
Nope, like I said show me a post of substance from her, I mean one with an actual paragraph or more than 2 lines.....bonus points for a useful link as well.
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !
LOL. What are they going to do, throw pussy hats at us? Screw those punks.
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !
Only trump trash talk about civil
Another useful post, Look at the intellect needed for this one. All the research, facts, logic an arguments needed for an insightful post.
Why do you think the stupid thread deserved more than the accurate observation I made.

Trumpflake are funny
Because it's all you ever post....

poor little trumpkin, again, if the assertion weren't moronic, it would get more of a response. i make a habit of not pretending idiocy like that is worthy of discussion. it isn't.

stop whining, little trumpflake.

and feel free to go stamp your widdle feet.
Only trump trash talk about civil
Another useful post, Look at the intellect needed for this one. All the research, facts, logic an arguments needed for an insightful post.
Why do you think the stupid thread deserved more than the accurate observation I made.

Trumpflake are funny
Because it's all you ever post....
Oh. A stalker.
Nope, like I said show me a post of substance from her, I mean one with an actual paragraph or more than 2 lines.....bonus points for a useful link as well.

i have learned that you trumpkins don't respond to anything of substance. you just rant and rave.

now get over yourself, little trumpflake. stop whining. you sound like a six year old.

and an uneducated one at that.

and i'll reiterate, other than trump trash, who talks about civil war, hack?
Another useful post, Look at the intellect needed for this one. All the research, facts, logic an arguments needed for an insightful post.
Why do you think the stupid thread deserved more than the accurate observation I made.

Trumpflake are funny
Because it's all you ever post....
Oh. A stalker.
Nope, like I said show me a post of substance from her, I mean one with an actual paragraph or more than 2 lines.....bonus points for a useful link as well.

i have learned that you trumpkins don't respond to anything of substance. you just rant and rave.

now get over yourself, little trumpflake. stop whining. you sound like a six year old.

and an uneducated one at that.

and i'll reiterate, other than trump trash, who talks about civil war, hack?
Now, that's not true and you know it. What are you 5? you take my argument and accuse me of it.....Jesus you are dumb.
My posts have way more information than yours.
yeah I can do a fuck you post, but I also know what I'm talking about, the best you have is a talking point, but mostly it's name calling like the post I'm replying to.
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !
Only trump trash talk about civil
Another useful post, Look at the intellect needed for this one. All the research, facts, logic an arguments needed for an insightful post.
Why do you think the stupid thread deserved more than the accurate observation I made.

Trumpflake are funny
Because it's all you ever post....

poor little trumpkin, again, if the assertion weren't moronic, it would get more of a response. i make a habit of not pretending idiocy like that is worthy of discussion. it isn't.

stop whining, little trumpflake.

and feel free to go stamp your widdle feet.
see, another one

can someone show me a post worth reading by Jillian? Anyone???
with all of the hate and violence being drummed up by the socialist leaders of the democratic party it seems like the dems are begging for another civil war like the one they started and lost in 1865 !

Lol! You righty snowflakes are so dramatic .

If you are on twitter check out #secondcivilwarletters. Bunch of people mocking Alex Jones and the other freaks calling for civil war.
Twitter was rendered completely illegitimate when they refused to close down handles calling for the assassination of President Trump.

Nothing but psychopaths who are increasingly being crushed by the vastly superior intellect of the average right wing voter.

Lol! I call bull flop on this claim.

If anyone violates the twitter rules , it’s trump !

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