Are "Hate Crime" Laws Constitutional?

I think they are dumb... I mean, take murder for instance... we've already established that motive matters.

yes, motive, like premeditation vs accidental homicide. But punishing thoughts is wrong. The crime should be punished, not the thoughts of the murderer.
If I murder my neighbor in a fight that's different than if I murder him after robbing him.

Scott Peterson got the death penalty for murdering his pregnant wife. Why? He should have just got life like every other murderer.

yes,premeditation makes the difference. you could hate your neighbor in either case and it should make no difference to your sentence.
All hate crimes are premeditated IMO. Even if you kill someone spontaneously.

Think of hate crime murder as just as bad as premeditated murder
Then why do you care?

The purpose of hate crimes is to deter people from commuting them. Stop preying on old black gay Jews.

Exactly as I posted, the far left wants it as a label and for no other reason!

Another far left religious narrative shot down!
To make sure you don't walk or get out early.

Do you object to some murderers getting life and some life wo the possibility of parole? The circumstances matter

that is up to the judge and the jury. They set the sentence based on the facts of the case.

lets try this: lets assume you are black

1. you kill a white guy to steal his money
2. you kill the same guy because you hate whites

both crimes are done with exactly the same weapon in exactly the same way, you didn't know the guy before killing him.

Should you get a longer sentence for 2 ? why?
Yes because its a hate crime.

Do shop lifters go to prison like Bernie Madoff?

you are really struggling with this aren't you? shop lifting is a misdemeanor, Madoff committed a felony.

in my question, in both cases you are a murderer and the victim is dead. The crime is the same and should get the same penalty.
In both cases someone's goods/money were stolen. We should treat all theft the same. If not why not?
Or somebody that believes in our US Constitution where all citizens are supposed be treated equally under the law.

Hate crime legislation does not violate equal protection. If I was subject to prosecution for hate crimes, but you were not, based on the same actions, that would be a violation of equal protection. Or, if I were required to produce a burden of proof in defense of a hate crimes charge, while your own defense required the state to prove a hate crime beyond reasonable doubt, then that would be a violation of equal protection. Hate crime legislation makes it a greater crime to commit a criminal deed because of the victim's race, religion, gender, etc. There are no specifics, so each religion, race, gender, etc is included. It's just as much of a hate crime to assault a person because he is black as it is to do so because he's white. If a white person assaults a white person out of hatred for white people, that's a hate crime too.
We should hang em all and let God sort them out.
Exactly as I posted, the far left wants it as a label and for no other reason!

Another far left religious narrative shot down!
To make sure you don't walk or get out early.

Do you object to some murderers getting life and some life wo the possibility of parole? The circumstances matter

that is up to the judge and the jury. They set the sentence based on the facts of the case.

lets try this: lets assume you are black

1. you kill a white guy to steal his money
2. you kill the same guy because you hate whites

both crimes are done with exactly the same weapon in exactly the same way, you didn't know the guy before killing him.

Should you get a longer sentence for 2 ? why?
Yes because its a hate crime.

Do shop lifters go to prison like Bernie Madoff?

you are really struggling with this aren't you? shop lifting is a misdemeanor, Madoff committed a felony.

in my question, in both cases you are a murderer and the victim is dead. The crime is the same and should get the same penalty.
In both cases someone's goods/money were stolen. We should treat all theft the same. If not why not?

Another far left fail!

Show why shop lifting should be a felony..
Or somebody that believes in our US Constitution where all citizens are supposed be treated equally under the law.

Hate crime legislation does not violate equal protection. If I was subject to prosecution for hate crimes, but you were not, based on the same actions, that would be a violation of equal protection. Or, if I were required to produce a burden of proof in defense of a hate crimes charge, while your own defense required the state to prove a hate crime beyond reasonable doubt, then that would be a violation of equal protection. Hate crime legislation makes it a greater crime to commit a criminal deed because of the victim's race, religion, gender, etc. There are no specifics, so each religion, race, gender, etc is included. It's just as much of a hate crime to assault a person because he is black as it is to do so because he's white. If a white person assaults a white person out of hatred for white people, that's a hate crime too.
We should hang em all and let God sort them out.

The a typical far left drone response when they are confronted with facts!
To make sure you don't walk or get out early.

Do you object to some murderers getting life and some life wo the possibility of parole? The circumstances matter

that is up to the judge and the jury. They set the sentence based on the facts of the case.

lets try this: lets assume you are black

1. you kill a white guy to steal his money
2. you kill the same guy because you hate whites

both crimes are done with exactly the same weapon in exactly the same way, you didn't know the guy before killing him.

Should you get a longer sentence for 2 ? why?
Yes because its a hate crime.

Do shop lifters go to prison like Bernie Madoff?

you are really struggling with this aren't you? shop lifting is a misdemeanor, Madoff committed a felony.

in my question, in both cases you are a murderer and the victim is dead. The crime is the same and should get the same penalty.
In both cases someone's goods/money were stolen. We should treat all theft the same. If not why not?

Another far left fail!

Show why shop lifting should be a felony..
What's the difference? You mean the circumstances matter???
Or somebody that believes in our US Constitution where all citizens are supposed be treated equally under the law.

Hate crime legislation does not violate equal protection. If I was subject to prosecution for hate crimes, but you were not, based on the same actions, that would be a violation of equal protection. Or, if I were required to produce a burden of proof in defense of a hate crimes charge, while your own defense required the state to prove a hate crime beyond reasonable doubt, then that would be a violation of equal protection. Hate crime legislation makes it a greater crime to commit a criminal deed because of the victim's race, religion, gender, etc. There are no specifics, so each religion, race, gender, etc is included. It's just as much of a hate crime to assault a person because he is black as it is to do so because he's white. If a white person assaults a white person out of hatred for white people, that's a hate crime too.
We should hang em all and let God sort them out.

The a typical far left drone response when they are confronted with facts!
Actually that was my immitation of a white male conservative.
Or somebody that believes in our US Constitution where all citizens are supposed be treated equally under the law.

Hate crime legislation does not violate equal protection. If I was subject to prosecution for hate crimes, but you were not, based on the same actions, that would be a violation of equal protection. Or, if I were required to produce a burden of proof in defense of a hate crimes charge, while your own defense required the state to prove a hate crime beyond reasonable doubt, then that would be a violation of equal protection. Hate crime legislation makes it a greater crime to commit a criminal deed because of the victim's race, religion, gender, etc. There are no specifics, so each religion, race, gender, etc is included. It's just as much of a hate crime to assault a person because he is black as it is to do so because he's white. If a white person assaults a white person out of hatred for white people, that's a hate crime too.
We should hang em all and let God sort them out.

The a typical far left drone response when they are confronted with facts!
Actually that was my immitation of a white male conservative.

Another far left fail!

No you were a far left drone acting like a far left drone as you always act!
To make sure you don't walk or get out early.

Do you object to some murderers getting life and some life wo the possibility of parole? The circumstances matter

that is up to the judge and the jury. They set the sentence based on the facts of the case.

lets try this: lets assume you are black

1. you kill a white guy to steal his money
2. you kill the same guy because you hate whites

both crimes are done with exactly the same weapon in exactly the same way, you didn't know the guy before killing him.

Should you get a longer sentence for 2 ? why?
Yes because its a hate crime.

Do shop lifters go to prison like Bernie Madoff?

you are really struggling with this aren't you? shop lifting is a misdemeanor, Madoff committed a felony.

in my question, in both cases you are a murderer and the victim is dead. The crime is the same and should get the same penalty.
In both cases someone's goods/money were stolen. We should treat all theft the same. If not why not?

Another far left fail!

Show why shop lifting should be a felony..

Shop lift a candy bar and it is only a misdemeanor, Now shop lift a Diamond ring and it is a felony.
that is up to the judge and the jury. They set the sentence based on the facts of the case.

lets try this: lets assume you are black

1. you kill a white guy to steal his money
2. you kill the same guy because you hate whites

both crimes are done with exactly the same weapon in exactly the same way, you didn't know the guy before killing him.

Should you get a longer sentence for 2 ? why?
Yes because its a hate crime.

Do shop lifters go to prison like Bernie Madoff?

you are really struggling with this aren't you? shop lifting is a misdemeanor, Madoff committed a felony.

in my question, in both cases you are a murderer and the victim is dead. The crime is the same and should get the same penalty.
In both cases someone's goods/money were stolen. We should treat all theft the same. If not why not?

Another far left fail!

Show why shop lifting should be a felony..

Shop lift a candy bar and it is only a misdemeanor, Now shop lift a Diamond ring and it is a felony.

Depends on the cost of that diamond ring!

Also depends on the state/city/county, etc..

However that is beside the pointless point the far left drone was trying to make..
that is up to the judge and the jury. They set the sentence based on the facts of the case.

lets try this: lets assume you are black

1. you kill a white guy to steal his money
2. you kill the same guy because you hate whites

both crimes are done with exactly the same weapon in exactly the same way, you didn't know the guy before killing him.

Should you get a longer sentence for 2 ? why?
Yes because its a hate crime.

Do shop lifters go to prison like Bernie Madoff?

you are really struggling with this aren't you? shop lifting is a misdemeanor, Madoff committed a felony.

in my question, in both cases you are a murderer and the victim is dead. The crime is the same and should get the same penalty.
In both cases someone's goods/money were stolen. We should treat all theft the same. If not why not?

Another far left fail!

Show why shop lifting should be a felony..

Shop lift a candy bar and it is only a misdemeanor, Now shop lift a Diamond ring and it is a felony.
Yea! Why does the $ amount matter
Yes because its a hate crime.

Do shop lifters go to prison like Bernie Madoff?

you are really struggling with this aren't you? shop lifting is a misdemeanor, Madoff committed a felony.

in my question, in both cases you are a murderer and the victim is dead. The crime is the same and should get the same penalty.
In both cases someone's goods/money were stolen. We should treat all theft the same. If not why not?

Another far left fail!

Show why shop lifting should be a felony..

Shop lift a candy bar and it is only a misdemeanor, Now shop lift a Diamond ring and it is a felony.

Depends on the cost of that diamond ring!

Also depends on the state/city/county, etc..

However that is beside the pointless point the far left drone was trying to make..
No its not beside the point. It's the fucking point. You just missed the point. Epic fail bro.

What does state city county have to do with what we are talking about.

Admit it. There is and should be a harsher punishment for the more you steal and if you commit a hanous crime.

Should bill Cosby get life? Some rapists do if they for example rape a child or senior.

Hate crime laws send a message to your kkk. It won't be tolerated. Don't commit the crime if you can't do the time bra.

And it's constitutional. Look at the general welfare clause. Got to keep blacks and gays safe from you
Yeah, Ok fine. Now explain how blacks and Asians and Caucasians can be jews. Most jews are of Arabic decent, just as most muslims are of Arabic decent.

I don't understand why we want to call every demographic a race. Hispanic is not a race, muslim is not a race, Christian is not a race.

Not quite correct. There are two separate groups. There is the group of people who follow a religion. Then there is a group of people who are of a certain ethnic origin. The Jewish race overlaps considerably with the Jewish religion. It is not necessary for a person to belong to one in order to belong to another and you are quite correct to point out that one can practice the Jewish faith without being a member of the ethnic group. However the cultural aspects of each tend to result in full assimilation, given successive generations. It is equally a mistake to not recognize that there is a distinct ethnic Jewish ethnic group, having mutual common origins.

Jewish ethnicity is unique in modern times, in that the group has successfully preserved the cultural identifications of being generally aligned to a specific religion over thousands of years. While this may seem incomprehensible in comparison to modern day standards, it was very much the norm in ancient times.

In ancient times the identity of a nation tended to encompassed ethnic, religious, cultural, language, and geographic aspects. A nation of people included those that shared commonalities in these categories. The ancient Greeks had a specific religion. Even though the Greek city-states were independently sovereign, at times even warring with each other, they still were a single nation; their inner feuds were often set aside easily to face off external invasions of mother Greece. The history of ancient conquest often involved attempts to impress the conquering nation's culture upon the conquered, with the free exercise of religion being a means by which to do so. Of course, the degree to which this occurred, or was effective, was often influenced by characteristic traits of the culture, as well as a ruler's strategic attempts to maintain control of an empire through the exercise of power balanced with concessions to placate locals. For example, Darius the Great demonstrated great tolerance for conquered peoples to practice their native religions, and in doing so tended to win over the support of his conquered subjects; Darius (following the example of his dynastic predecessors) essentially traded religious freedom for the people's acquiescence to the many other policies that he implemented which united the Persian Empire (such as establishing Aramaic as the official language of the empire).

It is from this world that the Israelite nation arose. National Israelite identity pre-dated political identity. The primary cultural ties that bound were enforced through religious prescribements. With time the Israelite nation grew and rose to prominence, even without the existence of a formal state. This fact is remembered even today as the "Twelve tribes of Israel." From tribal chiefdoms may have arose the single unified Kingdom of Israel, though some scholars are skeptical if a unified kingdom ever actually existed. At the very least, the kingdoms of Israel and Judah did seem to eventually coalesce, constituting the Jewish nation must like the ancient and independent Greek city-states constituted the Greek nation.

The several conquests of the Levant might have spelled the elimination of Jewish national identity if not for the fact that that identity was deeply embedded in the people, and was also uniquely suited for survival even when immersed in foreign influences. Jewish culture was inherently tribal, genealogical, and nomadic, seeped in strong convictions to adhere to tradition, all guided by religious instruction. This has proven to be a recipe that allowed the Jewish race to persist throughout thousands of years of diaspora. Practice of the Jewish faith has gone hand-in-hand with preservation of Jewish ethnicity during this time. The result in the 21st century is a remarkable example of a religion (the Jewish faith) that has a high degree of positive correlation with a racial identity (the Jewish race) which has been long lost to ancient history among every other society in the world.
that is up to the judge and the jury. They set the sentence based on the facts of the case.

lets try this: lets assume you are black

1. you kill a white guy to steal his money
2. you kill the same guy because you hate whites

both crimes are done with exactly the same weapon in exactly the same way, you didn't know the guy before killing him.

Should you get a longer sentence for 2 ? why?
Yes because its a hate crime.

Do shop lifters go to prison like Bernie Madoff?

you are really struggling with this aren't you? shop lifting is a misdemeanor, Madoff committed a felony.

in my question, in both cases you are a murderer and the victim is dead. The crime is the same and should get the same penalty.
In both cases someone's goods/money were stolen. We should treat all theft the same. If not why not?

Another far left fail!

Show why shop lifting should be a felony..

Shop lift a candy bar and it is only a misdemeanor, Now shop lift a Diamond ring and it is a felony.
Here is a great example. This kid murders his father because his dad murdered other people. The kid should have called authorities so its murder. I say let him out in 20.

I would have also let George Zimmerman out after 20 years. That wasn't a hate crime. It was murder though
I think we're all getting caught up on semantics here. We all know that some crimes are more heinous than others and so do you mean something a hate crime is just pointing out that the crime is a little more heinous than just a random act of violence. It's a way of adding a few years to somebody's sentence you shouldn't be let out of jail anytime soon
Yes because its a hate crime.

Do shop lifters go to prison like Bernie Madoff?

you are really struggling with this aren't you? shop lifting is a misdemeanor, Madoff committed a felony.

in my question, in both cases you are a murderer and the victim is dead. The crime is the same and should get the same penalty.
In both cases someone's goods/money were stolen. We should treat all theft the same. If not why not?

Another far left fail!

Show why shop lifting should be a felony..

Shop lift a candy bar and it is only a misdemeanor, Now shop lift a Diamond ring and it is a felony.
Here is a great example. This kid murders his father because his dad murdered other people. The kid should have called authorities so its murder. I say let him out in 20.

I would have also let George Zimmerman out after 20 years. That wasn't a hate crime. It was murder though

Another far left drone horrid analogy!

Comparing murder to theft!
you are really struggling with this aren't you? shop lifting is a misdemeanor, Madoff committed a felony.

in my question, in both cases you are a murderer and the victim is dead. The crime is the same and should get the same penalty.
In both cases someone's goods/money were stolen. We should treat all theft the same. If not why not?

Another far left fail!

Show why shop lifting should be a felony..

Shop lift a candy bar and it is only a misdemeanor, Now shop lift a Diamond ring and it is a felony.
Here is a great example. This kid murders his father because his dad murdered other people. The kid should have called authorities so its murder. I say let him out in 20.

I would have also let George Zimmerman out after 20 years. That wasn't a hate crime. It was murder though

Another far left drone horrid analogy!

Comparing murder to theft!
You gotta be the most annoying usmb member
I think we're all getting caught up on semantics here. We all know that some crimes are more heinous than others and so do you mean something a hate crime is just pointing out that the crime is a little more heinous than just a random act of violence. It's a way of adding a few years to somebody's sentence you shouldn't be let out of jail anytime soon

No the fact is you got caught running the far left drone narrative and it was proven that you do not care about the crime as long as you can label it your way..

So anything that is against the far left religious narratives should be a "hate crime" according to you drones..
In both cases someone's goods/money were stolen. We should treat all theft the same. If not why not?

Another far left fail!

Show why shop lifting should be a felony..

Shop lift a candy bar and it is only a misdemeanor, Now shop lift a Diamond ring and it is a felony.
Here is a great example. This kid murders his father because his dad murdered other people. The kid should have called authorities so its murder. I say let him out in 20.

I would have also let George Zimmerman out after 20 years. That wasn't a hate crime. It was murder though

Another far left drone horrid analogy!

Comparing murder to theft!
You gotta be the most annoying usmb member

Another irony impaired far left drone post!

I guess to the far left having their religious narratives debunked all the time could be annoying to them!

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