Are "Hate Crime" Laws Constitutional?

Fair? Like the rich kid who killed 4 and got probation for affluenza? Then violated probation and went to Mexico and still won't do serious time

Or Hillary Clinton violating federal classified data protection laws and getting away with it. No one should be above the law-----------------including your beloved Clintons.

Regurgitating bull crud again I see..... ;)

She broke no law.

actually she did. Patreaus was found guilty of basically the same thing on a smaller scale.


Petraeus, gave classified SECRETS to his mistress.

Clinton gave no classified secret information to anyone.

Keep playing dumb if you want.....

actually, since her server was not secure, she very likely gave classified secret data to the Russians and Chinese.

but keep playing dumb, its what you libs do best.
Just like when bill gave nuclear secrets to china? If that was really true why haven't the GOP contenders brought it up?

So that was a lie? Too many lies for us to take you seriously.
Apples and oranges.

What you're trying to do is make a comparison between different types of killings and killing based on category of people. If I kill an intruder it doesn't matter what race, sex or religion that person is. The same if I accidentally shoot somebody or catch them sleeping with my wife.

However Hate Crimes are special protections for potential Democrat voters like gays and minorities. How would you like if Republicans got leadership and made it an automatic death penalty for killing cops, CEO's or religious leaders?

No special group of people should have more advanced protection than all the other groups of people. It's a violation of Equal Protection. Furthermore is the hypocrisy from the left that have always protested capital punishment which is part of a Hate Crimes sentencing.

It is equal protection .

You realize white people can be victims of hate crimes right ? There's this misconception that hate crimes don't cover everyone .

We cannot punish the hate, we can only punish the crime. Hating is NOT a crime.

We can punish hate. The question is, should we? I find the entire idea....problematic.

I don't. When we have a court system that let's a rich kid off after killing 4 people, additional penalties we can attach to a violent crime is okay by me.
To them its no different if I shoot you or burn a senior citizen alive. No diff?

either way the victim is dead and you are a murderer. What should happen to the black thugs who burned the white girl alive in Mississippi? Should they be charged with murder or something else?
I think the rationale of hate crimes is....problematic. As it tries to glean the thoughts of a person. With someone put in the situation of trying to prove they didn't *think* something. Which is a tad too orwellian for my taste.

That is untrue. Where something is charged as a hate crime, those circumstances that elevate the action to hate crime status are elements of the alleged crime, which must be proven by the government beyond reasonable doubt. The defense has no burden of proof.
Or Hillary Clinton violating federal classified data protection laws and getting away with it. No one should be above the law-----------------including your beloved Clintons.

Regurgitating bull crud again I see..... ;)

She broke no law.

actually she did. Patreaus was found guilty of basically the same thing on a smaller scale.


Petraeus, gave classified SECRETS to his mistress.

Clinton gave no classified secret information to anyone.

Keep playing dumb if you want.....

actually, since her server was not secure, she very likely gave classified secret data to the Russians and Chinese.

but keep playing dumb, its what you libs do best.

Says who? The concern is that it *could* have been hacked.

With you comparing a hypothetical hack, where someone *else* would have to have violated the law to get the information in act of digital burglary with walking 8 black books out of the CIA building and giving them to a biographer you are fucking.

When you go for random topic changes, you really go all in.

you are the one continuing this tangent. get your lips off Hillary's ass and move on.
It is equal protection .

You realize white people can be victims of hate crimes right ? There's this misconception that hate crimes don't cover everyone .

We cannot punish the hate, we can only punish the crime. Hating is NOT a crime.

We can punish hate. The question is, should we? I find the entire idea....problematic.

I don't. When we have a court system that let's a rich kid off after killing 4 people, additional penalties we can attach to a violent crime is okay by me.
To them its no different if I shoot you or burn a senior citizen alive. No diff?

either way the victim is dead and you are a murderer. What should happen to the black thugs who burned the white girl alive in Mississippi? Should they be charged with murder or something else?
Some murderers eventually get parole. He shouldn't. In fact he should be executed.

Regurgitating bull crud again I see..... ;)

She broke no law.

actually she did. Patreaus was found guilty of basically the same thing on a smaller scale.

Patreus was found guilty of sharing classified information with his biographer. Who he was also fucking.

At issue are "black books" — eight notebooks in which Petraeus kept highly classified information that the government says included "the identities of covert officers, war strategy, intelligence capabilities and mechanisms, diplomatic discussions, quotes and deliberative discussions from high-level National Security Council meetings, and defendant David Howell Petraeus's discussions with the President of the United States of America."

Petraeus Sentenced To 2 Years' Probation, Fine For Sharing Classified Info

The emails were merely evidence of the above.

Again, which has nothing to do with this thread.

disclosure of classified data is a crime, the circumstances of the disclosure don't lessen the crime.

There's not even the accusation that Hillary 'disclosed classified information' to anyone. She's being accused of a record's keeping violation. Where the FBI is investigating how the information was handled and if it was secure enough. Patreaus walked out 8 black books and gave them to his biographer to read. Presumably after he fucked her.

You've got your wires crossed on this one. As those aren't the same thing.

And of course, its got dick to do with this thread. You're merely trying to change the topic.

the thread is about hate crime laws and the unequal application of the law based or race, age, sex, political connections, etc.

but lets stay on hate crimes, the truth about HRC and her illegal disclosure of classified data is tomorrow's story.

Fair enough.
It is equal protection .

You realize white people can be victims of hate crimes right ? There's this misconception that hate crimes don't cover everyone .

We cannot punish the hate, we can only punish the crime. Hating is NOT a crime.

We can punish hate. The question is, should we? I find the entire idea....problematic.

I don't. When we have a court system that let's a rich kid off after killing 4 people, additional penalties we can attach to a violent crime is okay by me.
To them its no different if I shoot you or burn a senior citizen alive. No diff?

either way the victim is dead and you are a murderer. What should happen to the black thugs who burned the white girl alive in Mississippi? Should they be charged with murder or something else?

If someone is part of an organization with a specific agenda to terrorize a particular group, then I can see hate crime additions. If you're part of the KKK and you are doing cross burnings to instill fear into the black community in a particular area, then yeah. That's way more than vandalism.

But if you're just some schmuck in a bar fight?
Or Hillary Clinton violating federal classified data protection laws and getting away with it. No one should be above the law-----------------including your beloved Clintons.

Regurgitating bull crud again I see..... ;)

She broke no law.

actually she did. Patreaus was found guilty of basically the same thing on a smaller scale.


Petraeus, gave classified SECRETS to his mistress.

Clinton gave no classified secret information to anyone.

Keep playing dumb if you want.....

actually, since her server was not secure, she very likely gave classified secret data to the Russians and Chinese.

but keep playing dumb, its what you libs do best.
Just like when bill gave nuclear secrets to china? If that was really true why haven't the GOP contenders brought it up?

So that was a lie? Too many lies for us to take you seriously.

Yes, I understand, the Clintons are as pure as the driven snow. everything ever said about them in a negative manner is a lie. They are the most wonderful perfect people ever to walk the surface of the earth. All hail the Clintons------------the best of humanity!
We cannot punish the hate, we can only punish the crime. Hating is NOT a crime.

We can punish hate. The question is, should we? I find the entire idea....problematic.

I don't. When we have a court system that let's a rich kid off after killing 4 people, additional penalties we can attach to a violent crime is okay by me.
To them its no different if I shoot you or burn a senior citizen alive. No diff?

either way the victim is dead and you are a murderer. What should happen to the black thugs who burned the white girl alive in Mississippi? Should they be charged with murder or something else?
Some murderers eventually get parole. He shouldn't. In fact he should be executed.

Obama is a murder so he should go to jail right?
We cannot punish the hate, we can only punish the crime. Hating is NOT a crime.

We can punish hate. The question is, should we? I find the entire idea....problematic.

I don't. When we have a court system that let's a rich kid off after killing 4 people, additional penalties we can attach to a violent crime is okay by me.
To them its no different if I shoot you or burn a senior citizen alive. No diff?

either way the victim is dead and you are a murderer. What should happen to the black thugs who burned the white girl alive in Mississippi? Should they be charged with murder or something else?
Some murderers eventually get parole. He shouldn't. In fact he should be executed.

should they be charged with a hate crime since the victim was white? or just first degree murder which carries the death penalty in MS? Should the state kill him twice? burn him to death? What exactly do you want done to hate crime perpatrators?
actually she did. Patreaus was found guilty of basically the same thing on a smaller scale.

Patreus was found guilty of sharing classified information with his biographer. Who he was also fucking.

At issue are "black books" — eight notebooks in which Petraeus kept highly classified information that the government says included "the identities of covert officers, war strategy, intelligence capabilities and mechanisms, diplomatic discussions, quotes and deliberative discussions from high-level National Security Council meetings, and defendant David Howell Petraeus's discussions with the President of the United States of America."

Petraeus Sentenced To 2 Years' Probation, Fine For Sharing Classified Info

The emails were merely evidence of the above.

Again, which has nothing to do with this thread.

disclosure of classified data is a crime, the circumstances of the disclosure don't lessen the crime.

There's not even the accusation that Hillary 'disclosed classified information' to anyone. She's being accused of a record's keeping violation. Where the FBI is investigating how the information was handled and if it was secure enough. Patreaus walked out 8 black books and gave them to his biographer to read. Presumably after he fucked her.

You've got your wires crossed on this one. As those aren't the same thing.

And of course, its got dick to do with this thread. You're merely trying to change the topic.

the thread is about hate crime laws and the unequal application of the law based or race, age, sex, political connections, etc.

but lets stay on hate crimes, the truth about HRC and her illegal disclosure of classified data is tomorrow's story.

Fair enough.
We cannot punish the hate, we can only punish the crime. Hating is NOT a crime.

We can punish hate. The question is, should we? I find the entire idea....problematic.

I don't. When we have a court system that let's a rich kid off after killing 4 people, additional penalties we can attach to a violent crime is okay by me.
To them its no different if I shoot you or burn a senior citizen alive. No diff?

either way the victim is dead and you are a murderer. What should happen to the black thugs who burned the white girl alive in Mississippi? Should they be charged with murder or something else?

If someone is part of an organization with a specific agenda to terrorize a particular group, then I can see hate crime additions. If you're part of the KKK and you are doing cross burnings to instill fear into the black community in a particular area, then yeah. That's way more than vandalism.

But if you're just some schmuck in a bar fight?

does that logic apply to the black panthers and Farrakhan? they both preach hate.
Or Hillary Clinton violating federal classified data protection laws and getting away with it. No one should be above the law-----------------including your beloved Clintons.

Regurgitating bull crud again I see..... ;)

She broke no law.

actually she did. Patreaus was found guilty of basically the same thing on a smaller scale.


Petraeus, gave classified SECRETS to his mistress.

Clinton gave no classified secret information to anyone.

Keep playing dumb if you want.....

actually, since her server was not secure, she very likely gave classified secret data to the Russians and Chinese.

but keep playing dumb, its what you libs do best.
Just like when bill gave nuclear secrets to china? If that was really true why haven't the GOP contenders brought it up?

So that was a lie? Too many lies for us to take you seriously.

You prove what a far left drone you are with this post..

I guess you have to validate that you are voting for a criminal, a liar and a murder in 2016 when you vote for Hilary!

Just like you have to validate voting for worse than Bush twice..
Patreus was found guilty of sharing classified information with his biographer. Who he was also fucking.

The emails were merely evidence of the above.

Again, which has nothing to do with this thread.

disclosure of classified data is a crime, the circumstances of the disclosure don't lessen the crime.

There's not even the accusation that Hillary 'disclosed classified information' to anyone. She's being accused of a record's keeping violation. Where the FBI is investigating how the information was handled and if it was secure enough. Patreaus walked out 8 black books and gave them to his biographer to read. Presumably after he fucked her.

You've got your wires crossed on this one. As those aren't the same thing.

And of course, its got dick to do with this thread. You're merely trying to change the topic.

the thread is about hate crime laws and the unequal application of the law based or race, age, sex, political connections, etc.

but lets stay on hate crimes, the truth about HRC and her illegal disclosure of classified data is tomorrow's story.

Fair enough.
We can punish hate. The question is, should we? I find the entire idea....problematic.

I don't. When we have a court system that let's a rich kid off after killing 4 people, additional penalties we can attach to a violent crime is okay by me.
To them its no different if I shoot you or burn a senior citizen alive. No diff?

either way the victim is dead and you are a murderer. What should happen to the black thugs who burned the white girl alive in Mississippi? Should they be charged with murder or something else?

If someone is part of an organization with a specific agenda to terrorize a particular group, then I can see hate crime additions. If you're part of the KKK and you are doing cross burnings to instill fear into the black community in a particular area, then yeah. That's way more than vandalism.

But if you're just some schmuck in a bar fight?

does that logic apply to the black panthers and Farrakhan? they both preach hate.

The actual black panthers? Or the boogeyman that conservatives have made up, where they show pictures of the same ONE guy at the same ONE polling station over and over for 3 elections over 4 years?
We can punish hate. The question is, should we? I find the entire idea....problematic.

I don't. When we have a court system that let's a rich kid off after killing 4 people, additional penalties we can attach to a violent crime is okay by me.
To them its no different if I shoot you or burn a senior citizen alive. No diff?

either way the victim is dead and you are a murderer. What should happen to the black thugs who burned the white girl alive in Mississippi? Should they be charged with murder or something else?
Some murderers eventually get parole. He shouldn't. In fact he should be executed.

Obama is a murder so he should go to jail right?
Rw drone
I don't. When we have a court system that let's a rich kid off after killing 4 people, additional penalties we can attach to a violent crime is okay by me.
To them its no different if I shoot you or burn a senior citizen alive. No diff?

either way the victim is dead and you are a murderer. What should happen to the black thugs who burned the white girl alive in Mississippi? Should they be charged with murder or something else?
Some murderers eventually get parole. He shouldn't. In fact he should be executed.

Obama is a murder so he should go to jail right?
Rw drone

See when the far left drones are faced with reality, they divert!
disclosure of classified data is a crime, the circumstances of the disclosure don't lessen the crime.

There's not even the accusation that Hillary 'disclosed classified information' to anyone. She's being accused of a record's keeping violation. Where the FBI is investigating how the information was handled and if it was secure enough. Patreaus walked out 8 black books and gave them to his biographer to read. Presumably after he fucked her.

You've got your wires crossed on this one. As those aren't the same thing.

And of course, its got dick to do with this thread. You're merely trying to change the topic.

the thread is about hate crime laws and the unequal application of the law based or race, age, sex, political connections, etc.

but lets stay on hate crimes, the truth about HRC and her illegal disclosure of classified data is tomorrow's story.

Fair enough.
I don't. When we have a court system that let's a rich kid off after killing 4 people, additional penalties we can attach to a violent crime is okay by me.
To them its no different if I shoot you or burn a senior citizen alive. No diff?

either way the victim is dead and you are a murderer. What should happen to the black thugs who burned the white girl alive in Mississippi? Should they be charged with murder or something else?

If someone is part of an organization with a specific agenda to terrorize a particular group, then I can see hate crime additions. If you're part of the KKK and you are doing cross burnings to instill fear into the black community in a particular area, then yeah. That's way more than vandalism.

But if you're just some schmuck in a bar fight?

does that logic apply to the black panthers and Farrakhan? they both preach hate.

The actual black panthers? Or the boogeyman that conservatives have made up, where they show pictures of the same ONE guy at the same ONE polling station over and over for 3 elections over 4 years?

See this is a far left drone at it's best! Spouting religious dogma to deflect!
disclosure of classified data is a crime, the circumstances of the disclosure don't lessen the crime.

There's not even the accusation that Hillary 'disclosed classified information' to anyone. She's being accused of a record's keeping violation. Where the FBI is investigating how the information was handled and if it was secure enough. Patreaus walked out 8 black books and gave them to his biographer to read. Presumably after he fucked her.

You've got your wires crossed on this one. As those aren't the same thing.

And of course, its got dick to do with this thread. You're merely trying to change the topic.

the thread is about hate crime laws and the unequal application of the law based or race, age, sex, political connections, etc.

but lets stay on hate crimes, the truth about HRC and her illegal disclosure of classified data is tomorrow's story.

Fair enough.
I don't. When we have a court system that let's a rich kid off after killing 4 people, additional penalties we can attach to a violent crime is okay by me.
To them its no different if I shoot you or burn a senior citizen alive. No diff?

either way the victim is dead and you are a murderer. What should happen to the black thugs who burned the white girl alive in Mississippi? Should they be charged with murder or something else?

If someone is part of an organization with a specific agenda to terrorize a particular group, then I can see hate crime additions. If you're part of the KKK and you are doing cross burnings to instill fear into the black community in a particular area, then yeah. That's way more than vandalism.

But if you're just some schmuck in a bar fight?

does that logic apply to the black panthers and Farrakhan? they both preach hate.

The actual black panthers? Or the boogeyman that conservatives have made up, where they show pictures of the same ONE guy at the same ONE polling station over and over for 3 elections over 4 years?

We can punish hate. The question is, should we? I find the entire idea....problematic.

I don't. When we have a court system that let's a rich kid off after killing 4 people, additional penalties we can attach to a violent crime is okay by me.
To them its no different if I shoot you or burn a senior citizen alive. No diff?

either way the victim is dead and you are a murderer. What should happen to the black thugs who burned the white girl alive in Mississippi? Should they be charged with murder or something else?
Some murderers eventually get parole. He shouldn't. In fact he should be executed.

should they be charged with a hate crime since the victim was white? or just first degree murder which carries the death penalty in MS? Should the state kill him twice? burn him to death? What exactly do you want done to hate crime perpatrators?
To make sure they don't get out early. We all see the justice system is messed up. Rapists and killers get out and repeat offend. With hate crimes you assure someone will never get out.

A perfect example is that white kid who shot up that black church. I could see in the past a guy like that may be getting out after 20 or so years for good behavior. Maybe with a hate crime law slapped on him that I was sure he never ever gets out.

Why do you have a problem slapping a hate crime law on someone?
There's not even the accusation that Hillary 'disclosed classified information' to anyone. She's being accused of a record's keeping violation. Where the FBI is investigating how the information was handled and if it was secure enough. Patreaus walked out 8 black books and gave them to his biographer to read. Presumably after he fucked her.

You've got your wires crossed on this one. As those aren't the same thing.

And of course, its got dick to do with this thread. You're merely trying to change the topic.

the thread is about hate crime laws and the unequal application of the law based or race, age, sex, political connections, etc.

but lets stay on hate crimes, the truth about HRC and her illegal disclosure of classified data is tomorrow's story.

Fair enough.
To them its no different if I shoot you or burn a senior citizen alive. No diff?

either way the victim is dead and you are a murderer. What should happen to the black thugs who burned the white girl alive in Mississippi? Should they be charged with murder or something else?

If someone is part of an organization with a specific agenda to terrorize a particular group, then I can see hate crime additions. If you're part of the KKK and you are doing cross burnings to instill fear into the black community in a particular area, then yeah. That's way more than vandalism.

But if you're just some schmuck in a bar fight?

does that logic apply to the black panthers and Farrakhan? they both preach hate.

The actual black panthers? Or the boogeyman that conservatives have made up, where they show pictures of the same ONE guy at the same ONE polling station over and over for 3 elections over 4 years?

See this is a far left drone at it's best! Spouting religious dogma to deflect!
u so stupid
I don't. When we have a court system that let's a rich kid off after killing 4 people, additional penalties we can attach to a violent crime is okay by me.
To them its no different if I shoot you or burn a senior citizen alive. No diff?

either way the victim is dead and you are a murderer. What should happen to the black thugs who burned the white girl alive in Mississippi? Should they be charged with murder or something else?
Some murderers eventually get parole. He shouldn't. In fact he should be executed.

should they be charged with a hate crime since the victim was white? or just first degree murder which carries the death penalty in MS? Should the state kill him twice? burn him to death? What exactly do you want done to hate crime perpatrators?
To make sure they don't get out early. We all see the justice system is messed up. Rapists and killers get out and repeat offend. With hate crimes you assure someone will never get out.

A perfect example is that white kid who shot up that black church. I could see in the past a guy like that may be getting out after 20 or so years for good behavior. Maybe with a hate crime law slapped on him that I was sure he never ever gets out.

Why do you have a problem slapping a hate crime law on someone?

So you far left drones do not believe people can change!

Another example why the far left should not be in charge of anything!
I think they are dumb... I mean, take murder for instance... we've already established that motive matters.

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