Are Libertarians kind of like the Amish and Mennonites?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Living in there own little make believe political world far removed from new world / real world reality?
As much as I like some of their old-school positions, much of what they desire politically speaking and in terms of governance is just too far fetched for our current barely first world society full of thirdworld minded twisted filth isn't it?
I mean, can we really grant indecent, immoral human beings the personal liberties and freedoms that we could grant the citizenry centuries ago without putting the freedom and liberty of others in jeopardy?

... `cept when dey take out...

... dey's 12ga. Mossbergs.
Living in there own little make believe political world far removed from new world / real world reality?
Depends on how you define a Libertarian... or, more specifically, whether or not you consider the Libertarian Party voters to be Libertarians, despite the fact that they don't follow the non-aggression principle. The Libertarian Party voters live in their own make believe world, in which those in Government are held to a different standard than everyone else, as if it's some kind of deity.
As much as I like some of their old-school positions, much of what they desire politically speaking and in terms of governance is just too far fetched for our current barely first world society full of thirdworld minded twisted filth isn't it?
They desire the same as other parties, since all parties have the same hegemonic interest. You'll have to be a bit more specific here, since you didn't really give any examples beyond the next point.
I mean, can we really grant indecent, immoral human beings the personal liberties and freedoms that we could grant the citizenry centuries ago without putting the freedom and liberty of others in jeopardy?
I'll assume that what you're referring to is "open borders", though, in which case actual Libertarians recognize those for what they are; Completely arbitrary lines that were drawn on a map by lying sociopaths who don't care what your interests are. I'll go point by point, though;

Freedom and liberty isn't granted, since negative rights are inherent to every self-owning agent. Something which isn't owned cannot be granted, so if freedom must be granted, then nothing has this freedom to grant. The way the state interacts with freedom is to infringe on it. Choosing not to initiate force against someone is not granting them freedom.

I'm not going to argue the whole "you don't know everyone outside this plot of land, so it's kind of retarded to assume they're all immoral" position, because I believe everyone is motivated in some way by self-interest, and everyone on the planet has probably done something immoral in their lifetime, so I'll instead point out that you'd seemingly prefer that lying sociopaths who seek to control you have the power to initiate force against innocent people, so long as they hurt random people for crossing an imaginary line. In that case, it's important to recognize that said lying sociopaths have more power to hurt you than the random people crossing an imaginary line ever will.

Lastly, yes, people can have freedom without putting the freedom of others in jeopardy, most people just want to be left alone. In fact, you'd likely never even meet the random people crossing that imaginary line, yet you'd like to infringe on their negative right not to be hurt, kidnapped, thrown in a cage, and then tossed back into another plot of land against their will. Is it that confusing to just not hurt people?
Libertarianism does not appeal to me and personally, I thought Ron Paul was an idiot. He lost me completely when he said "We have nukes, why shouldn't Iran?" That drug-legalization thing didn't resonate with me either. I've seen up close and personally what drugs can do to people.

Those so-called "sovereign citizens" are idiots too, and they are at the farthest extreme of libertarianism. They're have absolutely no respect for law-enforcement, and are always filing harassing lawsuits against cities and counties.
Living in there own little make believe political world far removed from new world / real world reality?
As much as I like some of their old-school positions, much of what they desire politically speaking and in terms of governance is just too far fetched for our current barely first world society full of thirdworld minded twisted filth isn't it?
I mean, can we really grant indecent, immoral human beings the personal liberties and freedoms that we could grant the citizenry centuries ago without putting the freedom and liberty of others in jeopardy?

Maybe if they put their theory to practice...

Currently they want open borders so people who hate freedoms can come to America in hordes. The politics have been co-opted by the far left.

Today libertarians are about as adept at maintaining liberty as the conservatives were in conserving the ladies bathrooms.
Living in there own little make believe political world far removed from new world / real world reality?
As much as I like some of their old-school positions, much of what they desire politically speaking and in terms of governance is just too far fetched for our current barely first world society full of thirdworld minded twisted filth isn't it?
I mean, can we really grant indecent, immoral human beings the personal liberties and freedoms that we could grant the citizenry centuries ago without putting the freedom and liberty of others in jeopardy?
1. Freedom/liberty is already in jeopardy every motherfucking day. Jefferson KNEW the tenancies of man, as did many of his fellow founders. What makes you think government bans will protect you? All they will do is erode your liberty.
2. We don't grant freedoms and liberties. Governments do not grant liberties. Constitutions do not grant liberties. They are inherent.
3. The cost of liberty is responsibility. Liberty is high-maintenance. Free people must be constantly prepared to protect themselves from the irresponsible actions of others. Free people must be prepared to violently protect liberty against those who would oppress it.

So, the make-believe world is the one where eroding the liberty of some people will make others safe.

Living in there own little make believe political world far removed from new world / real world reality?
As much as I like some of their old-school positions, much of what they desire politically speaking and in terms of governance is just too far fetched for our current barely first world society full of thirdworld minded twisted filth isn't it?
I mean, can we really grant indecent, immoral human beings the personal liberties and freedoms that we could grant the citizenry centuries ago without putting the freedom and liberty of others in jeopardy?
Nope. The Amish live their own lives and bother no one. They are SELF REGULATED because they have a moral foundation.

Libertarians worship freedom at any price. They have no moral foundation.

Please dont insult the Amish with your flawed comparison
Living in there own little make believe political world far removed from new world / real world reality?
As much as I like some of their old-school positions, much of what they desire politically speaking and in terms of governance is just too far fetched for our current barely first world society full of thirdworld minded twisted filth isn't it?
I mean, can we really grant indecent, immoral human beings the personal liberties and freedoms that we could grant the citizenry centuries ago without putting the freedom and liberty of others in jeopardy?

Maybe if they put their theory to practice...

Currently they want open borders so people who hate freedoms can come to America in hordes. The politics have been co-opted by the far left.

Today libertarians are about as adept at maintaining liberty as the conservatives were in conserving the ladies bathrooms.
True libertarians are dangerous and would destroy this country just as fast as the Bernie Sanders left
Personal property rights and the non aggression theory is how I understand libertarianism.

what’s wrong with those?

Nothing, but that’s not really their platform.
2018 Platform
Oh, you're talking about the Libertarian Party, not libertarians. You must distinguish between party and ideology.

Most independents probably lean libertarian over authoritarian. The Rs and Ds are right authoritarians with different names, although the Ds have been overrun by commies.

Living in there own little make believe political world far removed from new world / real world reality?
As much as I like some of their old-school positions, much of what they desire politically speaking and in terms of governance is just too far fetched for our current barely first world society full of thirdworld minded twisted filth isn't it?
I mean, can we really grant indecent, immoral human beings the personal liberties and freedoms that we could grant the citizenry centuries ago without putting the freedom and liberty of others in jeopardy?

Maybe if they put their theory to practice...

Currently they want open borders so people who hate freedoms can come to America in hordes. The politics have been co-opted by the far left.

Today libertarians are about as adept at maintaining liberty as the conservatives were in conserving the ladies bathrooms.
True libertarians are dangerous and would destroy this country just as fast as the Bernie Sanders left

How would they do that?
Living in there own little make believe political world far removed from new world / real world reality?
As much as I like some of their old-school positions, much of what they desire politically speaking and in terms of governance is just too far fetched for our current barely first world society full of thirdworld minded twisted filth isn't it?
I mean, can we really grant indecent, immoral human beings the personal liberties and freedoms that we could grant the citizenry centuries ago without putting the freedom and liberty of others in jeopardy?

Maybe if they put their theory to practice...

Currently they want open borders so people who hate freedoms can come to America in hordes. The politics have been co-opted by the far left.

Today libertarians are about as adept at maintaining liberty as the conservatives were in conserving the ladies bathrooms.
True libertarians are dangerous and would destroy this country just as fast as the Bernie Sanders left
Well, no, Libertarians just want to be free. The reason that "the country" would be "destroyed" is because states are naturally unsustainable and would collapse regardless. The average lifespan of a state is around 250 years, and this is because innovation, population growth, the law of diminishing returns, and the economic calculation problem will all destroy the state on their own, and nothing will prevent that.

Libertarians, whether they're ancoms, mutualists, agorists, or ancaps, are opposed to violent revolution. The act that accelerates the state's natural demise is counter-economics, and that's just trading among ourselves in a way that prevents the state from stealing from us.

TL;DR: 'THE PEOPLE WHO OPPOSE THE INITIATION OF FORCE ARE DANGEROUS' is projection, the state is what's dangerous, and those who support it are supporting violence against us.
Living in there own little make believe political world far removed from new world / real world reality?
As much as I like some of their old-school positions, much of what they desire politically speaking and in terms of governance is just too far fetched for our current barely first world society full of thirdworld minded twisted filth isn't it?
I mean, can we really grant indecent, immoral human beings the personal liberties and freedoms that we could grant the citizenry centuries ago without putting the freedom and liberty of others in jeopardy?

Maybe if they put their theory to practice...

Currently they want open borders so people who hate freedoms can come to America in hordes. The politics have been co-opted by the far left.

Today libertarians are about as adept at maintaining liberty as the conservatives were in conserving the ladies bathrooms.
True libertarians are dangerous and would destroy this country just as fast as the Bernie Sanders left
Well, no, Libertarians just want to be free. The reason that "the country" would be "destroyed" is because states are naturally unsustainable and would collapse regardless. The average lifespan of a state is around 250 years, and this is because innovation, population growth, the law of diminishing returns, and the economic calculation problem will all destroy the state on their own, and nothing will prevent that.

Libertarians, whether they're ancoms, mutualists, agorists, or ancaps, are opposed to violent revolution. The act that accelerates the state's natural demise is counter-economics, and that's just trading among ourselves in a way that prevents the state from stealing from us.

TL;DR: 'THE PEOPLE WHO OPPOSE THE INITIATION OF FORCE ARE DANGEROUS' is projection, the state is what's dangerous, and those who support it are supporting violence against us.

18 year old female libertarian who writes in pink text...

I have seen it all now. Autism is unstoppable!
Living in there own little make believe political world far removed from new world / real world reality?
As much as I like some of their old-school positions, much of what they desire politically speaking and in terms of governance is just too far fetched for our current barely first world society full of thirdworld minded twisted filth isn't it?
I mean, can we really grant indecent, immoral human beings the personal liberties and freedoms that we could grant the citizenry centuries ago without putting the freedom and liberty of others in jeopardy?

Maybe if they put their theory to practice...

Currently they want open borders so people who hate freedoms can come to America in hordes. The politics have been co-opted by the far left.

Today libertarians are about as adept at maintaining liberty as the conservatives were in conserving the ladies bathrooms.
True libertarians are dangerous and would destroy this country just as fast as the Bernie Sanders left
Well, no, Libertarians just want to be free. The reason that "the country" would be "destroyed" is because states are naturally unsustainable and would collapse regardless. The average lifespan of a state is around 250 years, and this is because innovation, population growth, the law of diminishing returns, and the economic calculation problem will all destroy the state on their own, and nothing will prevent that.

Libertarians, whether they're ancoms, mutualists, agorists, or ancaps, are opposed to violent revolution. The act that accelerates the state's natural demise is counter-economics, and that's just trading among ourselves in a way that prevents the state from stealing from us.

TL;DR: 'THE PEOPLE WHO OPPOSE THE INITIATION OF FORCE ARE DANGEROUS' is projection, the state is what's dangerous, and those who support it are supporting violence against us.

18 year old female libertarian who writes in pink text...

I have seen it all now. Autism is unstoppable!
It's okay, I've noted your lack of an argument against my points, and I want to reassure you that I didn't expect you to have one.

Have a nice day.
Living in there own little make believe political world far removed from new world / real world reality?
As much as I like some of their old-school positions, much of what they desire politically speaking and in terms of governance is just too far fetched for our current barely first world society full of thirdworld minded twisted filth isn't it?
I mean, can we really grant indecent, immoral human beings the personal liberties and freedoms that we could grant the citizenry centuries ago without putting the freedom and liberty of others in jeopardy?

Maybe if they put their theory to practice...

Currently they want open borders so people who hate freedoms can come to America in hordes. The politics have been co-opted by the far left.

Today libertarians are about as adept at maintaining liberty as the conservatives were in conserving the ladies bathrooms.
True libertarians are dangerous and would destroy this country just as fast as the Bernie Sanders left
Well, no, Libertarians just want to be free. The reason that "the country" would be "destroyed" is because states are naturally unsustainable and would collapse regardless. The average lifespan of a state is around 250 years, and this is because innovation, population growth, the law of diminishing returns, and the economic calculation problem will all destroy the state on their own, and nothing will prevent that.

Libertarians, whether they're ancoms, mutualists, agorists, or ancaps, are opposed to violent revolution. The act that accelerates the state's natural demise is counter-economics, and that's just trading among ourselves in a way that prevents the state from stealing from us.

TL;DR: 'THE PEOPLE WHO OPPOSE THE INITIATION OF FORCE ARE DANGEROUS' is projection, the state is what's dangerous, and those who support it are supporting violence against us.

18 year old female libertarian who writes in pink text...

I have seen it all now. Autism is unstoppable!
It's okay, I've noted your lack of an argument against my points, and I want to reassure you that I didn't expect you to have one.

Have a nice day.

Nothing wrong with your observational abilities, there indeed was no argument.

Are you straight or a lesbian?
Maybe it used to be that way and maybe not but the libertarian movement is far from religious sects. Whatever politics existed in the libertarians in the last couple of decades has been hijacked by the pot heads. Today's libertarians are a drug sect dedicated to legalize marijuana and meth.

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