Are Libertarians kind of like the Amish and Mennonites?

Q. Are Libertarians kind of like the Amish and Mennonites?

A. Luddites? Maybe, a person opposed to new technology or ways of working or thinking.
Are or aren’t you Anarchists?
Libertarianism advocates maximizing liberty and limiting government. Anarchy advocates a stateless form of society.

Mutually exclusive concepts.

Communism is a form of anarchy. Its state-based counterpart is socialism.

Communism is a system where the individual is owned by the hive....It's the antithesis of anarchy.
Q. Are Libertarians kind of like the Amish and Mennonites?

A. Luddites? Maybe, a person opposed to new technology or ways of working or thinking.

There's nothing new, nuanced, or thoughtful about mob rule, Francis.

I beg to differ. Libertarians have never won a seat in Congress, mob rule, in your terms direct democracy, proves that it is nuanced and thoughtful.
Are or aren’t you Anarchists?
Libertarianism advocates maximizing liberty and limiting government. Anarchy advocates a stateless form of society.

Mutually exclusive concepts.

Communism is a form of anarchy. Its state-based counterpart is socialism.

Communism is a system where the individual is owned by the hive....It's the antithesis of anarchy.
Communism is a philosophical, social, political, economic ideology and movementwhose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomicorder structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state.

Anarchy is the state of a society being freely constituted without authorities or a governing body. It may also refer to a society or group of people that totally rejects a set hierarchy.

The word anarchy was first used in 1539, meaning "an absence of government". Pierre-Joseph Proudhon adopted the term in his 1840 treatise What Is Property? to refer to anarchism, a new political philosophy which advocates stateless societies based on voluntary associations.

Anarchy is stateless. Commie is stateless.

Don't mix up terms. Anarchy refers to the absence of the state. Commie is anarchy.

But, I agree that commie is hive ownership.

Are or aren’t you Anarchists?
Libertarianism advocates maximizing liberty and limiting government. Anarchy advocates a stateless form of society.

Mutually exclusive concepts.

Communism is a form of anarchy. Its state-based counterpart is socialism.

Communism is a system where the individual is owned by the hive....It's the antithesis of anarchy.
Communism is a philosophical, social, political, economic ideology and movementwhose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomicorder structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state.

Anarchy is the state of a society being freely constituted without authorities or a governing body. It may also refer to a society or group of people that totally rejects a set hierarchy.

The word anarchy was first used in 1539, meaning "an absence of government". Pierre-Joseph Proudhon adopted the term in his 1840 treatise What Is Property? to refer to anarchism, a new political philosophy which advocates stateless societies based on voluntary associations.

Anarchy is stateless. Commie is stateless.

Don't mix up terms. Anarchy refers to the absence of the state. Commie is anarchy.

But, I agree that commie is hive ownership.

It's only Anarchist in the case of voluntary communes, otherwise there would need to be a social class which claims the right to initiate force against people for passive acts, which would be a monopoly on arbitration. A monopoly on arbitration is a state, states force association. At this point, Anarchist Communists refer to themselves as Vocoms or Anarcho-Communists, to separate themselves from all of the statist commnunists, such as the tankies.
Are or aren’t you Anarchists?
Libertarianism advocates maximizing liberty and limiting government. Anarchy advocates a stateless form of society.

Mutually exclusive concepts.

Communism is a form of anarchy. Its state-based counterpart is socialism.

Communism is a system where the individual is owned by the hive....It's the antithesis of anarchy.
Communism is a philosophical, social, political, economic ideology and movementwhose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomicorder structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state.

Anarchy is the state of a society being freely constituted without authorities or a governing body. It may also refer to a society or group of people that totally rejects a set hierarchy.

The word anarchy was first used in 1539, meaning "an absence of government". Pierre-Joseph Proudhon adopted the term in his 1840 treatise What Is Property? to refer to anarchism, a new political philosophy which advocates stateless societies based on voluntary associations.

Anarchy is stateless. Commie is stateless.

Don't mix up terms. Anarchy refers to the absence of the state. Commie is anarchy.

But, I agree that commie is hive ownership.

Communism eventually needs a centralized enforcement (i.e. coercion) mechanism, which always returns it to some form of a State apparatus to assure conformity.

"Ancom" is ultimately a contradiction in terms.
Again...there are a number of directives within the Libertarian ideology that are quite attractive, logical and rational...many were perfect for this nation and its citizenry 200 years ago.
Fast forward beyond an imposed welfare mandate circa 1935, add in forced multiculturalism and 100 million wetbacks and forget about it.
Again...there are a number of directives within the Libertarian ideology that are quite attractive, logical and rational...many were perfect for this nation and its citizenry 200 years ago.
Fast forward beyond an imposed welfare mandate circa 1935, add in forced multiculturalism and 100 million wetbacks and forget about it.
OMG ... The brown people!!! Run away!!!!
Again...there are a number of directives within the Libertarian ideology that are quite attractive, logical and rational...many were perfect for this nation and its citizenry 200 years ago.
Fast forward beyond an imposed welfare mandate circa 1935, add in forced multiculturalism and 100 million wetbacks and forget about it.
OMG ... The brown people!!! Run away!!!!

Tell us how brown people help the Libertarian crusade appear applicable and sustainable in these times?
Again...there are a number of directives within the Libertarian ideology that are quite attractive, logical and rational...many were perfect for this nation and its citizenry 200 years ago.
Fast forward beyond an imposed welfare mandate circa 1935, add in forced multiculturalism and 100 million wetbacks and forget about it.
OMG ... The brown people!!! Run away!!!!

Tell us how brown people help the Libertarian crusade appear applicable and sustainable in these times?
They're going to steal our women!!!
Communism eventually needs a centralized enforcement (i.e. coercion) mechanism, which always returns it to some form of a State apparatus to assure conformity.
Yes. It's called "socialism."

Look, Marx was a fucking idiot. Communism leads to socialism. Not the reverse.

Again...there are a number of directives within the Libertarian ideology that are quite attractive, logical and rational...many were perfect for this nation and its citizenry 200 years ago.
Fast forward beyond an imposed welfare mandate circa 1935, add in forced multiculturalism and 100 million wetbacks and forget about it.
Oh I agree. It appears that the only way we're going to reverse this is through pure violence. But I remain hopeful.

Focus on the guns. Get us more weapons. Get us machine guns.

Again...there are a number of directives within the Libertarian ideology that are quite attractive, logical and rational...many were perfect for this nation and its citizenry 200 years ago.
Fast forward beyond an imposed welfare mandate circa 1935, add in forced multiculturalism and 100 million wetbacks and forget about it.
OMG ... The brown people!!! Run away!!!!

Tell us how brown people help the Libertarian crusade appear applicable and sustainable in these times?
They're going to steal our women!!!

haha...they're 5'2' 125lbs...smell like ass and Modello, are broke as shit and have an ant-eater for a penis. Don't be worried.
Again...there are a number of directives within the Libertarian ideology that are quite attractive, logical and rational...many were perfect for this nation and its citizenry 200 years ago.
Fast forward beyond an imposed welfare mandate circa 1935, add in forced multiculturalism and 100 million wetbacks and forget about it.
OMG ... The brown people!!! Run away!!!!

Tell us how brown people help the Libertarian crusade appear applicable and sustainable in these times?
They're going to steal our women!!!

haha...they're 5'2' 125lbs...smell like ass and Modello, are broke as shit and have an ant-eater for a penis. Don't be worried.
Expert enough with them that he expounds on his familiarity with their genitalia.
True libertarians are dangerous and would destroy this country just as fast as the Bernie Sanders left
Well, no, Libertarians just want to be free. The reason that "the country" would be "destroyed" is because states are naturally unsustainable and would collapse regardless. The average lifespan of a state is around 250 years, and this is because innovation, population growth, the law of diminishing returns, and the economic calculation problem will all destroy the state on their own, and nothing will prevent that.

Libertarians, whether they're ancoms, mutualists, agorists, or ancaps, are opposed to violent revolution. The act that accelerates the state's natural demise is counter-economics, and that's just trading among ourselves in a way that prevents the state from stealing from us.

TL;DR: 'THE PEOPLE WHO OPPOSE THE INITIATION OF FORCE ARE DANGEROUS' is projection, the state is what's dangerous, and those who support it are supporting violence against us.

18 year old female libertarian who writes in pink text...

I have seen it all now. Autism is unstoppable!
It's okay, I've noted your lack of an argument against my points, and I want to reassure you that I didn't expect you to have one.

Have a nice day.

Nothing wrong with your observational abilities, there indeed was no argument.

Are you straight or a lesbian?
That has nothing to do with the thread title, and nothing to do with my argument that you totally ignored in favor of launching an adhom attack. How about you stop derailing threads?

You'd be taking away his hobby!
Who hates libertarians and libertarianism?

1. those who LEECH off the government
2. those who STEAL from the government
3. those who want to micromanage others (while their own sad lives are total failures)
4. those who hate America
5. those who hate FREEDOM
6. those who PARROT and are too DUMB to think for themselves

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