Are Libertarians kind of like the Amish and Mennonites?

Our citizenry has become very dependent, very needy and government loves that shit...the fucked up thing is; there's no going back..That's the premise of this thread.
Like I said....You sold out.

Congratulations on being today's deserving recipient....

View attachment 310736

Looks like the GOP Participation award to me.
Like you have any room to chirp.

I've got plenty of room, you on the other hand are arm in arm with BrokeLoser and you probably don't recognize it.
Way more than 13 people understand it....Fact is that most of those people have dropped out completely, and overbearing kncukleheads like you do absolutely nothing to make them want to join your side.

“Understand it”?
What’s to understand?
I understand many of the principles were awesome and probably very applicable in the Quaker era when the majority of the American citizenry was white, high quality and likeminded. Before the push for multiculturalism, before any welfare mandates were imposed on the best most productive citizens...back when most were vigilant and would self police.
I really have no interest in recruiting a few washed up hasbeens on a message board in cyberspace...Sorry bud.
Man, them grapes are hella-sour, ain't they?

You accept the Wilson/FDR progressive hell and claim you can try to make it better (though you never ever actually do), while people like myself and other libertarian/anarchist types drop out and mock you for your foolhardiness.

You're far more like the progressive moonbat twirps whom you claim to oppose than unlike them.

I accepted the Wilson/FDR progressive hell? WTF
Is this one of those smartest guy in the room things where you get to tell others what the accept? That’s awfully authoritarian of
I make my evaluation on what you post...Based upon that, you're a classic republican turd polisher....You accept progressive shit, but claim that you can fix it.....I didn't impose that folishness upon you, you accepted it for yourself.

“Drop out”....WTF does that even mean?
Is that that typical Libertarian nonsense...that nobody even half sane can make sense of?
”We’ll sit out this election to show our opposition of the duopoly while others take part in deciding how politicians will shape certain aspects of my life.”
Your inability to comprehend the English language isn't my problem.
I'd call that a takedown, but when the post starts at rock bottom....

Hahaha...that’s s shit-ton of foolish projecting their old man. Happy to see you got some applause from other fools for your ignorant effort...haha.
You don’t know me...clearly you know nothing about me. You will never hear me request a “handout”...further you dumbmotherfucker, those meds for old folks you speak of can’t hardly be considered a handout...See, if your worthless ass had ever worked a job you’d know that employers withhold a FICA and Medicare tax so those meds needed as folks age were paid for in advance through years of employment.

Let me ask you this...if Libertarianism is such a badass no-brainer why can’t you smartest motherfuckers in the room, you megalomaniacs sell your bullshit to more than 13 people across the nation?
Way more than 13 people understand it....Fact is that most of those people have dropped out completely, and overbearing kncukleheads like you do absolutely nothing to make them want to join your side.

“Understand it”?
What’s to understand?
I understand many of the principles were awesome and probably very applicable in the Quaker era when the majority of the American citizenry was white, high quality and likeminded. Before the push for multiculturalism, before any welfare mandates were imposed on the best most productive citizens...back when most were vigilant and would self police.
I really have no interest in recruiting a few washed up hasbeens on a message board in cyberspace...Sorry bud.
Man, them grapes are hella-sour, ain't they?

You accept the Wilson/FDR progressive hell and claim you can try to make it better (though you never ever actually do), while people like myself and other libertarian/anarchist types drop out and mock you for your foolhardiness.

You're far more like the progressive moonbat twirps whom you claim to oppose than unlike them.

I accepted the Wilson/FDR progressive hell? WTF
Is this one of those smartest guy in the room things where you get to tell others what the accept? That’s awfully authoritarian of

“Drop out”....WTF does that even mean?
Is that that typical Libertarian nonsense...that nobody even half sane can make sense of?
”We’ll sit out this election to show our opposition of the duopoly while others take part in deciding how politicians will shape certain aspects of my life.”
Yeah, you did. You don't just accept it, you continue to get down and lick their boots. You don't even understand what voting is. The entire concept of voting and being ruled just makes no sense, but you give it zero critical thought.

These KNOWN lying sociopaths infringe on your rights with everything they do, then you and all of your collectivist party voters pretend that they represent you and millions of others despite the fact that they have never met you, let alone know what your interests are. Then, as they infringe on your rights, have no idea what your interests are, and quite frankly don't care, you defend them and claim that they're protecting your interests when they haven't done a single thing for you.

It's utterly baffling that someone can think that a person who rules over them and can control them with force actually somehow works for them. Even worse, you statists think that you have freedom just because you can cast a vote, which doesn't matter and is begging besides, for which master rules over you.

Not only that, the fact that, even if it wasn't a red herring that you can vote, all of the people you're voting for have the same hegemonic interests. If you bothered to look at the Federal Register a single solitary time, you'd notice that every single one of the rulers have been doing the same thing. Yet, you still support the existence of Government.

So, yeah, you absolutely accept the Progressive Hell your masters have made, you accept it with open arms, you fall right in line in their system, and you feel proud of yourself for it. Meanwhile, you sneer at the people who are actually doing something about the millions of dismembered babies that metaphorically lay at your collectivist feet. We Agorists trade in a decentralized currency that they can't tax, in black and gray markets, starving them of funding, while you cucks pay your taxes like good little cattle.

I bet you weren't even aware that regardless of public opinion, all legislation has the same percentage chance of being passed, because you don't even do BARE MINIMUM research. At least REAL Libertarians have consistent principles, while you party voters just give your arbitrary opinions on the ideal Government that will never exist.

Got it...because you say so.
What “progressive shit” do I accept?
Is there anything else I accept that I should know about?
I don't think you willingly accept it. You are forced to keep voting for the ass wipes who are your only hope to "fix" it and the alternative is the people promising to expand it. Like I said:

"Vote for me and I will do jack shit and collect a paycheck. You have no choice. You must accept me as your representation because if you don't, the guy promising to fuck up your entire way of living will win and do just that. Vote for me to do nothing, you helpless peasant."

Do-Nothing v. Commie is not a real choice. It is only delay, at best.


Our citizenry has become very dependent, very needy and government loves that shit...the fucked up thing is; there's no going back..That's the premise of this thread.
The premise of this thread is one of your many misconceptions.

Cool...because you said so..I'm certain you can enlighten me with ease?
Nope, you’ve proven yourself too much the hard headed, authoritarian, state worshiping drone for any sensible ideas to take root in that tiny little noggin.

Our citizenry has become very dependent, very needy and government loves that shit...the fucked up thing is; there's no going back..That's the premise of this thread.
Like I said....You sold out.

Congratulations on being today's deserving recipient....

View attachment 310736

Let me uber smart intellectuals honestly believe you’re changing the way the system functions by not believe that eventually the duopoly won’t win if you don’t vote?
Got it...because you say so.
What “progressive shit” do I accept?
Is there anything else I accept that I should know about?
I don't think you willingly accept it. You are forced to keep voting for the ass wipes who are your only hope to "fix" it and the alternative is the people promising to expand it. Like I said:

"Vote for me and I will do jack shit and collect a paycheck. You have no choice. You must accept me as your representation because if you don't, the guy promising to fuck up your entire way of living will win and do just that. Vote for me to do nothing, you helpless peasant."

Do-Nothing v. Commie is not a real choice. It is only delay, at best.


Our citizenry has become very dependent, very needy and government loves that shit...the fucked up thing is; there's no going back..That's the premise of this thread.
The premise of this thread is one of your many misconceptions.

Cool...because you said so..I'm certain you can enlighten me with ease?
Nope, you’ve proven yourself too much the hard headed, authoritarian, state worshiping drone for any sensible ideas to take root in that tiny little noggin.

Pitch me...tell me how realistic and applicable your “ideas” are for the American citizenry of today?
Let me uber smart intellectuals honestly believe you’re changing the way the system functions by not believe that eventually the duopoly won’t win if you don’t vote?
Voting for the duopoly is not working so technically they are doing the same by not voting as they would be by voting. If everybody would vote 3rd party for just one election cycle, we would all be a trillion times happier.

Pitch me...tell me how realistic and applicable your “ideas” are for the American citizenry of today?
If we could get everyone to start here:

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual."
—Thomas Jefferson

That would be a huge step in the right direction. Unfortunately, both the Rs and Ds only care about their own rights and will fuck over anyone else without a single regard or ounce of consideration.

Let me uber smart intellectuals honestly believe you’re changing the way the system functions by not believe that eventually the duopoly won’t win if you don’t vote?
Voting for the duopoly is not working so technically they are doing the same by not voting as they would be by voting. If everybody would vote 3rd party for just one election cycle, we would all be a trillion times happier.

Maybe this will the one, but it's doubtful. Honestly, if we can't do better than Trump or Biden, we should just throw in the towel.
As far as the "libertarians" who are actual anarchists or "anarcho-capitalists", or whatever it's called (which not all so-called "libertarians" are), they're akin to PETA screaming that "meat is murder" and using violence or aggression to promote "peace" or "non-aggression", which is why no one has or ever will take them seriously.
As far as the "libertarians" who are actual anarchists or "anarcho-capitalists", or whatever it's called (which not all so-called "libertarians" are), they're akin to PETA screaming that "meat is murder" and using violence or aggression to promote "peace" or "non-aggression", which is why no one has or ever will take them seriously.

What the fuck are you talking about? Libertarians aren't anarchists and they're not using violence or aggression to promote their views.
“Understand it”?
What’s to understand?
I understand many of the principles were awesome and probably very applicable in the Quaker era when the majority of the American citizenry was white, high quality and likeminded. Before the push for multiculturalism, before any welfare mandates were imposed on the best most productive citizens...back when most were vigilant and would self police.
I really have no interest in recruiting a few washed up hasbeens on a message board in cyberspace...Sorry bud.
Man, them grapes are hella-sour, ain't they?

You accept the Wilson/FDR progressive hell and claim you can try to make it better (though you never ever actually do), while people like myself and other libertarian/anarchist types drop out and mock you for your foolhardiness.

You're far more like the progressive moonbat twirps whom you claim to oppose than unlike them.

I accepted the Wilson/FDR progressive hell? WTF
Is this one of those smartest guy in the room things where you get to tell others what the accept? That’s awfully authoritarian of
I make my evaluation on what you post...Based upon that, you're a classic republican turd polisher....You accept progressive shit, but claim that you can fix it.....I didn't impose that folishness upon you, you accepted it for yourself.

“Drop out”....WTF does that even mean?
Is that that typical Libertarian nonsense...that nobody even half sane can make sense of?
”We’ll sit out this election to show our opposition of the duopoly while others take part in deciding how politicians will shape certain aspects of my life.”
Your inability to comprehend the English language isn't my problem.
I'd call that a takedown, but when the post starts at rock bottom....

Way more than 13 people understand it....Fact is that most of those people have dropped out completely, and overbearing kncukleheads like you do absolutely nothing to make them want to join your side.

“Understand it”?
What’s to understand?
I understand many of the principles were awesome and probably very applicable in the Quaker era when the majority of the American citizenry was white, high quality and likeminded. Before the push for multiculturalism, before any welfare mandates were imposed on the best most productive citizens...back when most were vigilant and would self police.
I really have no interest in recruiting a few washed up hasbeens on a message board in cyberspace...Sorry bud.
Man, them grapes are hella-sour, ain't they?

You accept the Wilson/FDR progressive hell and claim you can try to make it better (though you never ever actually do), while people like myself and other libertarian/anarchist types drop out and mock you for your foolhardiness.

You're far more like the progressive moonbat twirps whom you claim to oppose than unlike them.

I accepted the Wilson/FDR progressive hell? WTF
Is this one of those smartest guy in the room things where you get to tell others what the accept? That’s awfully authoritarian of

“Drop out”....WTF does that even mean?
Is that that typical Libertarian nonsense...that nobody even half sane can make sense of?
”We’ll sit out this election to show our opposition of the duopoly while others take part in deciding how politicians will shape certain aspects of my life.”
Yeah, you did. You don't just accept it, you continue to get down and lick their boots. You don't even understand what voting is. The entire concept of voting and being ruled just makes no sense, but you give it zero critical thought.

These KNOWN lying sociopaths infringe on your rights with everything they do, then you and all of your collectivist party voters pretend that they represent you and millions of others despite the fact that they have never met you, let alone know what your interests are. Then, as they infringe on your rights, have no idea what your interests are, and quite frankly don't care, you defend them and claim that they're protecting your interests when they haven't done a single thing for you.

It's utterly baffling that someone can think that a person who rules over them and can control them with force actually somehow works for them. Even worse, you statists think that you have freedom just because you can cast a vote, which doesn't matter and is begging besides, for which master rules over you.

Not only that, the fact that, even if it wasn't a red herring that you can vote, all of the people you're voting for have the same hegemonic interests. If you bothered to look at the Federal Register a single solitary time, you'd notice that every single one of the rulers have been doing the same thing. Yet, you still support the existence of Government.

So, yeah, you absolutely accept the Progressive Hell your masters have made, you accept it with open arms, you fall right in line in their system, and you feel proud of yourself for it. Meanwhile, you sneer at the people who are actually doing something about the millions of dismembered babies that metaphorically lay at your collectivist feet. We Agorists trade in a decentralized currency that they can't tax, in black and gray markets, starving them of funding, while you cucks pay your taxes like good little cattle.

I bet you weren't even aware that regardless of public opinion, all legislation has the same percentage chance of being passed, because you don't even do BARE MINIMUM research. At least REAL Libertarians have consistent principles, while you party voters just give your arbitrary opinions on the ideal Government that will never exist.

I don't think you willingly accept it. You are forced to keep voting for the ass wipes who are your only hope to "fix" it and the alternative is the people promising to expand it. Like I said:

"Vote for me and I will do jack shit and collect a paycheck. You have no choice. You must accept me as your representation because if you don't, the guy promising to fuck up your entire way of living will win and do just that. Vote for me to do nothing, you helpless peasant."

Do-Nothing v. Commie is not a real choice. It is only delay, at best.


Our citizenry has become very dependent, very needy and government loves that shit...the fucked up thing is; there's no going back..That's the premise of this thread.
The premise of this thread is one of your many misconceptions.

Cool...because you said so..I'm certain you can enlighten me with ease?
Nope, you’ve proven yourself too much the hard headed, authoritarian, state worshiping drone for any sensible ideas to take root in that tiny little noggin.

Our citizenry has become very dependent, very needy and government loves that shit...the fucked up thing is; there's no going back..That's the premise of this thread.
Like I said....You sold out.

Congratulations on being today's deserving recipient....

View attachment 310736

Let me uber smart intellectuals honestly believe you’re changing the way the system functions by not believe that eventually the duopoly won’t win if you don’t vote?

Well, I'd like to start by pointing out that, as expected, you didn't address my argument in any way, shape, fashion, or form.

Continuing from there, yes. Voting doesn't matter, your vote doesn't count even if it did matter. It doesn't matter, though, because your interests are necessarily separate from those of your rulers, they have a hegemonic interest that's not in any way aligned with yours.

On the other hand, we accelerate the collapse of Government by trading in a decentralized currency which they cannot tax. Funding itself is a severe problem for the Government, so starving them of resources will eventually cause them to collapse. Meanwhile, you beg the Government through voting, they ignore you, and they continue dismembering babies.

Feel free to go back and reply to my two posts you completely ignored. Though, I know you won't, you have no arguments that can justify the state.
As far as the "libertarians" who are actual anarchists or "anarcho-capitalists", or whatever it's called (which not all so-called "libertarians" are), they're akin to PETA screaming that "meat is murder" and using violence or aggression to promote "peace" or "non-aggression", which is why no one has or ever will take them seriously.
Good grief, thanks for letting everyone know that you have no idea what you're talking about. It's baffling that people feel the need to comment on something without having done any research, or having a clue what they're talking about.

First, there's a direct connection to Antifa and the state, they even order the Road Pirates to stand down and let them riot and assault people. Not only that, those "Anarchists" specifically call for forms of Government, which is the absolute opposite of Anarchism. Besides that, aggressing on people violates the NAP, so no Libertarian would be assaulting random people in the streets.

Secondly, all Libertarians are Anarchists, as the state violates the non-aggression Principle. Supporting things which violate the NAP quite literally prevents them from being Libertarians, so anyone in the Libertarian Party or in the Government at all are not Libertarians.

Lastly, comparing Libertarians to PETA is a false equivalency. You're making that comparison because you have no arguments against Libertarian positions, and need a strawman to argue against instead. "Meat is murder" is claiming that creatures who are not self-owning agents have negative rights, while Libertarians argue that you and the other boot-lickers should stop using violence against people who can demonstrate self-ownership.
As far as the "libertarians" who are actual anarchists or "anarcho-capitalists", or whatever it's called (which not all so-called "libertarians" are), they're akin to PETA screaming that "meat is murder" and using violence or aggression to promote "peace" or "non-aggression", which is why no one has or ever will take them seriously.

What the fuck are you talking about? Libertarians aren't anarchists and they're not using violence or aggression to promote their views.

As far as the "libertarians" who are actual anarchists or "anarcho-capitalists", or whatever it's called (which not all so-called "libertarians" are), they're akin to PETA screaming that "meat is murder" and using violence or aggression to promote "peace" or "non-aggression", which is why no one has or ever will take them seriously.
Good grief, thanks for letting everyone know that you have no idea what you're talking about. It's baffling that people feel the need to comment on something without having done any research, or having a clue what they're talking about.

First, there's a direct connection to Antifa and the state, they even order the Road Pirates to stand down and let them riot and assault people. Not only that, those "Anarchists" specifically call for forms of Government, which is the absolute opposite of Anarchism. Besides that, aggressing on people violates the NAP, so no Libertarian would be assaulting random people in the streets.

Secondly, all Libertarians are Anarchists, as the state violates the non-aggression Principle. Supporting things which violate the NAP quite literally prevents them from being Libertarians, so anyone in the Libertarian Party or in the Government at all are not Libertarians.

Lastly, comparing Libertarians to PETA is a false equivalency. You're making that comparison because you have no arguments against Libertarian positions, and need a strawman to argue against instead. "Meat is murder" is claiming that creatures who are not self-owning agents have negative rights, while Libertarians argue that you and the other boot-lickers should stop using violence against people who can demonstrate self-ownership.

WTF...Get on the same page will you.
Are or aren’t you Anarchists?
Man, them grapes are hella-sour, ain't they?

You accept the Wilson/FDR progressive hell and claim you can try to make it better (though you never ever actually do), while people like myself and other libertarian/anarchist types drop out and mock you for your foolhardiness.

You're far more like the progressive moonbat twirps whom you claim to oppose than unlike them.

I accepted the Wilson/FDR progressive hell? WTF
Is this one of those smartest guy in the room things where you get to tell others what the accept? That’s awfully authoritarian of
I make my evaluation on what you post...Based upon that, you're a classic republican turd polisher....You accept progressive shit, but claim that you can fix it.....I didn't impose that folishness upon you, you accepted it for yourself.

“Drop out”....WTF does that even mean?
Is that that typical Libertarian nonsense...that nobody even half sane can make sense of?
”We’ll sit out this election to show our opposition of the duopoly while others take part in deciding how politicians will shape certain aspects of my life.”
Your inability to comprehend the English language isn't my problem.
I'd call that a takedown, but when the post starts at rock bottom....

“Understand it”?
What’s to understand?
I understand many of the principles were awesome and probably very applicable in the Quaker era when the majority of the American citizenry was white, high quality and likeminded. Before the push for multiculturalism, before any welfare mandates were imposed on the best most productive citizens...back when most were vigilant and would self police.
I really have no interest in recruiting a few washed up hasbeens on a message board in cyberspace...Sorry bud.
Man, them grapes are hella-sour, ain't they?

You accept the Wilson/FDR progressive hell and claim you can try to make it better (though you never ever actually do), while people like myself and other libertarian/anarchist types drop out and mock you for your foolhardiness.

You're far more like the progressive moonbat twirps whom you claim to oppose than unlike them.

I accepted the Wilson/FDR progressive hell? WTF
Is this one of those smartest guy in the room things where you get to tell others what the accept? That’s awfully authoritarian of

“Drop out”....WTF does that even mean?
Is that that typical Libertarian nonsense...that nobody even half sane can make sense of?
”We’ll sit out this election to show our opposition of the duopoly while others take part in deciding how politicians will shape certain aspects of my life.”
Yeah, you did. You don't just accept it, you continue to get down and lick their boots. You don't even understand what voting is. The entire concept of voting and being ruled just makes no sense, but you give it zero critical thought.

These KNOWN lying sociopaths infringe on your rights with everything they do, then you and all of your collectivist party voters pretend that they represent you and millions of others despite the fact that they have never met you, let alone know what your interests are. Then, as they infringe on your rights, have no idea what your interests are, and quite frankly don't care, you defend them and claim that they're protecting your interests when they haven't done a single thing for you.

It's utterly baffling that someone can think that a person who rules over them and can control them with force actually somehow works for them. Even worse, you statists think that you have freedom just because you can cast a vote, which doesn't matter and is begging besides, for which master rules over you.

Not only that, the fact that, even if it wasn't a red herring that you can vote, all of the people you're voting for have the same hegemonic interests. If you bothered to look at the Federal Register a single solitary time, you'd notice that every single one of the rulers have been doing the same thing. Yet, you still support the existence of Government.

So, yeah, you absolutely accept the Progressive Hell your masters have made, you accept it with open arms, you fall right in line in their system, and you feel proud of yourself for it. Meanwhile, you sneer at the people who are actually doing something about the millions of dismembered babies that metaphorically lay at your collectivist feet. We Agorists trade in a decentralized currency that they can't tax, in black and gray markets, starving them of funding, while you cucks pay your taxes like good little cattle.

I bet you weren't even aware that regardless of public opinion, all legislation has the same percentage chance of being passed, because you don't even do BARE MINIMUM research. At least REAL Libertarians have consistent principles, while you party voters just give your arbitrary opinions on the ideal Government that will never exist.

Our citizenry has become very dependent, very needy and government loves that shit...the fucked up thing is; there's no going back..That's the premise of this thread.
The premise of this thread is one of your many misconceptions.

Cool...because you said so..I'm certain you can enlighten me with ease?
Nope, you’ve proven yourself too much the hard headed, authoritarian, state worshiping drone for any sensible ideas to take root in that tiny little noggin.

Our citizenry has become very dependent, very needy and government loves that shit...the fucked up thing is; there's no going back..That's the premise of this thread.
Like I said....You sold out.

Congratulations on being today's deserving recipient....

View attachment 310736

Let me uber smart intellectuals honestly believe you’re changing the way the system functions by not believe that eventually the duopoly won’t win if you don’t vote?

Well, I'd like to start by pointing out that, as expected, you didn't address my argument in any way, shape, fashion, or form.

Continuing from there, yes. Voting doesn't matter, your vote doesn't count even if it did matter. It doesn't matter, though, because your interests are necessarily separate from those of your rulers, they have a hegemonic interest that's not in any way aligned with yours.

On the other hand, we accelerate the collapse of Government by trading in a decentralized currency which they cannot tax. Funding itself is a severe problem for the Government, so starving them of resources will eventually cause them to collapse. Meanwhile, you beg the Government through voting, they ignore you, and they continue dismembering babies.

Feel free to go back and reply to my two posts you completely ignored. Though, I know you won't, you have no arguments that can justify the state.

My apologies..
I’m reading your mumbo-jumbo... it’s just tough to feel that it warrants a response...It’s simply far-fetched neat sounding shit from the Quaker era...nothing more.
You weirdos will continue to kick your own ass by standing by resisting a system that is while others decide your fate to some degree.
That’s just plain weird....fascinating actually.
As far as the "libertarians" who are actual anarchists or "anarcho-capitalists", or whatever it's called (which not all so-called "libertarians" are), they're akin to PETA screaming that "meat is murder" and using violence or aggression to promote "peace" or "non-aggression", which is why no one has or ever will take them seriously.

What the fuck are you talking about? Libertarians aren't anarchists and they're not using violence or aggression to promote their views.

As far as the "libertarians" who are actual anarchists or "anarcho-capitalists", or whatever it's called (which not all so-called "libertarians" are), they're akin to PETA screaming that "meat is murder" and using violence or aggression to promote "peace" or "non-aggression", which is why no one has or ever will take them seriously.
Good grief, thanks for letting everyone know that you have no idea what you're talking about. It's baffling that people feel the need to comment on something without having done any research, or having a clue what they're talking about.

First, there's a direct connection to Antifa and the state, they even order the Road Pirates to stand down and let them riot and assault people. Not only that, those "Anarchists" specifically call for forms of Government, which is the absolute opposite of Anarchism. Besides that, aggressing on people violates the NAP, so no Libertarian would be assaulting random people in the streets.

Secondly, all Libertarians are Anarchists, as the state violates the non-aggression Principle. Supporting things which violate the NAP quite literally prevents them from being Libertarians, so anyone in the Libertarian Party or in the Government at all are not Libertarians.

Lastly, comparing Libertarians to PETA is a false equivalency. You're making that comparison because you have no arguments against Libertarian positions, and need a strawman to argue against instead. "Meat is murder" is claiming that creatures who are not self-owning agents have negative rights, while Libertarians argue that you and the other boot-lickers should stop using violence against people who can demonstrate self-ownership.

WTF...Get on the same page will you.
Are or aren’t you Anarchists?
I already answered that question in those two direct responses to your posts that you ignored because you have no arguments against what I'm saying.

Though, I don't mind stating it again; Yes, Libertarians are Anarchists, and I am a Libertarian. People who claim to be Libertarian and still support the existence of Government are not Libertarians, because they support something which violates the Non-Aggression Principle. Libertarian Party voters either don't even know that Libertarians are people who follow the NAP, OR try to place the Government outside of the NAP, which is just blatant inconsistency.
I accepted the Wilson/FDR progressive hell? WTF
Is this one of those smartest guy in the room things where you get to tell others what the accept? That’s awfully authoritarian of
I make my evaluation on what you post...Based upon that, you're a classic republican turd polisher....You accept progressive shit, but claim that you can fix it.....I didn't impose that folishness upon you, you accepted it for yourself.

“Drop out”....WTF does that even mean?
Is that that typical Libertarian nonsense...that nobody even half sane can make sense of?
”We’ll sit out this election to show our opposition of the duopoly while others take part in deciding how politicians will shape certain aspects of my life.”
Your inability to comprehend the English language isn't my problem.
I'd call that a takedown, but when the post starts at rock bottom....

Man, them grapes are hella-sour, ain't they?

You accept the Wilson/FDR progressive hell and claim you can try to make it better (though you never ever actually do), while people like myself and other libertarian/anarchist types drop out and mock you for your foolhardiness.

You're far more like the progressive moonbat twirps whom you claim to oppose than unlike them.

I accepted the Wilson/FDR progressive hell? WTF
Is this one of those smartest guy in the room things where you get to tell others what the accept? That’s awfully authoritarian of

“Drop out”....WTF does that even mean?
Is that that typical Libertarian nonsense...that nobody even half sane can make sense of?
”We’ll sit out this election to show our opposition of the duopoly while others take part in deciding how politicians will shape certain aspects of my life.”
Yeah, you did. You don't just accept it, you continue to get down and lick their boots. You don't even understand what voting is. The entire concept of voting and being ruled just makes no sense, but you give it zero critical thought.

These KNOWN lying sociopaths infringe on your rights with everything they do, then you and all of your collectivist party voters pretend that they represent you and millions of others despite the fact that they have never met you, let alone know what your interests are. Then, as they infringe on your rights, have no idea what your interests are, and quite frankly don't care, you defend them and claim that they're protecting your interests when they haven't done a single thing for you.

It's utterly baffling that someone can think that a person who rules over them and can control them with force actually somehow works for them. Even worse, you statists think that you have freedom just because you can cast a vote, which doesn't matter and is begging besides, for which master rules over you.

Not only that, the fact that, even if it wasn't a red herring that you can vote, all of the people you're voting for have the same hegemonic interests. If you bothered to look at the Federal Register a single solitary time, you'd notice that every single one of the rulers have been doing the same thing. Yet, you still support the existence of Government.

So, yeah, you absolutely accept the Progressive Hell your masters have made, you accept it with open arms, you fall right in line in their system, and you feel proud of yourself for it. Meanwhile, you sneer at the people who are actually doing something about the millions of dismembered babies that metaphorically lay at your collectivist feet. We Agorists trade in a decentralized currency that they can't tax, in black and gray markets, starving them of funding, while you cucks pay your taxes like good little cattle.

I bet you weren't even aware that regardless of public opinion, all legislation has the same percentage chance of being passed, because you don't even do BARE MINIMUM research. At least REAL Libertarians have consistent principles, while you party voters just give your arbitrary opinions on the ideal Government that will never exist.

The premise of this thread is one of your many misconceptions.

Cool...because you said so..I'm certain you can enlighten me with ease?
Nope, you’ve proven yourself too much the hard headed, authoritarian, state worshiping drone for any sensible ideas to take root in that tiny little noggin.

Our citizenry has become very dependent, very needy and government loves that shit...the fucked up thing is; there's no going back..That's the premise of this thread.
Like I said....You sold out.

Congratulations on being today's deserving recipient....

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Let me uber smart intellectuals honestly believe you’re changing the way the system functions by not believe that eventually the duopoly won’t win if you don’t vote?

Well, I'd like to start by pointing out that, as expected, you didn't address my argument in any way, shape, fashion, or form.

Continuing from there, yes. Voting doesn't matter, your vote doesn't count even if it did matter. It doesn't matter, though, because your interests are necessarily separate from those of your rulers, they have a hegemonic interest that's not in any way aligned with yours.

On the other hand, we accelerate the collapse of Government by trading in a decentralized currency which they cannot tax. Funding itself is a severe problem for the Government, so starving them of resources will eventually cause them to collapse. Meanwhile, you beg the Government through voting, they ignore you, and they continue dismembering babies.

Feel free to go back and reply to my two posts you completely ignored. Though, I know you won't, you have no arguments that can justify the state.

My apologies..
I’m reading your mumbo-jumbo... it’s just tough to feel that it warrants a response...It’s simply far-fetched neat sounding shit from the Quaker era...nothing more.
You weirdos will continue to kick your own ass by standing by resisting a system that is while others decide your fate to some degree.
That’s just plain weird....fascinating actually.

If you were bothering to read it, you wouldn't have tried to reassert that voting accomplishes anything, OR that even if your vote mattered, it allowed you to decide anything.
As shown in this study, they literally don't care what their tax cattle think. Repeatedly begging through votes accomplishes nothing; You are NOT represented.

Sounds so cool...a so like total bullshit.
The funny thing is...I’ve never felt “ruled”...and I suppose that’s because I’m not supposed to notice the feeling of being ruled as the rulers cast their Jedi mindtricks over us
Anarchists are the only "antigovernment" among us.

Most rational people understand the need for a minimal government, but our current oppressive, unconstitutional federal government is creating anarchists from otherwise rational people.

Sounds so cool...a so like total bullshit.
The funny thing is...I’ve never felt “ruled”...and I suppose that’s because I’m not supposed to notice the feeling of being ruled as the rulers cast their Jedi mindtricks over us
Anarchists are the only "antigovernment" among us.

Most rational people understand the need for a minimal government, but our current oppressive, unconstitutional federal government is creating anarchists from otherwise rational people.
Pfffft....Gubmint will never ever remain minimal...Quit fooling yourself.

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Sounds so cool...a so like total bullshit.
The funny thing is...I’ve never felt “ruled”...and I suppose that’s because I’m not supposed to notice the feeling of being ruled as the rulers cast their Jedi mindtricks over us
Anarchists are the only "antigovernment" among us.

Most rational people understand the need for a minimal government, but our current oppressive, unconstitutional federal government is creating anarchists from otherwise rational people.
They're not needed for anything. Anything that can infringe on the negative rights of a self-owning agent is done by Government.

A person may steal from you, Government DOES steal from you in the form of taxes, which it can't exist without.

A person MAY kidnap you and throw you in a cage. Government DOES kidnap innocent people and throw them in a cage.

A person MAY kill people. Government DOES kill people to sustain itself. Mass murder is consistently committed by Government.

Oh, and you can't keep Government minimal. The moment you have a ruler, they do what they want. That's why I cite the amount of children it has dismembered; People who support having a ruler necessarily must support the mass dismemberment of children, since they can't control those who rule over them.

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