Are moderate centrists with conservative leanings being branded as "far right"?

The MEDIA enable this march to Communism by the Democrats. They are tripping over each other to out Commie the Commies. It is America hate all the time, and giving up freedoms, and liberty to big government control.
You are apparently not as moderate as you would like to believe.

What? Didn't you see his last post? He's super moderate!
Yeah, I saw that...


Guess where Barack Obama places on that chart?
Did he take the test, or did you take it for him?

We can't presume to know what goes on inside that man's head so we can only judge by his actions. He placed near in the middle of the top right quadrant. Barack Obama: right wing authoritarian.
So, you took it for him then. You should have just said so instead of beating around the bush. I knew where someone of your ilk would put him.
Give us some examples. Who do you think has been unfairly labeled as far right?
Do you consider Trump to be far right?

But his agendas are common sense for most Americans and not all will agree with everything in their beliefs as individuals but would agree with most of his policies. To me, he is giving us a chance to survive as a sovereign nation. And the power of the real rulers with their shills are making this into a miserable Presidency that has not have to be.

Fuck, son. You suck at this writing thing.

If you've truly been duped by Trump into thinking he cares about anything beyond his own nose, I have disdainful pity for you.

That fucker does not have policies. He has politics. Period.
His agendas are part and parcel in degree from a radio host named Michael Savage. From some of his books. There is no dupe. It is only if Trump follows his policies he promised. I do not care if Trump cares. I care about his policies and agendas for us all.
What? Didn't you see his last post? He's super moderate!
Yeah, I saw that...


Guess where Barack Obama places on that chart?
Did he take the test, or did you take it for him?

We can't presume to know what goes on inside that man's head so we can only judge by his actions. He placed near in the middle of the top right quadrant. Barack Obama: right wing authoritarian.
So, you took it for him then. You should have just said so instead of beating around the bush. I knew where someone of your ilk would put him.

Wasnt me, it's on the page itself. Europeans think we're all far right extremists. Take the test yourself, good luck scoring on the left half.

The Political Compass
Yeah, I saw that...


Guess where Barack Obama places on that chart?
Did he take the test, or did you take it for him?

We can't presume to know what goes on inside that man's head so we can only judge by his actions. He placed near in the middle of the top right quadrant. Barack Obama: right wing authoritarian.
So, you took it for him then. You should have just said so instead of beating around the bush. I knew where someone of your ilk would put him.

Wasnt me, it's on the page itself. Europeans think we're all far right extremists. Take the test yourself, good luck scoring on the left half.

The Political Compass
Why? What does it matter what Europeans think of my political stance? Why did you use a European test to try to prove your false narrative? Because you thought it would make everyone look "far right"?

Don't you think that's somewhat dishonest of you?
Guess where Barack Obama places on that chart?
Did he take the test, or did you take it for him?

We can't presume to know what goes on inside that man's head so we can only judge by his actions. He placed near in the middle of the top right quadrant. Barack Obama: right wing authoritarian.
So, you took it for him then. You should have just said so instead of beating around the bush. I knew where someone of your ilk would put him.

Wasnt me, it's on the page itself. Europeans think we're all far right extremists. Take the test yourself, good luck scoring on the left half.

The Political Compass
Why? What does it matter what Europeans think of my political stance? Why did you use a European test to try to prove your false narrative? Because you thought it would make everyone look "far right"?

Don't you think that's somewhat dishonest of you?

Calm down... I know the label "far left" is a very important part of your identity but it's really not a big deal if you don't quite have what it takes to make the team.
Give us some examples. Who do you think has been unfairly labeled as far right?
Do you consider Trump to be far right?

But his agendas are common sense for most Americans and not all will agree with everything in their beliefs as individuals but would agree with most of his policies. To me, he is giving us a chance to survive as a sovereign nation. And the power of the real rulers with their shills are making this into a miserable Presidency that has not have to be.

Fuck, son. You suck at this writing thing.

If you've truly been duped by Trump into thinking he cares about anything beyond his own nose, I have disdainful pity for you.

That fucker does not have policies. He has politics. Period.
His agendas are part and parcel in degree from a radio host named Michael Savage. From some of his books. There is no dupe. It is only if Trump follows his policies he promised. I do not care if Trump cares. I care about his policies and agendas for us all.

Moron. Trump cannot discuss any serious policy position in detail. He's basically ignorant whennit comes to policy.

I'm bored of you. You're not up to it.
Did he take the test, or did you take it for him?

We can't presume to know what goes on inside that man's head so we can only judge by his actions. He placed near in the middle of the top right quadrant. Barack Obama: right wing authoritarian.
So, you took it for him then. You should have just said so instead of beating around the bush. I knew where someone of your ilk would put him.

Wasnt me, it's on the page itself. Europeans think we're all far right extremists. Take the test yourself, good luck scoring on the left half.

The Political Compass
Why? What does it matter what Europeans think of my political stance? Why did you use a European test to try to prove your false narrative? Because you thought it would make everyone look "far right"?

Don't you think that's somewhat dishonest of you?

Calm down... I know the label "far left" is a very important part of your identity but it's really not a big deal if you don't quite have what it takes to make the team.
You are avoiding the question. Why did you choose a test you thought would make everyone look farther right than they are?

Don't you think that's a little dishonest of you?

The site listed me as between Thatcher and Friedman. Don't remember much about them. I'll have to read up on them. I still think the site is wrong though.

Another site listed me as a moderate though.


I think the second test was more accurate.
Is it common for moderate centrists with conservative leanings to be branded by others as "far right" in order to try and justify dismissing their views as "far right" and "radical"? I have seen people having to defend against allegations that they are "far right" or "alt right". Also,, from my experience online political spectrum tests tend to rate further to the right than is the case.
we've long since "normalized the extreme" - and at this point people call the other side whatever they need to in order to feel better about hating them.
Is it common for moderate centrists with conservative leanings to be branded by others as "far right" in order to try and justify dismissing their views as "far right" and "radical"? I have seen people having to defend against allegations that they are "far right" or "alt right". Also,, from my experience online political spectrum tests tend to rate further to the right than is the case.

Yes. Anyone who isn't following the leftist agenda is ridiculed and called far right extremist.

It's all about virtue shaming. The left puts their agenda forth as the only benevolent solutions. If you disagree, you are automatically branded as a hateful and radical. That tactic is as old as time. Every socialist dictator, from Stalin to Hitler, used that.

Nothing has changed today except the date. The left continues to use the same tried and true playbook as their idols.

It is considered radical by the left to keep what you earn, to fight for freedom and liberty and to stick to the principles of our founding fathers. Dems are trying to repeal the 2nd amendment and push socialism. In order for that to happen, it's necessary to shred the constitution.

Remember when people who talked about one world order or called the left socialists were told they were crazy conspiracy theorists? Now you are crazy if you don't support those things. Always pay attention to the conspiracy theorists because they usually end up being right.

Looking back at every evil dictator, they started out with the same exact platform as today's Dems. Eliminate guns, bring in socialism to help the poor, let government control businesses and healthcare. All for the greater good. Every time, it ended in starvation and mass murder by government. And now we have a new generation of useful idiots who haven't been taught true history. They are taught the virtues of socialism and are apparently taught that our country is evil and in need of a fundamental transformation. Too many believe socialism would be great.

Remember when Obama stopped allowing refugees from Cuba? Notice how those seeking refuge from socialist countries are not welcome. The last thing the left wanted was to allow people in who could tell of their firsthand experiences with the evil socialism.

Now, leftists want illegals to vote, knowing they will vote for freebies. That is always how the evil leaders convince them to vote for them.

Socialism is evil. Those who rally against it are the ones who truly care about people.
We can't presume to know what goes on inside that man's head so we can only judge by his actions. He placed near in the middle of the top right quadrant. Barack Obama: right wing authoritarian.
So, you took it for him then. You should have just said so instead of beating around the bush. I knew where someone of your ilk would put him.

Wasnt me, it's on the page itself. Europeans think we're all far right extremists. Take the test yourself, good luck scoring on the left half.

The Political Compass
Why? What does it matter what Europeans think of my political stance? Why did you use a European test to try to prove your false narrative? Because you thought it would make everyone look "far right"?

Don't you think that's somewhat dishonest of you?

Calm down... I know the label "far left" is a very important part of your identity but it's really not a big deal if you don't quite have what it takes to make the team.
You are avoiding the question. Why did you choose a test you thought would make everyone look farther right than they are?

Don't you think that's a little dishonest of you?

I didn't choose the test. That other guy did. He posted his right-leaning results to which YOU commented snarkily:

You are apparently not as moderate as you would like to believe.

So I merely pointed out that most Americans would score on the right side of the spectrum on that particular test. So don't go getting all uppity with me for saying the truth.
Also, take a look at some online Political Compass tests. I define myself as a moderate centrist with conservative leanings and this is what the test scores said.

View attachment 250085
You are apparently not as moderate as you would like to believe.

What? Didn't you see his last post? He's super moderate!

I said I was a moderate centrist with conservative leanings.. The second test I took agreed with that assessment.
In the end, the only thing that matters to me is whether or not you are able to discern fact from fiction. If you believe things that are factually untrue, you can call yourself whatever you like....but you'll be a fucking moron nutbag to me.

Think climate change is a hoax? Moron nutbag.
Think Obama is Kenyan? Moron nutbag.
Think Trump is honest? Moron nutbag.

You get the picture.
So, you took it for him then. You should have just said so instead of beating around the bush. I knew where someone of your ilk would put him.

Wasnt me, it's on the page itself. Europeans think we're all far right extremists. Take the test yourself, good luck scoring on the left half.

The Political Compass
Why? What does it matter what Europeans think of my political stance? Why did you use a European test to try to prove your false narrative? Because you thought it would make everyone look "far right"?

Don't you think that's somewhat dishonest of you?

Calm down... I know the label "far left" is a very important part of your identity but it's really not a big deal if you don't quite have what it takes to make the team.
You are avoiding the question. Why did you choose a test you thought would make everyone look farther right than they are?

Don't you think that's a little dishonest of you?

I didn't choose the test. That other guy did. He posted his right-leaning results to which YOU commented snarkily:

You are apparently not as moderate as you would like to believe.

So I merely pointed out that most Americans would score on the right side of the spectrum on that particular test. So don't go getting all uppity with me for saying the truth.
My bad, all you right wingers look alike on the internet.
Labeling anyone you don't agree with as radical, extermist or far right or left has become common in politics it makes it easier to dismiss their views and not have to defend your own.
Labeling anyone you don't agree with as radical, extermist or far right or left has become common in politics it makes it easier to dismiss their views and not have to defend your own.

The idea that "views" need to be defended is weird. The only thing that matter are facts and evidence.

Those are what need to be defended.

Fact: Trickle down has been tried and it failed.
Fact: Obamacare improved our health insurance. system.
Fact: Planned Parenthood reduces # of abortions.
I typically have a pretty center of the road and mild standpoint on the issues. In fact, I think many government programs are too radical and need to be abolished.

I would abolish the extremist programs of:

U.S. Department of Education - along with any remnants of Common Core
Environmental Protection Agency
National Endowment of Arts
National Endowment of Humanities
Public Broadcasting System
Foreign humanitarian aid
Remove financial aid for students or faculty in fields of study with low employment prospects for its graduates
Remove federal funding for Planned Parenthood and let individuals be free to decide its fate
Repeal any remnants of Obamacare

I even believe in a flat tax that would be (income - poverty level) * 15%. For example, if a couple with 1 kid make 50,000 a year and the poverty level for 3 people is 25,000 a year, he would pay 3,750 or 7.5%. If they made 1,000,000 dollars a year, they would pay 146,250 or 14.6%. It gets better though. No one would have any Social Security tax taken out because I would phase us off Social Security. Also, this would be before charitable deductions. I would cap capital gains tax at 15% as well.

Basically, I believe in personal freedom and a free market without the government leaning too hard one way or the other.

For what it's worth, I think you're way more right than a "moderate centrist with conservative leanings".

The graph looks about right to me.
Is it common for moderate centrists with conservative leanings to be branded by others as "far right" in order to try and justify dismissing their views as "far right" and "radical"? I have seen people having to defend against allegations that they are "far right" or "alt right". Also,, from my experience online political spectrum tests tend to rate further to the right than is the case.

The real issue is they try to brand anyone to the right of Mitt Romney as a nazi, or at best, friends of Nazis.

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