Are moderate centrists with conservative leanings being branded as "far right"?

Is it common for moderate centrists with conservative leanings to be branded by others as "far right" in order to try and justify dismissing their views as "far right" and "radical"? I have seen people having to defend against allegations that they are "far right" or "alt right". Also,, from my experience online political spectrum tests tend to rate further to the right than is the case.

Trumpbots ARE fringe alt-righters.

They generally are xenophobic BIG TIME, don't feel comfortable with anyone but 'whites', think women are inferior and generally long for the day when 'white' men were king in America.

They are not full blown alt-righters...but they are - as a group - darn close.
Is it common for moderate centrists with conservative leanings to be branded by others as "far right" in order to try and justify dismissing their views as "far right" and "radical"? I have seen people having to defend against allegations that they are "far right" or "alt right". Also,, from my experience online political spectrum tests tend to rate further to the right than is the case.

The reverse is also true. What happens when one is a middle-of-the-road progressive moderate who suddenly is a "leftist," "commie," "stalinist," "baby killer," "antifa", whomever an "antifa" actually is and how many "antifa" there actually are.

Oh! Forgot. If one is a supporter of equal rights for both halves of the people, one is a "man-hating feminazi."
It seems the more equal we get, the more money it costs.
Give us some examples. Who do you think has been unfairly labeled as far right?

Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, and Tommy Robinson come to mind.

I've never heard of any of them. So...can't answer.

Peterson I know of (he's that Canadian dude who wrote some misogynist book, is big on YouTube and runs around telling weak males that the reason they are weak is that women today are making them weak).

The rest, I have never heard of either.

I spent a few minutes looking that guy up. Basically, he's a nutbag with an education. An elite education. He's accomplished at couching his nutbaggery in pretty sentences. The average moron nutbag likes that in small quantities.
Give us some examples. Who do you think has been unfairly labeled as far right?

Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, and Tommy Robinson come to mind.

I've never heard of any of them. So...can't answer.

Peterson I know of (he's that Canadian dude who wrote some misogynist book, is big on YouTube and runs around telling weak males that the reason they are weak is that women today are making them weak).

The rest, I have never heard of either.

I spent a few minutes looking that guy up. Basically, he's a nutbag with an education. An elite education. He's accomplished at couching his nutbaggery in pretty sentences. The average moron nutbag likes that in small quantities.

Actually, I knew a woman who was taught by Peterson when he was at the University of Toronto. All she said about him was a) he seemed obsessed about the movie Lion King and b) he was VERY arrogant.
Is it common for moderate centrists with conservative leanings to be branded by others as "far right" in order to try and justify dismissing their views as "far right" and "radical"? I have seen people having to defend against allegations that they are "far right" or "alt right". Also,, from my experience online political spectrum tests tend to rate further to the right than is the case.

Trumpbots ARE fringe alt-righters.

They generally are xenophobic BIG TIME, don't feel comfortable with anyone but 'whites', think women are inferior and generally long for the day when 'white' men were king in America.

They are not full blown alt-righters...but they are - as a group - darn close.

When exactly was this day when America had a king?
Is it common for moderate centrists with conservative leanings to be branded by others as "far right" in order to try and justify dismissing their views as "far right" and "radical"? I have seen people having to defend against allegations that they are "far right" or "alt right". Also,, from my experience online political spectrum tests tend to rate further to the right than is the case.
You cited zero examples of moderates being called far right. Go ahead.
If you don't totally embrace the Far Left, SJW Identity politics narrative, you are "Far Right" and then the Nazi/KKK names come out too.
Simplistic, binary, all-or-nothing thinking saturates both ends of our spectrum.

Simplistic, binary, all-or-nothing behaviors then follow, naturally.

It appears that independent, critical thinking is like a muscle, in that you use it or lose it. And as a society, we have lost it.

Probably doesn't bode well.
The reverse is also true. What happens when one is a middle-of-the-road progressive moderate who suddenly is a "leftist," "commie," "stalinist," "baby killer," "antifa", whomever an "antifa" actually is and how many "antifa" there actually are.

Oh! Forgot. If one is a supporter of equal rights for both halves of the people, one is a "man-hating feminazi."

The problem is Hysteria, you can only be considered "middle of the road" if the center is defined by Mao Tse Tung and Joseph Stalin.

You support and promote Infanticide, then seem surprised that people would identify you as a "baby killer." Perhaps you think of what NY does and what Virginia proposed as "4th trimester abortion," but to sane and rational people it is infanticide. You're not a radical left kook because you support and promote infanticide, as you have done in this forum; no, you support infanticide because you are a radical left kook.
Trumpbots ARE fringe alt-righters.

Have you considered that the issue might be that you are SO FAR to the left that Karl Marx appears moderate in comparison?

They generally are xenophobic BIG TIME, don't feel comfortable with anyone but 'whites', think women are inferior and generally long for the day when 'white' men were king in America.

They are not full blown alt-righters...but they are - as a group - darn close.

So Comrade, "Xenophobic" means those who support a national border, rather than the one world dictatorship you promote, correct? Belief that America has a right to exist, at all, is xenophobia in Stalinist parlance.

You of course dream of the day when you and your party will implement the final solution to the white problem.
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Every leftist that I have seen rushes to defend the Islamists in all the ways they can after the poor poor victims chose to slaughter bunch of people.

Nope. You're a moron for thinking that.

Thinking? I saw it. You were probably there with them. Leftists love Islam, never get enough of gay executions and other goodies. There is a big difference though, leftists hate the western way of life far more.

If you really believe that, you are a moron.

The enemy of America is the friend of the democrat.

Simple as that,

You're insane. Moron.

Have you sent a check to help Nicolas Maduro and ensure his continued rule? What with your contributions to Hamas and Hezbollah, it must be a heavy burden...
You support and promote Infanticide,

No one supports "infanticide" you stupid lying piece of shit

Lie some more, fuckwad.

“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam said in a WTOP interview.

Let’s not mince words here. What they are proposing is infanticide, pure and simple. This isn’t hyperbole. It’s stating the pure and simple truth. We will never be able to stop such horrific legislation, until we are willing to call it out for what it is, cold blooded murder.

democrats are the party of Infanticide. Governor Mengele in Virginia is just more vocal, the desire to slaughter born babies is a PARTY platform, it is wide spread, from New York to California, and any place the Khmer Rouge democrats have infected with the cancer of their filthy party.

In the case of Hysteria, she specifically engaged in very impassioned support and promotion of infanticide here on USMB. The threads are still open. Look, you're a pile of shit, a sociopath without a hint of integrity, but your lies are foolish because these are fresh threads. I don't recall you promoting infanticide, but I suspect you do - you're a total pile of shit, after all. You ONLY care about your vile and patently evil party. Hysteria I went head to head with, though. She is an avid supporter of infanticide.
The reverse is also true. What happens when one is a middle-of-the-road progressive moderate who suddenly is a "leftist," "commie," "stalinist," "baby killer," "antifa", whomever an "antifa" actually is and how many "antifa" there actually are.

Oh! Forgot. If one is a supporter of equal rights for both halves of the people, one is a "man-hating feminazi."

The problem is Hysteria, you can only be considered "middle of the road" if the center is defined by Mao Tse Tung and Joseph Stalin.

You support and promote Infanticide, then seem surprised that people would identify you as a "baby killer." Perhaps you think of what NY does and what Virginia proposed as "4th trimester abortion," but to sane and rational people it is infanticide. You're not a radical left kook because you support and promote infanticide, as you have done in this forum; no, you support infanticide because you are a radical left kook.

This "infanticide" thing is just another stupidity dreamed up by the far right. Let women and certified ob/gyns handle this situation. You are nothing more than an insane fundie.
You support and promote Infanticide,

No one supports "infanticide" you stupid lying piece of shit

Lie some more, fuckwad.

“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam said in a WTOP interview.

Let’s not mince words here. What they are proposing is infanticide, pure and simple. This isn’t hyperbole. It’s stating the pure and simple truth. We will never be able to stop such horrific legislation, until we are willing to call it out for what it is, cold blooded murder.

democrats are the party of Infanticide. Governor Mengele in Virginia is just more vocal, the desire to slaughter born babies is a PARTY platform, it is wide spread, from New York to California, and any place the Khmer Rouge democrats have infected with the cancer of their filthy party.

In the case of Hysteria, she specifically engaged in very impassioned support and promotion of infanticide here on USMB. The threads are still open. Look, you're a pile of shit, a sociopath without a hint of integrity, but your lies are foolish because these are fresh threads. I don't recall you promoting infanticide, but I suspect you do - you're a total pile of shit, after all. You ONLY care about your vile and patently evil party. Hysteria I went head to head with, though. She is an avid supporter of infanticide.
Speaking about abortion, Trump said, "we had the case of governor of Virginia where he stated he would execute a baby after birth."

A spokesman for the governor, Ralph Northam, disputed this characterization of confusing remarks he made days ago — and it should be noted that Northam was discussing a hypothetical procedure that would occur only in cases of severe deformities or nonviable pregnancy.

Nonetheless, he caused a firestorm when he responded to a question related to a proposed state law that would have made it somewhat easier for a woman to obtain an abortion later in a pregnancy for medical reasons.

Asked on a radio program what happens when a woman is going into labor who desires a third-trimester abortion, Northam noted that this kind of procedure only occurs in cases of severe deformities or nonviable pregnancy. He said that in this scenario, “the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

It’s worth noting that the proposed Virginia law — which failed to pass the Republican-controlled legislature — wasn’t proposing legalizing abortions in the third trimester; that is are already legal in the state. The bill proposed changing the number of physicians required for that kind of abortion’s approval — from three to one doctor. It also proposed broadening the list of health concerns that would allow a woman to seek approval for such an abortion.

That isn't hyperbole???

Of course it is.
You support and promote Infanticide,

No one supports "infanticide" you stupid lying piece of shit

Lie some more, fuckwad.

“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam said in a WTOP interview.

Let’s not mince words here. What they are proposing is infanticide, pure and simple. This isn’t hyperbole. It’s stating the pure and simple truth. We will never be able to stop such horrific legislation, until we are willing to call it out for what it is, cold blooded murder.

democrats are the party of Infanticide. Governor Mengele in Virginia is just more vocal, the desire to slaughter born babies is a PARTY platform, it is wide spread, from New York to California, and any place the Khmer Rouge democrats have infected with the cancer of their filthy party.

In the case of Hysteria, she specifically engaged in very impassioned support and promotion of infanticide here on USMB. The threads are still open. Look, you're a pile of shit, a sociopath without a hint of integrity, but your lies are foolish because these are fresh threads. I don't recall you promoting infanticide, but I suspect you do - you're a total pile of shit, after all. You ONLY care about your vile and patently evil party. Hysteria I went head to head with, though. She is an avid supporter of infanticide.
Speaking about abortion, Trump said, "we had the case of governor of Virginia where he stated he would execute a baby after birth."

A spokesman for the governor, Ralph Northam, disputed this characterization of confusing remarks he made days ago — and it should be noted that Northam was discussing a hypothetical procedure that would occur only in cases of severe deformities or nonviable pregnancy.

Nonetheless, he caused a firestorm when he responded to a question related to a proposed state law that would have made it somewhat easier for a woman to obtain an abortion later in a pregnancy for medical reasons.

Asked on a radio program what happens when a woman is going into labor who desires a third-trimester abortion, Northam noted that this kind of procedure only occurs in cases of severe deformities or nonviable pregnancy. He said that in this scenario, “the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

It’s worth noting that the proposed Virginia law — which failed to pass the Republican-controlled legislature — wasn’t proposing legalizing abortions in the third trimester; that is are already legal in the state. The bill proposed changing the number of physicians required for that kind of abortion’s approval — from three to one doctor. It also proposed broadening the list of health concerns that would allow a woman to seek approval for such an abortion.

That isn't hyperbole???

Of course it is.

Governor Mengele said what he said. No point in lying about it now.
Trumpbots ARE fringe alt-righters.

Aw Jeez, another driveling extremist.

How did Trump go from not being a real conservative in 2016 to being an alt-right white supremacist? LOL. Leftists will tell any lie to attack Trump.

As to the OP: Yes, moderates are branded as extremists by the Left. Look at what they are doing to Sleepy Joe.
Myself, I hate Joe, but to brand him as a racist because he suggested that people need to work together is just insane.
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Trumpbots ARE fringe alt-righters.

Aw Jeez, another driveling extremist.

How did Trump go from not being a real conservative in 2016 to being an alt-right white supremacist? LOL. Leftists will tell any lie to attack Trump.

As to the OP: Yes, moderates are branded as extremists by the Left. Look at what they are doing to Sleepy Joe.
Myself, I hate Joe, but to brand him as a racist because he suggested that people need to work together is just insane.
But look how the "fringe" pushes ONCE moderates ever further left. Happens to the Republicans too, just not as quickly.

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