Are "Open Borders" actually the democrat's "Great Replacement Theory" in action?

Is Biden's "open borders" policy "Great Replacement Theory" in action?

  • Yes, obviously

    Votes: 28 87.5%
  • No, I'll explain why in my post

    Votes: 4 12.5%

  • Total voters

If you want to nitpick clown that's fine. A significant population of the left do not agree with me, unfortunately. Far too many believe in notions of objective morality despite there being no evidence of any such thing and far too many still believe in the propaganda of the hero Founders but I'm confident they can't be taught to think "correctly" with time. 😁

So again, why are you telling me this, and not the guy that thinks you are a troll? ie Konradv.
But you are arguing against a point he made. WIth someone who did not agree with him. I know you like to present yourself as retarded, but this is a new low even for you.
No I'm not. I was arguing with you about whether or not I'm representative of a significant portion of the population. I was making the case to you that I was actually better than most. 😁
The Hispanic population is growing and your old white demographic is dying off so naturally Hispanics are becoming a larger portion of your party but even then, like with your white demographic they tend to be older and less educated. Younger Hispanics, even younger Cubans down here in Miami are a lot more progressive than the older generation. I'm not concerned about the long term trends. In fact, the very fact that you need Hispanic voters just to stay in the game amuses me to no end. A portion of your party is devoted to the idea of a permanent white majority but without Hispanics you have no political power so you need them even though they'll eventually replace you demographically. You're basically in a lose lose situation of your own making. Its fucking hilarious. 😄

Don't confuse that with moral or just.

They didn't die to end slavery. They died to restore the Union and you don't get credit for stopping the fucked up behavior you've been going on with for over a hundred years. If the Nazis decided at some point to stop gassing Jews they don't deserve a pat on the back and an atta boy.

Nonsense. I don't respect slavers of any sort, that you do is why you're the deplorable mutant and I'm the decent human being.
1. "Keep hope alive!". I'm glad you are so optimistic. We'll see how the future unfolds. I'm not worried. All races are seeing how fucked-up the democrats are. If you look at the US population pie, whites are still doing nicely into 2045...

2. I'm not saying slavery is moral or just. I'm saying it was the norm for that time, and I can't criticize any of the founding fathers for having slaves. Slavery in the 1770s is a non-issue compared to the monumental achievements they accomplished. You're welcome.

3. If the union soldiers didn't fight to preserve the union, slavery would have stayed a lot longer. You owe those 500,000 dead a debt of gratitude. The union soldiers didn't own slaves, duh. They didn't stop any "bad behavior". The war was all about slavery. The south wanted to keep it, and couldn't, so they seceded, remember? You're welcome.

4. You can and your small minority of ingrates can whine about and nit-pick the Founding Fathers. The majority of Americans will always honor them for their incredible achievements.
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The US Coast Guard and US Customs and Immigration are still in force. The problem at the border is easily solved. All that's needed is to fine employers who hire illegals.
And Confiscate Properties Rented or Leased to them
Kind of sounds like you hate some white people yourself.
The NWO needs to make several super governments around the globe. A loose confederation that answers to the global elite. We are supposed to be combined with Canada and Mexico with the original name of the North American Union. So, we need to mix with different cultures and multi languages.
no I meant immigrant. It's a racist theory. Trump shut down LEGAL immigration from central america and mexico. Every one of us is descended from an ethnic/national group hated by some group of Americans. Brown and asian people are no different from you or I. Blacks by large didn't come here by choice. That is what the bs racist "replacement" theory is about.

A supermaj of Americans made up of all races opposes an open border, and probably/maybe Biden's policy of letting in all asylum seekers until their cases are heard.
nope. no such thing without authorization to be here. It's called law. You should look it up.
I didn't say they weren't allowed to have differing thoughts, just that if one of those thoughts is that the Republican party is anything but deplorably racist then I'm going to clown you for that ridiculous opinion.
You fucking loons attack any minority that doesn't toe the Democratic party line., your comments are proof. Calling the entire Republican party racist makes you look like an idiot.
You fucking loons attack any minority that doesn't toe the Democratic party line., your comments are proof. Calling the entire Republican party racist makes you look like an idiot.
Not towing the party line is different than voicing the ridiculous opinion that Republicans aren't deplorable mutants. I'm all for taking on the establishment of the Democratic party in fact I hope Biden gets primaried from the left.
Yes......the democrats have been bragging about this for years, and only now are they pretending they don't know what we are talking about.....turning Texas Blue, as well as other states is exactly what they said they planned on doing with illegal aliens...

Actually, growth of minority populations is just one method to make red states blue. The other is young people are starting to get wise to Republican bullshit about guns, gays and God.

Of course, if your average working class white finally stops clinging to their guns and bibles and realize what is what, you guys would really be in trouble.
Actually, growth of minority populations is just one method to make red states blue. The other is young people are starting to get wise to Republican bullshit about guns, gays and God.

Of course, if your average working class white finally stops clinging to their guns and bibles and realize what is what, you guys would really be in trouble.

Hispanics cant stand the near puppet….and they are looking at the republicans party, you doofus
Not towing the party line is different than voicing the ridiculous opinion that Republicans aren't deplorable mutants. I'm all for taking on the establishment of the Democratic party in fact I hope Biden gets primaried from the left.
She could pour my drink anytime...
No I'm not. I was arguing with you about whether or not I'm representative of a significant portion of the population. I was making the case to you that I was actually better than most. 😁
A shame you really aren’t! Just saying

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