Are Our Chinese Friends Going To Release Crooked Hillary's 33,000 Missing Emails?

I already asked you how Rush is not a neocon before (he's not) and you didn't have a clue why. You're just a stupid little racist. You don't know the difference between a conservative and a libertarian and you don't know the difference between a con and a neocon. You're just clueless as shit. Racists always are
And you are just projecting! You are so clueless you have me CONfused with someone else!
I NEVER said anything about your lying MessiahRushie being a neocon or not, that is just a Straw Man to deflect from the FACT that Russia Limbaugh is a pathological liar and I have only ever called him a LyingCon.
W - Rush supported him on the middle east, he opposed him on spending. Hint, hint, Rush is a con, W is a neocon. You have no idea why, do you?
But, but wouldn't a CON oppose W on the Middle East and a neoCON would support W on the Middle East???
Why yes, a neoCON WOULD support Bush on the Middle East!!!
I already asked you how Rush is not a neocon before (he's not) and you didn't have a clue why. You're just a stupid little racist. You don't know the difference between a conservative and a libertarian and you don't know the difference between a con and a neocon. You're just clueless as shit. Racists always are
And you are just projecting! You are so clueless you have me CONfused with someone else!
I NEVER said anything about your lying MessiahRushie being a neocon or not, that is just a Straw Man to deflect from the FACT that Russia Limbaugh is a pathological liar and I have only ever called him a LyingCon.

So you still admit that you don't know the difference between a conservative and a libertarian or a conservative and a neocon. That's no admission, I already knew you didn't know
W - Rush supported him on the middle east, he opposed him on spending. Hint, hint, Rush is a con, W is a neocon. You have no idea why, do you?
But, but wouldn't a CON oppose W on the Middle East

Not necessarily, but that would be a possible difference. Not the difference between Rush and W though. The answer to that is easy, and you didn't know. Proving again you don't know what the fuck you're talking about

[and a neoCON would support W on the Middle East???

Yes, they probabaly would. But there are other factors where Rush and W disagree that are basic to the difference between con and neocon that you keep screaming you don't know. OK, girlfriend, you don't know ...

[Why yes, a neoCON WOULD support Bush on the Middle East!!!

Probably, yes, and a complete whiff for you on why Rush isn't a neocon, that has zero to do with it.

This is comic. You don't know the difference between a con (e.g., Rush) and a neocon (e.g., W and Obama). You have no fucking clue. It's hilarious
I am a doubting Thomas by nature. I will only believe it, when I see it.

What I do know is the left wing voters and deranged Trump haters will not bit. No matter what is found.
The FBI seemed anxious to leak everything they ever heard about Trump whether it was true or not so where do the "intelligence" agencies stand on the issue? Ordinarily the mainstream media would have sent agents to China to dig up dirt but they seem rather reluctant to deal with Hillary's 30,000 e-mails. Carl Bernstein seems content to leak lies to CNN but he doesn't seem interested in the 30,000 e-mails. Would the MSM and the CIA rather keep Hillary's e-mails secret or are they willing to do their freaking job? It was a redundant question.
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You are correct, “where is the evidence Hillary’s server was hacked by the Chinese?”
Frank is a Russia Limbaugh sock!

You made that up. You don't even know what Rush's views are
I know your MessiahRishie better than he knows himself! :)

Just expanding your circle of ignorance. Rush is a conservative, I'm a libertarian, you're a fucking moron.

I already asked you how Rush is not a neocon before (he's not) and you didn't have a clue why. You're just a stupid little racist. You don't know the difference between a conservative and a libertarian and you don't know the difference between a con and a neocon. You're just clueless as shit. Racists always are
Did Rush march to the same drum beat as President Bush 2 and Vice president Cheney during the Bush administration???

W - Rush supported him on the middle east, he opposed him on spending. Hint, hint, Rush is a con, W is a neocon. You have no idea why, do you? Democrats are racists and stupid.

On Cheney, I didn't hear enough specifics on what Rush thought of him. I don't see how it would be different than W though since Cheney was also a neocon
See, to me, it is just the opposite... a Neocon is a war monger, usually middle east involved or in protection of spent or over spending in such ventures, matters naught

A true conservative does not like wars...

for no real reason important to the USA's security, and does not accept any over spending....?
I already asked you how Rush is not a neocon before (he's not) and you didn't have a clue why. You're just a stupid little racist. You don't know the difference between a conservative and a libertarian and you don't know the difference between a con and a neocon. You're just clueless as shit. Racists always are
And you are just projecting! You are so clueless you have me CONfused with someone else!
I NEVER said anything about your lying MessiahRushie being a neocon or not, that is just a Straw Man to deflect from the FACT that Russia Limbaugh is a pathological liar and I have only ever called him a LyingCon.

So you still admit that you don't know the difference between a conservative and a libertarian or a conservative and a neocon. That's no admission, I already knew you didn't know
You already defined Russia Limbaugh as a neoCON.
Once again Strzok is exposed as being at the center of another crime involving Hillary...told about the espionage in 2015 and coveted this up, too, to protect Hillary & her 2016 chance...
W - Rush supported him on the middle east, he opposed him on spending. Hint, hint, Rush is a con, W is a neocon. You have no idea why, do you?
But, but wouldn't a CON oppose W on the Middle East

Not necessarily, but that would be a possible difference. Not the difference between Rush and W though. The answer to that is easy, and you didn't know. Proving again you don't know what the fuck you're talking about

[and a neoCON would support W on the Middle East???

Yes, they probabaly would. But there are other factors where Rush and W disagree that are basic to the difference between con and neocon that you keep screaming you don't know. OK, girlfriend, you don't know ...

[Why yes, a neoCON WOULD support Bush on the Middle East!!!

Probably, yes, and a complete whiff for you on why Rush isn't a neocon, that has zero to do with it.

This is comic. You don't know the difference between a con (e.g., Rush) and a neocon (e.g., W and Obama). You have no fucking clue. It's hilarious
Your MessiahRushie and W were thick as thieves, 2 peas in a pod, and they plotted the destruction of this great country many times at the White House.

Rush Meets with President Bush
August 3, 2007
RUSH: It was an honor. It was a thrill to be there. This is the third time I've been up in the White House residence and the second time that I've had dinner, and the first time I've had cigars in the Treaty Room.
Speaking of 'thick as thieves', evidence shows the Feinsteins and Clintons were 'thick as thieves' with the ChiComms over the last several decades....
Once again Strzok is exposed as being at the center of another crime involving Hillary...told about the espionage in 2015 and coveted this up, too, to protect Hillary & her 2016 chance...
nothing was covered up.... your story is a twisted lie....

the Chinese did not break in to Hillary's server....

the Chinese or maybe it was Guccifer1, broke in to Syd Blumenthal's computer, and retrieved emails Syd had sent to Hillary and the ones she responded back to Syd....

this was reported well over a year or two ago....

NewsWorldAmericasUS politics
FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

'The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised,' agency says in a statement

FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China

your dishonest and fake media source is totally twisting the FACTS.
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Once again Strzok is exposed as being at the center of another crime involving Hillary...told about the espionage in 2015 and coveted this up, too, to protect Hillary & her 2016 chance...
nothing was covered up.... your story is a twisted lie....

the Chinese did not break in to Hillary's server....

the Chinese broke in to Syd Blumenthal's computer, and retrieved emails Syd had sent to Hillary and the ones she responded back to Syd....

this was reported well over a year or two ago....

your dishonest and fake media source is totally twisting the FACTS.
You are either ignorant of the reports that have come out revealing the ICIG fount a program on Hillary's server that sent 'courtesy copies' of all her e-mails sent or received straight to the Chinese...

...or you are a shameless liar.

Which is it?
Once again Strzok is exposed as being at the center of another crime involving Hillary...told about the espionage in 2015 and coveted this up, too, to protect Hillary & her 2016 chance...
nothing was covered up.... your story is a twisted lie....

the Chinese did not break in to Hillary's server....

the Chinese broke in to Syd Blumenthal's computer, and retrieved emails Syd had sent to Hillary and the ones she responded back to Syd....

this was reported well over a year or two ago....

your dishonest and fake media source is totally twisting the FACTS.
You are either ignorant of the reports that have come out revealing the ICIG fount a program on Hillary's server that sent 'courtesy copies' of all her e-mails sent or received straight to the Chinese...

...or you are a shameless liar.

Which is it?
Or your unidentified sources are shameless liars. Please link directly to the IG report that supports your sources' lie.
I found this in the IG report and nothing about your "program:"
"the FBI investigation and its forensic analysis did not find evidence that Clinton’s email server systems were compromised"
Once again Strzok is exposed as being at the center of another crime involving Hillary...told about the espionage in 2015 and coveted this up, too, to protect Hillary & her 2016 chance...
nothing was covered up.... your story is a twisted lie....

the Chinese did not break in to Hillary's server....

the Chinese broke in to Syd Blumenthal's computer, and retrieved emails Syd had sent to Hillary and the ones she responded back to Syd....

this was reported well over a year or two ago....

your dishonest and fake media source is totally twisting the FACTS.
You are either ignorant of the reports that have come out revealing the ICIG fount a program on Hillary's server that sent 'courtesy copies' of all her e-mails sent or received straight to the Chinese...

...or you are a shameless liar.

Which is it?
Or your unidentified sources are shameless liars. Please link directly to the IG report that supports your sources' lie.
I found this in the IG report and nothing about your "program:"
"the FBI investigation and its forensic analysis did not find evidence that Clinton’s email server systems were compromised"
So the ICIG and US IG are shameless liars?

You shameless apologist....

EVIDENCE shows Democrats
- Facilitated Russian spying in 2014 through 2016....
- Facilitated Chinese spying for DECADES with the Feinstein and since 2015 with Hillary
- Bill sold the Chinese missile technology
- Hillary and Barry sold Russians uranium...

Democrats have been stumbling and tripping all over the evidence of their own crimes and treason for 2 years now looking for non-existent evidence of a crime involving Trump they already know never happened....

Treasonous Peter Strzok Smirk was told about the hack but refused to have Crooked Hillary change anything as he was obsessed with the "insurance policy."

SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server

Every "lost" email in Hillary's computer was copied somewhere else. They had to be. Every one was sent or received from a government computer, yet the FBI never "found" or released a single one, that is how you know they were all full of damaging shit and why she tried to destroy them.

HILLARY CLINTON: Traitor to the USA and sellout foreign spy made rich on the bodies and blood of other Americans.

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