Are Our Chinese Friends Going To Release Crooked Hillary's 33,000 Missing Emails?

I already asked you how Rush is not a neocon before (he's not) and you didn't have a clue why. You're just a stupid little racist. You don't know the difference between a conservative and a libertarian and you don't know the difference between a con and a neocon. You're just clueless as shit. Racists always are
And you are just projecting! You are so clueless you have me CONfused with someone else!
I NEVER said anything about your lying MessiahRushie being a neocon or not, that is just a Straw Man to deflect from the FACT that Russia Limbaugh is a pathological liar and I have only ever called him a LyingCon.

So you still admit that you don't know the difference between a conservative and a libertarian or a conservative and a neocon. That's no admission, I already knew you didn't know
You already defined Russia Limbaugh as a neoCON.

No idea what the fuck you're talking about. Is this another playground quip for you?

Um ... no ... Limbaugh is a conservative. You don't know what neocon means. You don't know the difference between a con and a neocon. It's hilarious. Obama is a neocon. Hillary is a neocon. W is a neocon. Rush is a conservative. When you talk about the difference between a con and a neocon, you keep talking about how they are alike because you don't have a clue how they are different. You're not very smart, kiddie poo. Racists never are
W - Rush supported him on the middle east, he opposed him on spending. Hint, hint, Rush is a con, W is a neocon. You have no idea why, do you?
But, but wouldn't a CON oppose W on the Middle East

Not necessarily, but that would be a possible difference. Not the difference between Rush and W though. The answer to that is easy, and you didn't know. Proving again you don't know what the fuck you're talking about

[and a neoCON would support W on the Middle East???

Yes, they probabaly would. But there are other factors where Rush and W disagree that are basic to the difference between con and neocon that you keep screaming you don't know. OK, girlfriend, you don't know ...

[Why yes, a neoCON WOULD support Bush on the Middle East!!!

Probably, yes, and a complete whiff for you on why Rush isn't a neocon, that has zero to do with it.

This is comic. You don't know the difference between a con (e.g., Rush) and a neocon (e.g., W and Obama). You have no fucking clue. It's hilarious
Your MessiahRushie and W were thick as thieves, 2 peas in a pod, and they plotted the destruction of this great country many times at the White House.

Rush Meets with President Bush
August 3, 2007
RUSH: It was an honor. It was a thrill to be there. This is the third time I've been up in the White House residence and the second time that I've had dinner, and the first time I've had cigars in the Treaty Room.

Rush supported W on the war and opposed him for over spending. You'd get why if you knew the difference between conservatives and neocons. You're so stupid you don't know the difference between a conservative and a libertarian either. The world all looks the same to you through your dim fog of stupidity
When I send an e-mail...that means I have one and whomever I sent the e-mail to has a copy too. There's nothing to "release"
When I send an e-mail...that means I have one and whomever I sent the e-mail to has a copy too. There's nothing to "release"

Whatever that babble means. Actually it means you can release the e-mail, the receiver can release the e-mail, or as in this case anyone who intercepted the e-mail can release it. This is why Hillary sending secret and top secret e-mails to an unsecured server in her bathroom was a criminal act. You'd suddenly get that if a Republican did it
I just posted THREE different sources....try whining now you cocksucker.
All citing the same anonymous sources.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 4h
When you see “anonymous source,” stop reading the story, it is fiction!

Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump 4h
“Anonymous Sources are really starting to BURN the media.” @FoxNews The fact is that many anonymous sources don’t even exist. They are fiction made up by the Fake News reporters. .... Enemy of the People!
Actually the IG is the source...facts are facts.
Fact 1. Clinton is a criminal,traitor,treasonous BITCH
Fact 2. She got 20 CIA assets in China KILLED with her illegal activities
Fact 3. YOU like all boot licking leftists HATE American because of who is leading it. I wish we had a way to Pinochet you pieces of shit.

Those are not facts .

How is Hillary a traitor ?
She let our enemies get classified information.
Treasonous Peter Strzok Smirk was told about the hack but refused to have Crooked Hillary change anything as he was obsessed with the "insurance policy."

SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server


FBI pushes back on unfounded Trump claim that China hacked Hillary Clinton’s email

The FBI on Wednesday pushed back on an unfounded claim by President Trump that Hillary Clinton’s emails were hacked by China, saying it had found no evidence that the private servers she used while secretary of state had been compromised.
The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found that virtually all of Clinton’s emails were sent to a “foreign entity,” Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Texas Republican, said at a July 12 House Committee on the Judiciary hearing. He did not reveal the entity’s identity, but said it was unrelated to Russia.

HOLY SHIT! Some of those emails were CLASSIFIED! She needs charged ASAP! Wow...this is so fucked up...the witch hunt is investigating invisible crimes by Trump's campaign but THIS has already been proven!

You know you're lost when you find yourself quoting Gohmert. Too funny.
FBI pushes back on unfounded Trump claim that China hacked Hillary Clinton’s email
Treasonous Peter Strzok Smirk was told about the hack but refused to have Crooked Hillary change anything as he was obsessed with the "insurance policy."

SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server

Maybe President Trump can ask the Red Chinese Chairman Xi to turn over the Emails as part of a trade agreement? The American Lame Stream Media isn't interested in seeing them, but maybe Info Wars or another patriotic media source would be willing to make them public? Our enemy has already seen the emails, what difference does it make who sees them now?
The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found that virtually all of Clinton’s emails were sent to a “foreign entity,” Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Texas Republican, said at a July 12 House Committee on the Judiciary hearing. He did not reveal the entity’s identity, but said it was unrelated to Russia.

HOLY SHIT! Some of those emails were CLASSIFIED! She needs charged ASAP! Wow...this is so fucked up...the witch hunt is investigating invisible crimes by Trump's campaign but THIS has already been proven!

You know you're lost when you find yourself quoting Gohmert. Too funny.
FBI pushes back on unfounded Trump claim that China hacked Hillary Clinton’s email

Rep. Gohmert is a military US Army veteran, serving as an officer while B Hussein O was promoting marxism as a community organizer. Gohmert is modern day Ike
All you Hillary kool-aid drinkers still butt hurt that Trump won, you were a s remain certain Trump colluded with the Russians and Hillary’s unmanaged piece of IT infrastructure was safe and not hacked.

Yeah, none of that is evidence that the Chinese hacked Hillary's email server.

You don’t know shit about IT Security, let alone Federal IT Security. Hillary was a high-profile government official with an unmanaged email and storage infrastructure. Unmanaged means it was not identified State Department asset nor was it subject to Federal security standards, practices, and audits.

Telling US this server was not hacked is like saying a 50 pound piece of raw meat was placed into a pirhana infested lake and was not attacked.

Yet, not a single piece of information linked to her servers has surfaced anywhere outside of official reports.
The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found that virtually all of Clinton’s emails were sent to a “foreign entity,” Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Texas Republican, said at a July 12 House Committee on the Judiciary hearing. He did not reveal the entity’s identity, but said it was unrelated to Russia.

HOLY SHIT! Some of those emails were CLASSIFIED! She needs charged ASAP! Wow...this is so fucked up...the witch hunt is investigating invisible crimes by Trump's campaign but THIS has already been proven!

You know you're lost when you find yourself quoting Gohmert. Too funny.
FBI pushes back on unfounded Trump claim that China hacked Hillary Clinton’s email

Rep. Gohmert is a military US Army veteran, serving as an officer while B Hussein O was promoting marxism as a community organizer. Gohmert is modern day Ike

Gohmert is a fool as are you.

Post up the ICIG report he's referencing.
Treasonous Peter Strzok Smirk was told about the hack but refused to have Crooked Hillary change anything as he was obsessed with the "insurance policy."

SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server


FBI pushes back on unfounded Trump claim that China hacked Hillary Clinton’s email

The FBI on Wednesday pushed back on an unfounded claim by President Trump that Hillary Clinton’s emails were hacked by China, saying it had found no evidence that the private servers she used while secretary of state had been compromised.

Don’t confuse them with facts.
The Chinese killed all 12 CIA agents operating inside China in 2012.
Did HRC assist them?
No, Tramp did at the request of Putin. :) can read it also.

Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations
Your link says absolutely nothing about Clinton, but you knew that already.

Here is what your own link says:
"investigators were bitterly divided over the cause. Some were convinced that a mole within the C.I.A. had betrayed the United States. Others believed that the Chinese had hacked the covert system the C.I.A. used to communicate with its foreign sources."

But we now know that she had her server hacked by the chinks. They didn't
know that then.
The Chinese killed all 12 CIA agents operating inside China in 2012.
Did HRC assist them?
No, Tramp did at the request of Putin. :) can read it also.

Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations
Your link says absolutely nothing about Clinton, but you knew that already.

Here is what your own link says:
"investigators were bitterly divided over the cause. Some were convinced that a mole within the C.I.A. had betrayed the United States. Others believed that the Chinese had hacked the covert system the C.I.A. used to communicate with its foreign sources."

But we now know that she had her server hacked by the chinks. They didn't
know that then.
We know that is a Russian bot lie.
Chinese friends? You guys will support anyone who carry out espionage against the USA. No wonder most of you don't give a damn about the constitution or rule of law.
Last edited:
The Chinese killed all 12 CIA agents operating inside China in 2012.
Did HRC assist them?
No, Tramp did at the request of Putin. :) can read it also.

Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations
Your link says absolutely nothing about Clinton, but you knew that already.

Here is what your own link says:
"investigators were bitterly divided over the cause. Some were convinced that a mole within the C.I.A. had betrayed the United States. Others believed that the Chinese had hacked the covert system the C.I.A. used to communicate with its foreign sources."

But we now know that she had her server hacked by the chinks. They didn't
know that then.
We know that is a Russian bot lie.

That's a relief.

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